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201101�v2 <br />has been provided to each of the parties hereto, and remainder of each payment of each installment <br />to be applied to principal. All payments due hereunder shall be paid at the residence of the <br />BENEFICIARIES or as the holder of said security shall designate in writing. <br />It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that while title is vested in the TRUSTEE and <br />until filing of Notice of Default, the TRUSTOR shall: <br />A. Retain possession of the property at all times, except as may be otherwise agreed by the <br />parties in writing. <br />B. Maintain the building and its improvements and all personal property sold under the <br />parties' Contract for Sale of Real Estate, in good condition and repair. <br />C. Pay all general and special taxes and all special assessments of every kind levied or <br />assessed against or due upon said property before delinquency, and to deliver to <br />BENEFICIARIES copies of receipts showing payment of such taxes. <br />D. Procure and maintain policies of all-risk insurance on said improvements, in sums and <br />underwritten by companies acceptable to the BENEFICIARIES, in' an amount of at least <br />Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00), which policies shall name the <br />BENEFICIARIES as additional insured(s), with the loss proceeds payable to the parties as <br />their interests may appear hereunder. TRUSTOR agree to provide BENEFICIARIES with <br />copies of such policies or certificates of insurance during the term of this indebtedness, <br />which policies of insurance may not be cancelled by said carrier without fifteen (15) days <br />written notice to BENEFICIARIES. <br />TRUS�TOR covenants and agrees that a failure to make any payment, either principal or <br />interest, on the Note secured hereby when due and payable, or a failure to cbmply with any of the <br />covenants and agreements herein made shall cause the whole sum of money hereby secured to <br />become immediately due and collectible at the option of the BENEFICIARIES, and <br />BENEFICIARIES shall have the right to cause Notice of Default to be given and the premises to be <br />sold as provided herein. <br />The parties mutually agree as follows: <br />A. At any time and from time to time upon written request of BENEFICIARIES, payment of <br />fees and presentation of this DEED OF TRUST and the Note for endorsement (in case of <br />full reconveyance, for cancellation and retention), without affecting the liability of any <br />person for the payment of the indebtedness, TRUSTEE may (a) consent to the making of <br />any map or plat of said property; (b) join in granting any easement or creating any <br />restriction thereon; (c) join in any subordination ar other agreement affecting this DEED <br />OF TRUST or the lien or charge thereof; (d) reconvey this DEED OF TRUST or the lien <br />or charge thereof; (d) reconvey, without warranty, all or any part of said properly. <br />B. The grantee in any Deed of Reconveyance may be described as "the person or persons <br />entitled thereto", and the recitals therein of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of <br />the truthfulness thereof. <br />C. Upon default by TRUSTOR in the payment of indebtedness secured hereby or in the <br />performance of any agreement hereunder, BENEFICIARIES may declare all sums secured <br />hereby immediately due and payable by delivery to TRUSTEE of written declaration of <br />default. If BENEFICIARIES desire said property to be sold, they shall deposit with <br />TRUSTEE this DEED OF TRUST and all promissory notes and documents evidencing <br />expe�ditures secured hereby, and shall deliver to TRUSTEE a written Notice of Default <br />and election to cause said properly to be sold in the form required by law, which shall be <br />duly filed for record by TRUSTEE. <br />1. After the lapse of such time as may be required by law (presently being one (1) <br />month following the recordation of said Notice of Default), Notice of Default and <br />Notice of Sale having been given as required by law, TRUSTEE, without demand on <br />TRUSTOR, shall sell said property on the date and at the time and place designated in <br />said Notice of Sale, at public auction to the highest bidder, the purchase price payable in <br />-2- <br />