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<br /> , O��t—�9l6 Q�EQ �F.TFi;UST P� 3
<br /> Lo�n No A�840 ��sqPlt�711lLIL�1� ��° ',ll I a.Ifl! � .
<br /> _�. ____��--- �-=- - -
<br /> F.ulAenr.a a!R�+,in��rl. 7ru,tar eh�il upo�dgmnnd tur,::�n ta L�pnrJnr°nt�nfsctory ovl�l�nco 01 pnymont ol tho tqxes ar fl:,°ossment�nnd ehall
<br /> tuthoriz�thp appro�sdsto goti�rnr:nt=,1 c!`!:?°! to dr!;+�;r to I.nnrinr�,t mn�r Nme�vmtten elatement oi Ihe tuces�nd esses�monis�palnel lhe
<br /> Prop�rty.
<br /> Notler of Conttrucfbn. Truttor�hnll nofHy under�t M�c111tlrmrt(1C,b�'+�Y�botas�ny wak Is comrt►�nCed�any servicy�n tumished.a�ny
<br /> m�hriah��n�upptNd 90 th�Prop�xty,U �ny m�ahq:nla'a Ik�n, mntndnl�ten's It�n,a olher Ilan could be userted on sccouM ol ths work,
<br /> c�rvfa�,or rt�Nrl�. Tru�la wiN upon roquwt ol L�s�Wr Nrrdnh ta Lnnr.4x advtnc��ssuur�cca c�lfshciay b Londor that Trustcx Gn and will
<br /> MY tM CO�t 01 Wch ImptO�wrrMnb,
<br /> D^II^'�.�3T�:0:�"�!:=L!!:�!�L'�C'�'. Th�fa�'a:�rin�pra��,�lonz rC:allnp ta.lnt;winp M�Propcfi/ero n p:rt af thls Qc_d ot Tr�st. -
<br /> MMeM1Nne1 W IMUtMkp. Trutlor sh1N procun�nd melnMin��IbYdn,ol k�Insurtna with stand�rd ahnd�d covanp�mdors�rtwnb on 4
<br /> npl�um�nt bals ta Ihs tult Ir�unbi�wltH cowrlr•�ell ImprcaromrtnM,an th�F�tl Property In er�tmounl suMCknt to�vdd�ppHC�MOn ot eny
<br /> cdnsurmc�d�ue�,�nd wHh a Wndud m cltua In tovor vf I�nvider,top�tlar wilh such otr�r htznrd and IIabIGry Insuranco as Lender
<br /> f17Ry fMEOMbIy f�QUki. Pa1k�thall b»�a tam,amountn,Cr,Mr�s�nd basls reason�bty ecapt�bk tp Lender ind Issued by a
<br /> comptny cX compmiq rMaonably toapLbM to I.�t�ndN. Truntqr,4�rn nqusst of 6endx,wlll cleliver lo lendsr hom tlms to tlma the poNCles
<br /> or arNilatln of fnsunnco In form saMS►�atay to l�ndar,Inr.iurilriR rttylt�t�dona fhd coverapes wlli not be canceNed a diminlshed without at
<br /> IMiI Nn(10)diys'pda wdthn ndlal to l.endw. �aCh Innurrtnrn nMraV��o ahatt Inciude�n endasement provldinp Ihtt coubny�In hvor ot
<br /> L�nd�►w1N nof b�Imp4ksd in+pny way by�ny�ct�pmtt+�ian qr dofnirit:of Trusta a any olher persan. Shoutd the Rwt Property�t any tlme
<br /> b�corrw loc�t�d!n�n�na G�elpn�t�d by tM DkN:tor of Ihn F�KJArAI�merp�nCy Mtn�p�rrNnt Aqency as a sp�ckl flood hwrc!u�a.7rust.�
<br /> �prees to obAtin and rtudnuln F�al Flood Insucnnc»to thn nntent ni�ah Insunncw b requfred by Lender cnd fs a become�avaH�ble.la tM
<br /> Iwm o}the la�n qr for tlw tull ur►p�ld princ,�tpN b�1W��of th�r lanrr,tx th�t mddmum Ilmlt of covsrepe ihitt I�availabk,wldchwK fs Nss.
<br /> Applfe�bn ot ProcNds. Tnula sh�M prampVy na�Londrrr pf.8ny bss a dsmap�to th�Prcparly If tlb osbm�t�d cost of ropelr or
<br /> npMit�rn�nt�x�di I1,OOO.OQ. UncMr rt►�Y mdro proM rN Ier.w.N'Pr►�►ta IWs fo da eo within fffM�n(y6y d�ys o��tr!aswlly. WhNh�a not
<br /> L�ndw's s�curity b ImputW,L�ndK mty,�t fh,M�cdan,nnolvo.arT�naln tM procMCf�uf�ny I�nuranco and aDpN�pracNd�b tM
<br /> nduetlon of the IndebNdrna.paym�nt of any IMIi�ffe�;tJnq thit.R�x{�rytly,a th�ratantipn�nd rp�k d tM PropArty. It L�nd�r�Neis to�ppfy
<br /> t�a aa�:rrH to r:at�;r.Uan A��r:�x.3�,Truii„�nt�p�r�,kir c,t ia�d�r�a t�A dara�ad or d:stra•�d im�rav:m:rib in a tt^anrar sariaF.t�kayr:o
<br /> Undu. L�nd�r ah�N,upan enttshctory praof o!nuch nxpnrt�lturrh p�tV or ralmburs�Truala hom ttw prccesds ftx th�rMSOn�ble zost ot npalr
<br /> a r�ta*1bn M Trwtor k not In dN�u1t undor 1N�Wed of Trunt..;e�,,�qracNd�whrch h�w no�bMn dkburs�d wHNn ta0 daya attar►t�M
<br /> rsoNpt md whlch L�nd�r hu not commftqd to Sha repnk or rec�tars':ir�n�of 1hs Property shaA b�croed ifrat to pay�rtiy emou�t pWing�o Lmd�r
<br /> und�r tl�ls Dwd of Tnat,tlwn to p�y�ocrtwd 4�tAr�t,�nd.lhn rqmnindnr,M�ny,ih�u be Rppli�d lo fM principal balenca ol ths Indebt�dn�ss.
<br /> If l�ndK hatds ar�y procwds afMr payrtNnt In,luN at thn incir�bfatfnqs,auch prp�wds ahaN b�pald to Trustor as Trtnita's InhrMb msy
<br /> �nt�e�r.
<br /> Un��t►ed Infurana�t 3M�. Any un�kb inlrixana nMtlf Imtm.l�th�b�nefit of,and pass lo,tM purch�sor d it�RropKly Qav�ere{!by thb
<br /> W�d of Trust at any trusMie't sal�or other a�M rr�ld undnr thn prr,aA�ilnn�of fhis Uwd o}Truat,a d my lorodaaun s�le ot such P;•opsrty.
<br /> TAX IIND INStJRANCB Rk'�RVEB. Sul�Jec1 to�ny,UmltaHnnn s�c�t I>y 4AyaticabN�aw,L�nder m�y requln Trusta to meinhln wHh L.snd�r�«lrvoa
<br /> la p�y�r,�nt of�nm�l t�,as��m�nls.�rtd lnunhroe premlumn,w�}nh r�ws ehdf b�crMNd qy�dwna p�yment ur monibl�r payn��01 a
<br /> sum�stlrtMMd by L�nd�r b��uMk�rd to produaa Mmountn at lanrf+lqwl to th�toxa,as�srn�nb,aotl Ir�rance prNrJumt to W psld. iTw
<br /> r�vs funds sh�M b�hMd by I.�ndr as a�r�r�rt d�odt f��am Trunt+�r,whlch l.�ndor may�e4q�h bY C+Ym�M d ih+a 1uw,�err�rMti and
<br /> Inwranoe pnrMurtro nquind to b�paW by TruNa xa tM►y W�nmm�dun� L�ndK shaR h�va the�tyht to�nw�wn th�rw�rw tundaP 10 p�y wch
<br /> wnn��ntl�.�noer sna�nat b�rpu�na ta tl�emwreo me vaxti�.a aarsurocyr d any ro�m wNa�P��nD�t. naawnp m tn�o�w o��t stw w
<br /> conqru�d qs rpWrinp l�nd�r to�dwnoe�thsr marS►K tor eurtA p�mronas.�nd l�nder stwll nat incur anY NsbWly for�nytNrp M n�Y da tX aNl to
<br /> do with rKpN.9 to ths nertw accounl. Alf�mounils.in thu nnavo ecc.mJrrl an h�r�bY PMdDod to furth�tocun it�Indabi�dr�.�q¢L.�nd�r M
<br /> h�nby�utho�fa�d lo withdraw nnd rppty such ortx�unt��n t��tl.IndeDhldn�ss upon tt►e occurr�na ol a�Ewnt of DNaW. laidar�1p�M rat b�
<br /> nqufnd to paY r�r�y InMrost ar eunlnps on th�rnitRro funda uNan�Mq��irod by law ar ag►e�d fo by L�ndv In wrNfnQ. Lend�r das nAt hoid th�
<br /> nwrw furtd�In hust tor Truator,�nd LK�k nd Trustor's�pilr�t.inr pnyrtwnt of th�bxes and�ss�asrn�nb roquk�d to ba p�td by TrUata.
<br /> D�PElID{Tl�.�dY LEMf1ER. If Trucfor hY�to Cc�riply wFih nn!►prcar�Uk�n of tMa Owt1 of Trust,tx H�ny aC11on a proosedM�p N Comni�t�pd ti�1
<br /> would rtriMrhMy aMsCt I.��d�r'e Inansb In tho Prt�trty.�ontlnr vrt TrcAt�x'o bQhaM may,buf shaM not b�rpuk�d to,loiiu•�r�Clbn that LM�d�r
<br /> dNn�rpproptMM. AAy amauN Mut!�!t!!!�a�M"Cfs In�o dr�InQ�pl��tkinr hdirMt�Q fM nM provfd�d la fn th�NcM kqm th�d�M k+o�r�rd a pNd
<br /> by l.�ndr b 1M dd�of np�YmMt aY Yruslor. R uaiaA enponnMo,�t tuxxl�s opYon.wW Q.)b�RaY�on derrirnd� lb�b��dd�d b tlN b�irw�
<br /> W th�NoM�nd b�WDaYOr�d�monp uid ba P�Y+�wbh,nn�r,tnn�ilknsM WY��b t�can�dw durl�p MIM► Q?4M IKm of sny�P�P�+�M
<br /> ��P�Y a (�)1tw�unWnir�tW�n W tl A titr�ai�a (Qd hNi 6�tAiAm'un r bWoon paf�►1 whlch w!N ba dus u�d ptY�bN N 1M NaM's m�MrMy.
<br /> Thk Dad a(Trt�ei Ni0 w7tl t�oun p�yn�►f al ttwp!aunaunin. Ttr��{pMn proN�d for In fN4 pu�proph t1wN b�In�ddlo�lo any olh�rlpMa a sny
<br /> tMMt�w b whkN L�nd�t'ItyY b�MNMI1d on�oCar�rrt o�tho dot�ult. My 8ueh�CtlrN�by UndK�haM nof b�Corntru�d�s eurk�p fho dM1uM so�[to
<br /> br L�h'om anY nn�dY th�!R olhuwiN would�Mw Mid.:
<br /> WAi�iAMTYi�AF Tl7LE. TM toNOwin�proviaiotm rtl�tlnQ.M�ownershlp of th�PtoP�rtY w a put of tHt[)Md of Trtut. �
<br /> Tlw. Trutlor wrr�nb fh�h (a�Tn�ator hnlok pqod and:mnrhxtaMe tlIM d ncar0 to(M Rrop�rly M fN Wmpi�.ln��nd eNr d M K�rn�nd
<br /> M�curt�brrnori ollwrc thm thoM Ml(orth In!hl t�f i�•�wdy�1M�.3fPil�on or In�ny tlllp Inwnoa poY¢y.MYO nport�or QIn11 tlll�opinlon isw�d in
<br /> hva of.Rnd sooipMd by.�.�nd�r�e conrMNian wqh thisti 4�c+�t c��7tust��nd (by Trustor tMS tha h,N ripAt.po�w�.�nd�uthaNY bo aeouM and
<br /> d.Nwr+n�wod arn�.r M�.nd.r. � .
<br /> I�fM►N ot TIII�. Sub�c.i to tM�ospttor►4i ttM pnrepraph nhmre,Trustor w�m►nb and wNt for�r dNmd 1tM IYl�to the Prop�rty�pMMMt ttN
<br /> kwlul cl�Nm of dl p�rwn�. In fM ovrrrt c�ry ocdan rx Proannt8np b comrn�nad th�t qusatlons Tn�Ea'a tltl�o or fh�Ir�Mnst of 7n�a
<br /> l�undK tM�Dad of Tru�t,Trustor shW d�NrM thn�otk�mnf.Trustors�nat.Yr�stor may b�th�nomi�l psr.iyln sueh proo�Jkq,but
<br /> L�ndn�hM b�«�tltl�d to perticip�b In tM,proomp�lnp itnd:9o�Dq np��nt�d In lM pro�wrllnp by coura�l o0•;L-w�dM's own cl►oia,�nd
<br /> Truelor will cNi+nN.or pus�!o b�d�Mvw�d,la Luncior M�ah Inr�bvmonb as Lend�r may nquat ftom tinN fo tlrn�tp p�rmit such p�rt{c9p�Non.
<br /> Co�/M�na NMM Laws. Tnn�ta w�mu�h ihf�t Ihu Fnp�j��nd Tr}ntore ua�of th�Propwty comp0l�s wtth aM �odstlrq�ppNc�bN kw+�,
<br /> aclfrMno�s.�nd repul�tlona of qo►�'nmafhl authoritkre. '
<br /> OOI�E�NlA7i0M.TtN IoNowinp provl�lons ni�lnp to condomnnlian�procMdtnpi aro a pa�t of lhb OMd of Trust.
<br /> AO¢71aMon of IIN P►acMds. II a11 a any pnrt of thu,6hnpqrty is contNmnM by mmlrwnt domain prao»tlinps a by�ny proo»d{rp a
<br /> purch�a In Ifeu of condornn�don,l.w�der mny At II�ei�Sm r�qulre thnt dl ur�ny pprtlon o}tM not procMds d tM,lward b��ppM�d fo tM
<br /> Ind�hMdn�fs ar fM rop�k or natoratbn of th�i Fropntty. Tr,x►nnt proCNds of fhs dward ctwM mean tM ow�rd�1Mr pyment of aN r�ason�bN
<br /> cods,�oponoq,�nd eHan�ys'ha lnCUrrrdby TruaEan or I.unqc+r In connooNon trith the condemnatlon.
<br /> Proca�ditp�. If any proce�cfiny In corbsmr.atian ft fiwnG,Twedor sh�il promptly notity Lender In�vdtlrp,and Trustor ahall prompUy tak�suCh
<br /> st�pe ss rtwy W n�c�t�ry b dNMx1 ttw adian anrt nbfatn iht��awud. 7ru�ipr m�y b�tM ncHninwl p�rty U�uch prqq�dinp,but LKx.M�shwll
<br /> b��nMlfad to pMiciaMit(n th�prooN�inp u�d to iar MproeoMnd IA th�{xo�wdirq by counsN of Hs own�hafce,wnd Yn+�EOr wW dNlwr a
<br /> qiula t0 b�do6u�red t0 L�nd�ewCh IttfhrUrtMfilss�ts mtly tN1 rec�u88Nd by N hom Ume to Bm�to pYrmtt St�h p�rNcipt►tiop.
<br /> I�APOf170Al�I�OF 7Ak'i6�FI�Ati�CFiA1AGES t1Y GdY1r.f�tflYlFt�'A AUTFIORiTiEB. TM foNowinp provtafo�ta nlltttq 10 dovMnmenW 4�w,
<br /> NN�nd CT+4tpM w�PW 0!tNt DNQ OF"Grust:
<br /> Currrnt T�eo�e,Fip�nd Ch�rpn. Upon repwst by 6tu�dar,�uator shall vxocuto such dacuments tn adddan to tP�N D�d of 7rust and t�
<br /> wh�Mv�x otMr actlon k roqtwsHd by LYndM•6D pOrloOf qnd tlonllnuo L�nd�a Ikn on lM Rell Proparry. 7tt�stor shaN nimbura�L�nder lor�N
<br /> i rs,�d�sioad'owow,"-m�iiror wRn e�on�inmmrrd in ncacirg.p�iva6rp or coniinuinp inis os�a of irust,inctuarp wimoert
<br /> Mmidllon�N101zM,Mer,docum�nflry etlmps,e.�d othl►r r,tuupou tor reCOrdlrg or ryfst�rinp thls Oeed W Trusl.
<br /> T�as. TM toaowlrp shu!CorbUtul�taxo�ta whlc?i IhtG sert«:m npplNs: p)�ap�clflc hx upon thts typ�of Dwd ol Trust a upon QM a any
<br /> put of tt�e IntNbbdnats s�cund by tMs DIS<i o�Tra�oS; (by�1 sp�cHb tax on Truslor wMch Trustor ts arlhorlx�d or rpulnd to doduct kom
<br /> p�yahnb on tha IndabMdrnss e�cur�d by INC ty�of f7uDd nt Trust; (c)�tax an lMs lype of Deed af Trust ch�rpsabl�apUnst tM 1 e�nd�r a
<br /> the hofdw of the fVok;and (d)o spaciHo Inx on n8 ur e�np�y�a�Uon o�1tq IndebNdn+s�or on poym�nb o1 principN and Infe�nsl rn�d�by
<br /> Truebor.
<br /> 6uttMquent T�ocN. If any tut to wh{Ch thb 9�BOn nppllaa Is enflcted subsequen!to tho datA 01 lhts Dood Of Tntst,tNS�wnt Bh�N have tha
<br /> wm�a1l�ct�s�n Ewni uf Oe1aWt{�s deftnem 3wtow�,and Lnnder may ex�rclse eny or aIt of Its nvaftahte romadles ta nn�vent of Deleult as
<br /> provld�d Mbw unle�Trusfor Nther (�)p�y�the tax bufora it lx�comes dellnqusnt,or (b)Contosts the fa�c as proNdW�bovu In the Taxes end
<br /> LNns socHon and dpposlts wHh LenOer cash a a sufHcfeid�orporste surety Dund or other 6ecurlty sttlsf4Ctory to lender.
<br />