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<br /> �� .
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<br /> - _— `>: �;�L . T• . . . , c' - . . _ ... - .
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<br /> ��` �� � � . �� � . . � � `92� =o�.�zo � � - , � �
<br /> � ,�wmi au u�e ima�►emein�a now o[wa�eatla ereclea an�he p�opeety,ana au e�sc�eenu.�w�. ,
<br /> , a�d tixhses tww or hanaiikt s part of dx�op�rty. AU ieplaoenidns and�dNtiom sh�tt�Iso 6e coveced Dy thls Sec�iry
<br /> � Imt�uraent.AU of the fa�ag is refetrc4 ro in tAis Secudry Inswment�s ihe"Ympe�i•" .
<br /> � - BORR0�IYER L'UYENAN7�th�t 8u�±owa Is tavrfully seis�ed of the est�te t�erehy oonveyed aad l�ts the AgM to grsnt
<br /> ` aod can„�y th�pfopary ud that tbe Pmpeit�t is�nencum6eced.excxQt for erxumbrroces of rocad BaroWa wartants�d
<br /> wi'ri defead geoeraUY the atk tothe PnopeRy a�in�t all cl�ims�ad dem�r�dc,snbjoc[to aey encumbr�nccs of recad.
<br /> . 1�S SEt'E#RtI'Y IN�TRIIMENT casn�s unifom�.cova�ants fa n�tutia�al use and na��ifam covenants with
<br /> — _ _ r,...if�i Y..:�e�m n�►�ctioa tv c�nstitute a uniform savtity instcumen�covering ieat prapertY• _ .__.
<br /> iJNIPORM C�OYFNANTS.Bamwtr and I�ec coven�nt an�=� - wrhen duc the �----
<br /> L p���at dPri�cip�i a�d Lt���NJ���Late CWr�es. Barowet s5alt prompdY PaY
<br /> p�cq�i of aod iotaest m d�e d d�e e v i d e a c e d l+Y the Nou aad�n Y P�P a Y���late ch�rges due under the Nou.
<br /> 2. I�1n�ts i�T�sea s�i Iwra�ca Sab,jat to applxabk taw�a tn a vmtxn waiver by 1�;Bamwer shaU psy w ..
<br /> Lender oa$�e day maehly paymoas are d�Under tDe Na�e,�mh'1 the Nde is paid in fuli.a-swa C'funds")for;.(a?.Y�Y
<br /> m�es aod�ne�s+�r6icb may�tua priorig►ovu this SecudtY�as a lien on the P�opatY;N)Y�Y k�ld
<br /> p�g�ac g�oand rents m'tl�e YtaQe�ty,if aay: (c)Ye�tY h�z�d a P�P�Y u�rance Premiwa� (� Y�Y�
<br /> �ncc pnemimas.if aaY:�e)Y�Y �S�Se ins�uaoce Pcsmiums. �f any;aad(fl�Y S�PaY�e by Barower to
<br /> . Leada.m s000�nc.�c�vrth dr�pmvwoas of p�ng�aph 8,in i'ieu of the payment of mottgage msmanea Pmnxums. Tbese
<br /> .� ite�ms�cs calied`�sc��w It�aas-° Lxndes may.at any tu�x,colloct and hnld�imds m m unamt not to eaoaed the aaaxim�
<br /> _ ' anwoirt a le�dec fos s foderallY ret�ted mongage toan may requice fac Borjawer�s asc�ow accodnt ussder.tt�e fede�ai Real
<br /> F.st�te Setflemeat�i+ooeduns A�ct of 1974 u aa�ended fram tune to timne,l2II.S.C.�2601 d stq.("RFSPA'7,uakss arather
<br /> ;:;`,:`:.,� < Iiw dy�t applies tdtl�e ti�ads seta a ksstr xma�►� If so.Lender rnay,at any time.coUect and tiold�u�ds ia an amount aot to ,
<br /> ��''�:;..'r. exceed tlye tesser amoun� L.enderinaY e�i�te ihe amount of FuMs dae on tUe tr�is of c�rment.data amd t�asonabla ..
<br /> � �of expeMituies of fiiE�•�tw Iteais�c othe�wise m acco�danca wid�applica6le laa. � ,-
<br /> =;:•',`"� ,".:t.,�e fi�nds sl�il be heW'id';aEi.u�stiwtioa aiwse depQ.s��e insund by�a fede�+l.�ag�y instnirtieutatity..�emiry .
<br /> . �
<br /> f�slac�mg Lende'r,if l.eader"i's,st���i�stit�tiun>cx in�'Fedesal Home L.oan B�ic::-1�'i�nder stiall appty the FiAids�o�Y _
<br />- .ti�e,�i�erow Iums.. Lender retay'aot ch�rge�snwer for3�oTd►ng and appl�yi�ff�e F�ind'�.aanuallY aa�1Y�8�';��
<br /> ,.. aocdunt,or veri�yz�s-g:the Escrocv Items.wnTess,Lender pay-s Borrawe�ii�ierzst on ti�e Fuads and applicabte la�permits
<br />- ";;F,'-';'� �dec to make:�idh�,c�arg� However,Lender may cequine Bosr�aw�;t�:pay�cx�e-time charge for ari iadependeat real •
<br /> �`; ° �e tax repoRiag s.,.�'vioe us�by�.ender in cbanecGon wi�ihista�ta�c���elaw�rovides aherwise. Ualess an. ..
<br /> - ag�xnunt is made or appFsaial��t�ae4u'�res interest to be�a:d.Lea�s5al�pot b�reqtiaei!ta pay Borrower any intenst or
<br /> � ga
<br />`:__rt - e�nFnga on the F+�:�:_Bc��wer.�ari�I.endec may agee in��g,�+owece�.that issterest sha116e paid.an the Funds. Lender
<br />•�- shall give to BoQSa€i:s,cui�su!��eit�:gs,an��al accounting of the F�4'?�shawiag ereciit's anb debits to the Fimc�and the
<br /> - ..i�as a�Qitional secuiaty f?�aU swns secared by
<br /> '- . paspose far whicF��a���t�u.Kds�as,�ade. The Tunds are p?�dg°,r . . .... ,
<br /> _ �isSocuriry InstrumerA. ' • .. to be held bY aPPlicabte law.Lendcr si�all account to
<br /> - if ihe Pands hetd by�n�r exceed dro amounts permitted
<br /> Barmwer for the excess Fund�in accordance w�th the requiremenls of applicabJe law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> • - - Lender nt w►y time is not su�cient to pay the F.scraw Items when due.Lender may su naify BoROwer in writing.and,in
<br /> � such case Bucrower sha1l pay to Lender tbe amount necessasy►to make up the deficiency. Bo�rower stu�11 make up the
<br />'?�< dcficiency in no more than twelve monthty payments,at LendePs sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this 5ecudty Instrumea�L.ender shali prampuy nfund to Sorrower auy
<br /> '° Fiinds heM by L.�nder. Tf,under paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquire or sep the Prapercy lxnder.pnor to the acquisition or
<br /> snie ai the Ptopetry.shal!apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> - . ' secuted by this Secunty Instrum�mt.
<br />: .-�' 3. Applici�tion a[Psyments. Untess appiicable law provides otheiwise. all p�yment� received by l.ender under .
<br /> � puagraphs 1 and 2 stiall be applied:fir��ta any prePaYmen�charges due under the Nao:secand,to amounts payable under
<br /> par�graph 2;third.to lnterest due:fourth.to principal due:and las�to any late charges due undet the Note.
<br />- -- 4. Crarses; Lkn,y. Aorrower ahal!pay aQ taxos,assessments,charges. fines and imposilians amiDutabk to the
<br /> ptopeny which may attuin priority over this Security lnstrument,end leasehold payments ar ground rents.if any. Homower
<br />-- shal!pay thesc obligatlons in the manner provided in paragraph 2,ar if not paid ln that manner,Baaowcs shall pay thein oa -
<br /> - time directty to thc person owed paymen� Boaower sha0 pramptty fumish to l.cnder aU notices oi amounts to be paid under _
<br />- this paragraph. IP Borrower mt►kes these paymen�9 directiy.Barrawcr shall prompqy furnlsh to 1.ender receipts evidencin8
<br /> .,.y,Y: the payments.
<br /> Boaawcr shall promptly discharge any lien which has pdoriry over this 5ecurity Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees _
<br /> �C�, � in writing to the payment of the obligauon secured by the licn in a manner acceplable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> " lien by.or ckfends against enforcement of the iien in.Icgal proccedings which 1n the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the fien;or(c)secures trom the holder of the hen an agreement satisf'actory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> to this Security Inswment. If Lender detem�ines that any par�of the Ptoperty is subject to a lien which may anain priodty
<br />-. ; ovcr tlils Suurlty lnstroment.Lender maY&ve eorrower a notice tdentifying thc ticn. Hotrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> one or more of the actions set farth abave within 10 days of the giving of notice. ,
<br /> 5. Huard w Piruperty Insarance. Boaower shall kecp the�mprovements now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> - - . p�perty insured again9t Eass by�te,hazards inciuded within the tertn"extended covera�e'and any other hazards.including
<br /> tioods or fiooding. for which Lender tequlres insurance. '1'his insurance sha11 be re�aintained in the amaurrts mid fvr the
<br /> Fotm30ZA l/f� lPagr2oJbpugesl
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