_ _ _ _
<br /> °`�k - - ` ` - -. _ -
<br /> �. - _ _- s�r_ _ ;.y S� ,. . • _- < --- -- -
<br /> :.�� • .. -�:� --- - - - ---,L�=' ,- —_. _. . . _��_.....�. -- —�
<br /> -. __s.� ..-,..��.:�� . � _ .. � . , ' � .. . . .- . . .. , . ` � ` _.. _ .
<br /> . . - `_ . , 9���a�s � , � � . � -� . � � �
<br /> . �- , . - �
<br /> pymeats,,�fiiCb�i�e nfee�ed to in Nra�ph 2.t�c�a�e u�e amount`of�+ch payments..A�y excess poceede oves�n .
<br /> ���p�Yat!wt�adins u�de- 6tear�ss mtder the Note and this Security L�umeat shall be p�id w theeeticY -
<br /> k�l[ ax�tied the�eto. . . .
<br /> � Idea� Lader may oolloct foes aad charges�uuhorized by the Sazetary► . � �
<br /> ! Gnril�ee Aooefee�ea atDeM. � � default�.� �
<br /> � ,(a)Ddwi� Lendes msy.exoept ag liiaitad by ngubtia►9 issuod by tLe Secretuy in tLe cxse of P►Y!nrot .
<br /> � -- zaqninc im�edi�e" y�et�i in fuU of all sums secuced hl►thic Sesudty Yn�tument if:
<br /> ., ' —_-_(�-8a�a�es�-�i���i��in fuU�►Lt monthl9 WY��9+���Y ttis 5ecurity Lurcuovent�sCi4r '
<br /> _ . .- � w«a,a�e aue a�e of rbe nest mon Y PiY�•°� odKr o6Uga4ans caat�in this=-__-
<br /> (�Hom�wer defwlts by failwg,for a prnad of tluny cLys,w perfam anY � -
<br /> (�) WkM�t rNitC �ApKaRal. I.rnder sh�l1.if pemtittsd,bi'appUaUk
<br /> 1a�aad with d�eprw�app�oval of ihe
<br /> _ . Sxretary.t�e�a�e im�aodi�P�Y�in fuII of aIl t6e stm�s sc�cored by this 5eeority taa�men�if:
<br /> (i)All ar put of d�e Pmpe�ty,or a beae:ficial�nterest in a uusC owning all oc put of tHe F�ope�ty.is sold or _
<br /> ' o�ise u�od(atuer than 6y devise ordescant)bY tbe Boeroxeti and
<br /> . , � ' fii)'1Le Fmpe�ty is not occupied by the pamc6iser ar grantee ss his a hec principst n.aidence.ar the p�hzser
<br />_ or grmta daes so accupy tl�e Ptope:cy buc t�is or her c�od;e tias noc uern app�ovod in aaeocdance
<br /> . , with d�e ta�ert►e�ts of the Sec�etazy. �n full.6ut Lender
<br />- _ (cy No W�ver. If cucanwaoces accur that would pamit I.ender w iaquire immodiu�paymeot�
<br /> does not Rquire such PaYments.I.ender does noi waive itc rights with�espoct t+o sabscquent events.
<br /> - - , (d)Re�ef AUD Se�ar9 In mu►y ciaumstances te8olalio�s izsuod hy tbe Sa�netary wiil timit l�enckr's
<br /> riglus. ut abe case of psyment defaults�w teqaine irnmodiate Paytnent in ful! and fanclose�f no►p�d 'If�is
<br />- -= Secwity 1a4tsumeac does aot wtlarize aeeekratiaa or faectasure if noe penniued by ngntations of the Seccetary.
<br /> (e)Ma�e 1�ot L�re�. Bo�mwer agi+ees thu should ehia Seciuity Insaiunent aad the nae secimed fivm ciie
<br /> . . be eGg�Tc for�ins��oce ander the 1�Iatianal�Aa�sing�lct within
<br /> dste l�aec���eoder tnay.at its optton and nexwit6standing anything in Patagraph 9.raNine imzaMiate PaY�n�m _
<br />-"a furi af a�sums savied by this Security Insuum�n� A writtrn statement of any authoiized�of tbe Sectetuy
<br />� • dated subsequent ta from the date hereaF;decl;n►q�*�i�stue ti�' Seciuity -��.
<br /> Insuument and the nae secured theneby,shaii be dee�r�A coaclusive ptnof of sach i�ii��r�u:=iHot�zt�sssnding =_
<br /> the faisgoing,tbis option may not 6e exercised Iry-.Lender when the�tnava�'labi.�ity of is�si�.^a?ce is"salely due to ° -_
<br /> - l.ender�s failure to remit a mottgage uuurance greauwn to the Secretaty. � •. `"�=_
<br /> � lg Reinsfstemet� Borrower has a nght to be reinstated if L.ender das teqaaec!ir.smediate pa;�ent in full ba�use E�—�-
<br />� of Barower� faila�to pay aa amount due under th�•Note ar this Security Insha��. This ss��a�applies e�-e» after =-__-
<br /> - fo�losur+e procealin8s are mistituted. To relnstau tt�e Securlty Insuumea�Bom���r ahall tender in a lasn�,sp�n all _
<br /> . aawunts reqaind to bring Boss+nwer�account curc�ent inclading,to the exunt they a�obligations of Bom6v��c�der this �"
<br /> Seeurjty lnstiumen�fom,clos�e costs and reasonable u�d castnmary auomeys'fee.c and eapenses propa�Y assocsated with G-_
<br /> - -- the fa+eclos�tti pcueeedit►S: lipon te�t by Bormwec,this Secariry iastrutittnt and the obI'sgauons that it secvccs
<br /> sl�all:emain in effect as if Leuder had not�q uired�mmediate paymeuc in fuU. However,Lender es r�rrquired ta�ermit --
<br /> .. �t+ement i�: ti)Lender has accepted retnsuuement after the commencxmtnt of fareclosuce p:z�x:e�nP�.v�nthm two - -
<br /> . yeara isnme8iately precedi�g the commencement of a currem foreclosuze proaeding, (ii) r�eirtscasw*nenc F�.SE t;sYeclud� _=__
<br /> >"� farulosure on different gmunds in the future.ar(ui)reinstatement will adversely affect the priority_af the t'ss���ated by _
<br /> �' this Secu ' lnstrumen� • _
<br /> • `'�- Il,�er Not Relensed: For6earance by Lender Not a Waiver. Extensian of r��ime of pa}-snent or . .
<br /> modification af a�rortization of the sums secured by this Secunry Instrument granted by Lender co a.r successor�n inurest �1
<br /> of Samwer sha�nat aperate to telease ihe liabiliry.of the original Borrawer ot Borrower�successor in lnterest. l.ender -�_
<br /> shail not be teQuirrA to cortu�..°nce praceedings agatnst any successor�n interest or refuse to extend dme for pa4-ment or ';�:
<br /> �` al�etwise modify amortizatio:�of the sum.s secured by th�.c 5ecurity lnstrument by reason of any demand ma�by the
<br /> ariginal Bortower or.Botroaeis successors in interest. Any forbearance by Leader in exercising a1y right ar��yr shall
<br /> , ,� • : not be a waiver of rn pceclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> �;: ��•, 1Z. Succes�ors and Asqigns Bqund;loint and Several l.iability;Ca5ignera The cove�,-`s and agree��enu of _
<br /> this Secuiity Instroment sha11 bind and benefn the successors and assigns of l.ender and Borcower,sEbject to the;s:ovisions
<br /> ' r• of Paragsph 9.b. Borrow•ec's covenanxc and agreemea�ts shaA be joint and several. Any Borrowet who co-w^:s.s this .
<br /> � ,n,' Securiry/nswment but daes not execute the Note: fa)is to-signing this Security Instrument anly to mortga;e.�t and � ,
<br /> convey that Bormwcr's intcrest in the Proper�y under th:t�nns af this Security Instrument:(b)is not personalt}a�:�•-;�ed to _�,`:_.
<br /> ��` � pay the sums se�red by thfs Security Instr��::nt:and(c)agrees ihat l.ender and Ar►y other Borrow•ec m.ay Agtee t�exren�. : ,::'
<br />�' �,�,;; modify,forbeac ar make any accommodatians with cegard to the tertns of this Secunty Instrument�tE:.Note without tiiat _
<br /> • Baaowet's cor�sen� �`.� ~
<br /> 13. Not�s. Any natice to Borrawer provided fas in this Securiiy Instrumcnt shall be gi�e.�C�y delivecia��t ar by �..;.;:
<br /> . � mailing it by fttst ciass maei unlesv Applicable law req:�:.es usc af another method. The notice s;�all be direcc.+P co Ihe ;•,����
<br />. Praperty Address'or any other address Horrower desib a:es by notice to Lendcr. Any notic�to��der shatl i�e;iven by � _'�'�
<br /> �,.. �_:
<br /> - � first efass ma:l to Lender's address stated herein or an5 address Len�er designates by notice�Borrower. .�,.�y notice �•
<br /> ��` -----�- � provideci for s�tSis 5ccurity Instrument sha 1 1 he dceme d ta have b een��ti en ta 8artower or l.c a d e r a(���i v e n a y p ro v i d e d •
<br />- ,:.,,;�'.'. ' -f ' �n 1Ms parasrr:�l.'�.
<br /> ' 14. Governing Law;Severab 1Uty. T his Sccurit��t�s<trument�hatl be gavemed b y Federa�fs�:and�he 1aw of the
<br /> . N � ,�.nisdicNon in which the propeny is tacated. In ihe e.•e�c ih:st any provision or cfa:.:� oi this Securiry lnstnzm.�cc or the
<br /> �'`� Note caniliets with appIieGbfe taw.such conllict shall not affect nther provisiam af tli is Security ln�trumenc ar ds Note
<br />. r..:� •• ,�_�' which ran be�iven effect without Ihe confliciitt�pn�viyinn. 'to thiti end the provi�,icz:�oi ihis Security fnstrumen[ffad the
<br />��� ' ' Note are declan d to be scverxble. �
<br /> . !S. Sorcuwer's Cupy. 8orrawrr shall be given one confurmed capy nf thiti Serurity Instrument. (
<br /> 16. A�ment o1 Rents. Hurrower uncanditi�n�liy�.ssign�and tr:+ntifcn tu Lcndcr all ihc ren�v and revenucs of the �
<br />� ��.,,_., .°- I�ropeAy. Borrower puthorizes Lender��r Lcnder ti agents ta cuttect the n nts:utd revrnues and heretsy dircctv each tenant of E
<br /> .-� the Property ta p�ay the tents to Lcndcr ar Lcndcr's agcnls. Hu�vevcr,prior to l.en8cr��otice ro�urr�wer of Bortawer's �
<br /> , 1 brexh of any eove�ant ar agreement in ihe Security lnstrumen4�arrower�ha11 callect an�i receive all rents and revenues of I
<br /> , , the Ptapetty as trustee far the t+enefit of l.ender und B�frn►wcr. 'fhi�a��ignment of rents con�titutes an absolute assignment
<br /> �- �� and not nn assi�nment for ndditional security only. �
<br /> •� _•: ., •.� � • If l.cnder g�ves notice nf hrruch to�un�wer_ (ai ull nmh re�elved hy 8orrativer shaU he helJ b}r Bnrrower s�.q trustee C �
<br /> - -- - �=-°-��° for bene�t of i.ettder only,tv t+e applic�!tEr�he suni��ecurui by tbe Secunty Itutrument:lh)Lender sha11 be entitled to i
<br /> +�"'�'�+'�"��'•= , coitert and rerelve WI of the rents�f thc Pmpeny::u�d lcl cach tenant ui the Nrnprny shall pay all rents duc:md unpaid t�
<br /> • :xr:.�.�,..._.. , �
<br /> . 'T`"•� -�� � l.ender or l,ender's a�ecnt cm l.ender's�vritten dcmar�d ta the ten:u►t.
<br /> . • .. �4;r*:-`:;•.,..-rd..
<br /> °4;
<br /> ,�.•�, Honower has nbt executed s�ny prior�syignmcnt aE thc�Rnts and h�c nnt und wilt a�st�xrf�rm any act that wou d ;.
<br />• `•�=-=��:�,. ••;'� prevent Lendet frdm exercising i�s rights under this ParaFr�ph 16. i
<br /> �;�:;,,';,•.�_.;., � Lcnder shall nat be:eyuired tu entcr upon.tukc controi�sf or��tuintain thc Rc�pcity beforr nr�itcv�iving natire uf �
<br /> r.-,�;;<<_-.;j.. . bteach tn gorrower. However.Lendcr or�judicially ap�wiuted rerrivrr nfay da sv at siny lime there i�a breach. Any �
<br /> � •____ ���_-__=_•''__ ap�lirattnn nf rents}sttall aot cure�r waive:ury�fePault or�nv:ili�fate:tn �thcr ti t vr remcd uf Lcttdrr. '1'his u,sl�nment •
<br /> '. _--� - --- .
<br /> of'rents of the Property shalt termin:�tc��vhrn fhe debt securcd by ihe Security frtsltutr�trtr ic�i��n fnit. - b f_-"
<br /> . I.
<br /> . � . . ..-- - f .
<br /> - _ _ � < � _ _ - - - - -. _... _... . .. . _ _ '
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<br /> ' : . �"
<br /> .. �. . - - - � a Py� '
<br /> � ' . '- �� � . � . �.. .
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