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<br /> pg.p,h�peys DEED OF TRUS7 P���
<br /> l.aen No �11041 (Contlnued) ���;�,��'.�.�
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<br /> AupulSt?.S,2001. --
<br /> Wir�on�l Mop�rfy. 7ho wads"P�rsom.l Proper�y"moan ell equipment, Nxtures, and othor erl�Cles ol psraonal propsrty ne�w a hKeafler
<br /> pwn�d by T�u�la, �nd now ot twrMflK�ttaclr�d o��Hized to Ih�R�al Proparty; iopether wilh �II aCCeSSIon�, pllris,Itnd RddiNora to,�1
<br /> repl�c�m�nfs o�, and�H OubiVtullons lor, any of a��cl� property; end toyether with nll praceed9(Inaludlnp wilhout NmllnHOn UI Insurana
<br /> prxNd�tnd nfundl of pnmlum��hom�ny saN a olhs►dlsposlllon o1 ths PropKty.
<br /> PtopMrty.Th�word'Proprriy'means cdN�cliv�ly Ihe Raal Pro{�a1y and ths Personal Prop�rly.
<br /> q�al Rrop�Ry,TM words'fiNl Pro�»rty'mMn!h�prop�ty�Inibr�sts�nd�hta d�scdb�d�dow in ttw i:onwyanc�rnc7 Gra�i'c��lan. r
<br /> qN�Nd poaum�nt�. TMa worda'iiN�bd Uxum�nb" rn�n and Includ�wlthoul AmilaBCn aN prort�keory notM�cndN pP�nb, lan
<br /> aprMmK+b,�nvbronrrNnul��rtNnb,4wrant4�o,acu�lty 4{�n�rtwnb,morlpapn.deoda of Irutl,�nd UI o1Mr Imhun�nN,�pr�nlo�nd
<br /> dacum�nb,wMIMr now a twrMlNr udatlnp,pc�cuNd In oonn�cdon wllh IM Indebtadn�ss.
<br /> R�nl�. 'fh�wad'Rmis'ms�ns�N pnssnt and tutun rsnb,nwnua,lncorrM,Issuee,roytitiae,pro8b,�nd other 1»nottb deriwd kom tM
<br /> PtoQ!!ty.
<br /> Y�uqN,Ttw word"TrusiM mwt�UNITED NGOMSKA 9ANK nnd nny substltute a successa trustees.
<br /> T�vIMx.Th�word'frustc�'m�ane any and eH pwsons and entlHes exa:utinp lhb Deed of Trust,insludinp wfihout IlmilaHon aM Ttusto�s ntlmnd
<br /> �bove. �
<br /> pAy(!!s_!1T At�!PEAF[3RMANGE. Exap!as othwwfs�providad in fiis tJSed o1 Trust,Trusta shail pa�to Under aM�m0unb s�CUnd by thta DNd i
<br /> of Trusl u!My b�corr�du�,and eh�ll atrictly and In�Umaly mannor p�:�crm all ot 7rustor'a ob�ipeflons unda�ft�No�s,li�ic Deod c,t Tnr•t,artd 1�A
<br /> RMtNd DoCUn�b.
<br /> POSS�S810N ANO MAINTEMANCE OF 7'FIE PROPERri. Trustor eprees lhat Trustors possess�on and uss W the Prop�rty sh�M b�Ccwrned bY
<br /> th�foNotiwnp acvhbns:
<br /> pp�aNpn�nd llM. UnIN lhe oocumnc�of an Ewnt ol D�fauH,Trustur may (e)remain in pcu�sslon�nd cor�hd of th�Prop�rty, (b)ue�.
<br /> op�ral�a m�n�pio Iha Properiy,anc! (c)toB�ct any Rents hom tha Propt�4y.
<br /> Duty to�IWM11n. Trustor shaM mtfntaln the Property In tenantable condition and p�omotty per(am aH rspaks,npl�csm�nls,and mninMrancs
<br /> nKasaary lo prrserw ItS value. � �
<br /> F1�2�fd0Y�$UIl��1ICl�. TFN 1lfrt14'11eZi�d0U9 WA519""h�7Afd0US 6UbS1Y(ICi"(1�ip0trll�""t6fitSY�"!�"IhtiilYflld(YIM3�."�!UiOd kl Nd!
<br /> �d oi Ttust,shnN havv th�s�rtw rnwninqs as 3el lcvih In the Compahenslva En�Aconrn�nttJ Rqspo+n��CunP�ruaBO^.�nd I.MbNity 11ct°�
<br /> ig9p. at�rt��d,42 U.S.C.SeCtlon 9b01,9t soq.("CERCIA',the Supwiund Amindrn�r►ts and RsauthorinMOn A�Ct of 1�E8�Pub.�»No.
<br /> gg-4�9("'',,AFL1'�.ttn Flaurdoe�s MAtpritls TnnsptvitNOn Act,49 U.S.C.S�ctlon 1801,81 tsq.,tM iiesaxc�ConeMVWon�nd li�COwtY Aei.
<br /> a���e�,c.^x,,.!Asa►�;.��or ather anplica4ts stab or Fadonl lawa,rules,or ro�do.NVnt�dopled purswM to�ny M fh�lonpukq. T1N
<br /> Nrrta�'htaRrdous w�st�'�nd"t�nasudo0s substancs shaN ako includs,wflh0ut Nmitifl0rt�pE0'015fi�m&nd PM�oi�um oY`7��o'�"'�"�'�
<br /> tMrwf tnd a�b�atos• Tnistor roprosanis�,nd watnnts to Und�r iliat: (q Durtrg tM paipd 01 Tvuslor's ownKtND ot ilw PropM1Y.tl�n frs
<br /> pMn n�us�,p�nr�Mon,rtwnuhctun�,ntoraye.3roAtment,disposal,roN�s�a Ihreal�qd tt,tb�sr o7 any hmrdoue watN or st�noe by my ,
<br /> p�raon on,urxNr.about a kom the Prop�ty; (b)firusta has no knowiecipo of,vr reiw�,f0�eMe'w lhat 1Mn hns'ft�n,�xapt�s Or��Y '";.
<br /> ditclos�d fo md scknov�rNdO�d bY Lond«r In w�:tlnp� (q any uso�Gernniion,mtnuk�ct�s a,6'vnpe�tnatm�nt.cNSposa�,n6u�.or dxwMad '.(.
<br /> rNras�c1 any huardous wasi�or subslana on,under,aboul or Nom th�Property by an/,p�3c+r owr�s a oaupanl9 of ths Prop�ty a (ff)�nY .
<br /> �ctual a tlxai�rnd NtiO�Hon or clalrtq of�ny kind by�rty pason relaHnp to such rta.th�r;nni (o)Exapf as pnvbusyi dkC�o�d to u�
<br /> �oknpwNdp�d by Condor In wrili�. Q)nNthsr Tnntor no►any tenant,Confracta.aysnt a�d�hsr 9qthaix�d usu ot ths Prc(»fil��•
<br /> qniraM,rt+�mihclurt.ston.hed,dispos�of,or rsNss�any ham•rdaus wasts a substa.rr.s t+n.t�ndur,about or Sran ths Prap�rly pnd (N)mY
<br /> such attivify shap b�.conduct4d in compiknca wit�a0 appliC�b�e�etlerel,sfat�.an�k+:�U'�-�i,�ulaUans and o[dinano�a,indudnp wiM�o�d
<br /> NmffaHon ihaa�lawl,rpulaflons,�nd ordintnces described abovs. Tnnta avth�C+cfios!,lndp�tAd ib�psnb do antsr upon th�R'oil�ty b
<br /> m�k�wch (nspecUons and tests,at Trustor�expense,as Londor mny deem ep�rtprta.l5 tb delertniM eaA011nnc�of IfN PropMtfl wMfi IMs
<br /> s�Ctlon d th�D�sd of Trust. Any Insp�ctions a tssts mads by Londer ahall b�fa L�r►tid►+�'pu'AOS9s Qnly a�d tihaN nol b�comtwd b dMl�
<br /> any hspo�y a NabiNty an l�e perl of 4ender to Trusta or to any otha person. TI�ttr�rasonla8uns�nd wamntl�coM�►rNd hKMe M+�
<br /> b��d on Truslor's du�dillp�na In lnwstty�tlrp tM Property fa huardous wut�an�hussrdcnx sUbstancas. Tnista Mnby {a)nMa�w�nd
<br /> wAM�s�ry tuiuh ddnq�InSI L��Nr/or IntWmnHy a contribudon In IM�vsM TttptW boCC�r.ws Npl�l�for d�anup or o11w cotln und�r tny
<br /> xuch kwa. �nd (b1��to Ind�mnHy and hold h�rmfass Londes�yalr►st�ny an�att t�Nms,los�.Ii�bWtNs.�fan�p�i.P�����
<br /> �o�n�M wNCh UndK may dkwty or Indirectly austdn or tuM�r rosufUnO hom�t�ta�h of thb soCllon oP tM Owd o!Tnut a a!
<br /> owx�qt�na of amr tn��Wn�neon,manultctun,etoreps�dtsposal,rNMS�a t�amsY�nnd rMMS�oocurrinq p�ia lo Trusta's ownwshb or
<br /> InMr�sl In tM PropMty,whMMr a not tM pms wa!or ahould haw bMn knaMm�0 7rtatqr. TM pnrNNont o!iMs nstsYon of IM OMd of TnKt.
<br /> Indudlnp tM obNp�Yon to fndMnnNy.th�N tavhh th�ptym�M tN 1he Ir�blldroase I�n;tdtw utlslactlon nnd nconwYanot�W Yr Me of tl�ts
<br /> Deod d Trw1 tnd 6haN not b�aM�cNd Dy Lendw'��cquisftloo o?nn�tnt�nst tn thm P�o,rxa�y.wAe71Nr by(ondosur�o�dFiMwis�;.
<br /> NWsince�Wat�.Trus!ar shaN not caus��conduct or pe►mM a�y nulsane�na cam:�.p�r+nfb ar safl�r anY�PP��of a wasli on a!o the
<br /> r��O�°�e`o��.�w�nma�,��,�'�i�du�n�a�"d�hi,�s�.��a'�a���au�cn.'w�`�oui�»�a��o��oe�i�°"�'�n.
<br /> HemoYil Of ImprOYertNnb. Trustor ShaN not demoll5h Cr t8ma�+o any ImprovetrNnts trom ih�F1Ml�q�tY 1�{llhOU11M prfor writloe aOrMKN
<br /> ot L�ndu. As a conditton to th�ramovat of�ny!mpmvemarits,lendmr mny require Trustor ta mek�amtnp�rrw+�is sa�shctaY 10 Lrndu 40
<br /> roplac�suCh ImptowrMnts wflh ImprovarrMnls of el bast�ynS vnlus.
<br /> L�nder'e In1�ts end to Insp�ct ttwpP�op�ly�far purposes ot rT�I�o pNancn w h tha 1 msland��ondiUonct�of Itib DMd tlnMS�b atNnG to
<br />- CompNnc�wtth(iov�mmenW Rsquk�nknt�. Trusta ShaN prompNy compy with aN(�ws,ordinsncas,and ropukUor�s,now or hKMIMr fn•
<br /> or�d'na.a ropuktlon�nd wilhha�id comPl�natdurin0 a Y P�Ld��O�f wiu r��DP�op����1�PP�k�so W�iq�is Ynu�or hos e WfW L�idu
<br /> In wriNrq prior to dotrq ao and so fonp�s,In Lender's sok opinlon,Lenders I�eresb In lhe Propwty an no1 jeop�rdfisd• l.ender meY ncldn
<br /> 7►vata to pod adpwt�s�curity or a c�xely bar►�,rossoruibry satisfactory to Londer,lo protect LendK's lntenst.
<br />- �fortA�bo+a an�ts�cllon�nei+.hermlhe chn�cis►a d use M Iho�opwty u�w o by 6nec�ssuY o pro ect and{��sMw Ihs RoplrlY-
<br /> pUC tlN SI�LL-CON9ENT BY L�llO[R. Lendor mAy,a1 I►s opllon,decfare Immedtateiy dw and paysbb nY sums s�ctHed by lhis Da�d o1 Tncst
<br /> - upow Chp s�N or transhr,without thb Lendor's pdor wriiten consent,ot all or eny paA of Ihe Reat Prcporty.or any Intorest tn lho FiNI PlrapwtY. A
<br /> '�SatY pr trantFal'moans th0 cOnYayance Of Rqsl Proporly or any ripht,fiHe or ht6re51 IhEKeln;whothor tgppl,honotiCJal tX equilebN;whothYt vaWt�4ry
<br />� or Invduntaq,wtaM�ov by ouU1pM sak�.Aesd.�rtsleilment sate contract,land canhecl,CoMrecl!or daed,laasehWd fntores!wfth a tenn pMliK than
<br />- U�np(3)yeua,M1so-�ption contract,a by sate,assignment,a Iransler o}nny beneflcl�l interest In or lo�ny tand Uust hddlrrp ti�to the FE�oI
<br />-� -''+--- ---r.nru,..�nn,.e,...
<br /> Pfpplflji� pr Dy�n?�ai»ur nwtnoa oi carneyance oi neai e-rvperiy iniore:si. ii a�ip iiwivi w b�.w�.v�a*..,..,v�-••�+a^r��-�:�^�------s----+-•.-
<br /> = InrxtNr�ko indud��ny chanpe In ownershtp ot maa than lwonty-ttve panCent(25%)of ttN vollrg 6tock,partt�tsh�p Intanals ar Ym�Q I'rb9M1r
<br />= Company InGresb,Rs the case msy bs,of Tnnta. Howaver,this opHCn s�aN not be exercised by Lender H such sx�rcis�b prohibiled by fb�al
<br />= kw or by N�brask�Itw.
<br /> TAXES AldDUEN3. TAS foNowinp Provisiorts rN1Unp to th�faxes rnd li�m on t1w Property�ro�put ol this Os�d W Tnnt.
<br />= PayrtNnl. Tnestq sMN pay wl�due(and In aM�wnh prlor to delinquency)att taxss.��cl�l t�xa.ass�+n�nts�ch�r0�s(Ineiudinp wtia
<br />� and sr�ve►)�Anc��nd knPaelUo�lovisd�yalnsi a on�ccount of ths Property.and sh�N paY whsn du��N ciNms Por wak dor�s n�a kx
<br /> -- eerufob re�d�cl a mNKW hxnisMd to ths Piropa+ty. Trustor shall m�intaln th�Pro�rfY kes M a1!Nsm h�vinp pAaNy owr a�qu�1 b lAs
<br />-- Inlerest o�l�nder unde�tMs Oe�d of T�usl,e�ccepl tar ths ken W Iaxes and assessmenls nol dua,exapl ia it��xistinp t�Udr�rotort�d
<br />"? tp balow,�nd axcepl as otharwtss prowded In Ihfs Deed ot Trust.
<br /> .� Rlyft f0 Contest. Truslor may wNhAdd paymeM ol any tui,essessmenl,a ctalm in connecUon wilh�qood Pafth dispuM owr tM ohl'iQtlk:�
<br /> to paY�so lonp�a landor's inierrsl ln the Properly 4s no1 jeoperdized. If s lien arisss or fs fiied�s e resuM d naripaycr�nl,Tnnta'sh�l1 wilhin
<br /> IinsQn(�&)dys�nur th.rian unes a,M�s�n r Med,wiiMn fifleen(16)days 4Her Trusta has twt�cQ of It�fiM'oy,s�CUr�tM dscfwp�W the
<br /> - IMn. pr M nqu�st�d by L�ntf�r,d6posH wilh LlndM CiSh 0��SUffiClenl COtPotet�sun.y bond or otMr s�curily saYst�ciaY to l�nc1K In an
<br />-i •
<br />,;:� •
<br />_.� .
<br />_-�
<br /> i _
<br />