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<br /> COSIEfdANTli ��— 1c���a.��
<br /> 1, Fc�yrasrtto. �orrower r.�rena to �r+e!cb nll payment� on the cscured deb! wh�n dw. Unta� Borrowar �nd Lendor oLrce otharwlte, eny �--
<br /> paym�nu UMa►ncNva�trom Borrowor oi for Barrow�s'a�enotl4 wll! Ce eaptind Hrot Co eny t:ntoun2e CnrrovJCr otYC3 Or lh9 SflC'!iCd d0I11 �,�-_-
<br /> �xciuiiv�of Int�qtt a�+rinclpal,�econd ta�Int��e�t,�nd th�n to princlp�f.If psrtlal preD�ymant of the secured d�bt occtan fur any terron,It wlll �
<br /> not r�duc�oe�xcuu�ny tdNdul�d MY��u��w��qtund d�b4 U pNd In tult. _
<br /> 7.CNiMn�A�t TI�M".'qaASv�r�Wtl}�p�Y �M tsxM+�uHt�rrhnt�,�nd oth�r ah�vpu �mlhuUbt�to tiwpropartV wh�n dw snd wlll d�t�nd tltb
<br /> to th�{xop�rtY w�trr�t�rM,c1�Im�vTkA would IMp�k tM IiM a}thl�dad of truit.L�nd�r m�y��quk�Borrowar to�uiyn any ripht�,claim�or
<br /> d�f�nso�whk;i�earowa�nhe�++w�Y+��v����+PP�Y►�bor a m�tKl�b to Impow a m�lm�ln th�prop�rty.
<br /> �,tn�x�c�. Borrow�r wFl k��p tM prop«ry Imund ur�Nr t�rmo�capt�At�to l�rdw �I 8orrow�r'��xp�n��eK'1 tor Landw's b�n�fit. AR
<br /> In�unnee poGCN�a'r�fi kiekwa a ct:�sFtad c�m+4 .i;�ct:u_�ln favar of 6erte!�r.RnM�r wNl!»nerr+ed es M��p�y��or as th�inound on�ny wch
<br /> M�unncw poNcY,Any I:�auunc�proa� rn�y��pplMd,wNhln Lsnd�r'�dbr.��tlon. ta�itMr tM n�taatbn a r�pak ot ti�d�m*p�d txul�iY
<br /> a to th���ax�d d�bt.If L�ntMr r�quir�a mort0s0e�MUr�^���Bo�rawar prMS to m�fm�in wch Inkxse�c�fo�N brq��Lend�r r�quk��.
<br /> 4,►roparty.Botrow�r wii!kNp tM prop�rtY In yood eonditbn�nd m�k�a!I np�in nawnabhi awa�ury.
<br /> p.Eitq�n�.Baroww s{Nws to pay�E Lend�r'��xp�n��� Ineiudinp n�sonabl�attwMy�'taa�.If Borrow�►bnak��ny cov�n�nt�in thl�dNd
<br /> of ttwt a In�ny obliy�tion s�cund by thi�dNd af trwt.�orrowN wiil pay cMa��mount�to L�ndu��(xavld�d In Cawnant 9 of thi�dNd of
<br /> Vu�t.
<br /> sie�slnta�.1�.�8ona�u w{II p��rfam Mf ot Ba owir s oWip�tl�onii�undir i�Y�r�RwrtO��de�d of trustor�othir�pcu ityt�i,ment, �
<br /> InekidMp�rowe's covenmts to mak�paynwnt�vvi»�dw.
<br /> �,��io�t o�R�nb�nd Prolfb. Borravwr asNpn�to L�r�r th�r�nts ux1 profiu of th�prop�rty.UnM:a 8orrowsr md Under haw�aresd
<br /> otMrw��in wrrkkp, Borro�r may coll�ct�nd ntaln th�nnt�ao lonp u Hor�owK I� not In d�t�uk.If Borrow�► dafwk�,L�ndK. L�nd�►'n
<br /> r�nt,a a court�ppol�tW ncNvsr ma t�k� pasautbn�nd mana�th�propaty Md eolNct ths ron4s.Any rent�Lender colNcts sh�li bs
<br /> w sii�iNitM sxp�n�sii}TmtN�imi Nnin�uanoupnt oi riflts wtll tMn ippiY to PaYrtN�U on tM aictxud d�bt N{xorvid�d In Covinan d,any other
<br /> C.L�ss:h�•Ccr�rt�Fnhn+s9s Pl�e!�ed W�k�oa+wk+.Barrow�r �So comaiy with tM provi�bn�of�ny Nas�If thls dMSI of uwt i�on
<br /> s Na��t�oM.1�Mfa dNd of tnNt is on� wpt i��cor�nrt�tni�em w� t wNt dsv�lofxn�nt,Barrowa w�p�-f�:�r:!at Ca�or.:a's dutla
<br /> undM tM�cov�unw,AY-I�ws.a r�pulttbrM of tM condomk�ium w plpnrNd urwt d�v�bprr�nt•
<br /> �, �ut�y o}�«+d�to►�rhnn tor Sn�ow�.If Borrow��t�fl�to m�ny of Borroww'�duths und�r thb dNd cf trust, l.�ncMr maY
<br /> c�a�xMiction o�i�tMaproapauM I�contk��o�r n�ot�curNd on IWn i r�safa�abN m6innK.lirndKymiy d�o�wh�ativK is nic�isu�ry m Mot�ct Lindi►'i
<br /> sbcurity iM�nct In tM prop�rty.TMK ma�kklud�com{�tinD tM c�suuct�•
<br /> LendK'�f�ilw�to p�rtorm wGl not{x�cNid�Lrnd�r ftom oxxcls(np sny of!ts othx ripAte vndK tho 1:�c:�:�ea»=!t_!.
<br /> ind wfN�b��r tntKiitYhom�the d�ts ot ihs p,y�m�nt nu Wj pifd(n fuil it tIK NKK�rati h etfi�on thi ieur�id d��bt�. nt�will h�due on d�mand
<br /> 10. ONwk�nd Aeal�Nlo�. 11 Borrower faile to mak� any p�yrrMnt wh�n dw a br�ak� ar►y cown�m�u^de thl� d�d of uuat or My
<br /> ebld�m�and kn�ni Paym�nt�m y kivo�lu U�i�p wKOf s�aK!an�y othK �D�mitt�d by�PDNcabN laaWaxity of tM acur�d d�bt�od
<br /> ::.�R��M��x�r.��-,�,;�," .;�rM�;t��,K.�rh.*�pi.n ot tlr notkes ef d�fautt and aaN b���nt to each p�rwn who Is��►anY
<br /> hrnto,�L t}1��fWf9N{04�9AC71 BL'(�T�KYOfI��s aet forth h�rNn.
<br /> 12.PewK of iiM.If thi L�rxl�r invok�s tM pow�r of sak,th�TrustN�11 fint I�d in tM!oifid of tM npi�ta of dwci�of uch cou�riy
<br /> vYh�n[re tM trult propKty or aortw pxt or p�rcd tMxeot(�situ�t�d�ootice of difadt aont�irn�p��t�b Infarm�tton nquirM by I�,w.Tt�s Tnut�e .
<br /> ahaB�iso maU copks of tM node�o}d�twte to th�Borrowsr,to�ach p�rson whe b a p�rtY-hprato,Md to ottfK pusons�a reaaibed by
<br /> o�licibN I�w.Not Np th�n aw month�kK th*.Truat�s ncords th�notic�ot d�fwk,tx�5wra moatho if ttn vust propKty�a not in �ny
<br /> inoorporat�d eriy w viNap��nd ts us�d In frmMYop�ration�csrti�d on by tM tru¢tw�d�Tr�xt�w sf�sN piv�Duba{c notla of aat�to tfi�PKSarr
<br /> and f�tM m�nrar peescrfi»d bY sppplfc+�bN law.Trv7tas,witt�out d�mu�d on 8amv+K, ayn�1 sNl ths prop�rtY et Public auctb^to th��fpl�t
<br /> bWd�r.If r�quk�d L�y!tM fKm Hamnt�sd Prateoticn Act.Tru�tw sh�ll oft�►tM R=tt�Y!n�wo wpw�t��Mes a��puk�d by�DP��►�law.
<br /> ' LMwida��its�d+�fOn�i�m Y P�c�hsa�i tl�i�pr�op�rtY at�inYial�bY P��+��nurt��t at tM tlme and i►�p od any pr�viowly scMdui�d saN. _
<br /> Upon t��t o}pa nt of ih�(xtc�Dkl.TrustM siull deliwr to th�purctuser Tru:tN's dNd exsn+��Yirq the P��Y•T�►��������^
<br /> Truste�'s deed�h��b�prima tacie evidis��oi Me vuth of the st�tsmerm cont�kSad therein.Tnntw ahaN eppty th�proc�Wr of th��aM in tM
<br /> foNowirq ordu: te) to dl �xp�nss�of tM aeN, Inefu�linp, but not HmR�d to. rNlonabM TrustN'r f.�. ri«:w""� =ttorn-;�':t!� es�3
<br /> nirnubrrnmt 4NS;(bj to WI sums saair�d by tt�dMd af truat,and(c)tM bNanc�.M�ny,to tM p�raon�NpNtY Mtithd to nuiw it.
<br /> ' 13.FoneMwM+n.At Lend�r's option,thts d�!of truK m�y M for�clos�d in tM n��r Prov{d�by�pplic�bi�law for toncbsur�of mortaap�s
<br /> on mt propKtY.
<br /> 14,pnst,�cdon I,�ndn may entK the prop�rty to trupect it It L�nder pivea Bo�row�r nottce belotohand.TM notk�rt�ust atat+the nnon�bl���
<br /> cause 7cr L�ndir°s Inr�ction.
<br /> • 16.C�r�Mfo��.porrowsr ntiQna to LMbmr thsprocesd�ot any�wrrd or claim�!a damap�r corMSCt�d wtth�condemn�tion or otMr t�kinp��
<br /> ' of�11 or�ny p�rt oY the prop�rty.Such procNd�wfil be applied�s provid�d in CoveMnt 1.Thi�wsiprw►��t i�sabl�ct to tM tKm�of�ny prior�..
<br /> aaxity pnement.
<br /> 1!.Waiwr.By�x�rcisinp�ny r4medY av�l�ble to l�ndsr,Lsnder do�s not piw up��n1r �Iqht�to 1s��r usasr�y othsr nmedy.By not�xorciNnp�
<br /> �r�y nrtNdy upon Borrowo's d�fiuh,Lend�r dow not waiw�ny�ipht to later corulWr the tvent a defMdt if n nspp�ru�pain•
<br /> 77. JWnt M+d Ew��l LI�dCa�Nn: �N�on �nd As� �ow�d. AH dutiss w�di►r thi4 dMd of Vwt an}oiM ub nwnl. A �
<br /> Borrovwr who ca-uipn�thls ot trutt buS dw� not co•:Fp�th� undKh►inp tl�6t irutrumarrtls) dous w oNY to prartt and conwy t
<br /> BortowK'�f�ter�nrt in the propKty to the Truste�unele tM tenn�of thls daed ot 2TUn.�n�dd�tlan,weh e ea�n�war sorNe th�t the LuxNr ani �
<br /> �r►y otMr Barroww uniia thi�dwd oi uutt may extend,mo��r mak��nV othat chan0�s In tM tKrt►s ot Ehi�d�ed of trust or tM acurmcl;
<br /> d�bt wiq�out tArt Bwrow�r's cons�nt�d witf�out rNoakq that rower from th�t�rmy ot tNs dNd of trutt.
<br /> Th�dutw�s�d 6�rwfits o}tMs d�sd of bu�t ehsll bind�nd b�netit ahe�uccassw��nd wsfpM ot Und�r�t�d Borrow�r.
<br /> 1�,NoifeR,Unt�as otlwrwts�nqulrcd by I�w,eny noUce to Barrower�h�ll be�lven by d�Hvulr►p It a by m�flinp h by cwtii'red{tnuH addn�wd to•
<br /> Borcow�r�t tls�Rrpp�ty eddre�s or�ny�other edGlraas that BonowK haa pi�vsn ta Und�r.Boirow�w wiN aIw a�sy notfc�ta SnT►dor by certifl�al�
<br /> mW tu L�nciw'a s�7iYrss�on paps 7 a}ttKt de�d oY Rrust,or to my oth�r�ddreac�xhkh L�ndo►h�ai d��l0nated. Any atNor nntic�to L�nder shslii�
<br /> ' ba sent to Len�fw'v mH�inrs as sated on pqe 1 of 9tiis deod ot t►ust.
<br /> Any notica sh�ll b�deertbd ta hsve Men plven to Borrower or Lender wAen qiven in ths m�nnsr�tsted�bove.
<br /> 19.Tnnst�r of tM PropKtl/or a Ben�if�W int�t�st in 1M Botrow�t.If atl or any ptrt of th�pro�erty or any tntereet�n Ft is eotd or trensiesad
<br /> paymint tf t�M�Bo a�i�is�not i�iut�urir�l P��On inA i�bsn�iNcm�iK�Paynme� o��«N,�'�ur�d�b�Luentd�rsd Ho,wevx�len�d�r�m�y�t.
<br /> tN�r�a�d p�yrt►unt in Yha�bove situntlons If fS is proh(bksd by federel law sa of tho�lau of thN dMCf of trust.
<br /> 20.R�conwynee.WMn tM oblip�tton�ecurad by thla deed of truit h�s bssn�p�ld and Lender hu no furthar oMipation to make sdvance;
<br /> und�r ths insaurtHMS a semenn securetl by thla desd of truat the Trusies�h�l� upon wrltten rsquen by tM L�nder,reconwy tM trua�t
<br /> propsrty Ttw Lenda shill�liver to the Barowsr,or to BorrowePs succ�ssor In IntKest tM Vust deed cnd tM note ar wher evFdence of tho
<br /> L•, • n......u....luC nav�nv r�cntdatlOn�iL.
<br /> v.n.r..�.......�...�...�.�'-"_-' �-•- . --_ .
<br /> 11. 6ucc�swr TtuttM.Lender, et Lendx's opttao, maY remove Tru�t�s snd appotnt� sucassw trust�s by tint, mNlinp a copy of thn =
<br /> - substituiloe►of Vust�s u raqulred by�ppllcabte Isw,end tMn,by ftIin0 tM eubstkutbn of tru�ts�for ncord in tM oNtcs of the rsplstsr ot da�do -
<br /> sueCe�sd to all th�po�W�er,duUei�iuUior�ri ind tltle of tl�ie nee ne�m d I the�dned of truit a d of enyi6uC essM trunei°f the property,shnN
<br />-= fpap�:of�1 -
<br />-- �MNtE113 bY6TEM4.INC..6T.CIOW.MN 6l�Ot HdOR.791•2�411 WM�I OCt�MTI}NE8/1LA1 _.
<br /> �
<br />