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<br /> attorn y��li���r��ianab].M inau�rr�d l,nnuiy�oth�riaay��id prnp�rtY, and L
<br /> d. Th� tight� ar�.��n xia��a ior ��x�ei�ioa a! th� �itn� � �h� paysnat oi
<br /> �!l�ot dur�.ng �u►Y Do D°
<br /> th� ind�ebti�dn��+r �vi.duaa�d by ■aa.d not� ox any part tih�r�o! s�c�uz�
<br /> h�r�by.
<br /> �. es Wi.11 oonti,ne�u�ly awintiain�1lnasrd innuranaa n! �uah tyga or CYL�� -
<br /> and in Nea.vlz acaouat� a� th� S�n�fio�.�.y �aay lxo�wa t.im� to eim� r�qufr�, on
<br /> th� l,a+prc+ram�at� notir or h�r�att�r on �aid prap�rty, �nd wil� p+►y pra�ptly . -
<br /> Wh�n dus anY pr�iwm� tb�rstor. 1►11 ia�t�ri►na� �hali b� aarri�d in
<br /> co�g?aniea sao�ptabl� ta sen�tioiet�y, +uid th� polioi�� and r�nowal� th�rao!
<br /> �hal�. b� h�ld by s�a�lioiary an�l' .liwv� attaoh�d th�r�to los■ pia��
<br /> alsu��n ia l�vor ot Rnd ia �or�a aav�ptabl� to th� s�n��iciary.
<br /> evsat a!E lo�s, Tinnstor Mill gi�ve ia�dA�te �ot�.a� ia xritin9 to
<br /> How�liciasy and S�n��ioiary ssaY n►n}'a P�oac,r�d ie he�oby�uthozis,d and �
<br /> Tru�tor, and •�oh in�usa�no� awapauy
<br /> diz�at�d t� nalc� par�nt !or oia�:�is�and tha i sur n�a��pr,id�� ordsnY
<br /> to Tru�tor ucd 8�n�:�3aiasy i
<br /> �ast th�r�ot, �sX be t►ppLi�d by ��u�ficiary� a� its optian �eith�r ta th�
<br /> s:a�lua�ioa o! ths �.ndelbt�dn�d..�snQtih ev�A�o! �a �'rust�'I� aals ori oth r
<br /> xa��.9.r o� th� proy�rtq d+�nag
<br /> t�araast�r o� titil� to •aid propwrt�► in �xtiAt�i�hmeAt ot th� Iad�bt�dnMtiA�
<br /> s�cur�d b�x�lry. all right� t,it��e, and iat�z�st b� 4h� sru�tor in �n�l to
<br /> p���li.oia� to�h� p oha��r o� n�ioliaih+�Yl p��a at th� option oiE ��3��
<br /> t. �4 will k��p. '�3s� �aid prwnl.so^ i.-:�r��v�va�t��thns�q��O��OpI1RbI� .
<br /> ' �hsy ax� rsOw aud M�.�.3. �•v� �-�ss�.�.,. er ���
<br /> �+ra�e aad �ear �uo�ptAd, wad in �Uo �v�nt o! Y.u� lat�lur� o! 't.t�e Tru�ear to
<br /> k��p th� Y,uildinq�. oes said prwa�.��� and t.Eaos�i;o th� 8 n f iarYas�+►Y
<br /> prnai���► or i�sov��ata th�r�on,' in�q�ood D .
<br /> s�a1t� �ucb xspairs as ia th� s�n��:l�iary � d3ror�tian iti r►a d�n�a���ary
<br /> !or th� yzcP�r pr�ssrvstion tboxeot, and +►aY �w� paid �or Muah ropair�
<br /> �hall h�ar int�r�st lra�a th� dabe o! payaeut at th� rat� �pecilird iA t1�
<br /> not�, �ha17. b� dw sad PAYablp on d�uand Rnd �hall be iwily ��eur�d bY
<br /> thi• f�fd. ot Tru�t.
<br /> �. �� aSli uot �.�Gti�t �h� prier vritt�t� ooas�nt o! �y o� � e�.o
<br /> voluatarily cr�at� or p�rait to 1� or��t�d! ag�.i.a�ti � Dr� �
<br /> �1i p�� af ��� �ay li�n� !.nlerior or �u�rior to tl� 1 �n o! t s DNd
<br /> af 7�rusZ aad lurti�r thwt h� M�11 1L��p �� �iACR�.R f:� •aw� !rN traar t1�
<br /> th�c ast,.-�otio�a�o! �t►y pand�a]+1 bui7.df.rrq�narr i�aihio•r�at� o� �Rb�
<br /> �r�ct�d on said pr�i.��e.
<br /> h. s� �rill wot r�nt or aw�igti any Nart ot t� r��t o!� eaid prop�rtY or
<br /> da�wii�h, rhnow. o� su�bst�n�ially aLt�r u�y buildia9 vithout '� vr3tt�u
<br /> . coas�at o! th� san�tioiary.
<br /> g. =n � �wnt tba� srustor fail■ to pay smY l�ral, etat�, or rroatl
<br /> Tax �s���uMnt, iacoaw tax oY o�hox t� if�n, ahaYgw� tM, or otbsr ��n��
<br /> aharg�d to th� prup�rtiy h�r�inwbovo d�serib�d. tb� uwn�ticiary i� �r�sbY
<br /> authorised to �+►p � saa� and +usy �um�o p+�id bY tb� s�n��iaiuy shsl.l br add�d
<br /> to and b�ca� a part o! tbs priaoipal aaotuaC o! th� i.�d�bt�8n��� �vid�na�d b]f
<br /> �al.d proai�sory aat�. i! tY►� Truetor �hal�. p�y aad diaahszq� tb�� ind�bt�dn��•
<br /> �vidnna� by ��►id pxwnirsory aot�, e�ud rhalb pay suoh �was aad �hail di�aharq�
<br /> •il t�ua� and li�as and th� ao�ta, �a�r• �►nri �xp�u��� o! salciaq, �aioroiaq and
<br /> �x�auting thi� D�ed o� sarust, th�a upoa rrritt�n raqu��t pf th� 8oa�lici�ry +�.nc1
<br /> th� ruxr�nd�r oi t�� D�ad o! Trinmtt nnd t� not� to t� Tr►ast��. tb�+ sru�t�
<br /> � �haii, altss paya�ut by Tru�tor o� t�� Tru�tN�■ t��s� r�aonv�y th� pxop�rtY Co
<br />_:� �
<br /> .�.r.�.,..m . .. . . _ - .._. . . `` :4 .
<br /> i
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<br /> �W IYa� � i:• 6{, � l��f, r• , . : �' ` t_. �, aa��
<br /> E' r.c t.�.� t - - i �� y -. , � - �
<br /> ...L_t� iL* X '1t���it}i;�l �� ..� . .°�{ : - - 1;_ - ---- `� �►J ._.
<br /> �yMi� � . �IV."•t��.{ r�r �.Ii 4 ,r �._``� .e � y?r 4 .
<br /> � 4 � '�y,� '4�/���
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<br /> t {i � '-i�{�'1�'w ,,{7 � t,e1 �` '� - __
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<br /> �1+ � , � ; � , � �p t �_ - nt .
<br /> [� ` ; .��. . , �a.�iyy h f e��,,,�,, ��� . .
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