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<br /> .Y�' : r- -w�. . :_.�_a.
<br /> - . - . : - - -- .. - ,,�-
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<br /> ___ .�^..._ ,:.�,t�;(. `�.t,• . _ �r� c �. . � .� c . a '. . . � _ ��II�� ���` • , f '' � �.
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<br /> : . �•. . TOpBTHBR.lY![�I ali'lie i�dpioMa�eiti eo�w br ii�rAe�aroc�afi�ttia�paty.-�d di e�eme�AS.�pp�.a�d ;
<br /> ' �res iow<ct�eie�ilet a�t of tbe pcopatY.-AA e�epl�oemenb aod additim�ei�lf alx�6e oave�d 6y t� Sa�trity
<br /> - I�teroe�t=A11 of laeloeNoie�.is�e�er�a1 tu imtbis Seattity ItMtnu�wt aa the•Ft�ap�etty.' `` ` ,
<br /> . BORROWP.tf00VENANTS t5�t Barto�rer is la�v�uIIY�e+sed di tb�e�tat�e ben6y conveyad�ad lus tbe riZ6t to�aoc aad
<br /> - oaarty tbe Pnnpaty<aod�t�t th�PmpeKy is oaee�rnberod,cxoe�t Eor�o�reoocd. Bonu�rtr w�crant�t aod wil� ;
<br /> _ detead�maalty the tkle to t6e Piupdty p�ai�t ilt ciaimB an�demaod��tsjax ta�y�uf rrcotd. . .
<br /> T7�S SECURTPY 1NSTRUl4sENT oom�ines unifam caveaaKs fo��uoaal use�ad aa�aifam ooveoants�vith ii�itod
<br /> vaei�tions by juti�dktion to rnnaitute s uaiform socaiity i�nm�nE oovuin8�ProP�Y• `'
<br /> � - UNlF�tl�[O6VEN�[I�{'CS:Boemwu aod Ieo�itr covea�dt��ee s fotiaxx : _° - °
<br /> . .
<br /> - —;. . _ ,__...__g;_��_-�-R�i_a�i,L���y����Borrower �11 P�Y isaY�bea d�se tLe -- - -
<br /> f �. �Siac�pal of md intecest ae t6e debt evideaoed by the Nata�od�ry►p�aymeot aod I�te charaes duS uader tbe Nate. `
<br /> E� � • 2.F�is t�r Tases a�d L�wra�s..Sabjed to apptiaibla law or ta s written waiver 6y I.ender.Boirower sh�tl piy;to . _ .
<br /> � I�mder aa the�Y�Y P�Y�s aac due wlder t6e Nafa.unt�7 tht Nde is paid in fWl.a�(•Funds")foc:(i)Y�Y v�
<br /> � � aod��►i�iCh ma�►�nin priaritY aver tLa SacaritY Tmuuaxot as a lien oa tbe Propetty;(b)yeulY k�o1d P�ymeats
<br /> � or��uued raats ao tha Aopaty.if�ay;{c}yarty 6a�d or propeRy iAwr�ooe pnmiums;(�Yearly flood in�taooe premivau.
<br /> jt�(°)Yearly mattg�e ir�utanoe pnmiums,if aa�►,�nd(fy 9ny sums psyabk by Borrower to It�der.in accotA�ox wiW
<br /> �c: ` We pmvisioos of paragraph 8,in tieu of the gayment of mortpge insaraacx ptemiums.Thcse items at�e calted"F.secnw Items.'
<br /> � 7sadet may.st mY time,ooikd and hold Funds in aa amount not to esoad tUe muinum mmo�mt a lader for a fodtralIy .
<br /> isLted t�tatu mry�qaIR for Homuwer's esct+n�r aoco�nt under tLe federai Real F�e�Pr'acodaces AeE of
<br /> i9T4 as ammcbd fiow tiroe w titne.12 ti.S.C.Section Z601 d atq.("AESPA").unl�ss aual6er taw dqE applies tn the Funds
<br /> �ets a t�ates amoitnt.ff so.Leader miy.at aay time,colled and IwW Rw�ds in ai4 amouat not,to exoeed the I�sser aoanant.
<br /> . L,eader mry e�itmte the amamt of Fands due on tbe�6ssis of au�t data sad swsonabk�of expe,odituns of fodme ' � --
<br /> F.rcmw Items a�othe�vi9e in axotd�oce aiW appl'�cabk law. ----
<br /> 7�Fands sh�U 6e deld in aa uutiwtion �rba�se depasiu ase irts�ttvd bjr s fede�at aaeocy, inmumrat�tity,or e�ity
<br /> -- - (inel�idtu�:�eode�,if l:eader is wch an�iastitutioe)or in aay FaderAl Home Loan H�nic.le�der shaA apply.the Funds w pag the
<br /> _-- - �Saow Ite��`i�udei mry not charge Borrower for lalding aod apptyiag tbe Funds.amuaUy swlyzing the escrow aowaat,ur � - _
<br />'` verifying ihe�scciaw ltema,unkss[endcr pay�Bormwer interat on the Funds and applicabte law permits Lender to maice auh ��--
<br /> - � s eharge.However;�.eader mry require Botmwer w pry a ono-time cha�ge for an indepeudeat tral estate ttii ieporting sefvice - _ --
<br /> �.:� nsed by L.ender ia cqqipa�Kion with this loao, �inlesg applicable law provides ad�eryyise. Unless ao agteemeat is m�de or �.
<br /> _ applkabk liw raloines irae�to be paid,l�nder slr�ll not be rcqui:ed w pay Borrnwer any i�ecest or eaminga on the Funds. __--
<br /> Botjower aad I.cc�der may agtoe in wviting,howcrer,that in�shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shatl give to Boriower, _-- -
<br /> - witbout ch�rge.an s�ual axamning of the Punds, sbowing crtdits�ad debita to the Funds�nd the pa:pose for which eacb - _-_
<br /> - debit W d�e Funds was nmde.Tbe Fundv at+e pledged as addidonal savrity for a}1 swns seat�by t6is Security Instniment.
<br /> •:�� If tl�e Funds held by Leader exceed tt�e amoants permitted to be held by applicable law,Iender sha4F ar.,ount to Borrower --
<br />=-- '. fac ti�e exca�Funds in aa�idariee with the reqai�ts of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds be5i�y Lajder�any
<br /> tiaie is not siifficient to pay the Fscrow ite�ns when dae,I.ender may so�fy Borrower in writing,ard,ia such case Boraower � �"'�
<br /> ": sh�tl paty ra i.eMer the amount r�essary_to m�lce up the deficieacy.Bormwcr shall make up tbe deficiemcy in ao moie than := -�
<br /> twelve manttilY payments,at l.endec's sole discretion. > �':�='--
<br />_ �:�_.,�
<br /> IT t in full of all sums securod b this Securi Instnunent, I.ender shall ro 1 refand ta Barrawee an ;'�Z="R;:
<br /> pun paymen Y �7+ P �W Y Y , ,..-�,.,
<br /> P
<br /> � ` Funds hdd Lender.:If,under 21,Lender shall uire or sell the �` `-
<br /> by paragraph acq Propecty,I.ender,prior to the acqu'ssition or sale '_;�-: :°•.--
<br /> _ of tf re Property.sha11 aPpJy any Funds held by Leader at the tlme of acquisition or sate as a aMit against tt�e sums securod 6y -� ��,�i_
<br /> ::-,•�; this Sxurity lnstnunent. . '�'��'.
<br /> 3.APeBallos ot PsymaWs.Unless applicable law providcs ahcrwise,all plyments rcceived by Lender undcr paragraphs "i:`
<br />- 1�nd 2 st�fl 6e spptied:first.to anyr Prq�aYmcnt charges due ur�ler the Nate;secand,to amoants payable undcr paragraph 2: �'.-",F-u.�
<br /> . 8�iid,to interest due;fvusth.to principal due;and 6:st,to any tate charges due under thc Note. - _ ____
<br /> �_ 4.Clite�ts;Lkns.Bonower shall pay all taaes,assessments,charges, �nes and impasitions attr�ba►tabte to the Properiy -'�=.^;':;�'
<br /> _ � which mag uKtain priority over tliis Seea�rity invtruanent. and teasehald payments or ground rents, if any. Hormwer sd�paY ., -
<br /> these obDigbtions ia ttte ananner pmvidra�i in paragrap�2,or iP not paid in that manner,Boaowcr shsill pay ttkm on time d'erectly -____
<br /> '; to the person owod pasmen�Barmwer shaU pmmpcYq fumish to Lender alt n�of amounu ta be pai�r,�ader this paregraph. � =�w_
<br />--- If Borrower makcs these payments directly.Borrawer shall promptly fumish un�ender roceipta evjdenaqg the payments. ��:�.a;.�,-
<br /> _ -_ 8ormwes shall pivmgtly discharge any lien afiich ha�pr�ority over this Sccurity Instnranent unless Sanawer.(a)agrces lo =___
<br /> wriNng to the poyment of the 4bligation securad by thc licn in a manner acceptablo to L�endec:�63 cantests in gaod faith the liea ;�;�''"t.;.
<br /> '� � �- by, or defeeds against enforcement of the lien zc�.. Icgal proccedings which in the Leadcd's opinlon operate to Qreveat the :
<br />� enforament of the llen;or(c)secures from the h�",�er af the lien an agreement satisfactory to l,cnder subordinating the lien to � .
<br /> � , thia 5ecurlty lnstrument.lf Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a Nen which may attain priority over '
<br /> ,- -- - this Seca�ity Znstrament,Lendcr may Sive Barraa+er a noticc idcntifyin�thc iicn.Borrower shaS!satisfy the lien or take one os. -
<br /> moce of t�actians set forlh above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> Fonn 302s slso
<br /> ' v,o.ao+e .
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