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<br /> TMa Secand Deed of Ttust lthis'5�cond Oeed of 7►tt�tt•►�is mWs as of AUGUST 23�,199�by and aeiwrq \ �_ ("'.,c..
<br /> 1�'t'n�rtAr•1,wt�s n��1Uu3 a►cl�t� e11 N L��UST, GRA�!Q ISLP.N�J, h+E 68801 ; "
<br /> CQ(�lERCIAL FED�RAI. eANK� A SAVINGS BA���e•� , whosa maulkp addnss is �a�
<br /> 21?0 SOUTH 72ND. OnIAHA. NE 6Q124 . . N�bru�ics; �nd t�braska Ir�vetnmant Ftnance Author(ry
<br /> ("0aoeffciary"I, whose maitinp�ddmss Is Z00 Commorce Court.1230 0 Str�et,l.incoln, Nabnska 88508•1402.
<br /> 1�!]R VALU.ADLE CONSIOEAAT(ON,Tnutor irrevucably f�r�nsfen,cpweys and asaiy�s to Trustse,IN TRUST.IMTH POWBi
<br /> OF SALE,for the�sr•reiit a�d aacurity of Benefic.iary, under rnd subject to tM xerms and condltia�s oi this Second Dwd of Tnxt.
<br /> ths rsal Praputy�iaqilly described an 6chi6it!A a�ttachad hereto erxl i�cor�nrsied hensin by referenae 9the'Proputy"L• md
<br /> TO(3E�'HER W�'1'H.a!I rants,profits,rayatties,inaome and other benefits derived from the Properry(collectively,the'renta'1,
<br /> all teases o�subteases coverirp the Propeny or a�y p�rtion thr.7eat naw or hereafter exfstinfl or entered tnto,and all rlpht.��c1e uid
<br /> tnterest af Tnistar thereunder,all right,title and interest of 7rustor in and to any greatu estate in the Pre�erty owned or hereafter
<br /> acquired. all interests, estate or other clafms, bot•h in taw and in equiN, which Trustor now has or mav hereafter ac�wre in the
<br /> Propercy,ali eisaments,riphts�ot-way,tGnements,heraditamenta�nct appwtenances thereof artd therato,all water rinhts,all ripM.
<br /> title and Interest of Trustor, now awned or he�eaftar acpuirerl„.in arsd to arry Eand, lyfng wiihin ihn �ipht-of•way of any s�eet o�
<br /> hiphway adjofninq tha Property, anal �ny and all alleys and sirips and flores pt land �Cljarc�nt to or usad in connectipn with the
<br /> Pra�erty,anE ar�y and all buildinfla, +Faxtures end improvements now or heroafcer ere�etk•4h�aon(tfie'tmprovemerrts"1,and all ih�
<br /> astats.imerett. riqht, title or any claim or demand whlch Tnutor naw h�or rn�y hd�d'�Etr acquire in the Property, snd arry �noi�. :'
<br /> sil awuda rrude for the takk�p by eminent dornain, or by any proceedinp or Durchaae in I�au th�eof,of the whole or u�y pMt aP:� .
<br /> tAa Trutt Eante,tncludfnp with�avt Ilmitatiun��y�wards r@sutbng f�om a chan�e af prada af sorents and awaros fcr�everance,•.
<br /> damspus, � • .
<br /> 7t+a P�opWty and the enrire estate and interest conveysd to die i n�tae are referred to coUectiveiy as rhe'Yaust�stata'.
<br /> Fo�tt�Ihrpoi�ot S�curin9:
<br /> A. Payma�t oi Indeb�tb,*�as evidencad by any promiasory rwu of Trustor in fsvor of Beneficiery;u�d •
<br /> , B.. Paymsnt af ilt suirl�advanatd.by B�neflciuy to•protecx'�tn, Trust Estat�, with k�twest thsrson at tt��t�e al�:'••,; -
<br /> snctMn OM'c�nt 116'l6��pa arrxxn. � . : , , . .
<br /> : ;•'� � •� � , ;,.'..•r
<br /> � ``:th�indebtyd�tss daCribed in parq�aphs A ar�d 8 a�ove is+rrtomd ta aa the+lndebtedneas.' ,
<br /> , . ,�.r
<br />. .7Ais Sacond Deed of Trust.any promissory note ot TrusLOr in favcr of BaneHcfary and a�y other insuuRrerit pivs+n w
<br /> ' �vidence or furtswr sacua th�payment and perfom�snce of any oWipatfon secured Mreby are rnferred ta colltctivel�+as th�"[.ox�
<br /> Instnxnants'.
<br />`. Tra�tor covenants th�t S+!7rusiai hotds title to the TruYt Hmte and haa Iawfi9 aextyarity to encumher the Trost Estatt,
<br /> �• tiil tt�Trust Estatr is fres and cio�r ot aU Itens and encumbrmceis�xcept far essamants,�ro��cictiau artd covenartts of rscord and
<br /> a ti�O��d of Trttst fr�m Trustac enCUnlbfcinp the PtOp�rty datW ott ot itNWt tfle ttata FWreOt itt� '�irsc�aed of TrusY1, and: •,
<br /> liG)Tnistor wal dNerr�tfte Trust Estatd spainst dt�tawft�l d�ims of a�5y ptf5cio. '
<br /> � To ha�ci t!W S�aritY of Wt S�cw�d DMd of Tnn�
<br /> f i
<br /> 1. riyn�+rt olA�DMd�ss Trustor sh�ll paY whtu�dua ths princ;tpal of.and the intuesi on.the 1nd�bt�dneis and
<br /> a!1 otfier sums as provided in the Loan Instnr�rtents.
<br /> • 7 NIFA 2l96
<br />