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<br /> �• ��7sl�e7 tsr�d�t i Jrtie�7�� � .
<br />. • !�e!�c�M�'!L�r. , . ; � �'. , �"� • �'� ; .`,
<br /> � ' �y.. � i�e Yocie�i Tewt�aa`lsc+l�r s��eRq°t �aotloe oi iitartt at ti�t.aaf aocia •
<br /> .r ,.1.�.��.'�ri�sa�'[t.reoe,.c sr. ai+e�...� totct ta,cas tsr.e r�raaa�i� er ttil.D�et
<br /> ' . - feraC. . � _ . _ . . - - •
<br /> y�. �e�Nrei�roe�'!'a�u`tN. �w�tiaLr7�s7• lsaa tita to tiaa, b��sittw 3i�ses��at•` `
<br /> , s�ereri a�t ae]�srt�i�M iT����7�`. a�l3M te ic�tes ai raearirt is th�Corat�<Ss�lie0,elr }e�s- .
<br /> _` -. .- :�y �aM,y�otMs+el�,�I�is��te1 ttir�ew��f,asr oi sss NPliea�it'lar ot tLs Etaca ot�lfadra.
<br /> �i�csc�ta a�as�aie�s ta tIN inrtk��ist+eia as s��arsmdes. L.-- =- --
<br /> ` I�.-._l�w�iw.ssa-iit�..i�.-TTfiis-Dr�'�t tL�cJ�I�Y•to:�_4anr�i�eo t�busiii oi:�11�iais-{I�...----- .-.-
<br />—_�-�—�t1�ll�s�tto� tIM1Y �fTis il�Mes �Myt�s��iws� ���
<br /> .. 't�s"�tu�7��6a21 a�s tl�awss�N�olier of tAs sote, rbetLer os aot s�i u D�fieiss�1�rsis•
<br /> 31, lasEtetast•s towza. Mtcl�ost aii�ctia�eLa it�DtlicT oi ah ost�r p�raaw fiabi� fos s1+��a�rat
<br /> - et a�7 e�lii�� ���_ ���.affa�tiat th ii�a or c�rp of tbla DMd oi��. ;
<br /> �!!��of tlr K'aMnT�.L1Ma or LD�risotaz+� relw�d�s� s�essit7 ier e&� lu1l DsT�t
<br /> � , �11f�tiaus lM�tfe=�sl.a�f► fses ti'ta to tis a�i rit�oot �wtid:
<br /> . � (a) stl�ria +07 v��� 'so lfabi��
<br /> , (bY� ae�M tUs a�tuier or�Itss s7 oi th�tea� bf a�socU oDll�atim;
<br /> ` ' - � �(c3 �t ot�r ladai�se�s; . . . ` .
<br /> � (�) s�lws os se-ewiw7 or cawa to b� nitaNd or se-caawl�at a7 We u
<br /> e� �a�ficisr�'�optian, anl parcal.Postian or ali ot t6a 8sop�rt�i
<br /> �4 (�) t�ts oc tt1qM�7' oth�r os addittatal a�corit:!os aa7 oblliation b�r�is `
<br /> $ � . '�"sa..a�°`� .
<br /> yi . � (tj i�ks Ca�laitiass os otlws arraa��ta vith d�Dsors ia relaetat Lberdo. .
<br /> q` 11. co.nr►t.:�r�n. res,n.w� ot z1n..c .usli D.�or.sA.a e7 eb.1...nf ehs sac� oi x.b:..i�:aaa, �s
<br /> ��- t1N swat ap oM�es �os� o! elr pso�rl�laa coatdu�d iit thi�D��d of 2sa�t, os t6�aots os aa1 otL�s «=
<br /> � eusitf fasts�at tiwa is �oaa�etiaa vith CMs trso�actiat atull 6� far aa�reaaon b�held to b�lotalid,
<br /> �. lil�pl ar �icrs�la is aq rug�et..saab iuraltditl. ill�talit7 or msafose�sbilitT a6s11 rwt aH�t
<br /> a�p otlrs yra+lalaN oi this Dwd of 1Yuse; bue tl�Da�3 of Tswt shall be emstsaed as i!ineb�nvat3ds
<br /> i11K� � �fore�al►1a yra�l�lon haa�oa�es been cwtataed harafa os tbasela.
<br /> 20: sit.ae ot rn�..r.ec.. AsT iorb�as�mc.eY 1s�fle�.ss ot lsn,cee ss noarai.ins.+sr �s� �.
<br /> rwd�ha:�mder, or otlMS�rlrs aitosdsd b7+PPl�b lwr, sl�all aot Da s vaiver of or preclud� slu eaier-
<br /> cis�`ot an�sur.!►sitht or ra�dj bersaadsr. Litedte, th�vat�er by E�a�ticiss�os Tsurue ot an� dc�ault
<br /> ,of tha Tswtos nRd�r this ANd ot Trwt ah�ll not �dsred tv bs a waiwr oi aa�other os sidLs d�tault
<br /> sub�trat271 oCCtasiuf.
<br /> 21. �m�s�aca b�Tswt�s. IIpaa vrittai rsqwst oi the Eeaieticiasy statina t6at all sur sscared '.
<br /> Asstbj I+aw b�sa Daid, aoa �oa �uTSSt�s ot tt�is Daed of lswt:�3'c i`5e nott to tb�TsustN !or Cmc�Ilatios `:,; `.
<br /> �ed rat�atiaa+ad apm Paprat b�lsastor oi Trustea's"feea. ?itis,t�ee shall re-conw7 to 1Yuscos, os tbe �
<br /> p�ssoa or yasons leaall.�satiiled th�r�to, trithout varraoncY. �ja9.�ortiaa of ttts proPssCT then held hese-.
<br /> �md�r. �seitals in such re-coa�eyaace of any�attess os f�cts e�s�i be cone2wiw prooi of the trutBfvZ;
<br /> nq� t6assaf. Graatess in ths :e-caavaJance a�9 be dacribed ass.=b+aa p�rroA or pessaos lasall� eatitled -
<br /> tlMrsiO.� . � ' , .�
<br /> 22. Accsptancs b�rTrustea. Tsustee accepts this tsnst vhea this Deed oi TsuK, dul�_��ecated and =
<br /> a�lmarlyd�d, is �de a public recosd as provided b� Isr:. � ' -
<br /> n1 WITJ�SS tt�LOY. Trwtor h+�s eucatcd this DteB oY T che date i`s�noC t�d abo�s�
<br /> �l ,(Mi�/
<br /> . . A. -
<br /> . . . Catherine A. Qochnar -
<br /> ar�z or xas�ussw ) ' _
<br /> -� ' " ') »s :
<br /> COUliTY OP ) `
<br /> �� ' /j `.
<br /> • !kt ihie��dag oP . 198�, bo e me, the es gce , a Kota P 1!c_ �
<br /> dulg Casts�ioa-�d and qua11Pltd for eaid CouatY, Peraonally ca�e �' v� ' �
<br /> {�A��� �Ito�knaa eo be Lhs !deffiical pezeon(e) vho�e na�e(s) (!a/ate) s crib�d Yo th� or��oina D et d o ?r w t -
<br /> ���f�md (he/�he/thaplit) aclmuv2adgd4 the execution hereo! to�-be (hfs es/thaEsiits) wlmtasp ace and deed.
<br /> �'I tiicnes�ry�:d and Notarial Seai at �!��ia aaid Cawty,'�k�e daLe atosas�id. `
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