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� ' <br />3 <br />201101695 <br />EXH�SIT `A' <br />Lot Sixteen (1�, Block One (1), in Brentwood Secand Subdiv►sion, in the City of Grand Island, <br />Ha�l County, Nebraska. <br />A1�TD <br />A tract of la�nd ca�aprising a part of Lat Six (67, Slock One (1), Brentwood Second Subdivision, in the <br />City af Grand Island, Hall Cat�nty, Nebraslz,a, $nd moxe particularly descriibed as follows: Beginning at <br />the Southwest corner of said Lot Six (6); thenee northerly along and upon the West line of said Lot Six <br />(�, a disisnee oi FYfty Three ancl Tweaty-'I`wo Hundredths (53.22) feet; thence aortheasterly along and <br />upon the westerly liae of ssid Lot Six (6), a tiistance of Twenty Eight (28) feet; thenee southeasterly a <br />distance of Nimety-Four and Tiurty-Three HuEndredths (94.33) feet to a point on the South [ine of said I,ot <br />Siix (�; thence westeriy along and upon the Sauth �itte of said Lot Six (6), a distance of Fifty-Nine (59.0) <br />feet to the paint of beginning. <br />