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201101690 <br />Frepared by: <br />Title Source <br />1450 Lon�; Lake Rd. Suite 440 <br />Troy, MI 48098 <br />�X�1; �r�f � <br />CERTIFICATION OF TRUST S S�{? �{ 5 ��' <br />UWe PAUL L. JAKUBOWSK.I AND CHERYL M. JAKUBOWSKI, Tnistee(s), l�areby <br />eonfirm and attest ta the followiri� facts and circumstancss relative to the below mentioned trust: <br />1. Naine of hust: CHERYL M. JAKUBUWSKI LIVING TRUST is curre�tly in existence and <br />was craAted on March 27, 2003. <br />2. The hlist was estaUlished by: PAUL L. JAKUBOWSKI AND C�IERYL M. <br />JAKUBOWSKI <br />3. The cunent trustee(s) of the t��ust is/are: PAUL L. JAI�UBOWSKI AND C�iERYL M. <br />JAKUBOWSKI <br />4. The �awa�-(s) granted to the t� include: <br />The pawer to sell, convey and excha.nge the re�l prnperty which is the subject of <br />this transactian. x Yes No <br />The pawex to borrow amoney as well as �nort�a�e and encwnber the subject <br />praperty with a deed of trust. x Yes No. <br />5. The t� is Revacable and is revoca.ble by the fotlowin� party(ies): <br />PAUL L. JAKUBOWSKI AND CI-IERYL M. JAKUB4WSKI <br />6. Describe which tiustees or combinatioil thereof which are authorized tp exercise the <br />powers �ientioued ixx para�rapl� 4. if the h.ust l�as rziultiple trustees and less than all the <br />tzustees are going to execute the documents iiecessa.ry to coinplete this h�ansaction: <br />PAUL L. JAKUBOWSKI AND CFIERYL M. JAKUBQWSKI <br />7. The hlist id�ritification niunber is as follows ( Foiu Digits of SS#, etc.) 7437 <br />8. Title to tn�st assets shall be taken in the following fashion: Quitclaim Deed <br />The undersigned trustee(s) hereby declare(s) under penalty of perjury that the trust <br />described above has not been revoked, modified, or amended in any manner whicn would <br />cause the representatians cnntained herein to be incorrect. This certificafion is signed by <br />all of the currently �cting trustees who declare t above to be tr and correct. <br />�... �,�-�� .��`-- � ` t <br />PAUL L. JAKUBUWSKI M. J BO SKI <br />Date: � J � ��l" I � � � <br />STATE OF �-�� <br />C4UNTY OF c� <br />) <br />) ss. <br />On �'�, �a �� me persnnally � PAUL L. JAKITBOWSKI AND <br />CHERYL M. JAKU84WSKI, ko be knowi� to ba tlxa pez•son(s) desciibed in and who executed <br />the fare�oing instnunent and acknowl�dged ti�at he/slie/tliey executed the sazne as liis/her/t�ieia- <br />free act and deed. <br />� <br />Notary Sign ture <br />�Q .���n,��e ��zrr���rrn.� <br />Cotuxty, �-�( <br />My commission expires d� � / � - �'e � % <br />�U01683566� <br />1632 1213/2010 76821315/3 <br />GENERAt NOTAR`t - State ot Nebraska <br />� � il� 2�14 <br />