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_,.� <br />2 011 RE-RECORDEa ��N' <br />0131� 20110168� <br />which currently has the address of <br />Improved Ag Real Estate <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />("Property Address"): <br />subject only to those matters set forth in the Permitted Prior Encumbrance Rider, if said rider is attached (hereafter <br />"Permitted Prior Encumbrances"); <br />TOGETHER WITH all buildings, improvements, equipment, fixtures and permanent plantings located therein or <br />thereon or appurtenant thereto, and all additions, replacements, and improvements hereafter made thereto ar placed therein or <br />thereon; all rights-of-way, easements, rents, issues, profits, income, proceeds and general intangibles there from, tenements, <br />hereditaments, remainders, reversions, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, however evidenced which are used <br />ar enjoyed in connection with the real property now or hereafter owned or belonging to the same or which hereafter may be <br />acquired and so used or enjoyed; <br />TOGETHER WITH all water and water rights now owned or hereafter acquired by Borrower and howsoever <br />evidenced, including but not limited to any water rights specifically described in the Water Rights Rider if said rider is <br />attached hereto, whether such water and water rights are riparian, appropriative or otherwise and whether or not appurtenant <br />to the real property, along with all ditch and ditch rights and any shares of stock, licenses, permits and contracts evidencing <br />such water or ditch rights, and all wells, reservoirs, dams, embankments or fixtures relating thereto; <br />TOGETHER WITH all personal property, including all windmills, pumps, imgation equipment, motors, engines, <br />and devices of every kind now or hereafter used for or in connection with the irrigation of the real property, or for stock <br />watering or domestic purposes thereon, and all grain bins and storage bins, which are owned by Borrower and which are <br />located on the real property in Hall County, Nebraska, described above together with all additional accessions, <br />replacements, improvements, repairs and substitutions to said properiy and the proceeds thereof and all other fixtures now or <br />hereafter located upon the real property, all of which are declared to be appurtenant to said real property, or incident to the <br />ownership thereof, or used in connection therewith; <br />TOGETHER WITH all judgments, awards of damages, settlements and payments or security (i) hereafter made as <br />a result of or in lieu of any taking of all or any part of the real property under the power of eminent domain or for anydamage <br />to the real property and/or the improvements located thereon, or any part thereof, and (ii) hereafter made for any damage to <br />the real property and/or the improvements located thereon, or any part thereof resulting from exercise of or attempted <br />exercise of mining rights or claims, however reserved or asserted, and resulting from the disturbance of any of the surface of <br />the real property. Borrower does hereby covenant and agree that Borrower will not give such consent as may be required of <br />the owner for mining or other surface disturbance by the terms of any patent, deed, statute, law or otherwise, without the prior <br />written consent of Lender; <br />TOGETHER WITH all proceeds of and any unearned premiums on any insurance policies covering the real <br />property and/ar the improvements located thereon, including, without limitation, the right to receive and apply the proceeds <br />of any insurance judgments, or settlements made in lieu thereof, for damage to the real property and/or the improvements <br />located thereon or the indebtedness secured thereby�, <br />TOGETHER WITH all contract rights, chattel paper, documents, accounts and general intangibles, rights to <br />performance, entiflement to payment in cash ar in kind, or any other benefits under any current ar future governmental <br />program which pertain to the real property, whether now or hereafter existing or acquired; <br />TOGETHER WITH all cash and noncash proceeds of the conversion, voluntary or involuntary, of any of the <br />foregoing; <br />NEBRASKA--Farmer Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 5000.28 <br />�PeirsonPatterson, LLP.-Arlington, Texas 2007-2009 <br />1614140211 [Doc Id 9701 Rev. 02.11.11] <br />