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<br /> pv�,=��s Je SILSLHIiD JEROtdB K nI�BI�ENO
<br /> 9�,� �,�;�QQ,� ioo3�o 09/OS/1996
<br /> 9.Coniiemna�bn.'n�C pi'°Ceect�of�n�r uwarci urc cinlm[nr i�m+►�ey,direct ar conseyucnti�i.in conrxction w�th�ny
<br /> c�rnslenuu�tiotz or���1►�r�i�u�i..c:iulc�r�c,PtpPet tu�tlle trytr�rtnf nf��f nrn g�e deetlenf tcust'or otl cr secudt�Breemeat witiba —
<br /> �.ssi�ned ar�l stu1 p �=�
<br /> ilcn wbich tsus pr�o�1►Y over d►i�Dec�l of Trust. B ��u�, Nd� Wuve�,. fixtenslou of the time for payn�ent or _
<br /> 1!. borrowa Not Rdeaudf Forbainu�ce J
<br /> modiflcuian of���`o n��,I��yur�b�r�r�,���lity of ttu o�ri�innl Bonower�and Bu�r�s succassois in
<br /> gomower stall �
<br /> interat. Lcmke sh�ll nat be rec�uirecl to comm�ence prc+�u�ed'i��Tcust by reasou of x�y demand m�de b tl�eo Rln�1
<br /> or othecwise madlfy�rti�r�c�o�ti esf s�:e..um....:eured h� d ht or remeay t�e�u�xk:. � -
<br /> �RO��ga�co�,,,�r's succ;cssors in intereat. Any fi�nc�ar,u�ce by L.euder in exercisin�wiy g
<br /> or otlrecwise�tfotdtd hy apPlic�bie law, st�sll nc►t t�e t w�►ivor of or pr�luda t1x eaerc�i.�he co�venants xnd aBrexmen�h���n
<br /> Il. Succs�orr Wd AealOr Bourd+�oipt�d F?xr�F fi�DlYty:Co-st�riare•
<br /> contAfned stu�il bcad.and the d�ht�hercunder shall inurr.tn.the cespxEivo successors ancl assigas af Lendcr suyd Borruwer,
<br /> subject to the pmvisloac of pur8r�h 16 hereaf. A!1 co<<�+ants wd aBreemnts of Borrower�1�of�od�
<br /> �y g�������u.slgps�h;A p�d of Tn►st,hut�Pues nnt e�ecwe We Note,(a)is co-sigain8
<br /> �r�nt�tnd convey tlu�t Borrower's interest tn tde Prapetty to Tru�ee uade�x�thLender swd any ther Bocrowetr henunder .
<br /> persanxily 1lxble on the Ncxe or under this Deed of Tm�t. �nd Cc)aBree
<br /> �y�gxee to exc�ad.modify. forbexr,oT malce any o�i�er accan�dons wich regud ro�he certns nf�his Deed of Tcust or
<br /> �N�.�vithout tiut Borrower's coasent and withvnit mlt;��in� t�t Borrow�r or roodifying this Dced of Trust as to thac
<br /> gorrower's ipterat in tho Prot�ertY. mdc� �
<br /> �2.Nd{�e. Bxcept for w►y notice coquired uador�pplicable I�w to be given ia auotl�er matwer. (a) wY
<br /> Borrower pmvided for in�his Deed o�s�lA���otheryaeddress�s Bomnwer msy cfesignxt by mtics to Lcnder�u -
<br /> �ddns.qed to Borrowet at th. Pn-'?E°*n'
<br /> �,n�vidrd hcxein.u�d(b)xAY aod�e to Lender shalt•ba giuen by ceni�ied mail to I.crxfer's address stated herein or to such
<br /> �c�tt4zet�ddress u I.euder ruay desiB��bY notice to ftur�:rr�c�ouer sts ptovided herein.A,a�y notiee�provided for en th9s I?:ed o�
<br /> Tru.a�ii hc deemecl to 7�nv,bocn given to Rorrowa¢ar L,�udCr�vhedli�blc t�s D�afTSU�sttesbal3 be t?�c�aws of the _
<br /> 13.Ga�s�i►a�ini Lwi Suva'aWlky.Thc state And tncu!�Aws ppp. Uc.�bili of Pederal lnw ta thls �
<br /> juriadicdon iD which the Praperty is locatecl. Tde Wcngoing seatence �ha�l not limit the a�+g' �Y �_
<br /> Deed of Tiust. ln the event th�t any provision or cl�ueo of this Dce�l ot Tnut ar the Nata con�llets vv�th applicsble Ixw,
<br /> such confl3ct stnll mt affect aher P tha�rovi a�ms o�� �Dxd ot Ttust�ad tthe Idote are decllued to be severablet As
<br /> conAictin�Provisio°� u�d to tbis end P �ipble Iaw or
<br /> used berein. 'costs". "eapeases" and "�tzomeys' fdea' include all s�sws to c6e extent not pmh3biud bY app
<br /> limi�od herein. of tha Note wd of tbis Deea 4f'itus�ac ma
<br /> 14.Hon�aNn''�CePy. �'�'O��i be furnis�ded t ronfamed ca'PY
<br /> time of exocution ot tt��RA��. ��r rhs11 lWfill �ll of Bartower's obli�ations undrr �ny home
<br /> i�. Rdr61Md�1oe� ir or aher lo�u s�reen�cat whac4 Barower aalets iato wlth Lender. Lender.�t 1.enQer's
<br /> re�Mliaition.imDro„ea�nt•�P�► le to Lender. Rn asignovea af�ay
<br /> �� �y roqu{re �orrower to exa.ute �ad daliver�.+ Ixnder�In�foeia�cee�u►b
<br /> d�t.c1�laos or dafeo�which 6orrAwer mry hr►va t�r9nt pa=da who aPpiy l�bor.ru�teri�ls or eecvi�a in cu�on
<br /> with impoove�ae��fo ttw Fi�A.�, of tbe PropeKY a�u►Y in�etest
<br /> li.Tra�f�af tMe lr�opM�y o�'a�enefkEal Ipt�twt la�n�e'. 1f dl ar wY P�
<br /> ln It i��old o�mwt�ereed (a if�brneflcl�l tiatm.ct in B�wer !e eold or tr�n�� ����f�il ao�
<br /> persoa)wid�out Lieeder's p�ior writteA waeent. txndar�aoty.►t la op�os�.re9
<br /> sec,�uc�od by this Deed of z�uet. Howcwer. rhts optlan s�ll not be exercisod bY Lender if exe�eix is prduMted by federal
<br /> law�c of t6e d�te e�g tdla Deed of Tn�st. vide a paiod
<br /> If Leuder exerciscs thia option. l.end�r shnil givo 8amw�er notke of�ccekruion.The notice slv►l pro
<br /> of nnt N�a tban 30 dayt from d�due tltio nodcc is dbliwera!o=ma�kd within whi Q��od.txnder may�dcewnd
<br /> by thiis Dad�f Tn�st. It Horrower fails to piy these sun�prla to the expir�►tinu
<br /> c+emedies Pen�tt�by t6is Deod of Tn�st witbovt furthar aotice a demuW o�Horrower•
<br /> NON•UNIPORM COVBNAf3'i'S. Bor��nwtr�nd����������',�,��s p� ��pr
<br /> 17. Aooda'�tion+ Re�� P.kapt � pr+n . li bereoP► upo�
<br /> aa Borso+�la tLb�{d Tnrt,I�dudlaft�'���tWa�e to pay.by tbe ead d li
<br /> c,o�e�ot oe � are dae,a�+7 s�ase�ubd br tYi�De�d o[7'rwt,I,ender Prbs'to�cceiawloo�1 d�
<br /> ����� 1Z b�a�tot��edPY�K. (1) the brach; (21!be�etion rawired to c�+e
<br /> trot�o�to�oe'ro�a'�s P�'O���° ��
<br /> peY bra�eb; (31 a d�tq�ot Ir,�e th�n?�dUw[u+oas tLe d�te the �otloe d a�dia!W�o�ro�w,�b� �,�In
<br /> mwt he ar'ed3�nd(�)tdt[atlatie to cure t,u�bre�ci�oa or beloe+e tbe d�te��shdl trrrtha infam
<br /> t�ocderst{oa ot We ams �ocured by tlds Derd of Tn�t�ad wk o�tLe Prope�t7•
<br /> Sorruwer o�the r�ht to rdertate�fter a�ader+�Rba and tbe rl¢�l to�a cart�ctbn to�at t6e uona�3�tesa o�
<br /> a 8dwk or any ot6er delene of Bon�owa t9�ocd�tia� aad s�le.It t6d braich M oot cured ori or bet�e tLe date
<br /> spedtied!a t6e uotioc,I.a�da'.�t �������y da4r��II nt tLe suro saured by thfs Deed ot Tr�t to be
<br /> �di�teiy due�nd Vs7+� wiibout trniher d��teantl u�d may la�due t6e powa'of eak u�d�ny oti�reenaffce
<br /> ��� b�r �ppikable I�w. i,ender etwU be n�tkd to colkct �11 raro�bk eats �od exPen��r�� �
<br /> p�we ranedl�W'odded in t1�N p�ry7EaPh 17.IndudM�.but aot timited to�r�ombie Mtome7�
<br /> V tUe po+�et o[aafe le is�okedr TruRa shUi raord�iatla ot de('�uit In aKh ca�rt!'� b�h t�law o
<br /> aom�P�'t tLntiot N locatcd and �ll mw1Y oopla ot wich ootke Qn the quuon' praxrf
<br /> Borrawec�i to thc otha psn'so"s Pr��1�d by�pplksble�w.Afta trio IyNe of sut�n Ume a may i�e ra�ired by
<br /> ..._.. _,__......,u.,��.,..J..�e�il� �oeraon aod lu the m�mer prwaibed by appUc!We
<br /> �pplic�laie isw, 'i�isa .�•• s�•� w��^°-.-- _ -- -- � auctbn to the W�blUaar�t tae t�e
<br /> Itw.Tnetec,wltlwut dataina on Bonnwcr►�oll eell tLe F'o(� �� �In such orck�'a�Tn�tee
<br /> u�P��utt3er tDc tam�dssfputed ixi t{lato notic�ot utle tn one ar more��+aL+ at thc tin�
<br /> m•_y detpmine.T►�uetee ms7 {w�p�sak ot Wl or`n�prrxl of the Prope+ty bY P�k�i0p°�
<br /> = ond i� ioual�sclKdu]ed sak.II.e��der or I.ead�r's dt�lgee�msJ'purchase tlHe PropatY at aW'�Ix.
<br /> 04 uty Pre� 7'n�stee'e deed con�epi�t�e
<br /> - lx�pnn reaiP��P�7��xt�e pdce L1�i�Tnrtee eWlf ddlver to thc pure�'
<br /> °- pr�,�ye�;t�sold.Thc rattale ln the�'n�et4e's dse��h�ll be pr7�s�[�►cle evideexe ot t�be ttna�t6 ot the�t�tea�e�t,i ar�tle
<br /> - ��rdn.Tn�etee sh�nll�pp19 the psaceed�of rtQ�e�a1e In t�he foUa�win�orrkr:(�D to Nli�a�bk�pad ex�oP
<br /> - the eate,[mcludinft, mut not limit�d ta,Tru�e�c's Qea+adwdly �ncwwtid�+6 mos more than S 9b ot seee�eak P*lce.
<br />-_ . rwsomble �ttorncyd' feed ax�d cneie of tiUl e�t kd�Ad�tto aU suas oecwrcd by t�Deed mf sT�t; and(c) ti�e
<br /> acceas,it any,to thc�n or p.�cso�k�al y
<br />-- Pege 9 of 5
<br />_-- Nabnelu z6875•2 5�9s OriQinai(R�QOrdddl Copy(Bramch) CaPY lCu�tos�r)
<br />