t, .. .. - � '' •..F,�,_._._..,, � �` � __ •-. - -� � -.--_:= —- ..
<br /> _..:.ae�na �..�_..�...,.
<br /> ..' __ _ = .. . _ . ... ....__... ., .. . — ___ _ '_ —_ ___
<br /> ^�_A.'t�3�Y�_',.�_i. ..� �a6...:W._._�..J1��wanc�__.._____..�.____" __ .__� . _ --__ __.__
<br /> „ 17. Tra�ngf�r af 4he Propeciy �4 a B�n�efl�l�l InYArost Ilt t3arrow�r. It un or eny �an ot th� PrN�ty or
<br /> , any int�rest In it Is aold or transtened (ar fl e I;nnnflr.lnl Interect In Bnrrawor In nulrl or trencferrad and 9otrower Is not a netural
<br /> perean) without I.ender's prtor wdtUm cunaent, I.unn!nr mny,nt Ita o�tion, rnq�drn Immarlinto payment ir� lull �t all �ums aocurcd by
<br /> this Socurity Inatrurncnt. Ho�vevcr, tli(a o�tion oltnll n�t bc exerclsad by Lc�ndnr If cucrclao Is prahlbitcd by I��d;rnl Icw no of tho �
<br /> date ot Ihls Securlty Insirument.
<br /> II Lender exerclses ihis optlon, Lender eh*II give �orrower notice ot Qcar,loreilon. Tlie notice shall�rovlde a perlod of not �
<br /> lese than 30 deys lram lhe date tho nutice Is doilver�d or mallad wllhln wl�loit Borrower muat pay el; fiuma secured by thls
<br /> Security Inatrumsnt. II Bonower lalla to pay thcee suma pdor to the explrptlon o1 lhle perlod, LendHr may Invoke �ny remedlea
<br /> permitted by thls Secudty Insttument witii�ut hiAher iiotica or dnmand on Br,iro�vnr.
<br /> `i8. 6oi'iGV�iii''fi Cil�yii2 4a R�:ltz..�,:,�. ff Bouo�•�er ma;.9s ccria�ln nondlllm��, L�orr�vur ch:.11 hnvc thc ripht to have p �_
<br /> entcrcement o1 this &ecurity Instrument dlor.cantinu�d �1 �ny dme �rior to thn oeriler oi: (a) S d�ys (or such �iher palod re
<br /> appllcnble Isw may specity tor relnatntemont�,bnfnre eale of ihe Property purounnt to nny power of sale contnlned In thls Secudty
<br /> lnstrument; or(b) entry o1 e judgment Ereforc:lnp thl�i SecuNry Inalrument. Thann aonditlons are that Borrower; (a) pay9 Lendex eil
<br /> sums whlch then would be due under tlils Sercu�ih� Inativment nnd tho Nota nn If no ncceleration had ooairtad; (b) cures eny
<br /> defauft ot eny other covenant or aQrn.emmito; (c) �;nya nll o�►nnsos Inaurrnd In ontorcinp thls Secu�ity In3tn�ment, Inciuding,but
<br /> not Ilmited to, reasonablo stturneys' fonn; and (d)tnkes such actlon nn Londor mny reasonably requlre to n:ssure that the Ilen of
<br /> thls Secudry Instrument, Lender's ri�hlt� in tlin Property and Borrower's ablipatlon to pay tl►e sums secured 6y this Secudry
<br /> Insirument shall continue unchonqad..W��nn reinstntamont by Borrownr, thin Socudty Instrument and the obligatlons secured .
<br /> hereby shall remain tuly eftecthe an il.ttca accalnmtlan had occuROd. Ma�vovnr,thln rl�ht ta retnstato shail not apply In the case
<br /> oi acceleration under peragraph t•7.
<br /> 19. SaIY of Not@; Ch41�pO Of Loan ServlCer. The Noto or n 4 pnrtinl intorest In the N�ta (together wlth ihis
<br /> Securiry Instrumeni)may be sold onp or moro Umes without pNor notica to:BoROwor. A sete may result In ri change In the entity
<br /> (known as the`Losn Servicer')thnt ca1l��cta monthly payments duo undor tho Noto end thls Security Instru�nent. Thero elso may
<br /> be one or maro ohanges of the 6amz 5orvlaer unreiated to a sale oT ttta Nato. It there Is e ahanga ot the Loan Se�vicer. �
<br /> Qorrawer wlll be gtven writtcn natlUU of tiia chanpo In nccordance wfih pamptaph 14 above and nppllcebie k�w. The notice wiU
<br /> staie tha nrme qnd address of thn rtmv Lonn Servicer and ihe addrose to whfah paymcnts shpuld be nia�o. The natice wlll�lso
<br /> nontain any otber infortnatlun reqqirrsd by epplicable Inw.
<br /> Zn. Haza:�lous SG�tITfim6, Borcower ahell not causo or parmil ihe presence, use,cllsposnl, storage, or r�leaao of
<br /> any Hazarda��n 5uhstences on on In tli�Property. Horrower shall not do,nor aHow anyone else t� du, anything aHecting the
<br /> Property lht�t is In vloletlon of anp Eiivfronmentat I.aw. The preceding ri�o sentencas shall not appty to the prosenc•,use, or
<br /> storage on the Property of small c�Unntftlo� of Hazardoue Substanaes that�re generaily racognlzed to bo epproprfeite to t}om►at
<br /> resldenttal usea and to malntonunaa of thn Property. �'
<br /> 8ortuwer shRH prompty gn�v I.end��r wrHten noUco ol any Investiryalion, claim, demand, Ixwsuh'or other ection by any
<br /> govemmantal ar r�x�il�tory agixi��y or private perty Involvi�g tha Property nnd miy Hazardous Substance or Environmental l.ew of
<br /> which Bortowa hao aotunl+knawlud�a. If Bonower leams,�sr 19 notlfind by nny govemmental or reg�tn<ory authority, ihat�ny
<br /> renwval or oth�r romadlutinn;¢t• any Hexerdous Subst�nce aftecUng Praperty Is necessary, Borrbwar sh�N prompty taKe.41e
<br /> necessary remedial antiqnn Nt aaao+rl+mae wfth�nvlrunmw►tal t,aw. • ,
<br />- As used In thle p�vmQtRph 2Q, "Huxardous 3ubstanca3'are thoso subatanoos deftned ps toxlc or hazardous substr�ncOs by � . ,
<br /> Environmrntwl Law:. and titn htllnwfnQ sub�tances� gasoline, korosono, othor flammable or loxic �etroi�um pruducls, toxlc
<br /> patlddes end he»h4nNtae,�vaNdilu snivente, materfels contetning asbestor� or•lortnaldehyde, �nd rndioachWo mnterials. An used in . '
<br /> p�ny�aph 20, '�m�hpnm�mtut Lew' moano iederal laws and I�wa of Iho juriadicllon wliere tho Properry fs located that raiate to
<br /> hedth, s�fety or envkaronnnhd prntoMlon.
<br /> NON•UAiIFORM.{�Qll►fDU�N'rS.Borrower and Lender furthor covona�t aqd e{�rae es follows:
<br />= 21, Acc�fyrrtf�tn�; R�ai�dirs. I.,�nd�r sh�ll glv� notluo ta Borrow�r prk►r to �cc�brat[on
<br />= followlnp BorrawaH+'�t bna�ch of any cov�n�nt or sqrN�m�nt In thls S�curity tnstrurn�nt (but nat
<br />- priar to wcc�l�r�b und�� para�raph 1T unl�si �ppllc�blr Isw provld��othrawi�). 1'hs noNc�
<br /> shwll sp�aNy: (a);;tl�a d�uk; (b) the �ctlon �squtnci tn curs th� dohutt; (c} ��lat�, not I�s th�n
<br />- 30 daya from 1�i�G�daba th4 notic� Is piv�n to Borraw�r, by whlch th� drfwtt must b� cur�d: and
<br />� (d) th«t failu+Y�';Eo��cur� ti� d�iwlt on or b�for� th� ds�t� �p�cffl�d In ttN e�otic� may r�uft tn
<br />� acc�l�r�d:ion��t�t�lM� �w�»s secur�d �y this S�curity inatrumei�t Nnd sai� of tF� I�PC�p»rty. TM nt�dc�r
<br />_ shall furthsr Iy��kartm�Barrow�r of th� riyht to r�lnateta after aac�l�ratlo� �nd td��e rt�ht to bri� a
<br />' court �c�iun•4c� a�sasrt #hr non-axist�nc� .of a d�hult or any otMr doMnor of darrow�� ta
<br /> � �ccd��allon *n�'�i�N�. fi ti» d�fauft is not cand on or t��for� tfK dJ�t�spo�ciii�d in th� notic�,
<br /> L.�nd*r �t it� opt�t�:mQy rrqutra imm�di�ts paym�nt In full of all �terns�are[i by thl� 5�curity
<br /> ; . Instrumsn�wltl�auR Ri+df�r demen� and may invok� thu pawsr of ssl• �ndf a�ny oth�r ►�in�di� ;
<br /> 1'• p�rmfit��by ap�lt�catsi��taMr. land�r shall b�antitiod to uuilect all oxponwa incu�nd In �turauing .
<br />. ?t3» r�mwdi�s provids�cD�i�ti thP� paragraph 21, includlnp, but ��ot timtt�d to. r�asonsblo attom�ys'
<br />�. l��e�s snd cosb of tiNe avi�iMne�.
<br /> • • ff 4h� pow�► of s�lU�:t:s tnvdc�d� Trusto� shall record a nottca of d�fa�l� in ��ch county In
<br /> , vrhlch �t�y part of ths Ptta�rty 1� locat�d �nd shall �nall copl�s of such �rm�t9a;e In th� msnn�r � �'
<br /> � , pr�scrib�tl by appUcaht�k I;raw ta Borrovr�r and to tha otildr persons prssaribad'�y sppticablo I+�w. �
<br /> Aft�r th� tEmo r�qairatd�l�y ppplEca6l� law, Trustaa ahall glvu public notic� c4 eals ta tlw p�rsons
<br /> � end in th� ma�nmr ry�•x3c��11"r6d by applicabto law. Truatae, w(thout damand aa Borrow�r� sha1M rail
<br /> t�� Prop�l�y OT pUbZIPv ��c:tiocti to ths higl:aat bidder at tha timo end pl�c� a�nd und�r th� t�rm�
<br />��ti • d�algn�t�d in th� nattC��at` aai� fn on� or more paraefu and in any ord�r Trush� d�hrmin�s.
<br /> �'' Trustoa m�y postpa�e aata of alE or any p�rc41 of the Pi�operty by publlc wnnounc�mont at th�
<br /> ; tlms and plac� of s�z�y p��vEously rch�dul�d sale. Landwr or Ita deaign�� may purchaa� tho
<br /> Prop�rty at Any sal�t.
<br /> Upon r�c�lpt of puycn�cx o! thm prtc� btd, Truatvu ehail d�livor to th�s purchat�r Tru�t�'s
<br /> �� aee�i canwying ms rrop�rry. ��4 r�itata in tne Trustc�d'ss aaea a�atr os�Srtma t:a:a avia�nce ot
<br /> ' tl� truth of tFw atatemonis rct�d� thQr�in. TYuscte� a�l�ull epNly tiw proc��tds of tl» sale In the
<br /> � following ordQr: (a) t� alt� cr,,rib and exponsos of exui�leing th� pawor af aal�� and th� s�le�
<br /> including ths payment a�f 46te 'Fr�sta�'s f��s actually Incw�rod� not to excw�d thve______
<br /> 9'e of tha �Srtnalpal amount af tho
<br /> not� at the ttm� af the daclaraGiu�.�04 dafauk, and ruasonabls attorney'a f�as �a p�rmitt�d b}� law;
<br /> (b) to all suma secured by thts Sa�uvity tmstrumerot; and (a) any excsss to th� person or p�raons
<br /> lagaily ontftied to it.
<br /> F131G.LMO(3/96) �u9n a ot 5
<br /> 96t36
<br />