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<br /> -.s='�.. 4 �y - - �. r:_ -s_�_
<br /> `d. _.....,... .... . . - - - . . _..•'--- - � -
<br /> � . T . . . . .. . . ' .�. . - .. _ . ... 4 -
<br /> � - �'-��� . - — . . - • ' - .. � . `` .. --
<br /> . � . ` t_ � . � . � . - : ' . _ - ..VL��� ' �� � " ,ti` � .
<br /> . .�1�.���.�it 1�I�i►ir���r�• -�01�ifiwiit i�l tewMe iie i�i.��e.i R�fw�os�f 11M t.r:s.�i a�ili�il .
<br /> 1M�ItM�.ir�aw�i:�x��w�tlr►Mf.sr�MU��Nf►�11�3�iNiN��err�iMyi!►arM/M/irMi�a .,
<br /> rlwy+�tlMow�ls�r��w�el�MrrMilw.�wlfei�11�i�cl����trr�1�'r!t��MM�/�M��wiiMsr�
<br /> -��If��NeNM�IS�/Nd1N trNMlll,��'�IIIIIIMIf.i1�111M./1'1!�{f!t 1111i0!�f iht k�lli.iA�l'�1K,�r UMI.�!1�N
<br /> - t �t��wtin�itlnti�n�Mfwft af N�i ix�eb:Tr�be�1�tM poMw if�Ia�f 1M tr�rt1�ni H M�icw�1►�ci1�11r
<br /> wnMrt�ft 1�'�s�M k�Aail!i/Mit�iN�7e�1�ll�is b�iaf Uwt�d tM�iM�a�r noM aid�t ollw�Mht nriiMC�+!�'�
<br /> ��1 Mrdh►.a�i�bi M�r»T�a writNn�atia o�A�tait end*ctian to cau�tM R�rty to 6�s�il.an1 Tnat�.in hrn.�M
<br /> �r��si�ior adia+n tM tu�rrli's�i 6f11o�+�t+iC!►shaN 6��ut�l!�d ta�nc�e�d ifr TnaM: �
<br /> - t�)AftKtMt�aot3ud�timtdsmer6�rp�d-arlwitoMow�tl�enta�tiensfllMio�dOdait.mdlkfi�dOd4�aMMolic�of` �_
<br /> _ _ -- - - S�irlNri�irn�irM a�n�4d 1�lI Mw.Tru�tN.�tlhout d�niand on Tru�tor,sb�all s�1ht PrapwlY in on�ar nias palt aii in�fi a�- ----
<br /> _ asT�stu�NdrNr�aalheAeNoednttTr-�aa���is�d�+R�aidi'bt'iorof3o�:-nt�i��'i�sa�sls�t�.---�---��"�c.__—� _ -
<br /> d�prict perabN in cosfi ie larfii!n�arf►of'�Unihd Statts ot th�ti�s of sdt.Tht PK����saM n�o!►,far anf►u�tt M oroM
<br /> i�i���.0��tM saM 1baa�twM to ti�e unt?it shoM�e�anpMNa a�i,i��wft wdt eas�.�atia of postpaw�rt�M M�
<br /> w N��;e�th�u°f b�r s�ch pwson at th�tiaN and�looe�bs�appoinhd far 1M sab:.OroYid�d.if tht salt is postpoa�d'tor le�g�r tbon
<br /> an�lli�f►I�fI��.d!!►�����tioric�af SaM.notice th�roF shali b��iwn in t1i�sam narMr os ih�orgi�i Notic�of SeM.
<br /> Te�t��Mi��oauN and d�iwr ts fh�pun.ias�its DMd oonrhrinp th�Pra�ry so sold,but wif6out anit�w��a+�f���� .
<br /> i�p�i�d.Th�ritilals in tM OMd of ary niathrs a fact�shaN 6�canckisir�proof of th�tMMulnas thKrof.M�t p�rson,indudiry withaut
<br /> i�ilalionTn�stoe.�af►Pu'�atthfsatt. ° .
<br /> _— — lb).MA»n TnrstM sdls p�ta 1h�.powrrs Mni�.Trust�shoN appt�l the procMds of tIw sal�to payn�t�of th costs aid��wrsts of
<br /> •�arc�ig th�pew+r af fab and of fht sak.Inck�in0,without Mnitatian.tM pamtKn of Trustee's iMS incurrtd.wCiich Trust�'s Fi�s sAaM not
<br /> in th�a�p�t���oa�d ths foMowiig a�ou�Is bosed upo�tht umaunt s�airrd.hK+hf►a�d��n�g��A�d:S p�rcenrom on thc 6etaK�
<br /> -- /l��of:ad thn toth�it�ns set farth insubpara�aph(c)hKSOf in the order thrnin stot�d. � �, `� .
<br /> °- . .te)Aft�yopiig the it�s spalfird in sli6ponop�apb @),if the sak is by Trustee,a tht propK caurt ad otlNr costs of fanciosuevid sale. .
<br /> if tM saN is p�urwonf to'ry�iciul font���i�t fxaa�ds of sale shdl6e appl'wd in the arder stctd b�bw tcthe pnyment of, �. :
<br />`'� (11 tos��fan�►avidincs of trtM proouisd in ca�etian with woh sde a�of on�►re�an�a�equfred to bt paid:. ., _
<br /> ,�:
<br /> �; � lZ)Attameys firss . ..����.
<br /> ` 3l Attsu�tl�t�tte�ebyr . � �.,•_;.�.,�.,,.-
<br /> `. (4)J��iortrustd�eds.ieort�s.arotherlier�ho�derss� . . ..._ . - - :��,�-F�,�,;c;�
<br /> �''� (S) ilr nnak�,if ary,toth�P���P����h entitkd tl�ereto. �
<br /> �����:.
<br /> :.�..,. _ � :_ f.�-�,.,�.
<br />;;::.��.
<br /> � �,��
<br />'���+� {d} ff ths Be�fkior�i of tl�irs Deed aP Trust i�o bank as defined by 11ebr�fca bw,my statenknt caetarted in any.otlKS sACtioe of this dead '���?"`,Y
<br /> ��� �--'��
<br /> .;!;:':_ `� notwithstan�Nrg.ths BNiefii�lr shdl not 6e a�titled to receiys or take and debta stall not 6�o6lipated ta pa�or 9ive%a+1►canfessian af'rydq.
<br /> � nNrM,poiwr of ottome�t to ea�f�ss�power of attomsy to app�ar tar a boROw�in o lu�icid p�ooe�di�g o►a�t to pay the costs __ �
<br /> � of colbctlon of.ihe attanys'tNS,unbss wch acts of collatfon waAd not othe�wis�bs proMbited by Nebroska law.Proridrd,howsver.that � .��==�
<br /> < this s�ttion does aot apply to the Trustee fas refKred 10 irt para¢oph�(b).Pruv�ded furthe�,thot this para9raph shdl not apply to this O�M of :
<br /> � Ttust,if tht 8�ficiary ,�.. .
<br /> ,• is not a bank. �«"`�',����
<br /> '�r'i�i AF.�x'�
<br /> 12. AY�iwwl Sawil�IMh�1�.Trustor,ot its expense,will execute and deliver to the&rKfic'ary,p►omptty uQon d�n�and,sucA s�curi•
<br /> NI'. t.�,,�•
<br /> ry�,sn,�,�r,a�s n,by b.rewsna br e�+,e�ciar�r,in fam and substance satisfoctory to Beneficlary,covering any of the Prap�ty com�Yed bY .,• -�
<br /> this DNd of Trust,wl�ich s�tuirty instrunents shalt be additwnal secur�ry fa Trustor's faithful performance of all of the terms,coveeants ond ,.
<br /> • tonditiau of this ONd of Trust,the pramissory aotes secured here6Y.ond anY other securify instnxnents exetuted in conKttion with this tran- . , =_
<br /> �- - sa�tion.Such instrur�►ts shdl 6b racad�d ar 6kd at Trustor's expense. _ . '.__
<br /> ' 13. �MIwMI d�ec�TrwN�. 8eneficia►Y mafi, fran time to time. b� u written instrun�nt execut�d pd acknowfe�ed by .
<br /> 8�f'Kiary,moit�d to Trustor and recad�d in the county a counties in which the P►eyertl►is laated ond by otfkrwis�camplyirg with the provi- : -� .':-'
<br /> � . sions of ths opplieable laws of the State of Neb�aska,substitute a successor a successors to the Trustee non+ed he►ein a octiig her�ude►. `'''�f��� _�
<br /> ` 1�. I�eli�.Benefic'wry,or its aqe+cES.representatives or workmen,ae autlarited to er�er ot ary reosaiabls time upon or in any part � ' •_q'a.y:--
<br /> . n� of tfw Property for the purpose of inspettinq the same and for the p�xpose of pertorming a�y of the acrs it is authroi:ed to periorm under the� ���
<br />. ' tKms of the Oeed of Trost. � =�
<br /> !� 1 S. ali�t�fwuM�.Crpon the avsrrence of any default herew�der.Benefkiary shall have the option to faeclose this Oeed of Trust in �_ -
<br /> �T th�ma�ner pravid�d by taw fac the farec+:�re oi mortgoges on reol praperty. , . � -___
<br /> Y.
<br /> 16. �wi��a ir�r�er NK E'�i1+r+r.AnY forebea►ance by Beneficiory in exercising ary ric�t a rem�dy hereunder,o►otherwiss .—
<br /> �; affad�bY applica6fs Ier-,�not be�w�r+et of or aeciude the exereise o!any such right ar remedy.�.iicewise,the waive�by Benei'Kiary of , . - ����;�
<br /> .�,;
<br /> ay d�fah af Trusta t�rtd�t`?:is Deed 4 f�:ros t sta l l n o t b e d e e m e d t o 6 e a w a i v e r o f a ny o t h e r o r s i m i t a r d e f a u N s s u b s�q u e n t l Y o u u a i n p. � , •'�'.�`
<br /> , � `' 17. T�1rr MM MM�:Extensi�o�j ths time ta poyment or modiflcatian a►amarti:ation of 1he suns secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> �. , ,�, ;,�,` �a�ted by Bare�'iciary to ary successor u�mterest of Trustor shall not eperate to refease,in any mam.ter..the liobility of the ork,pnol Trustw and ;,��,;.
<br />• •.'-'�'��.-�::�:"�'�X Trustar's sua�ssar in interest.8entficic�r s.".atl not be required to camm+�rrce praeedings against sudr�,.ccessa or refuse to extend�ime for ! ��''=`-
<br /> - -- — poymenf or ofltKwise modEty omortizatian of the sums securtd by tt�s Dc�d vf trust bY reason of a.Ry!dp^�aad made bY the origina!Fnrstar and �-_ ,- -- ,- ---
<br /> ���,,� lnistor's wuKSOr in ir�ter�t. ' � � 4 � .
<br /> •- 18. fwAdu�'i lkiars.Wifhout offecting fhe lia�:li�y.'F the=�star or any othe�person liable!ar the paymcxt c1 any obligation herein , .
<br /> �` m�ntiarNd,and without affecting the I'�en or tharge of this Oeed o1 TN�vpon aoy portion of ihe Prcperr�not thee w the►etotore rekosed as ; � .
<br /> �. � �`�' � saur'�ty�ar the full anoun!of oIl unpaid o6ligctiais.Beneficiary may,frcn time to time and without naiier�,(i)rekase any pe�son so lioble,(ii) � '.��;' �
<br /> �7t:
<br /> •--� � �xt�nd ths moturify a aMar any o}the terms of any such obligctions, (iii)grant other indutgtnces,l+v)rekase a reconvey,or cause to be .
<br /> . •'"'�°`� ' nNosrd ar recanvhred at ony time at Benef iciary's opticns any parcel,porNon a oll of the Property,(v!take a re(eg�any other or additianol � .
<br /> . ,:.�-.�:,.� ; .
<br /> ' ' '`_=°�' ��� ` sM,wityt fbr a►y obligotion herein mentior�ed,or(vi)motce tompositions ur�tiur arrangements with de�tor9 in relation ttt�reto. ,
<br /> . ;-r:-z. . =-:.-. �
<br /> ..;.:• : :=,. ' 19. ��A/�ai.Upan request of Trusta,Trustee at Trustee's opfion,prior to recemeyance et the Property to Trostor, may make ; ,
<br /> ' �'�-:�"�?`r� ivtun advcnea�10 Trustor.Such tuture advances, with interest thereon,shall be secured by this Trust Oeed wfien evidented 6y promisswy ? •• � �
<br /> :��•H..:� ... � � ',.,;;., ..
<br /> � °"�-" : ' _ rates stetirg that said notes are seeured hereby,p►oyided that et no time shall the secured principcl,i�rure aQvancas,not including sums ad-
<br /> vanced fo profect the security,exceed an ag�egate principat amount of 5 !_______�• • , ' .
<br /> �
<br /> _�� '�. ..- . ; - - - . - - � -- -
<br /> _._ � � �� -�p, ���T�.�n written�e�est of Benef icicry stnting that all sums secured hereby have been paid,and upon surrender .
<br /> � � " � ' � o}this Oeed ot trust cind the Note fo Trusfee far c�xettotion and retentian arid upan payment by Trustor ot Trostee's fees,Trustee shall ���•�� , .
<br /> ' 'neawsy to Trusta,or the peisa�or persons tegatly entitted thereto,without warranty,any pation of the Pronerty then held hereunQer.?he ,.;
<br /> � . • raitots in such recaivayaxe of tuhr motters ar fats shall6e concfusive praof ot the truthfutness thereof.Yhe grantee in any�eccnveyance may
<br /> ,_ .
<br /> ' . 6EdKSri6ed as"the peaon a persons kgotty entitled thereto". ' .
<br /> ,- ---_ -��--—_- - . . : . __ : � . `__�._-�__�.,_:>�..� -_
<br /> �, �. � , . • , .
<br /> . - ' .� ----- - - --- - - - - ' - - - - . _ . ... . . _ - . ,
<br /> � . � . � �. � .
<br /> ' � �
<br />