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<br /> " ,: . 'n��n,usr�sc��►ie.tim�t�...a.���TM �-=o�_ —�Y '� --- :�.s#��?,:.n,� . , .
<br /> • ar isi�oe�P��i��iaMM re�M�id�eiwrd�d wp�l�rwc He lrtoeU�e.D�M ef'irwt.a l�crrk�{�M i�lu'•l�rMT Mwerrw"!aY
<br /> � �rtswe dre d.�a�!r!!�e�e�t�ed(�"�oero•�e"t to Ne�e�orruw�s'�Adj�talN IWe Nae��Mt"Nat�*'1 to i�� .
<br /> � �ttMe"t.ede�"1 ot t1r me 4�e a�d��D�v�f�is 11t 3ulrMy IMCt��et�lid Ioc�t�d M: . , ..
<br /> � ` _
<br /> -- � 3212 KENhEDY WAY. GRA[� ISLA(�• IYE8RA5KA 6d803 . . �_ . ` _
<br /> =--- . _. . - :-_,. - - � _1Pr+�p�atyr+l�dses+) . . � - � —�-
<br /> _ .--- ---tl��ele�R{"'��-�r!Nr el��it.�M,.W1e1M f�t_tN 1q_�l
<br /> ° . . � pa,�eNr.'iW..�ei.11.paw.....t.�MMn�twka�e�r�CN..r��a�i--- - � _
<br /> ar1��Mtw�ar/1ra��r�MRlw�t/4• ` . , . '
<br /> � :/tiDD[IIOPtAL OOVENAM'S.I��Odillo�W t�e ooY�ts s�if a�a�cs�!e b t�S�ercity UMrw�Ml.rOtfew�t M�llllilt ,
<br /> tYA4ticore�tadapaca�toMows: . � . '
<br /> A. 1[rfEYSt�ll'1'L AND MO1�i11t�.Y tA111�(1�CNA1W'•is • ` .
<br /> '!Lt l�ofa'pmii8es tar aa i�tt�t i�taac nre af o•w �11.S�iaR�of tlm Notf yr�ridea ta�el�t ia tM IMerwt rM�tirl IM
<br /> _ . soathtfpi�Cqtf.�faaows: �_=
<br /> tAl CY�1�DM�� • , ` .
<br /> -��,uaa�r.��wiaosr•�•i►c�eoau+er�ca.Yor �ulY _ _________.t9 93 .aeu.�war.w!rr
<br /> � ._12 • tirtoethstherafla.'F,�chd�temwMichsyiataatr�iecaldcM�feiscalleda•'CA�yeD�te.^
<br /> (� '�'AtlfMs �- ,
<br /> = B�nd�t wNhthe flrst Chia/e D�te.my fataeu sstcwip be b�ed oa�n lates.'f Ae••tMa•'is tlre,eroeidy averye iddd oa u�ftN StMw
<br /> = Trai�iary'se4tirlties adjmted to�consant oaturicY of 1 yar.a maQe avafl�ble by the Feder�l Rexcre 8ar0.The nwu naent Udnc tl�we ,
<br />�.;; ` -" ava�Weiliolf6adtte4SdiYSbetacC�ChChan�eD�telsadeQtlle"Gtrr�entln�." - • �
<br /> - U the tadeu is no ton�er availabk.the Note Ho�Aer�vill cAowe s n�nr inAes wAfeN ia 6�sed upon camp�nbk{ntarnNtlon.'ibe[�M�
<br /> - HotOarwiltj(vtmsaotkeofWitchoic�. ' , -
<br /> �'�' ...tA Gte�YY��NCM�p�
<br /> ;:� • . . �dOreacb Cl�a�e D�ue.[he Note Holder.vi'tl akuvte my new intaat nte 6y bdin��•n e� �uF:liAI F V�W�
<br /> = : poiotY(���—�1i)to tbe Current tada�and ro�mdin�to tAe nauac,I/ith of l�li.subject to the Umits ststed In Sectia�1(D)6etow•
<br /> �' 7�S rdunded amouot�rtlt be my new iataat ate unal ehe next Chante D�te.
<br /> � � •'!'he Note Holder�vi0 tAen deten�tao the iueount of tlk nanthly paymen[that wouid be sufficknt to rep�y in tull the princip�l 1 un
<br /> ;-`� �" espactaAio oMe on that Chante�te ia�ubstantlally eqwt Wymenu by t1�e mswrity d�te ae roy new iataest nte.Tbe awlc ot tAis cakulation
<br /> wilf be the new amount at my monthlY MY�t. � .
<br />� - - . (D) IJ�o�f�leeeriR�leC��
<br /> _ `' • � The interest nte I am requiraf to pay At the first Chan�e Ditc wilt not be �rcater than 8•�Q 9��Ias th�n _
<br /> ' �.,,�j�_N�.Therqtter.my interat rate will nevcr be incraud or decrased on any singie Change pxte by mon than _
<br /> S�OS) from the rate of interest 1 have been payin�for the preceding twelve months.The minimum intenst rate on this foan wil)nover 6e
<br /> �i� 4.00 �i and the maaimur�intaest rnce wiI!never be greacer�han 1�•�0 �•• _
<br /> -• (q Ufiefhall�Ie of CY�/es —.
<br /> � : My new interat rate will becaneeftative on ach Chsnte D��e.l will psy Ihe omount of my new monlhly paymmt bc{inai��on the firsl _
<br /> aw�tthlypsyrtKnt d�te sfter theChange Date untit the amount of my monthty payment changaagain. _
<br />';Y ,.� (F) NeHoeetCY��es � -
<br /> ��. ThoNote Holder will mail ot dellver to me a notice betoro tacA Chang�Dau.The notice will advise me of:
<br /> (i) the ne�v lntera�rate on my loui as of the Chaaje Uate: ^
<br /> ' . � � (i� theamountofmymonthtYyayraentfollowfnstheCds�eDate: _
<br /> �. ` " (iii) any addidonal m�tter�whkh the Note Ho1Qer is rcquired to Oixlose;and =_
<br /> ' � � • (iv) tha�dAreuottheauociatio�youceuldcantutrejudlnt�nYGuestion�abou�theadlu•unentnaice.
<br /> /. .t�ARCES.1dBNS ' -
<br /> ,,�i� IIdfonn Covrnant I of the 5ecudty lnsttument is amenEed to read a+fol�ows: j
<br /> ' 1.�Yryes;Uer.Borrower ahall pay all qxd.usasments,an0 othe�ch�rjes,Cnn,and imposiNon�afuibuuble�o the Property wAkh may F
<br /> � -- 5 utafn s�riodty ova this Secnrity lastrument.u�fruthold paymeats ot groundrente,ii any,in the manner proviQed unQet pua�t�IDA 2 fxceot k
<br /> � or�if�not paid ie such manner.by Bonm�va makin�psyment.when due.dlrcctt�to the psya�hereot.Borrower sh�ll promplly furnisA t.en0a -
<br /> d1 autian o!amounts due under this pan�sph.and ln tAe event Borrower stull make payment direc�ly,Borrower�h�ll ptomplty furnish to �
<br /> ' lRndetreceipts evldencing auch paymenU. 8orrower shaU promptty discharge any 8en which h�s prioNty aver tM�Security Instrumenh �
<br /> hpMeve�,Hplrawa shall not be requlrcd to dLscharge any such lien so looa as Borrower.(a)sha11 adrer in wtiNnj to Ihe p�Yment ot the �
<br /> � � obllptlon accu�ed bysaeh tkn in the manner acccptab'.e to Lender:(b)shatl in eond faith contat sucb Ilen by.or detend�tainst enforctment ut t
<br /> Yuch l;eain,teaalproc�edin�s which in fhe opinton at Lender operate•v prevent Ihe entorcement uf the liea or(orfeiture at Ihe Prupe�ty ar aay
<br /> � p�rt lh�er'tofi ur(c1 shaU secure irom the holder o!such tien an aartemrn�in a form sadslaccary to t.ender aubordimtins such tien tv thi� �
<br /> .. , � 5acrai�(I�S�unf��s.
<br /> �' "��• �9 i.etida Qetsrn:ines that all or any patt of Ihe Property is aubject to a lien which may attain a pNorily over thi�5ecuNty tnHrument.
<br /> • tmdr�aho11 dve Sazrawer a notice ldent�tyins such Iien.Borrower sh�lt�ali�ty such Ilen n�take one ar more ot�he actions sct tunh abeve
<br /> .�. .�+ .
<br /> - • _ . ,. ,.�� wlth3ntan.�YsvttheE�v�n�ofttfenotice.
<br /> � -' .,.•
<br /> �. �'4�M«�,YV��;�er. � C. !�i07'Y�. , --
<br /> i�•�-- '=����� UnifvamCavcnant 14 oYt�:5�:;i:y ln�trumeat Is amended to read as tollows: '
<br /> , ,;ati�:'�.-:,.. -
<br /> �� '��'�"� 11. Neike.�x�t is:a�y na:ice required unda appticable law to be given in enalher manner.(a1 nnY n�tice u�ItneruNer pruvidcd fur in Ihn
<br />- - f'?Y t a"1.
<br /> ♦={p•� •' �1 .
<br /> l Securitytnsttumesrts7�i,�tgivefl by dellvedna it or by malling it by tirst c�ass mail tv Hdttnwct nt thc 1'toprtiy Ad�frc�s ut ne cush uthcr:u2Jre�r
<br /> � �.,f �` a�Bontrwrt may Qesigf�te Dy ao:ice to Leader as pravided herNn,and(b)any naHca�o I.cnder�hall he g��en try tirEi cla►+maU w f cnder's
<br /> , � :
<br />-_
<br /> � � +:__ �.�,u•-=:�-;-_�-�'?�__ addtesl.StaiCt4hezdnOrtn�ueD6tls�addra�a9Lendesmaydesignatebpno�lsetoliorruwcraspraq�QrJhctcin.Anynoirccprotiidcdfor�nlhn
<br /> • �- �• . - - - - - -- -----_ _. - - - . .. . . =
<br /> . _ . _.
<br /> , �-: •���•.{-_•��._ Securnylnstrumea�s�sa�lbeQr.a�edtohavebeeagive�togorrowuortcnderuhcngi�eninlhemanncrJceignaudhcrNn.
<br /> . ��':� -r �
<br /> ' ;' - -
<br /> .
<br /> . . .. _.. • .
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<br /> y.- : .
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