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<br /> 'TOCiBTF��R Wi3'H all tt� lm�xror�enwnte naw or herc�Rer erected ae t!a���rty� ���d��
<br /> �ppur0ermnca,pnd fixtw�a now oe 6eeaRer �put of tha prqxrty. Ali ropl�eementr��tion�rlull�ieo be eoverec!
<br /> by diU�ecurlty I�wment.All of tbe foro�otn�ir rofnrred to in thf�Sec��rity It�irument w the«Ptoperty."
<br /> Bottxow�r.Cov�xerr[�ttut Qomciwmr to I�wfully ealaal af the eat�te heraby convo-�od�nd h�.s Itb rlaht tn gr�t Rnd
<br /> convey tiseF�o�ty snd that the Propaty��uneucumberod,excapt for eacumbrance�of reconl. Bort�adver w�rcanh�wd
<br /> will�efead ganenl(y d�e Ntlo to d�o Property aBd.net nll cl�im�Rnd dertKncla.�sub,�ect ta aisy encumbrnaca�af rocord.
<br /> Ils:�s S..c+urm �rtstr.ur.icrrrr cot�L�a uatlfarm cuvcr:tta far�^.i±or=! ts����ams•udfazsx cover�'���i+u lfmi��
<br /> vui�tloo�by,�uisdictiaa to owytlwta a w�tiform rocuriry ia�trument aovari�real property.
<br /> Urrt�nur Cov��t�rts.Haeower a�nd Leader cova�at urla�ree iu follaw�:
<br /> 1.P�rned o[lkinclpal and dMereat=�fr�pa�nent�ed L�te Cl�u�ee. Bonov�er�h�ll Pc'omp1Y{�►Y wlba due
<br /> the priooi�1 of Rnd Irrta�t on the debt dvideacec!by d�e Note�nd�nY I�Ymeac+tad l�te ch�r�a due w�lor tha Nob.
<br /> 2.�'uad�Sa Toca��od L�uranoe.Sub,iect to�pp8abla law or to a written w�iva�bp Lender.Bono�wer�Il�pay
<br /> to Lendet on tta d�y moalhlyp�ymeate�ure due undea the Note� w�til tta Mate ie paid in fail. R euna("Fuada")for: (�)
<br /> y�dy t�xas�nd aues�mn�ta which mry atain prlority over chie Sccuri�yr Inaccumbnt aa�linn on the Propecty:(b)Yea*1Y
<br /> leuiehold paymants or ground rents on tha�Property. if ony;(c)yauly hara►rd or pro�rty incuranca premium.g;(d)yearly
<br /> flood irx�urance premiums.!f any;(e)yearly mortgaga insunnca premiumv, if any;Qnd( any r�um.9 pnyablo by Borrowor
<br /> w Lende�. in accord�oce wiW tha provi�ioa� of p�n�nph 8, in Iku of the�w►yment o mort:�e inwusuca pnmiunir.
<br /> '[bere items�te called'F.�crow Iba�r.'I.ender m�y, #t any tiaae�colkct a�d 6�d Funde in�n�mount not to eacsed dis
<br /> no�imum �u�ouns a iwder for�federally rolah�d mnttp�ge laan a�ay require for�orrower's eacmw�ceanat uudor the
<br /> k8er�1 Rewl Eat�te Seltkma�t Pracoduree Act of 1974 u amended fmm tlme tn tlu�� 1^� U.S.G. ; 2bU! �1 atq.
<br /> � ('IIBSPA").udaM�l�w t6at y�pliee to tbe Fund�seb a laaer amount. If so,Leoder may��t iu►y Hme�ooikct and
<br /> hald Puods in Rn�mouat not ta excaed!be lesear unuunt. f.etdor maX alimue Wo Rmraunt of Futxla duo aa!he 6au of
<br /> � current d�ta�nd nuwaibb e�etlmate�of ea�peadihue�of fuWro BACraw Ilenm or o�e�wi�e in�ceoNance witb�ppBe�bie
<br /> law.
<br /> ' 'Yhe Fimds stwll be held In an incticudon wrhoee depoeica.re inuc+ed by a fed�r.l.sertcy, '�nlallty� or eopt�r
<br /> (iacdudit� 31ead�sr,if Lendeer ie sucL rn�nstitution)or in any Federal Home trow�adt.Lenc4ar �pp y tbe�uud,t ta
<br /> IxY tl�e Eaorow Ibn�. L.andar may�ot clur�e �orrovvor for hddin� �ad �pplYio� tbe FwWs� �nnuall mdyzip the
<br /> n�
<br /> escrow�ccow�t, ot vedfylag the Exmw Itams, udass I.endac pys Bortower interoat on tBe Fwds �bie�aw
<br /> perrnjb L.e�ader to m�ha wch a c�rges: Hwvever. Leada m�y r�uiro Borrnrver w py a o�e-time fa� aa
<br /> indeneodent real alste wt reporW�g sorv�ce usal b�yL.onder in connxHon witit s6ia laan, udass aprlic�Me law providaa
<br /> dherwLe. U�m y�k i�m�dn�x�pplicaWe 4w interort w l�a d.I.mocbr ehwU aot be rrquirod ro y
<br /> �uua p�i u p�
<br /> Barower an �areet or aamio�on tbo Fuods. Borrowur�nd I..errJer m�y y{ree�n wri�,hawevec.that InDqe�at rh�ll bs
<br /> n
<br /> pdd oa die up�.Leader dNU�ivo to Bortawer�witfi�tc��e�m��ud o the Fuod�.�6o�viuR cndW�ad
<br /> �, debib oo We F�wad We �ix w6ich eai�debit to tbe F�md�vvu m�ide�Fw�ls�ro pkd�at a oddidood
<br /> aecudty for�ll sum�aecuied�Securit�In�trumeut.
<br /> ii�7 F1111at ffOju o�r T.ODUaT eutcooa wo awwm pwmiuou iw ov uo�i oy yr}ru''uw`oiw Zs��L'c"a��ini�wii iR-wM�w w ,
<br /> • Hamw�er for tbe e.�cea Fuode ia+�cootd�ace with tbe nqujtemeat�of�pplicabk lMw.If tqe q�aawt af tl�s Puad�bela by
<br /> ' Leoder�t#��llme i�s not eufficient tcc��.�Y We F,�craw Ibm�wbea dua.Lender may�o nubi�y i�9ortp�wer ia writi�,�ad,i�n•� :
<br /> :� a�cL asn'a�orraMror siMll pay to I.�en�`Ia�the aaaount nxaeµry to milce up the de ficieooy.��3dxzavu�t dull n4dce up tk+o. ,
<br /> def� �+au no more d�twoWe az�qA`ck,BY PRY���t Lendor's sale dliornUon. , � . .
<br /> � ,� �p��n p►y jn full nf aU�s�ecural by.dtis Sxurlty _imt�utnent, Lender d�all p�omptly trpfi�d to Hotmw�sr
<br /> ..; auy F�d�a 6e1d�Leoder. If. uude�rp�n�r 2l. Lendec �Il acqui�+e or �e11 eLe Fe+opa�ty. L.exwler.i priar b t1�e
<br /> acqui�dtiva or sRk oP tbe Propaty. vull �pply�any�Ymde hald by Lendet�t thn time of acqud�itir�t o�r w10 �s a ct�adit
<br /> � � a�imt"d�e aaas secured b�tbi�Secwi�y I�trumeot. �
<br /> "2 3. A af PI��eMs. Udae�pplicabla 4w providee otherwiee. �11 payme�a reoeived by Lender wticlar
<br /> Y�E'�►�► �sirll ba�ppNad- firet,ta aaY ixe�x�neot ch�r�e:due t:oder tbe Note;se000d. �o�mouab p��t�tble� .
<br /> uador 2�tMr�.10 inAereet due;fourth,�op�incipl duet ud l�et�to�ay lab ch�u�e�due�rodx dre Noq.
<br /> pu�p6 1Nrd
<br /> 4. IJer. Borrower a�llp�y�ll tatee. iweamenh.chat�� fi��ed iippoeidoor at�ibu�bie to d�e
<br /> Pmpaty w6ich m�y �3u priarity over tlria Security Im�vment. ud leosehold pqrmeab a p�aiad red�. if Y�r.
<br /> Bocrn+w,r a1W1 pry t6aa obiysUoa m t!►a m�mor ptnv�ded in prtanph 2.or If not p�id in tbat n�nosr,aaro�wer�1!
<br /> P�p 1heo4 crn tinae direct�y eo ebe pn�we owed p�yment. Boerawer s�l promptly fiunbh W 3�ender all notices of�man�g ..
<br /> ;�n to b�pdd uader dds p�r4r�eph.If 8otrurwer m�icss dwe p�ymente diractly, Borrower�li p!rpoptl7 fi�rairh to I.aodor
<br /> rKei��vxkac�y Ibe Paymadn• ,
<br /> �� Bo�er�lI p�+natptlY d�ch�tse�ny liem which lu�p�iarity over this.Securltp J�hwt�nt aa�iee�8orrawer. (a�
<br /> -5 y�ea[n wnl�to thc paYment of tbe obUYadq?i>+oFurod b'i► the lien ia�mirttrot�coopt�ble to Irende,ar;,tb)a�a�erl�In
<br />-s�'-- aood fiit� We lien by.'�or dofe�ads�eefarcamAOt of dbe lk�► �n, 1 iap wLich ia!be Lenb:�'s appioa .
<br /> �" u p e r a l e to p r e vea tl+a enfioroemeot of tl�e,lien:'ar(c) oocwns fi+om tho of tbe liea us y t a a n e o t r ti d r e t a y !e.
<br /> Led�w�6u�aMio� d►e iiea to dioiA Secwrity In�eumetk. If Leoder�lete�mfaa dxt�»y pu�t�f tho i�w�bject f�>.,�•
<br /> t
<br /> � lien w�hic� m�y �inpn ority ovor atlfia Sa;urity Tn�wmont. Le�fer no�y�e �r�natice t�e Ika �
<br /> �: . � Borinvuor�11 s�ty the lien a bi�+b one or moro of da acdone ect�'ort6�bov�e wlt6in 10 days nf t6e Sivl�ng of mtiee.
<br /> 5.��d ar Ptoperty I�e. Bomnw�or rh�11 keap the imqxovomeats naw existing or hereaftpr ereeled on t6e
<br /> t�..:'. , propecty iooured qaiert lose by �'ico, I�azard� included wltbin the term "extandod oovert�e' and rnp ofl►er }��tards, �
<br /> : � F«�„��r s p ' �
<br /> �
<br /> , wwcap►�tovx�[tra.u+c.,�r.aouo.IdIN 6pC311•�00��7dSt11 FOIIM MG1�7iE x1UPi �,:.
<br /> i fi
<br /> i ' •
<br /> '1 . .
<br /> �
<br /> _�
<br /> Gnc�inal c�ocument
<br /> AmerUs B�nk
<br />