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<br /> —.��.._ ----- --��_:_::.�..aryqr�y'q1TAr•rrm.�.�,..���ie—.�.�..�Hem�'��neVR�^�1!'^m�Tl!��..r�rr.r- -"^-..�—.".--_.-__- -.._._ __ . .
<br /> � �,/�O
<br /> THIS PLANta� LTNIT UBVB[.OPMBN?RIDBR l,m�da Wit 6th d�y oi SepteMber ,
<br /> 1996 ,u�d is.�na►r�tonuod lnto�md�Il be deeamd to�mend�nd n�pplemeat�he Moct��e.I)eed o!
<br /> • 'ftuat or SOCUdty I)cMd (Iba "Secudty TnsaumaK••) ot the Wmo �ate. givea by the undertlyood (the
<br /> ��Bormw�er�•)to�au►re Aomnwae'�Nae a
<br /> ca�.uneUS r�DFt�i� sAytN�s ea�c
<br /> ��..�„�
<br /> � of tl�e Wnpe c�te�md�eovec9ng the Pc+operry a�axxibed In tLe Security In�tru�eat eod loc�ted #t:
<br /> t
<br /> i , .
<br />;;;� 703 CHURCFf RQAD,6RAN0 ISLAND,NE 68801
<br />;r . l�d�`�1
<br /> The Pr�aty ixlndeR�..9nit lx not Ilmitod to�a�aoe1 of laod improvcd with a dwellin8,togather rv[th otber wch
<br />:,� pu�ada�ad ooztd►t oammon�ra��nd f�cilida.ai ddalbod ia
<br /> (the•,Declan�tiaa�•).
<br /> •:,; � T6e Propaty ii�put,ofapl�nnitdcvda��aeat lmow►nn HOTTIHf�IAM ESTATES SUBDIYISIOM .
<br /> ,� '.
<br /> :� (x,urie olPf�aMd U,ek Deveiop�e�t)
<br /> ��hC „aun��>.Tbo r.ra�►erty,a�o iocluaa sorn���i�e,c in 1Le homoo�ne� �a�dat�on � ���
<br /> ��! e�ity a�mio�a mia��ging tho�nmm�on�rua aad facilitie�of tLe PUD(t!�"Ownas As�od�tioa")�od t6G a�.
<br /> `� 6aM.fit�wd piooeocll.af Dornnwer'i lntaai.
<br /> t'[lD COV'�T�12�1'19. In additlon ro the oove�at� md ��ts rowe in me �oa�iry m���. `
<br /> Borro��ot�od I.aK{er,lltnher cavem�nt�nd yne a�follown:
<br />.` A. lr[1D Obfl�ation�.�armwer�all perltxm�II oi Borrower's oblt�tioa�und�x��he FtJD'�C,a�tuaot
<br /> Dowmeaq.Tba"Gt�nmituait Doquneat�"ara t&: (i)De��tiom;(ii)mk]a oi iaoorpor�iou��ttmR i�aneat �
<br /> - a �mY equiv�leat dbwunmt whkh aata tf�O�vaas .A�od�tlon: � (ilj) anY bY-fa�vx ac aWar'.mbs or
<br /> �• � of the Qwnen AuocWioa.Boim�wrr shsll P�'oIDP�Y PRY,�aDue.aU dua sad�s:j�
<br /> �ti',;:,.,•..,,;��. � .. ,`
<br /> pupawot�o tbo Conqitueut DoatpaRats.
<br /> �� E. �ra�d I�a�w�oe.50.�� �the Ownas Aaodatkm m�int�im�with a�ra�lY sooepoed in�uaa
<br />'�'�.� ';.�',. dt�a��•�m�a�,••�x•�bl�oio�t�,�ol.1�Y�&tbe pr,cqxxty wLich L tadt[�ctaa�r�oo F.oiider�od.�ich pravfda
<br /> �`��'` :,��' imur�ooe oav�+�s fu�e atpoitnl���tot d1e pa3adc, �od a�ia�t the b�ur0a I�eader nquird� iadndia�ftra�ud
<br /> � 1� �, b�ill/1aC111�Od iMf7Y�I�Tbb tl�1 y`q[�OAdOQ OOYCt1�E�°f1l�OOt
<br /> • ' (�� J,p�'.,ylf/�Vl�IF,�itiL'rpl�OY�I��Il UI1��Of01�.OYl�.�. f0[t�1C IDOOf�y piyt�NCat �j.l�r Oj 2�YC
<br /> �t}y�t1111��'���171�td�INI[�IlOE lMl(b0 plbQ4t�j,� "�;� ;
<br /> , (�J) AO�R�IYVl�L'�{ 0��111 Ul1�lT Va1LOCm�.OMrA1TUL S ZO � 111T�'�NT�OOE COYa�/E�l .�`:,.;:
<br /> � the kra�paty �,aaax�ad aN�fioa oo the euca�c t1�c tbe requl�d oover�e i�pcovjaed uy►t�e Qwpas A�aoci�uon ���:�.
<br /> �� ��,, . , ,':;;
<br /> _� ., Borrower ih�ll�gixa f�det prompt�wtice a[aa�'la�e i�roquiced 6ar�rd iaau+m�c sm►a�e��itvvtded by
<br /> ,' 1Le matet o�bl�ukot pollay. �..� ' . �`'�
<br /> _� � In t6o av�oot eLa�dimil�uNnd of bwrd insuranee pe+naet7�in liai of iGauracion or c�ir follo�aj�loa to �
<br /> tbe PropatY, or to�oomuwn urat tmd facil3tia of tha MJD. +mY iK� ?�� ���,� �'
<br /> v +a+i�oed �ud tlu1D..bn �id w I.eader. I.�acke eGall�pply We pr000ecl�±tb the wau �ecund bg;shc�SeaaitY
<br /> � " Iuettuma��wlth reay aotoaa piid to Horrower. , , '°-�
<br /> � � C. �ubllc I.ishllHy Laiq.�a►noe Bornower�Itall take noch�ctfone u m�►be t�e4eonoble to ins�are thtt the
<br /> Owneis Aaod�tion maint�far 'a�publia lixbility inwr�unco policy acapt�ble in forns;wonat. tnd exteat of.:_;,,,
<br /> � � , oovecke to I.�pide+r. ..
<br /> 7 � .
<br /> � , MUK.MTATE PUD RWlN1-SinpN I�amNy- F�FI4Nt�rMi�Mec UNIFORIA IMiY11tlM�1T F+nrm�160�!!0 .
<br /> r����
<br /> , �T;I��oM.oi �rtce/n vMnMO�rawnr,o�wa-i�oo�ox�:�:s� ' • rrur.:
<br /> 1 �
<br /> � .
<br /> , . `
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