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<br /> VA�iIJA1�Ni'rr.�;Y�➢Y.Q➢AT'1 Al`i,'�A�3Ji.,"�Z''1fL'�N Z�'SDb3�LB P,�L►�!� �
<br /> LOAN No.1539215939
<br /> 'I'HE ,APPROVA►�- �0.��,HORIll��D AGENT� OF VETERA�NS
<br /> TH1S VA a�ARANTE�D LOAN AND ASSUMPTION t�I.ICY RIDFii�is na�de tLis 6th diy of --
<br /> SeptP�Iber . 19�6 ,md i,incospor�tod into a�d�holt be damed to'"°ead'ad a'P1'lecnenc the
<br /> Mort�e� Deed oi'IYust or Decd w Secum Debt(herein "Seanty Intnumeat')dued of evoa due herovrith,
<br /> �iveaby t�b�e�mda�linied(l�aein"Horrowa")to eocuro Borrower's NotF to
<br /> :r.:a�.�t��ro�tY�L+!+d i!�ttws Sua�rity Inshu�awt u�d locatod�t
<br /> �op.ny eaa�e«�
<br /> vw G[(3J�ARE►xTBlan I�oAx covBtvAtV'r: L9 adatcion ii� -"�;uoveaana ana a�reemeau mde!n the sec�uity
<br /> Iamwttreqt�Bocrowa aod Iradez fiutha oavenuu�ad�COe�w Ifollows:
<br /> If t6e ladebtodaa��ocurai 1�erebY be twr�tee�or iaarod undar TYtk 38. United St�rtes Code.ukh 7itk�nd
<br /> �on� i�a�ed t1+�unda md in ef�ea on 1he d�to hei�eoi�II Ravan tbe ria6it. dutia md li�bilitia of
<br /> • Borrarvec md L�uder.llny prc.wlsiom oi t6e Saudty Inamaxat or cxL�r 6asaumeat�ex,ec.uted in eamuxia►aitb
<br /> eaid inddxedne�s �vhick �re ia�000t3uent wicb.a�id ltitle a Re=ulatior+s, lncludin6� but not limiced w. due
<br />; ioa fa paymea¢of�ay sum in caameaioa wsdip�yp�t of the'�ecured indGbtodaer�aod tbe pro+rl�€ou
<br /> , f3�1DC i.QlOGT 161� �GPR���7���wia "vi 2�'iw .w.�Z�• T .•��/ �wi�e ntru�fnt tA OAiYSS�Oi 17 Of� �il��
<br /> y �� ��►�71d0�OC 17Cj�'.Cd IO[tiC El[tCtU OO�tY�y t0 CC6fOID1 i11C��DltN1M�t{f0 f�d Z��1C O[
<br /> R�� �"lote cL�t�e'not e�oeedinL four Pa'o�(4�)Of.
<br /> LATB CHAR(iB:!1t I�eat{et's option�Bocro�cr 1 WY
<br /> � tbe at� wrben pri�ma+c tban fiL�4'cia�15)days�fta t�due d�te tba+oof w oova the exu�eupea�c
<br /> n 31ivA1PX�`'1��Il ��OI�IEO� �but��I1G1QlIS p[�OOOedi iio �qt[�SCita!to di�caC S Ot�{Y �.; . �
<br /> tb0�1�d�dD�O�,lOC�II'0$�►� tLC�,-, '
<br /> . i!��DY11dIS�0 ' , .
<br /> .- }p�p�p�{� (pl�OQC!OO�ti Mld l�1d i�'Od�' .
<br /> - C�UAR�NTY:�01171�tbE�Cp�ttl�Of VC�lO'�1f Aff�fii10[I�O�/0�fWE 3t�j't�ty�Q�ill t1L01pIL frt�.
<br /> = b0 d�ys i�om tt�t'g9a10 tLat thi+ 1Qan�ould�aormdtY ba�'�"di"�!'k? tor acL�wna�t►►oommitied Wwa bS'
<br /> pep�tmeat of V� Atb�iix+tuoder d�e Ptevisioo�of'Tftle�E of the U.5. ��*�fa�eclae �tmmcdi�rodY
<br /> = Ialat��/ee mq►detlara tbe iode3�tcdaas henbY aoau�d�t oaae doe�od pay�bie
<br /> = or mq exerci�e at�'otAer�hd IDaT�mda ar qk�e�rty athet ptopec actbo as by Un�►pmvldeA• .
<br /> TRANSPBR OF�'�1Ht�PROPBRTY:'IbT�lo�u may b�e deslarad 1mm�edi�tdY duo md PxYy�ble W�on t�e�ar of th�
<br /> _ . peopaty nc�itya�r�cA M�n to�ay tnoefa�ee,uoia�the aoceptability ot the a�umpdon of tba Iwn i4 eat�bli�ed
<br /> - .�� pu�rwwut tu Sec�ian 3714 of Chapor 37,Tltk 38.Umitcd Staoa Code. ' �
<br /> - A�eul�bvri�ed t�ta('�')of the property�11,�1�o be wbjat to tlditiaa�l oovea�nti�.�;�'
<br /> asret'lrocthlteio�w: .• �'::.. `..:� -
<br /> •A fee equai ta ane-6alt of 1 petoent(.50'x)of the blitimce a�f thii lo�m
<br /> � s�s ot�t�e d�e of u�atfet of tt�e pco�paty�stl be payabk at tbe dme of traa�er to thc tau bolder a iw�►utborimd
<br /> ': ,� �aweeo for tLe�t of Yeter�os Alfain.I[tbe aswtner idlts�tq:peqr thi�►fee�t tt►e dcaa of trmtfa.
<br /> ; �foe s1Wl 000�tote an iddltiontl debt to t6�t alre�dy�ecucod by Ihis ifiR3rumrat►d�all be�r 3nterat�t t}rr r�Ke
<br /> , 6erdn pro�rjded��nd,k ths o�tion of the paya of t6o indebtodoea 1��ebY�uzed oc ar�Y tnmsteree tbecoof��11
<br /> '' vA(IWIRAM7E�/LroAN AMO As�uM�T1oN rotJC�t IIIDEl1 .
<br /> , �-R!M�Na�.ot' 1fli '
<br /> v�MOerc�wefoMa-noasa�as�e I�������,._�..
<br /> ; r.�.�.e= rwa.ae wu�� ,..
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