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<br /> 'TOQ6TH�It WITI��Il cb�e ia�►rovomacu anw�r l�croa!!er a�ectad oa tlsn PmAer►Y.and vl e�matt�,+�ppartenu���uu1
<br /> fiatuirs �ww a herrMOte� R pWt a!t!N poope�ty. All roptaamrena Nad �dditlau rh�11 �I�a ba covered by thu Sacucity
<br /> I�wt�ue�ew.A11 ot t1�tor�oln,��rsfurr�d to ia tbli,enWty Irwn►n�t�u the"Pc�criY.«
<br /> BOItROWAR t;0V�1MiT9 Nut Borrow�r u I�w(Wty�nd ot tbe a�t�e l�a�ebY ea►veyed wd tw t�e rt�he a�rmc�od
<br /> r»s�r sM�y��r.�s c��ro�ny �R�„�,r�«ea��xoept for eaatntbr�noe�ot tr,00td. �or[owec w�►rt�nu �nd wlll
<br /> det'e�l�aanYtx the tMb la tbe Proporty�aimt�11 c1Nar end dem�o�i�rublecz w�rq►�or rro��+d.
<br /> '1'HlSi 9BCUR17'Y IN97'R1J1bABNT ooaabiaao uNlbtw a�vanmu tor wtiotW we imd noa•ualfort�ooxauats wlth Ilmlted
<br /> vul�tioo�by juri�dialoa a coauftute e unlf�OSao��ecurfry irutnunent oav�[i,a��l propatY•
<br /> UNIPQ�tM COVBNA�i?9,�r�od Y�a�det covaruiM�od�eoe�[ollow�:
<br /> 1. PM��t cl lt�INCipNI�d INtwwt; !e�►ent w�L�te CYet�a. Bort�ow�r rMll pt'omP��Y M� whea due the
<br />. �QCipd ot�nd hx�ero�t oa tLe debt avld�noed by t0e Nute aad aaY P�WO'��e�d lMe d�ujea due undat'ifie Noto.
<br /> Z.�+1�toe 'lYc�Md�+�a. S��bJect tn�pplk�bie I�w w w a w�ittan wal'+�er by I�eodnr��lnrnnver thall p�y�to .
<br /> I�eoAer oa tbs d�y tnoothly ptprmeeti�ce due wida die Not�,w�eil the Nate i�p�W ln AtU�a wm("!'uait")�Cr:ta)Y�Y�
<br /> �nd wa�aaeaCt whic�m�Y+�ta Ix�ority ovGC t6f�Sewrity lartiva�ert a a fieo oa tbe Pn�erty:fb)Y�Y�P�D'�
<br /> a jroued r�ad�an da PR+opttt�r�it any�(a)Y�Y��ProP�Y inrurw�e�xamium�t(d)Y�Y��+�P��� -
<br /> �r�rory►:te)Y�9�i��P�war.if.aS►c•u�cn��P�o►+��Y Bamrvet w L�r� ia.o�ocd+r�oe wtm �
<br /> u�e pee,►woe�ocp.rKr�h 6. m liea ot me pymeoc or mo�t�e i�ur�e pe�[um�.�rae�e lceaN are al�ea•B�crow ueaa..•
<br /> I,�iR�y� �t ryy t{���!�'!�lsad�!a�a a�.�^!ts�s Eo�th�tn!.�!!!!un,�mm��+nt a leader Ca�fede�ally _
<br /> eeLoed enortja�e Iwa msq►re�ulK fa Hormwar'�e�crow a000wrt u�da�tbe kdad Ra�16et�te S�stti�roe+ot Prooednrs�Ast of
<br /> iS174 a�iuneaded flrom time W dma� 1�U.S.C.Svcxba 2601 d srg. ('RBSPA').uolmw motLet 1�w d�t�pplies to tbe Fuod�
<br /> �ts a ks�ec aaaouot.If so�I�eada taRy.�t mY timo.uoUect aod Loid Fuad�ia an�mount not to taaeed the 1e�a�unat�rt.
<br /> r�eader naryr eat�m�e�be aaaht o�Pnads due on tLe b�or cuc�eat d�a Yod eeroo�t�ie ati�tes of a�ditu�ar ot tl�rre
<br /> B�mu Ueoait or otl�e�wi�e in aooued�ooe�rith�pplkabia l�w.
<br /> '1'6e P�dWl be 6dd ia a� imtitntioa wLo�e depo�its�s faacbd by a kder�i �cy. imunmeotalhy►. o��ity
<br /> (i�dudlo�Lesiix. itLaider is ach m ia�lpqion)ae fa my Fedet�l Haae L�o�a BroY.L�eaBer�IWI�pQiy tbe Punde�o p�y t�e
<br /> Ei�aorv:ea�.I�cadK r�n4►uot t��e Hoa'nw'er kc hoWinL��PaY�4t tbe p�.+m�w11Y aio�t�r'i3oi tl�acmw ac�ouort�ac
<br /> vaif�tbe R�cmM ik+�a�.ua3a�Lmckr pys Bam�er inlx+eat on the E�mda aod applic�bla la�r paa�itt Leoder a�loe w�
<br /> a d�e.Hen�r+rrer,l�andet tm�y t+eqnire Bat+o�ret to pay a a►e-time durje tot�n inlqxadaot ted atw�qut repo�tlo��avke
<br />� ..Ya �... .--- t.. L...�.:A. H�i�. t%� .mtwu �tirshle la�r mtevidel o1�YwLe. Un1tl� �n l�ii �0 4[
<br />; �tw�s v� �w�wns r. �
<br />� ,pplic�bk um►ra��u�i�ra inlaat�0}�6e p�ict.txL�� duu.Lm.t Sb�e myu;sie�a w{,�pxy Bam�rrr��ny yiatra�at a ya��n�io�p aa mpe�tiad..
<br /> i �y�� i�/R m��Yl��.L��uvwciG�YMR WRW��i�{1i,'.��y=•_��Y6 i'af.i.�.f,� �!l��/�r,�b�,Q�ayrl��v� wwp .
<br /> ' �f.iY��i���{���{W���^��"���I�M����WG w�P� i{�AaR7��
<br /> e �(0 Q1E��l�C.�0 FOOdR�D�j0�ii�00��OL1Q1h►t0!�M11d����/$OCdf�lr�.
<br />� If IrE F+mdt bdE by l�eOlk'r a��0oed ibe�pamitted b bG be�l by�pQliCabk law.Ltn�der�Ltll s0oo�ait b Bon�u�rer
<br />' for Ihe aira�Pmdl la�ooa+d�ooe�rni15 t6e ne�mb oi�p�lic�bie lt�r.U t6e�mot�t of d�e Pm►dt Le1d by i+tader�t�►
<br />� tiva it ooR wlndeat q pq�►ti�e BM'�:+e�►IO�aet Nl�ea dne�iaodec mpr�o aotity Bata�i in 1rik�►aod.is s�h aws Bonvee[ ..
<br /> � sbsll py 10 Y.saba=�e �owant neo�y w m�loe np tbe tkficie�c.y. Borrotrrt d►�U m�ioe np t6e delidaic,y ia ao mae tYiw
<br /> - twtilre a�orYy p�D��n.at Geack+r'�wb di�x�etiou.
<br /> I1p�d�qrw�t is fWl�f�U wue��ecured b�►thi�Sa�vrirty]atma�t, l�eodet�11 pcu�aptly refwad 10 Bon�a�wr aiqr
<br /> - Pmd�l�i b�r I.a�der.U�aeda par�r�pb 21.I�e�da�Ldl�e ae�dl c6e Pra�a�tyy l�eedat.P�w tire�oquidtio�oc ide
<br /> _ ot dre Progaty��11 apply�r Pcmd�bdd b�►l�mda x tbe t�ase of aoq�it+on a ak a�a credit a�ria�t We�r reaiced b�
<br /> � ,��� : tb�b 5ec9rity I�aq'c; �
<br /> ? •�= 3.A�Ynti�a�3'r��als.Unku appiic�ik laM doep�idaneder d�e Na�e� �eooad.to�mouet+p�p�bk uode�P�P� +� .� ��
<br /> = 1�d��1W!be�pplfed:Snt.1�anp►P�'e�4'meat c�e�
<br /> �- t6ird,w�lero�t due��.�o prinia�p�l dae:�od I�t,te any�ate�dee uoder ibe No1e.
<br /> - 4.C'Yit� I,iar.Bare+r+er�s`irU pay�1 W�q.weaamcab�cL+'�ge+�tipp��od inopositiaar attcib�wbk oo tbe Pro�paty
<br /> wbich mq st�pia�ity ava th�5eatrity�t.and feak+boid pa,�u�dan a bce+wd rwq, it�!9+-Hari'aN'x�11 Pi!► .
<br /> � thae aW�tiont ia dre�net pro'vided in p�trpk 2�wr it aot p�id ia t�t m�ooer,Bu�mMec�all�q�y�Lem an time dit+ealy „ .
<br /> � w tre�ex�oa o�rod p�rmcot.Bocm�ra�11 p�ptty tinainA�o I�eadar at!notk+a of amoaoM�o be pdd�mda tl�prrqc�ph.
<br /> j tY Boairt+x��r m�tr,t tkoe pry�t�dltacity.Bott�o�rer�tl pr�yaaty tucnaa4 W I�eader e+eoe}p'tie rvidEacit�tLe pape�c�4• � �.
<br /> +, �tiiin�rer iaB�n4mgtly di��aY liea wbich has�iriority ova�tEiii Seauiry In�tn�mla�t�8orcv�v�er.(�+�es ia .,�•';•,
<br /> ] Mrki�b tYe pay�sea�,�hi tbe obiiZatfoa�ea�e+ed 6gr tba lia�in a mfonat�ooqx�bio W l.cader;(b)�ttegt�iln�ood faidl ibe tka �;���;�.`:;;
<br /> i bi►. n�delEad�� �e+oeaoeat of the liea in, kpl @cooeedinp cvhkh in tLe Lada's Rgioian�oper�e �o�ereat We
<br /> � saYixcaoaMrt d dwe Ika;a(c)�trom tme hokkr of tbe 1im�n�roao�aeR satisfactq!7f 40 l.aider wboNivadoa tbe iim b
<br /> " thi�Seau�ty�t.If I�a�f�s"sie�tmina W�t amy pa�t oE�Lo Propaty it wb}oa!p a�it'sen wliicl�mry�tptin p�iesity arer
<br /> . th�5ea�ty�at,Ireuder�►�ivo Boavs�er a aotiea ideatityio�We lbea.Hon+a�rhall�aititfy tLe lian a taloe ope a
<br /> moae of tbe��t f�octh abore Mitbin 1Q�tof Ibe tivio�of notioe. .
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