r . �:...:.{._�t-.�.r .�, .� ,��n v�
<br /> - - .----- � - `�;�;.I, ,���.1�� ���� �^
<br /> �" . �i_. . . _ - ----
<br /> . .. . ,_�.. ... , . , .� —
<br /> � � . . :�i'� w.....,r..�au�[r"'�.L_ _-- - .—
<br /> 'i--rr'.�" —
<br /> ��W ����'�_I{.l _.
<br /> p�ymaritn may na bnger be roquirbd�at the option of Lender�if mortg�ge insurance covetnge(in tha wncwnt and for iha period
<br /> thM L�rnda re4uirca)Pcovi�;�l by an insura�pproved by 2.R»tla�g�in beaxna sv�Wtbb end is abt�nod.Barrower alwlt pay tho
<br /> premhima cequirod a m�inWn moct;�go ieuiumco In effxt,a lo provido a loa resave�unW d�roquicen�c far mortgaga
<br /> innunutce ard�in�ccordrnce wlth�ny wriq�en�geeemeat betwoen Bar[ower and Ld�det or y�p1lcabk lew.
<br /> 9.Y�ertio�. Y.axia or IH�t may maica rca�cxu�ia aniries u�►asK1 i��,a;tto�u�o:G�e F':�'�y.La�u:�r sf�all�.wa
<br /> Honrerover not�ae�t tho tLne at or prlor to m inspoctbn epecltyin8 raaon�bb causo[or thd inapectbn.
<br /> 1'T CoeRka�tioa. '[f�a pmceeds of�y awud cx cl�im for cWnages�dhoct ur canyequatti�l�in connocdon with eny
<br /> eondenm�tion or od�er W�ng of my p�rt of the Pmpaty�a fa cor►vayaneo!n llw of condann�lion,�re ha+eby aa�igned�nd
<br /> shel!6h pdd oa l.et�der.
<br /> In.�re evau af�eoW WcLig of the PmQaty.d�e proceed.9 etull be epplied tv dia swas secured t,y this Security Instcurt�t,
<br /> wli�thr,r a not dia�due.with�ny ra�eeax prid ro Hannva.In Ihe evan of a p�tiolleicing of ttjee Fcoperty in whieh th^,fair m�rf�et
<br /> vahio cd Ibe Paoperty immedi�tety befare tha nking is eqwd ta or gr�Na tlun the m�ount of the aun�v socurod by thi�Security
<br />� i�a�maat im�n�edi�eWy 6elore the nktng, unksa Bo�m�va and Lenda odjawlw� in writing.tha aums eec�red by tbis '
<br /> Securby�taetnima►t dwll ba raduced by tha anwunt of tho pc�oceeds muUiplied by the foYlowing frnctioo:(a)the total�►�ount of
<br /> tda sttraA�ectutd ImtnadLtely bef�x�e tho t�in�.divlded by (b)It�f�ir mulcet value of tha AoQexty aaunedLitely befao tho
<br /> tt�cima.:��y baMu�ce ehall be pid W Boao�ver.In tho event of a pctial taYing of tha Propaty ia which Nfia fiir m�cicet v�lue of tho
<br /> Ptvpe�j��Lan�odirely betae tbe Wcing U ks� dun ehe rna�nt of the �uma aecw�rod ima�odi�ICJy bafa� tho ating, anles�
<br /> � B�on�►+WCr�ad l�:nda othawix�x In�vriang or unkas epplicabb t�w othawi�e pru�vides,the pncaed�aJnll be�p�plkcl to the
<br /> ' s�ttua r,r,cu.�ecl b�tt�ia Socur�ry Immimxnt N�a not d�e eutns�re tM.�due.
<br /> � Ui dur�13npaty is ebr�doasd 6y Donnaivtr.ae if,�R,er not�e by I�entkx w Boiro�ra d�t the conslemna offas to r:.�:;,:..z
<br /> aWar+d ro�o�a claim fa d�a+.Bo�mwet fiila to reapa�d 10 I�aida wlthia 30 daya aAar the�ata atlie napce is giva�.Lakles
<br /> i�ai�8ir.e'�tnd�o coUxt ail�d+�ly the procoals�at it�anticx�.dtha to restoracion a rq�air of rhe Pnipr.rly a to the sums xeucod
<br /> by thi�S�earity 1t�tana�.whdlxx a not ttr�due.
<br /> Uuh!tis I�et�der aad Baro�r ahawLe�roe in�vritin8�anY�PPlicsdon of pcocoo�is ao principei stuU not exteiW or poQtpone
<br /> . �hc duc dd�e ef the rna�Bily paymrnt�t�ferc�ed�o ia p�gc�phs 1 wd 2 a clunge the�unount of auclt pAyn�a�ta.
<br /> ' 11:��ra+rer rra�ere�aea;Fo�e�ar i.aaa rr�e.wat,�. Baltx�ebon of dte tlme fat,y�yma�t a modifiation
<br /> . of uanctttia0ioa of tbe sums soc�u+al by diia Secttrit�Inmutnatt ghn�ed by I�et�de.r ID..BUy zuax�zr,i�i�ute�eat of BaroN+er e1Wl
<br /> � not ager�r9e�o rde�se thb W�bility ot the arlgin�l&xro�va ar Barowa's auco�ssors in.ia�aaqst.l,i�hda ah�U not be requirod w
<br /> �o�anaato peuoeadin�s e�irot aay�in inlarat ar refuee b eatEeM tune Fa[p�sy:meilt Ct otl�rwl�e a�oGi�►�a�oe�oe or
<br /> t5a swnn aocwod by this Security Inunnaert by na�on of any danand m�41e by�e Or�lnal Bcxma!et,a Borcawa'a euocxrrors
<br /> k ia i�tame�C;Asri�orbamr�ce by L,d�fa�io e�rTc3sin8�nY r�ht a�rmedy snall not ix a r�i�ver of ae�°ceclude the exa�cLe af aay
<br /> s�t�de r��madiq. �, � . ,
<br /> 1Z.9rea�an��d AwiR�Bo�di Jolst�sd Serara3 Li�biiitri CQ�rrs.'[be:�cova�aats aod a�noantnts of this
<br />� Securi�•-fn�rean�Il bi�,tl��nd ba�Gt tbo�arid rssignt af I.ada�md Barowet� wbjxt to tbo pro+risiom� of
<br /> pMrg��pti 17. AarrorMer'e c�ive�laa �od agroema�b sh�il 6e joint�ad several. My Soero� �vbo oo-� dm Sanrit.y . ..
<br />��? i�+�t but doea not a�ocWt tho No1e: Ca�is w-aigAinB ��RS,!��Y p�a��d ��'aY�
<br /> gaem�oe's ioleeat ie tbe PeoQaety under d�e la'ms of d�Secucity Itaauma�(b)u nat Pms�UY�b Ph'�� �
<br /> aGCU�sd lvy Uris Secnrity Insocumont;w�d(c)agroes tb�t L,mdu�od any od�a Barcmwa m�y�cee to r.x�d,�ao�fY,fabe�r a
<br /> '�� a�alee�n�a000a�mad�tia►s wri��re�rd W tha o�m.+af t6ia Socurlry Inmwr�an a dn No1e rvidro�t dyt Bor�,m►�er't cauaK.
<br /> ,y, 1a:lw�CWir�. If d�e lo�n oocuted by thit Socutity Yn�un�ut is wbje+c�10 a!�v wl�icb�m�xiaaum lo�n cl�r�es.
<br /> and d�atiaw i�tiedfy imeqrnoled so dut ohe�;Inkxeet a od�er io�a ch�rs colbcted ar o�ba oolbcled ia oamect�on.vii6 d�e lo�u
<br /> .. `r exceed the panMned xrtain.tb�: (�)aey t�!�t►'.1om dur�e eh�lt b�e radnood by d,e�rnounc neoe�ey a rednoe d�e aMr�e a�be
<br /> Panimlr.d b�i��ad @)�nY sums atir�dY atlbcbd fran Bamwor�vhich oxcoedod pe�mipecf limia MLI be refunded b Bcxmwer.
<br /> '` Ix.a�lar mty c�hoore b au�ke d�refuod by mdocina the princip�l owed imder d�Nota a by a�tin�a diroct p�yment 10
<br /> �` B�mnwa.If�rd'w�d reduoas pr�l,the raluctio�w,Ut be nra�ed as a pact�+�n�.c,payma�t without�aY P�Y��8e
<br /> ��• .
<br /> - uadc�the No1a ,
<br /> i�.l�otkx+�.- .Any nati�oe W Barowa�ovidod fa in thi�Socurity Iaqonmia�t e�all bo gtva�by deJiverinj it a by m�iti�it
<br /> `� �7 t�t��as maI�lxilea�plicable bw requirea ux of anod�a�ttfod.'It�e rat�e shalt ba Aarec�od to ths Propaty A+�dnr�a
<br /> ";ti . ��,.,i�dia add�e�s Ba�c�o�wx'�design�oes by notice to I.erda.My ndke 10 Lender stuil];be givea by C�t clpz mail�o L.endcr'a
<br /> :iy . :�dMb:��ed har,in a�r+y,.trCner dc�Cese I.afda dadgn�by notioe�a Barn�ver.My notioa prnvjdod for in this Sacuricy
<br /> �'�� 1�►iednmu�at at�l!be dee�aed to na�e l�een�ivai to Ba��+±�K�when gtva�ar pcovided in dus p�ryR�ph. .
<br /> �^� 13.�(rdver�4�w;Sev'e�bWi�. 31h:is 5ocucity Instcument atu�ll be govaned by f� LM aad da law of die
<br /> ; �.
<br /> ,p�daddct�n in whid�tho Pmnaty ia iac�ted.in the event dat my provision a cYwx of du.+Socurity L�mumau a the Nate
<br /> conEilc�wrth�ppliabb inr.such canflkt eh�li aot�tYxt od�a a'ovisiona of�hi.t Secwity Lutnuna►t a the No1a�rhich pn bo
<br /> ,; `: �pven o�'tect wid�t the coa�kiet�sK provisi,on.�'a deis end tho provlsiau of Ih1�Sa;ur3:y Insl�urnent��he Nwe�ra doclare�d W
<br /> � � bo revar,�ble.
<br /> ','; - � For�iol��lso
<br /> '��T��� ���OC(NE)(1�t2}.Ot ,P�o�4o10 InRkk:�^
<br /> '.���n . . . .
<br />_ f'�? " , :� �
<br /> ,
<br /> •} ,
<br /> _; _
<br />