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<br /> � ' - - `--�l. RE11L E�T1�TE LIEN �- � � �
<br /> � ��RE�3, N. Stanley�Ne2san,and•3anet L. Nelsan, husband and - �
<br /> • � wife, (heze#�iaft - -- - -- €ezred tci ,a: "Hoaeowners"). Wbettier .one = � . _ �
<br /> ` � os iose has tntered into a certain wzi`tten �lGREL!lENT-FOR � �'l
<br /> _ REHJIBILIT1�Ti0H dated the dth of May, 19�2, with the City of Granii ��.
<br /> � - , Island, Hebraska, � nunicipal cozpaz�tion �hereinafter us�al2�►
<br /> referred to as "C£Cy"� acttng tYsrough -its� Cammur►ity Developaeat
<br /> � DegartAent, for rettab�ilitation of a dwellinq on premises owned by � ,
<br /> � Hoaeovnets,rhich �is hezeinaftex des�zibed, and for the g�caa�ing by
<br /> . City to. Hoteovnex of Fedesal Funds in the amount of TNELVE THDU37lNB
<br /> TNO HUI�iDRED. DOLI+IIitS, f S}2,20a) to, be applfed in pay�ent of the cast .
<br /> of such zehabilitation and �
<br /> - NHERE7IS, Homeovners have, among other thi.ngs agreed:. °
<br /> - {a) to sepay such amouat or, as, the case may be, a part `, �
<br /> . T�ereaf to City and . . . ,
<br /> (bl, to execute and deliver to City an instrument in iecosdable form
<br />�_ � . granting to City a lien on the premises to sectire:such � - .
<br /> - - =epayment, � - -
<br /> �_ i��i�T THEREFORE, in cons3deration af sucb AGREEI�fENT with City,
<br /> - ' � N. Sianle� N�elson and Janet L.� Nelson do hereby gra»t ta the CITY OF '
<br /> = GREND I.SL�ND, NEBRPiSKti a ,Municigal Cozpo=ativn, its succes..ors and
<br />=- � . assigns, a Zien upon the following described real estate situated in
<br /> , �;:� .
<br />. . Hall� Caunty, ttebraska: .
<br /> - ' Lot Eiqht (8), Block Thirteen tl�), Lambert•s
<br /> ABdition to the City at G�cand Zsland, Hall County, NE
<br />____ to secuze repayment to tlte City of Gxand Isl.and, Nebzaska, its
<br /> - successors ana assigns, of tbe amopnt of the gzant hereinabove
<br /> �.�;�� z�fezzed ta oz, as the case may be, a� paxt thezso� in �ccordance . _
<br /> with tt�e terms ancl conditions set torth �in the AGREEMENT FOR _
<br /> , REHABTLITATION to whiah seference is made hezeinabove. '"'
<br /> . �; The liess herein granted shall zur� with the premises until such
<br /> --- fiime .as title to the pxoperty is tzans£erred to another. ovner. At `
<br /> --_�:_ �s th�s time, the �nti�e amount of the iien sha12 became due an�] �_
<br /> -. . gay��sle. � � -
<br /> - �;
<br /> - D�ted thi� 9th day of tNay, 1992. . °
<br /> . ' • '� ._. _ �
<br />- ; �./1 �:
<br /> N. S anl cl�on J et L,. Nel�on {s
<br /> � SATE Or^ NEBFASKA 7 �_„
<br /> ) ss �
<br /> ` - County af Hall f �
<br /> r On thi�: 4th day ot May, 1992� bc 4urt, me, tr,e undersigned dvly . �
<br /> �`. � commias9or�ed .�nd ��tiny irr a�Yd for. �ucfi cuunty, persona2ly appe�Yed �
<br /> - - : �• {�_� ,- N. 9tan2ey and �Janet L. Nelson, knovt� to me to b� the id�ntic�l • �
<br /> .- �'� ;�*�1�:=�,. �persons whcese signature is �ffixF�d tr tYr_• Eozegoi.r�q in�tzument, ancl _
<br /> � they acknt�vledqed the exect�tion af such instrumeri� ta be �heiz avn �
<br /> ��;��,. voluntarjr act an8 dee8. � '
<br /> . � In vitn�ss vheL�of, I hav� hezcun+�a ::c•L� r�y �ffi�3zil hand and �
<br /> � . �.- :;- seal the c�ate last vritten above. �
<br /> �__ - _ -:�-'�.��, " n ( - ;�.•G_-Lte<<- .�� � .. � �-
<br /> ;".:x"::,:�,-.1 - -- �j�� - .T�f t.a.c,,,_� =�
<br /> 'T-�'�_�.�. � No�ari " , :
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