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<br /> �'�CikCk6�R WiTH ell t1�e improveru,aus now on c�renfter �rectad on the property. nnd all easenxnta, _
<br /> s�pisrta�snoe�, �nd fixtures now or heraltet :put of the pro�rry All oepl�cemente end nddlelona ahall alao be covsred ,—
<br /> t�thie Ser.►rIry Jnttrument.All of the foregotru�l�cefem�d to in ehia Security Ineuucbent ss t�e"Arapersy."
<br /> 8o�xoweR Cov�aNrs ttut Hocmwer ia lawfully set�ed of the estate hanby conveyed u�d h�ttie dght to grant u►d
<br /> r�anMey the P�+opecty wd 2hu tbe Pa►pecty ia uneacumb�sc�od� except for encutnbr�n�a of record. Borrower wuruits�nd
<br /> ♦tilll defend geae�ally the title to the Propetty yg�fast all 41w�ms snd demanda,aub;ect tp eny encumbrances of reoord.
<br /> 7'ttts�ECURrrv irrsrauMeNT coanbincs lip1f07III COVESAi�liA ;o�cwtiou�l u«.:�u�t�an•unifarm cuvencnt�i•�ith limlt�
<br /> ���uiationa by jurfidiction to oan:titute+�unifurm�ec�r3ty lnun»nt cov�rin�re�l prnperty. .
<br /> URtr+c�Rw Covr�r+Mrrs.Borrosver md I,a�der covaunt end�gree as foUows:
<br /> 1. Pa�a�t o[Prbcipd�nd Lta�at:Pre�Yment�nd Lte ChsrQsa. Borrower ahali promptlY PAY when dua
<br /> t'he�rinGi �l of u�d iaterat oa the d�bt evidaioed by the Note and eay pnpayment snd lete chergas duc rander tlse Note.
<br /> a
<br /> 2. �Cor 7yxe�aud Iqauwce.�bjact to�pplicable l�w or to s►written waiver by l.eader,Bormwer ehall pay
<br /> ep t.�ender on the day monthlypaymtnu an due un�r We Nate,uatiI tha Note is�id in Nil. a swa("Funds")[or: (a)
<br />� r�earj uuces rud�are�wu�nt�w6ict�may att�in prtariry ovtr thls Seci:rity Insin�meaY as x lien�n the Pn►�erty; (b)Y�Y
<br /> u
<br /> 9�1d payments or=ramd ranta oa the Prope�ty. lf any; (�)Yeazl�!hu�rd or pmpercy iaaurauice premiums: (d)Ye�t1Y
<br /> �iood insuru�ce premiuma.if any.(e)Yearly mortgage inauz�nce pmm�.uau� if u►y;and(��uY sumsp�Yabk by Horrower
<br /> �o L.�nder. in uccordaacx with tbe pmvisions of puagc�sph 8, in lieu of the paymeat of inortg�ge iatucan�e pcexuiw�as•
<br /> These iaema aae s.allal "F.::crow Items.'L�a�dcr may.u ao�time.collect Aad huld Funds in an Amount na to oacea!tLe
<br /> .t�wci.mu�no,�mount a lwdd�for a fedeally relatexf mortg�ge loan may roquire for Bortower'a acrow aceou�t undtr the
<br /> �'oder�l Ral Fitatco Settlemwt Ptuceduc�e Act of Y974,as ameaded fron� dm�c 'to tlme. 12 L�.S.C. 4 2601 a uq.
<br /> ('RTaSPA').unlcsa�aother!sw ttut�pli�s to tbe Fuada seta a leaser amntmt.If so.L.eadermay.at amY tlme.coUect md
<br /> bala FunJ�in ad�uuouiit aot to eAc�d t�,�is;,ct':saount.I.eadec rc..�y�ti��t2r a�.�u.�t of FS�nd,�due on the baii�of.
<br /> cur�rat datx snd reaeon�bie e�,m�tca of ex}+rr.ditur�a of 1�tpc�e Facrow Itema or ott�enviee in a000rduxc witt� �pplic�bk
<br /> ��..� .. , �
<br /> � Tbo Funda atwll ba!�'R,l�a�n iastitut;c*n wh�ose�i�xpns�u are inaurod by a fader�t ageacy,inst�umaiulity.or earitY
<br /> (ix?iding �I.eader. if I.ender is such �n ia9dtui�on)or 3n t4,1`y�akr���ne Lo�n B�nic.L,wdrs ehsU�pply the i�u�ds to
<br /> p�y.t4e Eec w U.euu. L�ender aniy not c�nrgt Bc►rrower for holdi+��q;iwd apPlying the Fwxls. aonually u�lytinE t6e
<br /> qcruw accoant� or verifying the Escmw Itams. oaleas L4rider prya�3arcnwer mterest on the �irds a,ad licable law
<br /> p�Lmder to malce such a charse: However, Lt��lar m�y cequire BorraMer ta p�y a cm�-time �e for m
<br /> iu t ral est�to t�uc nportiu�g eecva�x ueed b3�LtmrtCc�'in conxcdou with thia loen,unleu appticatsk lativ pmvidea
<br /> ot�eswiee.UNes�aa agteemeat is made or�pplic�ble la�rs�qwt+q inucrst ta be�id. I.e�der ah�U i����titWl be
<br /> `,AoGro�er iny iotec�at or e�cnin�s on We Funds.Bormwer�ad Laider an�y aIIroe m�ri�.hmMevetc�� �. �_�od
<br /> dpoci on tLe Fuads.ira�da e6a11 give w Barrowa.witlwut�,�u�ge,w anoual xcouat�g o the F�rr'dR„
<br /> ebiu ta the Pw�df aod the tpMe fa pvhich each debit to t5a Fwx1a was made. 'Che Fuads uc,tp�edged ss iidditiona!
<br /> 1 �.'!i�in�.11.n.ru rriiewt�thi:SeetritY ItlatfulDEOt. �i... ' �.
<br /> If the Fwods held by I.erider exoeedthe�mounts prnnitted tb be held by�pplic�ble law�IxaJer Wit;ac�w
<br /> Bocr�aax tor�he e�cuu Puad�ia aococda�e with the�of�le ltw.•lf the amoaint of t�e Piud�hdd by
<br /> : Im�der at�adr tlme ie nnc suP�ictart toyty th�.F:�crow Itemi r�hea due,,.. may w notity Bocmwer in wri q'�.a4d�in
<br /> w�eh cne Hon�v+o��shalP pay to l�endtr tfi�.�amount 000aauY w mn:YC uP the defickoGy. Bocc+awrr sball tmk�e up the
<br /> a��y�►,�a�a�n�a��y�s,,c��:�o a�«�. �
<br /> vpoap�qrm�t in l�II of aU sums secured by t6is Security Inatcumenc, Laider�lul.l pro�p3�y:�Iefund tu Borrowri
<br /> � �r Fund�hel-d by ��er If, uadapar 21, E.arder s1W1 scquirc or sell the Prope?ty; 1�xxkr, pc►nr to the
<br /> � �oqw�it3oa ar�ie of the � . �b�ll �pp�Iy�any Fuadt held by L�ader u the slm�e of xqu�iitbau or s�le �a cradit
<br /> 1 . �aiimt d�e swwt rocurod b��s Secu�icy��-
<br /> 3. o�pl��e■Is. Unlas appticable l�w provides ot�rise. �11 paymeats r�ccc;rvod by I.ea�der uodos
<br /> Pa'"„rrrph. and 2�hall be�pplied: 6rst,w auy pnpayment ch�r�a due under tlte Nou� seoand:to �moyat�gay�ble.
<br /> u�:�a 2:t6ird.co intecese due: fauW,to prlacipai due;md l�ac.co aay l�te dYe�der cbe Nose.
<br /> 4. .. • I.ko�. Boimnver�baUpay�11 w�ea.�esta�eats�clvu'8a. fi,oa�irqxi�� �etcibatabio to th�
<br /> pio�eCt•j MLich m�y stt�la priority over this SecuritY Inauumeat. atd le�tdwld pa}�meats oir,•�r�otud•rentt, if�uy.
<br /> Aorrow�er�ati pay tLa�e ob1�Rloos m the maoner pmvidod la pu�gt�ph 2.or if not paiQ u►tt�at m�t�er,Borrowear�tuli
<br /> , p�them oa a�dlroctly to We Ixtsoa owcd piynmt. Bacmwa shsll pcumpcly turauh to I.ao�kr'ull nutias o�'amauots
<br /> � � W be paid ta�ka.�t1ds pu�rapb. If Bo[twwec m�itea ihese�ytna�ts daraotly, Borrovvea�11 p�ca�F'lty tl�mish w I.eadas
<br /> . �Hort+n�a�r�al�l Pe�y disclurbe a�►liai which hs�priority over this Sxudry Lutnaroeot�ualeas&�row�ar:(�
<br /> � �c'r,e�ia w tLc p�ymomt of the vblig�tioa�e�v�+ed by tfie liea ia�mmner acceptabk w Y.eader� (b�)codoeaa in
<br /> �ooil taim�by� a det� ag�nst ealonxmeat of tHe lka in,lcgal pnoceedioas wh�ch�.'���c+�
<br /> ap�e w pc�v�t the ao[oe+oeaaeat of the liea; or (c) �ucucr,s from the 1wlria of the lira�n �d
<br /> Lender subom�l.�tlye lien to this Sxurity Instmment.If I.erider Astera�ines Wu my put of t�e.3�r,npettX is to R
<br /> Ixa which may p�on ry over this Security In:d�umera. Y�etidet give Botrorver a uotyi�e_�d�in: lien.
<br /> Borrurrrer ihatl sat�fy t6e 1'iaa or Woe ox or mon of the�ons set forth�e within tfl day�of tt�.��,ivi�of.mtioc.
<br /> S.Ws�rd or PropartJ L�sura�ce. Borrower shall kap the impravarua.ts r�txi�io�or haraRa ex�aa!on Wc
<br /> pcapaty i�ut�.ted a�ainst loas by fire, haruds inclucled within the temi "eata�da�l tCaver�e' and aay ot2�c hu�rdt,
<br /> . . FaNn,9D2s !NO/p�yN 2 of al
<br /> � wNCaa svsra�s.�c..sr.ci.ouo,Mn sesos c�.ioo-��:asen for�!Ma-�.�u�n� � ,. T --�...--
<br />