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<br /> _ �`y���y������Y�s Grand Isiand Iave�t�ent �o. (a 1lebrasiw Carp.) � .
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<br /> �` • �The fteaterl7 ot►e-third (7l�� of I.at 1Yio (21 in Elact Bfghty-Oae (Si) !
<br /> . 'sa the QsiSinal ?ot�t nor+ Cit� of Graad Ialsnd,:Hali Couaty, 1lehraaka _ � .
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<br /> 1 aa�iitiot tdt if tht a�id mostp�osti�.l�.Le'�a t�ir bdts, es�atto�s �or ari�irlt p4 ot rar-fa 6� �
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<br /> t Payable,ia thirly five (3S) iaatall�ents.of S425.00 includipg i.nterest, iri.th'the ;
<br /> first�ay�eat beimg due July 3, f992, aad like pay�enta dne the 3rfl of�each aoath �
<br /> ihese tes vatil Jnae 3,-l995, When the re�aining principal balaace.becaaes ttue _
<br /> . and payable uuless sutually agreed�by both partiea othesWise• , �
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