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<br /> 1-4 �ANiIL�' RIU�R --
<br /> � Asstgnment ot'Rents 2002T7�0 � _
<br /> TH151-4 F,+�M1LY RIDBR is ntadc this �6TH �y of y g �
<br /> und is encorporatcxi Into urxf shall be deemal to amet�and supplanertt thc Mortgagc Deed of Trust or9�ocu riry
<br /> Deeci (tho "Ser�rity Instrum�:nt") of the same date giveR by the undersigned (the "Harrower") ta sa:ure
<br /> Borrower's Note to
<br /> 'The SquitabZe Build�.ng �r�d f.a�n A�soc;i.atian af Grand Ir�land e �
<br /> Nabx�i�kA, A Feder�l savings Bank (the"Lender")
<br /> af thc sanx date�nd cavering the Propercy described�n the Security Instrument and locatod at: �
<br /> �3.19 6 2121 W 18TH3�1�5 PT WgBB RD, L�RAIiD ISLAND, N8BR1h8Kr► b8803
<br /> t?toperty Addrcss]
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY CUV�NANT�.In addition to the covena�us nnd agreemenrs made an the Sacurity instmment,
<br /> i Borrower a�r.1 I.eruier furllxr covenant una agra as fallows:
<br /> A, ADD�1'IONAL PR01�R1`Y SUWECI` TO 'fHE SEC[)itITY INSTRIIMENT. In acidition to the
<br /> property descdbod in the Securiry Instrunaent,the following itam are added ro the Property descriptan,and sludl
<br /> �iw oor�atitute the Property cbverod bp the Securiry Instrumenr.building materi�ls,appliancas and goads nf every
<br /> naturc whatsoever now or here�fter locucd in, on, or used, or ineeMed to bs used in conneciion with the
<br /> Praperty, inciuding, but nM limited to. thase fbr tha }�wr�ts of supglying or d�sttibuting hcating, coolin�, ' .
<br /> �lectricity, ga�. w�. air and light, firt �xeventicm and extinguishing appouatus. seeuriry and acces.� contml
<br /> �+rtus, plumhing, t�th wbs, watcr heaters, water dosets, sinks, r�nges.stoves. rcfrigerators, dishwasher�,
<br /> disXx�sals, wast�ers,dr�rens,awnings. storm wyrdows,st�rm doors.seteens,blinds,•siwdes.curtains ud curtain =
<br /> [OQO,�IL�C�fCb II11it0iS.Ci�finets.f,.....•;in�a�u'ui"iti�,`'-w�'. aa+va :�:'�i3T.p�iClS�L�S 1�...�ftw�nttyriwl IA Ihe P[YUIEYLY,
<br /> �li of which, inclading replacxments and �dditio►n th�ruo. sh�ll be deemed to bo and remain a part of the
<br /> property cnvaod by the Security Instrumexrt. All of the fongoing together with the Property dGCCribed in the .
<br /> Sacurity inetrumeot(or the lasehold tstate if the Sacuriry Imtrument is on a lease!►old)an referrod to in khis 1-4 ,,,:;
<br /> , Family Ricler a�d the Security InsttumeM as tlx"Property.••
<br /> B.USE OF PitOPE1tTY3 COMPldANCE VYi7'N LAW. Horrower shall ctiut seek. nSroe to or m�ke� i,,,
<br /> c)�rnqe in the usc of the Prop�Yty or its zonin$classifiai4ie►n,unless L.er►der lus agraoc�.in writing to the chan�,c: :�r
<br /> ' Borrowtr s}WI ccxnply with a11 Isws. orditwr�ces. �r�adorRS and requimrn:ntti'';�f u►y governtr�ental body'';�
<br /> �pplicable to ihe Property.
<br /> C.SUNmitDIPiATE L�NS.Bxapt as permitted by fodernl law.8orrower s1w11 not�lbw any li�ai infcriur
<br /> ta the Secur�ty Instnunent to lx pedected againct du Property without Lauler's prior written permission.
<br /> �"• D.1t�IVT I�06S INSURANCE.Bo�rower studl m�intain insuraixe�p�atnst cent loss in addition to the dhrr
<br /> 3�s�for which insurmce is requirod by Uuiform�ovemnt S.
<br /> ' E,"6QRRQWER'S RIGlfT 1'O REINS"CKPE"D�LE'['ED. Uniform Covenam 18 is deletod.
<br /> F. �1tOWlER'S OCCUPAN�Y. Unless Lcnder and Ilorrc�wcr aherwix agra io wricing. the firat
<br /> st>e�tenoe in Unifam.Cova►ant 6 cor�oemin8 �oeYawer's occu�ncy of the Propecly is deletod. All rer�ining
<br /> c�'vpwys snd agrennents�t forth in Uniform Covcnu�t 6 shall rcrn�in in effect. ,
<br /> M111.Ti�TATE 1-4 iAMM.Y IqOEl1-FM�MM1Fnddh IN�a tM�Fform Imtr+r+�t Foe�t 3170 3Ji3 .
<br /> 'i�_•�;'� .
<br /> �•6�193W1.01 VM�MO(1T6AGEi0HMS•18001521•7291 � h��^�Y�'�P'�
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