-i���!..- . �; _ _ _
<br /> __ _ '.Y 4. _ ____ _ f' � � .. _—
<br /> ` '-.�=� - r ... - ._ -�__�.._....�,. . .
<br /> — — ''k���+:�:'_:� . . , • — . , , � '.
<br /> .-=�4 w..iyijt� � . _ � . . - . � � . .
<br /> ` _ � . , ` � . . . ._ . - . _ c ` �� ' � ` -_
<br /> � ga;ods t�.c#.toaa`roquiRS. 'ILe in��oce ca�ier p�vi�a the i�uu�oe atalr be cf�csai bY HOno��renderlc
<br /> � � apprtwat wtuch�U not be uoreasd�blY wi�ldrcld. U Banower fails w rminuin oover�e described a6ove.i�eader may.�t
<br /> • I.eeder�apti�on,otxaio caversae to pco�K La�3 ri�ts in tbe Ptope+tgan accad�oce wi�h p�usgrapi►� clwse. L.aider
<br /> �ll�P����new�ls sh�llbe acaptabk w Leader and sh�ll include a standa{�d maR�age _
<br /> - shal�Aave tde rig6t w lald tbdi�alicks and r�w+�ta [f Ltnder teqwres.8ocrower sbaU piomptlY 8ive to I.tndeF all teceilil.s
<br /> . �P�id promiu�os�nd cenowal riaias. In the evene of Mss.Ba�wer shall give pc�omPt notice to the insur�c curier aad
<br /> ` i�ender. [�ender nnY m�ice P�of loss if no�madt promptiy by 6artower '
<br /> , � . Udess Leo�der and Bbr�ower att�erwisc ag�oc in writing.insunacc pEO�sds shall be applied tu�+estor�ian a�+epiir oF
<br /> � �{�`�pati�n or tepiir is ecor�omic�tiy�"b!e�d:l�'s se�uriry is rtat kss�enod. If the . .
<br /> ��y�O�' wouid be ksseacd.the insvrance p�occeds stn116e ,
<br /> restoc�ion or iepni�is eot ecawmic�UY feas�'b1e a i.ender's sacur'scy d to Barower. If
<br /> . applied�the sun�c secwtd bY this Sa��tn.�4�'�or not thrn di+e.with aey.txotss pai
<br /> Banower abmdo�a the QtopettY.or does not aaswer within 30 days a�wtice from Lender d�at the u�surance c�r►er has
<br /> offe�ed to seak�c[aim:t�Leoder mag colkct the irtsurmce p�uceod.s...
<br /> f..a�der may use tbe pmoeeds to aeQair or zestone
<br /> � the pto�e�ty or to pay stm�secut+ed bY tltis Security ir�ament.wlxitkc ar eat then due. The 3adaY P�Od��W�
<br /> . ,
<br /> � __ _ _.__.. � _--:���'�- l�cation of aeds to i shaU not extend ar
<br /> iJniesc Leader aad BorEowa atlKCwise agKe in writia8,�Y aPP P� P�P�
<br /> postpone d�t due due af the montWY 1�Y�tns zefened to in puag�aphs 1 aad 2 or chutge t6c art��of��s. g
<br /> ��g�ph 2�dfe piopaty is acquitrd by I.etder,Boaoxrcra right to aay insurance pu�
<br /> resWtin
<br /> � fiom da�nage to the PtopeKy Pria w t6e�ccNis�uon s6aU pass w Lender to the extent of the sums secu�d by this SecuritY
<br /> �yp�rr�tioyq�Maiwte�a�ce and Protcetioa of the Pr�rtyt ���s �'0�° ���'
<br /> liiaeidds Ba�rrower shaU accupy.establisfi.and use t6e.Pcopeny as Bomnwer's princrpal residence v�ithin sixty days after
<br /> the eaecutia►of thix Sa�i�Y Insuu�and sl�atl continue w accupy the.Propeay as Borrower's principal ttsidenee for at
<br /> lesst ane ypr after tt�e d�te of occup�ncy,_untess Le�der othe�w�se agnxs ia writing. which calsent shaU not be .
<br /> �tb{y witnhel4 a uakss exttnwting cu�ca�ces exist:which ane beyaad Bormwec's caotml. Borto�Qwer shail
<br /> dest�eoY,d�Se a.�mp�r�Pr'oP��l►.albw the Plropecey to deteriorsue.or commit vraste on the P[apeny
<br /> tx i�►defaWt if any farfaitunc�ctian or procee�CnS.whether c�vil or criminal.is beg�ai that in Lender's good futh judgment
<br /> c�ould result in fixfeiwre of the PropenY or othenvise materialty impait the.lien cn�ted by this Security Insttument or
<br /> t.ender�s seccaitY inte�st. Bo�mwer may cure such a defaulc and teiascate.as piovided in paragraph 18•bY c�siag the action --
<br />= otptoex�irta to be dismissed with a rWiag that.in Lenders good faitb detetminatioa,Prtcl�des farfeiture of the Borrower's ��T
<br /> iwte�est in tbe Property`or ather matecial impaimunt of t6e lien cn�ted by ttus Security instrument or Lender's secority � --
<br /> inu�st Borcower shap also ba in defauit if Bonawer, during the laan applieation process. gave materially false or �.-_
<br /> inacc�ate infotmation or statemencs to L.ender tor failed to pmvide l�ender with any.mat�rial�informanan)in conixxKian with �__�_
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Nate.inctuding. but nat timited to, repceserRadons canceming Bartower's occupancy of the , ��=_
<br /> - p�openy as a principal nsidence. If this Secunty Instrument is on a leasehotd.Borrower shall compty with all the provisions �`_
<br /> - of the fease. If Bomnwer aalw�s fee titla to the Pcopec�:.!�e leasehold and the fee title shall not merge wless Leuder agrees
<br /> � to the merger in writing. ' • --
<br />�' 7. Protectioa d Lesder's Rigbts in the Prapienty. If BoRawer fails to perform the covenants and�,+�ements �.,
<br /> � c.arttained in this Security tnswment,or thece is a 1c�I Proceedva8 that may significai►tly affcet I.ender s rigUts in t6e
<br />,'S� property(such a4 a procading In 1�ankruP«Y•P�obate,fm conder.s��or forfeiture or to enfo�+ce laws or regutada�s).then ��_-__
<br /> . Lender may do ar�1 pay for whatever is mce�sarY to protect�he v4:�-of the Property and Len d e r's ri g hts in the P�o p e rt y- -,�=-�
<br /> L�ender's actio�s may mclude paying any sums secured by a lien which fias priorety,over this Security Instrument,appearin8 , ;,-�
<br /> in cood.payi�8 rcasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to ma[ce�,..�x�sirs.�►lthoa8h l.ender maY ta1�c a�lan =�-`-�-
<br /> ��,�,�:
<br /> under this paragraph�.L.ender dces not have to da so. - `•`
<br /> i..� .�:�=,
<br /> pny amounts d�sbursed by t.ender under this patagaph 7 shaU 6erome a�onal debt of Bortower secured by this ,�_
<br /> Security Instrumcnt. Unless Borrower and l.ender agree to other terms of paymen�these amounts shall bcar intetest from the , .,°
<br />� date of disbursement at the Note�rate and shall be payable.with inteies�t.upon notice from L.ender to Borrower requesting -�,•;'�._.
<br /> � _ _.
<br /> -- ��$. Murtgsse Iesursnca tf Lender required moRguge insurance ac a conditiaa of making the loan secureQ by this _,
<br /> Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mongage insurance in effec�.� If.for any � ,=,,-';
<br /> teasoa, the mortgage insurance caverage requ�red by l.ender lapses.or ceases to be in effect: Borrower shaQ pay the
<br /> �� premiums srquired ta abtain cover�e substanfially equivulent ta�+:�ortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cast
<br /> substantiallg equivalent tb ttr wst to Barrower of the mortgage ins_:�ice previously in effect.from an altemate mortgage
<br />_'z,` �nsurer approved by Lender. If substantially eyuivalent murtgage insurance covera��s not available.Bortawer shall pay ta ,,_,_�^.
<br /> - G.ender e�ch month a sum��al to o�e-twelfth of the yearly mor[gage insurance gna�n�um being paid by Borrower whca thc ,_
<br /> � ' `insurance coverage lapsed c�ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.u�e and retaiif these payments a�a loss resetve in lieu •
<br /> .c
<br /> ° of mat�tgage insurance. Loss reserve pa��.i�.ents may no langer be reyuired.at the op�ion of l.ender.if mortgage insurance ��•`_:
<br /> coverage(in the amount and for the pe�i�,a r5at Lender requues)provided by an iayumr approvea by l.ender ugain becomes • "'
<br /> �� i available and is obtained.Eoaower sh�f_c�y the pre�zsm.c required tb maintnm mortgagc insur:u�ce In effec�or to provide a , ��:.,..;..'
<br /> � toss reserve,until the reqairement for mortgage ia�tr.�v:c en dv in a c c n r c l a n ce w i t h a n y w s i t t e n a g r e e m e n t be tw e en Borrower �,�;,,;,.
<br /> -� � and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> r:��. • 9 lnspectian. Lendcr or i�s ugent may make re�.�anable entries upon�nd incpections of thc Property. Lendcr shal! �
<br /> - - � ;��� give Barr�wer notice at the time of or prior w�i�npc;ciion specify�ng ceaumabte cau�e for the inspection. __._ .
<br /> ` 10 CondemnaHon. 'Che proceeds of aay�+ward or claim fnrd�mnges.direct or can�eyuential.in connection with any
<br /> Sin tc F.unil -•tannk bfaeiFYeddia�fx U�ffOK�I riS7R1��11iVi••1'ni(omi('avcn�ntr 9;9� 1lwer+ujb pngesJ �
<br /> R y
<br /> Gtr�l tiatice ewierw rae�.lec.■
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