... ..- �..� ..... -r—�� - ..T � - 1���e'�S _. . _ . f �}✓�
<br /> ..� ' _:..-�. .: . _'� ' �t�f ��� .
<br /> :�._.._..��� : .� ��i' �`c}'�.: �.'1. '_ __ __ _ _,_ , ..._ _ _._ - _ -.___'
<br /> � . C .i' '�lY� .i
<br /> _ 4j�i-;•�i>
<br /> . _<!�Q 1( C� ,y. �. . f - � _
<br /> . . � . ' � .`-'].'. .F, y�����f.( �����1�� . ` "_—
<br /> -_�, _ _ . . .;� i,�— — _ - _ _ .
<br /> _ .. �
<br /> .-� -.. , _ -• � ""_ �'..__ �'._ ' _ " . . _. ' : �• . _ . - ' � . _ . - .
<br /> � ` .�..� �• •i � . . . " <
<br /> ti4� . . . � .. . . , a . .
<br /> . .. r,, +. _ _ , . _ � �_ 30454� - ..
<br /> , . � _ _ . ,
<br /> � � f:- ooe.l..e,�r. rr.�.tt.��MaiMe�a.i tt+M.cti.�a ae Pte�eti;Dae�+sw�es's L..Apwe�t..: �
<br /> .I.�Wi. 'BaROwer dMll occupy.:esiablis6.aod me t1i�Prcpaty as Ba�m�ver's ptiocipail nsideaoe within:i�oy dsys ' �.g--
<br /> �4A�x�ie eatec9dos d�it Sacu�eq Ia�teumeat ao�smll caatinue to 000upy tbe P:opexty as Bo�mMe�r's PrmciP�f raidenoe . �=_ _
<br /> fa�at ieait a�t yar dla tbe d�of oaupmcy:uaiat L�ender atbe�ri�e a�e�es m.writiag.w6ich ccnse�asall aot be ' }�:.r�=���-��"�
<br /> �mreuo�bty�hdd,a udas e�ueau�do�,��.�e�dxi�fiicb ae�e 6rya�d Barnw�er's caatrol.8ormwer�1!oot ..:`�°��;y�-_=_
<br /> . . �evy�d��e cr i�np�ir tbe Prope�ty.�v etie Pmpeity to de�tonoe.ar canomit aiue on t6e Prape:ty.Hormrver s6�II }_� '�:;�z,:_
<br /> ----- 6e is�ei�dt Haaryt-fafrio�e actios or poQeedeua>�:r6atber ci'vil ar ctimi�l.b bejun d�at ia LeMer's gaad fitt6�td�meat � `� ���� -_
<br /> --—. _ caad trmit in fwieidr�t otthe Peopeety orotbawi�e m�iaity iaoQ�r thelien cnaited�yr this SxuritY 1a�u�nent ar Leader'a � ,�_����.-��-
<br /> �" �ewrityr alerat.Boaowa a�y cute a�cb asle5ntt�nd cei�te'as P��m Wn8*�Pb IS•�'�s8 the actiaa or e�-----_-��W
<br /> tniiof ia La�des'a 6iW daeraain�tiao, far[eiwre of tIk Borrower's �$`'��'?��i._;
<br />- p�noee6ias tn be"d�mis�ed�rit6 s d�at,
<br /> Pr'xlndea :,`�_
<br />;-�' ialns�E ia tl�a Propeity or alha w�aW impinnoe�t of tbe�lia�cne�Med by tEds Securiry inmamait or Is,�du's aeeurity . �� �:�,.=4; �:,
<br />�'� ialemt.Bormwe��1!alw 6e in defwltif Borrn�rrr.dodai d�a lan appiic+�oo�4 p�sa+S+►��Y fidse a imccur� ;,.�-�����-
<br /> ,, h .
<br /> � iaiqp�aic a tdleaesq to E�eader ta fidLed ta provide Laider�ri�6�►Y maeerial iofamuioa)in coomction�t!►t6e 1an �='�.:Y��, -
<br /> -— - -__=-==�ri�'s�tt by tbe i�io1e.��tsae.'�i.+a'.�-'�+�;=n�cnnoernin�-BoRUwe�'��nclE nEihc_Pmpetll►as--.—-- r-s-�`��` , --
<br /> a ptiacipiraideave.if tbis Secncity I�tuucia�c�s ou s ta�ehoW.Bo�m+va slull camPiY�all thc pi+ovasiaa4 of ttie7aue. ': _: .
<br />•� if Ba�eo�rrr�oqai��ee ade to d�e Propertq aid tha � �.�
<br /> ,tb�1w�old ke tide sh�11 not metge unless Itader ag�s w the �r��;�.,:�,4,,,��_:;;
<br /> mer�er io writjai- � f. :s r,.',�,=—`—�
<br /> tLe ca�vvenatKS aac!agce�ameats - ".�:�:.s
<br /> � 7. ?r�l�eflra d l.eaie�s�ti�ta Is ttie Pe�aty It Borrawer f�u7s to perfasu ca �`. ,�,;;;:`��„�.s
<br /> � ooatal�edi�thisSea�itylo�onaamt,�atbei+eisale�alpioceb�ia�t6aCms9�tlYaffecxl.enda'sri�SintbePcapett�► f'=_--- —
<br /> �. : .-• .: -
<br /> (wcbas ap�aoeedi�in 6antrapa.y.Pro6�te.fur coodeamtion ar�or w eafome lawa or cieEutat�).tbm Lsader � L: ,Y.�.
<br /> a�r d�sd p�p�'oc wl�lev��it t�c�e�ry to p�a�cct the vatae c�tbe Ptvpetty�ad Irader's riYAts ia die Ptopesty.t+aider's `___-
<br /> r
<br /> �CttO�{ID�y�OCT�E pt�110��t!�t�OCOtOdb�s�IEA,WbK�1�Y!pifOfl�OVCf dUi$OCR�j►•�It�ts���s Y. .r,r�•.;_-
<br /> Y
<br />, - �jp�lCM��pfOEyf'�i L�EIkQI��i��yT W Uli�C tC�tIS. �I:EOdEf IIlayl 1�GG�CRiOD uO�C[ <:,;;•:".:' --
<br /> . 't. f�{�jf1p1 7.I.E�'i f�OCY 110��YE LD�SC . i'L E;,1.�''-:-
<br /> : Aoy a�oounn disbac�ed by Laoaer�marr t6is pQ.jcaph?�116eoome aaaiaoa�l ite6t of ao�oMer aocucea.�y.�his � :. .`. �;::=
<br /> ' Securiry Inwup�ent.Un1as Horruwer�ad ieoder ag�ee w atber tetms of WYment.dkse amw�s shail bear intenest frow �';;�_
<br /> f,�� -�:<�.s"•-;.�,-f�' ' dlt d�le Md3sbut�Cmeu[�[the Nole Tate Aud s11�ll be p�yabk�wJth It�ece�tip0u mtiCe fTOm Lendertts HO�iower tOquCSpA$ . �. , `--`r`
<br /> Cm �. ' . ..�
<br /> ._;,.. �yp1CAt. - _ • - L...�.�-...:__,...r:��.
<br /> . . ':._'_ " f. Mertp�e Iwara�a If I.ender tr�atgage insnriuke ac a candition of m�Idng the lo�n saured by tbis i�` . � -._��-
<br /> .r�.;--��..,;:�.-v-.�� �� '�'_—°
<br /> . -=�c,�._:- Securily la�twnent.Botrowa rhall poy the preauwra requiiod w m�int�in tl�e mortgage insurAnce ia affoct.If,for any �- ..
<br /> • _`-�" ';' �. reasoa,d�e mortp�e iasurance caven�ge�COd bs►l.ender Iq�ea or oea�es w be ia effect,Borrawer shall pay tl�premiums � .r-� -
<br /> � + Y oq�uvaieat W.tLe a inauance y in effxt.at a caet st�bshntially � �
<br /> . :.�--� requirod to ebhiu cover�ge sabsaati�lI ��+5 P�'� � � .
<br /> „�;` r"'=,,�, equiv�ie�tto tbe co�f tu BorrmRa ofdie mo�e iasu�anoe pttiwjauslY in e f fect.f r o m pa a l t e c n t t e m o t t g a g e i n s a c e r a p p m� F;•
<br /> �,�.;�-r',-.., .�, - •:•,. � -
<br /> �y;; ;^'�',+' by Leadet.UwbwatlallY apivala�t mactgage�aooe oo�r�i�mt avat��ble.Bormwer sb�ll pty w I.eadeFq�fe month (, . .
<br /> , �. "�:`�. ..,�,
<br /> ,- ' a sam equ�l w oao-t�velRh of the Y�N��8��F����S P�4 bY Borrower when tbe�wv �"� .
<br /> � ti.;.�
<br /> erage ` -r�r-;,,•
<br /> :�:�'��•.';•;:='y�-i: ypsed or ce�od w 6e in effaK.Leader w�l acapt,use aod retiin tbese p�yments as a lots reserve m lieo of mo�t�e jFe • ''���' r:�
<br />� _,tv::i�.--. , `•� . Y.
<br /> • insus�nce.Laa reutve p�ymeat4 may no toager be requirod,at tlre optioa of Leoder,if mottgpge iawrince coverage cin �
<br /> ��
<br /> ._ .`~� : th�amcwnt and for tLe period that L�eader reqaires)Provided by an insurer approved by l,ender ag,aui becomes available �`.`. .'
<br /> � '- and is obtsined.Borcower shall pay the premiums reqaired to tnaintajn mortgage insurance in effect.or to provide a toss t. � . •
<br /> . ' reserve.uatil the reyuirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any wrttten agree�tent bavueen Borrower ; ..�;�
<br /> . , ' ;.:,;, and Lendes or applicable iaw. ` ,_
<br /> ` 9. Inpe�tlon. l.ender or its agent may make reasonable enuies upon and inspecpons of the Property.l.ender slwll ! :. ,;:;.,
<br /> ,. ' � give Borrawernotia at t4�e tbne of or prior tv an Insputian specifying reasonabTe cause for ihe usspecaon. ` , . '`�.'�`�"'�.:
<br /> 1�. Coademnstbn. The procecds o.'any award or C1aIm for damages.direct or consequential,in connection with s ' �
<br /> ' any condemnption ar other talring of any part of the Av�rty.or for conveyance in lieu of candemnation.arc hereby assignod � • :
<br /> :'� - ' , and sMll be paid to Lender. : . : -'
<br /> � � • - In�he everrt of a wtai takimg ofthe Praperty.the proeceds sha�l be applled to the sums secured��this Security Iaswment, .
<br /> � • � whether or not thrn due,with any excess paid to Horrawer.In the event af a partial taking of��Lazoperty in which thc : .:�;'..::`,;;
<br /> � falr market value of the Property immatiately befoce the taking is equal to or greatcr than the ar.:��of the sums secwe0 � �•�`�°-°
<br /> `��<�'�rr°
<br />� by this Secutiry Instrument immediately bcfore the taking.unless Borrawer ancl Lender otherwise agree in wrlting.the sums ! :;�'���'.^.
<br /> . ._ securod by thls Security Inswment shaU bc reduced by the amount af the proceeds multiplied by the foltowing f�actian: ., _
<br /> .� . • (a)the total art�ount of the sums secared lmmediately before the taking.divided by(bl the fair market value of the Prapetry � �-"`:`�,
<br /> � ' immediately befare�he taking.Any balance shalt be paid to Borrower.In the event af a partial talcing of the Praperty ln : . , � �-�
<br /> � � .. whkh tho fair muket val�e of the Praperty immediately 6efore the taking is tess than ihe amount of the sums secured im- , �-�'�`"°
<br /> . , °� • mcdiuely before the talcing.untess Barrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or untess applicabte law otherwlse pra ;�'�':�':
<br /> . .. � viQee.tha proceods shall be applied ta the sums secured by this Security lnstrumem s��,�her or not the sums are then due. `
<br /> � • � 1f the Propetty is abandoned Dy Borrower.or if,after notice by Lendcr to�c;rower that the condemnor offers ta � • .
<br /> nwlce an award or settte a cl�im for damages.Borrower fails to respond co Lendcr wichin 3U days after thc da�e the notice ` '' �
<br />--- - - —=- � t is givcn.l.enAet is euthorized ta colle.ct and apply the proCeeds.at iu opuon.either to restoratian ar repair of the Property • '
<br /> � �� or to the sums�ecurcd by this Securiry lnstrument,whether ur not then due. � .
<br /> ec
<br /> � � � Unless Lender and Bonower otherwise agree in writing.any ayQlicatian of proceeds to pdnclpal shall noe extend �'��
<br /> _: cx postp�ne the due date af the monthly p�yments referred ta ln paragraphs l and 2 c�r change tFC amonnt o!such payments. ,, .,
<br /> . tl. �,m.er Na Reka�ed;Forbearatke Hy Lender Nu!a Waivee. B�tensivn of the time for paymrnt or
<br /> mnditicallon ot:rnoniT.�tion of the sums securcd by this Security Instrument granted by i.�nder to any successor in lnterest ' ' � �
<br /> ot 8orrpwer sha11 nat oper�te to rctcasc the liabiliry nf thc original Borrower or Barrower's sn€.cessors in interest. Lender , .
<br /> `' eha11 not be rcquired to commencc praccedings against auy successor in intcrest or refase to extend timc for payment or
<br /> ' • ot6erwix modify�morti�alion of thc sums secured by this Securiry Instrument by reason uf any demand made by the origlnal
<br /> �• gorrowet or Hutrower's successarA in interest. Any farbearance by l.endcr in exercising any right dr remedy shall not 6e �
<br /> . . • �w�iver o!or prectucle the ezerdse c�f any dght or remaiy.
<br /> �•. • 1=. Succts�oe^s snd A.�Bound;Jdnt�nd Severat Llability:Casigners. '1'hc covenants uttd asreements of . • _.
<br /> � this Seruriry(ttstrument shall bind and benefit the successors and asslgns nf Lender and Borrower.subject to the provisio�s .. � .
<br /> . "- o(p�rggraph 1�.Bon�wer's covenants tind agrcements shall bc jnint and se�eral.Any B�rrowcr who casigns this 5cxurity .
<br /> ' ' . � InsltumeM bul dae�no1 eaecute the NMe:(g)iy co-signing this 5ecurtty lnstnunent nn3y ta martgage.Srant and convey that
<br /> Bortuyver's intetesl itt Ihe Pruperty under the tetms of this 5ecuriry Instrumen�:(b?iy not personapy obligatal to pay the
<br /> . . � �um�secure0 6y Ui�5ecurity Instrumen�;aad(c)agrces th�t Lenctsr and any�ther&nrnwer may agrec to cxtcnd.madify.
<br /> � � . [�►tbeyr nr m�lcc any�rcommad�tians with segard to 1he tetms of this Scruriry lnstrumeM nr the Note withaut that Borrowcr's
<br /> � �onsen�. � . . , .
<br /> _,__� Yl110!lW�b.�/q .� �$�Eefe�� !q0 /Oa8e3aJSpttael
<br /> - -- ------- .
<br /> � _ . ... - -- -- -:--- �-
<br /> , . .• f • r . �.� , .
<br /> +
<br /> • ' - . . . ' '_ '_'_'�__ —" . _..._._ . . .. . - . .. . . . _. ._ _ l . . . ..
<br /> 1. , - .._ . _ _.. __ . . . . . _. _ __... . . _ �
<br />