<br />���� �r- �r�a�s
<br />Loan Na: 808394 (Co►ltinu�d)
<br />Paye 6
<br />lender in the State of Nobraska,
<br />Choias of Ve��ue. If there is a lawsuit, Trustor ayrees uF>on lender's rcquest Co sub�YiiC to thE juristlieCion o( the courts oP NaU C;ounl:y,
<br />State af Nebraska.
<br />Joii�t and Several liahility. All o616gakions of� f3vrrower �n�i �frust�r i,inder this Deed of Tr��st shall k��e joint and sever�l, and all
<br />reFerences to Trustar st�all mean each and every �rustor, �ncl all references to f3orrower shali mean iaacli �nd every F3orrower. This
<br />me�ns that each TrusYOr signing belaw is resrionsible for all vbligacions in this Deed of Trust.
<br />No Waiver by Lender. Trustor undersCands Lender will nol: yive up ariy af Lencler's rights under this Daed of Trust unless Ler�der cioes
<br />so in writing. The fact th�t t�ender delays or omit:s to exercise any right. wiii not mean that Lencler has given up t(ial right. If lender
<br />does agree in writiny to give up one o( Lender's rights, that does nof inean Trustor wili nat tiave to compiy wikh the other �rovisions
<br />vf this [�eed oF Trust. Trustor also understands that if LencJc;r does consent to � request, that does not mean that Trustc�r wili not
<br />have to get lender's consent again if the sicuation happens again. T further unJerstands th�t just because Lencler consents to
<br />one or more of Trustor's rec�uests, ttiat does no[ mean Le�c)er will be re�uired to consent to any oF Trusror's future requescs. l rustor
<br />waives presentment, demand fo� ��ayment, proLest, arni notir,e of dishonor. �
<br />Saverability. If a court 1`inds that any provision of [his Ueed of Trust is not va!id or should not be enforced, that fact by itself will r�o[
<br />mean that the rest a( tltis Deed of Trusf wiR r�ot he valici or enforced. Therefc>re, a court v�+ill enforce [he resc of the provisions of tl�is
<br />l?eed of Trust even if a provision of this Deed of Trust m�y he found co 6e invalid or ianenforGeable.
<br />Successars and Assigns. Suhject to any limitations stafed in this Deed of 'frust on transier o( Trustor's inferest, this Deed of Trusl
<br />shall be binding upon �nd inure to the be�e(it of the parties, their st�ccessors and assigns, i( own�rship of the Proper[y U�comes
<br />vested in a person pther tihan Trustor, Lender, without nQtice Co l rustc�r, may de�l with TrusCOr's succsssors with reference to this
<br />Oeed qf Trust and the fndebtedness by way of forbearance or extension without releasing Trustor fro�i� the obligations vf fhis Deed of
<br />TYust or liability under the Indebkedness.
<br />T'rme is of the Essence. Time is of ihe essence in the performar�c,e of ihis Deed ot 17ust.
<br />Waive Jury. All parties to this Deed of Tn�xt lyereby waive the right to any jury triat in any actio��, proceeciing, or caunterclaim brought
<br />by any party against any other par#y.
<br />Waivo� of Homestead Exemption. Trustor herehy releases and waives all riglics �nd benefits of the harneste�d exem�.rtion laws of the
<br />Stafe of Nebraska as to ali Indebtedness secured by this Deed oF "(rust.
<br />DEFINITIONS. The following wards shall have chs failowing rneaninys when used in this Deecl of l"rusc:
<br />Beneficiary. The ward "f3eneficiary" rne�ns Equitable E3ar�k, and its successors �nt1 assigns.
<br />Borrawer. The word "Borrower" �iieans ANITF� FEHI_I-I�FEf� and inclucles all co-signers and ca-makers signing lhe Note ancf ail their
<br />successors artd assigns.
<br />Deed vF Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" rnean this Deed of Trust among Trustar, I_ender, and Trustee, ��id inciudes withouc
<br />limitation all assignment and security interest pravisions relating to tY�e Personal Property arid Ren[s.
<br />Environmenta! Laws. 1 he words "Envirnnmental Laws" mean any and ali state, federal ancl local scatukes, regulativns ancl ordinanc�s
<br />rel�ting to [he protection af human health or the environmant, including witt�out limitation the Comprehensive Enviro�mental
<br />Res��onse, Compensativn, and liability Act pf 1980, as arnended, 42 U.S.C. Section 96U1, et seq. ("CERCLA"I, the Su�erfunc#
<br />F�mendmeiiCS and Reauthorization Act o( 1986, f'ub. L. No. 99-�99 ("S/1RA tPie I-lazardous Materials Transporta[ion .1cc, 49 U.S.C.
<br />5ac[ian 1801, et seq., the Resource C;anservation ancl Recovery nct, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et sec�., or other appiicable sl.ate or
<br />(ederal laws, rules, or regulations �tlop[ed �:iursuant I:t�ere[o.
<br />Event of Defauit. l words "Event o�F uefi�ault" mean any of the events of default seY furth in Ci�1is �eed of Trust in th�s events of
<br />defauit section of this Deed af �Crusc.
<br />Existing Indebtedness. The wprds "Exiscing Indebtedness" meai� the indeUtedness tlescribed in khe Existing Liens pravision of this
<br />Deeci of Trust.
<br />Guaranty. 7he word "Guaranry" rneans the guararity frorn guarantar, endarser, surety, or accamnx�dation party to Len�er, including
<br />withouc lirnitation a guaranty of all or part of the Note.
<br />Ftazardous Substances. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materiais tliat, because of tlieir hu�nYity, r.oncentration or
<br />physical, chemical or infec,tious characleristics, may cause or pose a present or poter�da! hazard to liuman heaifh or the envirc�nment
<br />when improperly used, treated, stvred, disposed of, generat:�:d, manu(actureci, tra�sported or otherwise handled. The words
<br />"Hazardous Substances" are used in their very hraadest sense and inciude witliout lirriitation any and ali har,ardous or toxic
<br />substances, materials or waste as detined by or listed �mcler the Envirorunental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" also
<br />inr.ludes, without limit�tion, petr�l�urn anci petroleum by-�eoducts car any fractic�n thereof and ast�estos.
<br />Irnprovaments. Tf�e word "Improvem�nts" �neans all existing and future improvemencs, buildings, structures, rnabile Fiornes affixecl on
<br />the Real Property, facilities, additions raplacemenYS and od�er construction on tl�e fieal Pre4aerly.
<br />Indebtedness. Tlie word "Indebtedness" m�*ans ail princ;i��ai, iriterest, and oktier amaurzts, casts and expenses pay�bie under the Ncite
<br />or Related Qocuments, together with �II renewals of, exl:ensiong of, modiFic�tivns of, cansoiidations oF aiicl substitutions for the Note
<br />or Related Rocuments 'anci any aniounts expended or adv�nced by Lender to disrharye. Trustor's obligatians or ex�ens�s incurred by
<br />Trustee or Lender to enForce Trustor's o6lic�ations under this Deed of Trust, together with interest o� such amounts as provided in tliis
<br />Deed of T�ust.
<br />LendQr. The word "lender" means Equitable Bank, its successors and assigns. The words "successors or assrgns" rnean any person
<br />or company that acq�aires a�y interes[ in the Note.
<br />Nate. The word "Note" means ihe prornissary r�ot� dar.ed �ebruary 18, 2011, i+l th� ofi�lnc�l prinCOpal c�IrTloUnt Of
<br />$�0,�29.30 from Borrower to Lender, toc�ether witi� all rei�ewals of, exterisions of, modifications of, refinancings nf, consoliclations
<br />of, �ncl subsfitutions for the promissory nate ar agreement. Tlie maturity date af this Ueed of - Prust is Mcarr,h 15, 2016.
<br />Personal Property. The wards "Rersonai Property" m2an nll equipment, fixfures, and ofher arYicles of personai property npw or
<br />herea(ter owned 6y Trustar, and now or hereafter attached or a(fixe�l to che Real Prvperty; together with all accessions, parts, and
<br />3ddi[ions to, all r�placements of, anci all substitutions for, any of such �roperty; anci toyESther witYi rall �roceeds fncludirig without
<br />limitation all insurance proceeds and reiunds of prerniumsl fron� any sale or �ther dispvsition of the Property.
<br />Property. The word "Properiy" means collecciveiy fhe Real Property and the Persc�nzi! Property.
<br />Real Property. The wards "Real Pro�erty" meai� the real property, interests and rights, as turkher described in this Deed oF Trust.
<br />Related Daciaments. The words "Related Documents" mean ail promissory notes, credif agreemeni:s, laan agreernents, enviror7mentai
<br />agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, security cleeds, collaleral mortgages, anti all other
<br />insYrurnents, agreements and documents, whether nnw or hereafter existing, executed in cvnner,dan with the Indebfedness.
<br />Rents. The word "Rents" means all rresent and future rents, rQVenu�s, inccxne, issues, r�yaities, profi[s, and n[her bene(its derived
<br />irorn the Prqperty,
<br />Trustee. The word "Trustee" means Ec�uitable Bank (Grand Island fiegionl, whose address is 113-115 N t_ocusl: St; PO F3ox 160,
<br />Gr�nd Isl��d, NE 688C12-4160 and any subsci�ute or succe.saQr tcustees.
<br />Trustor. Tlie word "Trustor" mear�s ANITA FEI-II_MAFER aiid Dl�VID f-EhILH�iFER. '
<br />.
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