<br />��iED OF T�4.)ST
<br />Loan No: 808394 (Cvritirtuedl
<br />Peg� 4
<br />or hereafter acquired by Trustor. Unless �_�rohibited uy 12w or Leiider ayrees I:o the cankrary in writing, Trustor shall rei�7iburse Lender
<br />for all costs and expenses inctirred in connectian with ti�� rTiatfers refarred To i�� ihis p�aragraph.
<br />Attorney-in-Fact. It Trustor fails t� do any of the things reforred to in the precedirig narayraph, Lender may do so fvr and in the name
<br />of Trustar asui at Trustor's expense. For such purposes, Trustor hereby irrevvcak>4y apuoinfs Lender as Trustor's attomey-ir�-Fact for
<br />the purpose af making, executing, delivering, filing, recordinc�, and doing all o[her things as may be nec,essary c�r clesiral�le, in Lender's
<br />sole opinion, to accomplish the matters referred to in the preceding parayraph.
<br />FU4L PERFORMANCE. If Sorrower and Trusror p�y all the Indebtedness whEn clue, and Trustor ofherwise per�orms all the oblig�tions
<br />imposed u�on 1"rustor under this Deed nf Trust, Lender shaii execute and deliver to Trustee a rec�uest for full reconveyance anti shall
<br />execute and delive� tc� Trustor suitable statemenfs af termination of any finanr,iny statemenY on file evidencing Lender's security interest in
<br />the Rents and the Personai Prop�rty, nny reconveyance fee required by law shall be paid by Trustor, if permitted by applicable law.
<br />�V�NTS OF DEFAl1lT. At Lender's op[ion, Trus[or will t>e in defau{t under this Ueed of Trust if any of the foN�awing happen:
<br />Payment Default. Borrower fails to make any payment v++hen due under the Indebtedness.
<br />Break Other Promises. Borrower or Trustor breaks any promise rnade ro Lender or fails to perfarrYi promptly ��t the tirne ancl s[rictly in
<br />the ma�ne� provided in this Deed of "frust or in ariy agreen�ent re{ated to this Deed of Trust.
<br />Compliance Default. Failure to r,ompty with any other term, obligation, cavenant or condi[iori a�ncained in this Deed of Trust, t:he Note
<br />ar in �ny of the Related Documents.
<br />Oefault on Qther Payments. Failure of Trusl.or within tile time required by tf�is t7eed of Trust to make any payF��ent ior taxes or
<br />insurance, or any other ��ayment necessary to prevent filiny uf or to effect discliarge of any lien.
<br />Qefatdt in Favor of Third Parti�s. Should Borrower or any Grantor default �mder any laan, extension of credit, security �greement,
<br />purchase cx sales agreement, or any ather agrRernent, in favor of ar�y ofher creditor or persc�n that �1�ay rnaferially affe.ct any oF
<br />L3orrawer's or any Grantor's property or Borrower's abiliry lc� repay tl�e IrideUtedness or Bc�rrower's or Grantcx's ability Co perform their
<br />respective obligations under lhis Desd of Trust or any vf the Related uacuments.
<br />False Statements. Any re�resentation or staternent made or furnisheci to L.ender by F3orrower or Trustor or on f3orrower's or Trustor's
<br />behai{ under �this Ueed�of "f�ust Qr the Ftelated Doeun�ienCS is false or m+sleadirtg in eny ma[erial respect, either now or at the t:ime
<br />made or Fumished.
<br />Dafective Collateralization. This Deed of Trust or any oi che Related Documen[s ceases to be in full force and ef(ect (includi�y failu�e
<br />af any collateral document To create a valid and perfecteci security interest or IiPn) at any tim� and for any reason.
<br />Death or Insolvency. 7he death ofi �orrower or Trustor, the insolvency of Borrower or Trustor, ihe a�pointment af a receiver ivr any
<br />part oF 6arrower's or 1"rustor's praPe�tY� �izY assig�rti�enC ior the be�iefit of creditars, a�y type oE creditar workvut, �r the
<br />commenaement of any proceeding under a�y banl<rupccy or insolvency laws by or against Borrower or Trustor.
<br />Taking of the Pra��erty, F�ny crediCOr or governmental �c�e�cy tries to take �ny af kh� Property ar any other of Borrower's ar TrusCar's
<br />pronerty in which Lender has a lien. T"his includes takir�q of, gamishing of or levying qn E3orrower's or Trusfior's accounts with Lender.
<br />However, if Rorrower or Trus[or disputes in good faith whr�tlier tPie clairn on whici� the taking of tl'ie Pro��erty is t7ased is valid or
<br />reaso�able, and if E3orrower or Trustor gives Len�ler written n�tice of the dairn and furnishes Lencler with rnonies or a surecy b�nd
<br />satisf�ctory to Lender [o satisfy Yhe r,laim, then this defa�dt provision will iiot a�piy.
<br />BreacF� of Other Ageeement. Any breach by E�orrower or 7rusfor unde� the terms o( any other agreernerit beew�en Bonower or
<br />Trustor and Lender that is not remedied within any c�race period provided therein, including wifhouf IiiYiitation any agreement
<br />concerning any indebtedness ar other a6ligacion of Ciorrower or Trustor to �ender, wh�thei� existing now or later.
<br />Events Aftacting Guarantor. Arty of the prececiing events occurs with respect: to any guaranror, endarser, si.irety, or acc:omrnodation
<br />party of any af the indebtedness or any yu�rantor, ondorser, surety, or �GCOR1YT10C�8TIOf7 parry dies or becornes incornpelent, or
<br />revokes or disputes the validity of, or liability under, any Guaranty oF the Indebtedness.
<br />Insecurity. I_ender in good faith believes itself insecure.
<br />Existir�g indebtedness. The payment of any ins[allrnenf ef nrnacipal or �ny interest on the Existing Indebtedness is no[ made uvithin the
<br />time required by the promissory note evidencing such indeb[edness, or a cietault occurs ur�der the instrument securing such
<br />inde.btedness and is na[ aued during any anpticable grace period in such instrurnent, or any suif or other �ctian is cnrnmenced to
<br />foreclose any existiny lien on the Property.
<br />Riglrt to Cure. If any defauit, other tt�an a defriulk in payment is curalale and if Trustor has nat been given a notice of a I�reach oF ttie
<br />same provision of this f�eeJ of Trust within th� �.arececling twelve (12) months, iY irzay be cured if l��rustar, after Lender sends writCen
<br />natice to Borrower demandiny cure of such deiault: (1) cures the default within twenry (20) days; or (2) if the r.urP requires more
<br />than twenty 120) days, ii�imediately initia(es steps which I_eneler d�ems in Lende{'s sole cliscrer.ion to be suFfieient to cure che cle[ault
<br />and I:hereafter continues and completes all reasanable and nec,essary steps suf(icient to produce cornpiiance as soon as reasonably
<br />practic,al.
<br />RIGNTS AND REMEDIES ON pEFAULT. If an Event oF DeFault occurs under tFiis Deed of Trust, at any lirne tFiereafter, Trustee or Lencler
<br />may exercise �ny one or more oF ti�e Fotlowing riyh[s anci ren7edies:
<br />Accel�ration Upon Default �ddikional Re�medies. If any Event of I�etault occurs as per 1he ten�is of [he Note secured he�el�y,
<br />Lender may declare 211 I�debfedness serurecl by khis Deed of l to be due sand payable and the same shall thereupon become
<br />due and payable without any presenfinent, dema�cl, protest or nacice of any kind. Thereafter, I_ender may:
<br />(a) Either in r�erson or by agent, with or withouf �ringing any actian pr proceeding, or by a receivsr appointed by a caurt and
<br />withouk reyard to the adequaey of iis security, enter �q�on and tal<e possession oF che Praperry, or any part thereoF, in its
<br />own name ar in the name oF Trustee, anri d�1 any acts Gvhich it deems �ecessary or desir�ble to preserve the value,
<br />marketability or rentability of the Property, or part of the Pro�aerty or interest in the Property; increase the income irom the
<br />Property or protect the security of the Property; and, with or without takir�g possession oF tl�e Propercy, sue (or or otherwise
<br />caflect the rents, issues arid profits of tiie Property,' ii�ciuding thvse past due �nd ur��?aid, aiui appiy the same, less costs and
<br />expenses of aper�tion and collectivn attomeys' fees, to any indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust, all in such ortler as
<br />Lender may determine. The entering tapon arrd taking possession of the Property, the callec[ion oi such rents, issues and
<br />profits, ancl the applicakion therevF shall noc cure or waive any default or notice af default und�r this Deed of Trust or
<br />invaiidate 2ny act done in response to such defautt or pursuant io such natice vf default; and, notwithstanding fhe
<br />continuance in possession af the Property or the colleclion, receipt and application of rents, issues or pro(its, Trustee or
<br />Lender shall be e�tified to exercise every right provicled for in the Note or the Retated Documents or by iaw upon the
<br />occurrence of any event of de�fault, inriudinc� the rii�ht to exercise tl�ie pawer pF salet
<br />(b) Commence an accian to foret;lose this Qeed of 7rust as a rnortgaye, appoint a receiver or specificaily enforce any of the
<br />covenants hereot; and
<br />(c1 Deliver ta Trustee a written cleclaration of deFault and demand for sale arid a written notir,e oi def�ult and election lo
<br />cause Trustor's interest in the Property to k�e sold, which noYice Truskes shaf{ cause to be duly Fiied tor record iri the
<br />ap�aropriate offices oF the County in which [he Property is Ioc�I:ed; and
<br />Id) With rsspect to all or any part of the Personal Pr��erty, Lender shaii have all che riyhts and remedies oF a secured party
<br />under khe Nebraska Uniform Commerciai Code.
<br />Foreclosure by Pawer of Sale. If I_ender elects to fe�recl�se by exercise of ihe Power of Sale herein contained, Lencler shall notify
<br />Trustee and shail deposit with Trustee this Deed o( Trust and the Note and such receipts arid evicfence oi expenditures made and
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may raquir�.
<br />(a) Upon receipt of such notice fram L.endar, Trustee shall cause to be recorded, �uh�lish�d and delivered to Trustor such
<br />Nofice of Default end Nocice oF Sale as then required by law �nd by this Qeed of Trust. Trustee shall, witl�out dem�nd on
<br />