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_ ��� <br />��� <br />- <br />� <br />N � <br />0 � <br />a �� FtNANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT <br />W INSTRUCTIONS (iront and back) CAREFULLY <br />(�j� �� AE 8 PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optionalJ <br />W �� <br />�� <br />_— JD ACKNOWLEDOMENT TO: (Name and Address) <br />�- I <br />—�� �E�I�s�h T► <br />� <br />1 a. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # <br />Instrument No. 0200512484 filed 1Z/22/OS <br />to be filed [far record] (or secordadj in the <br />2. TERMINATION: Eftectiveness of the Fioancing Statement identified above is terminated wAh respect to security intereat(s) of the Secwed Party authorizing this Terminetion StetemeM. <br />.�.�� <br />3. CONTINUA710N; Effectivenesa of the Financing Statemmtidentified a6ova with respect M securiry irMerest(s) of the Secured Parry authorizing tF�is Continuatfon Statoment is <br />condnued for the additlonal pe�fod provided by applieable law. <br />4. ASSIGNMENT (full or partial): Give name of assignee in item 7a or 7b and address of assignae in Item 7c; and dsn give nnma oi assignw in item 9. <br />5. AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMATION): This Amendment affects Debtor gi Sacured Party of reeord. Cheek only Qpg of these two boxes. <br />Also check one of tt�e following three boxes � provide appropriate infortnatan in items 8 and/or 7. <br />nCHANGEnameand/oraddress: Pl�serefertothedetailedinstrucdons DELETE name: Giw reoord name ADDname: Comptateitem7aor7b,andalsof0em7c; <br />�j i n re�t�chanoina the name/address ofa oarN. ❑ to bc dekted in item 8a or 8b ❑ aisocomoleteitems7e-79 (itaoollcabiel <br />6. CURRENT RECpRD INFORMATI�V: <br />9. NAME oF SECUR ED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDAIIENT (name of asaigna, 'rfthis ia an Assignmenq. If this is en AmendmeM authorized by a Dabmr which <br />adds collateral or adda the aulhorizing Debtor, or if this is a Termination authorized by a Dob6or, check here ( and enter name of DEBTOR authorizing this Amendmerd. <br />OR <br />File with Hall Count_y, Nebraska <br />— _�.�._. <br />FILING OFFICE COPY — UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 05/22/02) <br />ILUCC3PNAT - 12117/2092 C T Systcm Oniine � � <br />141 <br />Z <br />n o <br />� �j N <br />� �_ <br />� <br />n <br />�. � <br />� ` ` <br />D � <br />r ; :` <br />r- ; x , <br />r, ,:. <br />o � <br />a� <br />a� <br />rn <br />� <br />� -.. <br />� <br />rn <br />� <br />o �`.. : i <br />� . <br />o u....:..._ <br />�1 � <br />m <br />0 <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />'�'► <br />� <br />cr� <br />N <br />C /"1 <br />`T7 <br />� <br />N <br />W <br />t--+ <br />n � <br />o - � <br />c a �y <br />� `� v rv <br />� rn <br />- < � � C� <br />� '� � �"' <br />Z � l--+ <br />= m � n cz, � <br />r � C <br />r n � �, <br />cn <br />x Z � <br />A ,_.,� <br />`--`-.._.. �, Cli <br />� <br />� ��� <br />THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY <br />� <br />/. GHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED IfVFORMATfON: <br />Dascribe collateral ❑ deleted or ❑ added, or give entire Drestated wllaterel description, or describe cdlateral �assigned. <br />