__(_ . • . � . _ <.�` ��—
<br /> �i ' � ' ' - " . . . i _
<br /> .{; _}! '_' _ . :` _ _ . - v-.� _ 4 -
<br /> [, r . • '
<br /> � "{ ' '-' `., _ —__ - – " ' _ _ . . ..
<br /> ._. .�' k •�_J - --'-' -"'_ � . ..
<br /> _ '�- 1 _ q F'�}y Ll�iJ FIF!-1 - r �^ .
<br /> �. ..�:�:.�__� . .. t�wl I_ '9=�, Q4'23PM. . . -� _ _ , � .
<br /> ,`.�•` . '1*`t ,- .. _ .._.. -_.._,. � _' � , . 1 . ` -` _ :. (- � _ `- �--- - .-.. �_ . . , ` . �° � . .:. �.
<br /> _ . . . � , �2 10�36 .
<br /> . . �+` . . ��r ����ZZV� 1<vP�aM���r, ., ,i -, � , . � ` . , ,
<br /> � ,
<br /> . • � .. `i(�Q�ii! AI,t;'1�lEti Bx`.'�N�SE �PREu�N'�•i: ,. : �. . , < •
<br /> ° � T2i� �tErahant� San�Cr Kas3sas City, Hf.s��wri (h�r�inatt�r
<br /> `-�- - --- -�="�ahitnt�'!): has�:�iled_an. A�sigtuaent aP Laasea anc� lt�nt3 axecutae : �
<br /> by Grotr�h �anaqstent C�s=por�tioez-ti�bYasKa (htreinaiter "�ebtQr"�- - = - �-. -
<br /> ta l�erchants dated i�tober 25, �1991. as�d fi I�d for rnear� vftli,the , . , -
<br /> aftic4 ot th� Ite9ister ot Deeds at Hall Coun�y, Ne�rr►ska=on octeber �
<br /> 28, 1991, as Instrunent Ho• .�3'10�25Z. clai�►inq nn. intsrest an8 � �
<br /> _ lien in lessss and r4nts held b}= or o�+� LO K�rchants ha��also .
<br /> Corparation-Nlbraska, a Nsbraska carporatiosi.
<br /> ' ' ��led Pinanc�.Statewents frr rpvord .in the o�f fa� �f the Hebrnska
<br /> Sscretary o�°S at�,cf Docu�en�� ?io. 5325nG in Qctvbsr 30� 1991 �d
<br /> �in the aff3C@ o� tli� Regi�=ter ��F Aeeds of Hall Cou»ty. t�:braska at
<br /> Instru�eent Ko� 91--�a:�253 an �`=°t ittedg�.n2*ho na�rte pf���lU�wtor .
<br />= secuxity intsr�et;.�ot� ps'aperty
<br />`-_�= � . ' in�luding -�quiPaenC, inv�ntor}� accnunt�, m�schin�3�cy tixtures, .
<br /> leas�s, leasthcl��. i►3tsrests, �enaral intangibles, prc�ceeds ancl
<br /> _. awaYda. .Mer+Gria��s;, has als� �.iterl far recoYd a A�sd ot Trust .-
<br /> = executed by tihe Debtrs•x to TitiJ Title Insurance Co�n�•ani9 i,��a�nct fi�ed
<br /> - � Th� lisrchants Ba�k,..Heneficiai-�, dated Octobez 25, • ,
<br /> ��.�. ` �or record in the:`.oE�'ice of tip :tegister �£ De�sd� �f Ha.l1 �County, •
<br /> Kebrask� as xns�i�um�a»t No. 91-i�)729�, al.ai�ii ng a �rust, d�ec�, lisn ..
<br /> . ` on raal estate:';'i:��l�d in }he r,mrte o� t�tiu t�e�t.�r de�-aribr.d As .
<br />� - , lollows: . ..::. � � �
<br /> ' .''"s�caiiic�:��n►enaed Lot Faur ��?. �lock hir►� t9}; Cos�tinantal � _ '
<br /> - , ::: ���r�i���E .an addztian tr� �ha City at Grand Island, ![all '
<br />_, GotiniCpv',.Hebraska. � �
<br /> pebtmr ��s reqc�ested thf• Cattle t�atla�al I3nnk c�f Sew�zd, .
<br /> - tJebraska ��°C�ttle°� :U At�LC 2 l��an L� tts� 17�bi.vr. �nci Cat�le i�
<br />�. ;;� wi3Lling to dp smG as len� a=• Ca�tl e ha.a a l i�n on tflg above =
<br /> �" • d¢scribed real est��� togeth�r *�rith al2 collatsr�tl �F every narure -----_
<br /> � � � whatsoever describsd in �th�� ��_�iyi�me�nt� �f Uea��s �nd Re��its and ��.t.
<br /> � � Financing S�atemant c�ivan ay Qc�btor ta tha Nlarchants, Nhich lien ��t°Y�;
<br /> or security interes� of CaC�lp fs prior in right to tt�e lien of �°�-::`,
<br /> Morchants. �ii a�cder 1:o i.»�uce. C�tt-l�: k�� ��nnaumm�t� a inan to the
<br /> pet�tar in t�lze grinai��2 ��un �o! Four tluadr�d �l'h��uaand nnl tar� ���-�":_:-
<br /> � _ ($4o0,00u.0�) tageCh�r wiC� intsrest ac;eraing therevn tliercat�er, � '��.�.
<br /> � `�. t�3�rchants ds�s heroLy subux�i�n��ta �h� 1t�Nign�nent of i.eases and � __
<br /> Ran�:s �xecuCed by th�r Uebtcr t� I�erc;hants c�ated ttrtober 2S, 1991� �:.
<br /> '�� filed far r�card z� the cEt�.���= �� ��lp R�yiKtec af D��sc��s af lialt fr��<< � �
<br /> � ��"- Cauntp, Nebraska a� flc:tober ��, 1991, as Instrament tio. �1-1U1252;
<br /> the Financ9.ng Stai:ements ex:•+.:v!�:a by �h�: ll�bt,ur �.o Mercliants filed � T � ; ��';
<br /> '� !or record in the ottics at' r.!e� Nenr��t:� Ss�retar� ot State at ;;
<br /> �:,.�. :. .
<br /> 4; ' naCU��»� Kv. 5325n� an Oct�bNr 3�, 1y91 and ili t1tC uff:.Ce oi the' ��
<br /> �� � Register o�' DA�da ef H:311 ���unry, t�atsrl,nka an uc1:��er 2n, 1991 as . ;�•.
<br /> � Y»stirument tio. � �i-1u'�25�; ai�d t:se uee� �! i�r��st exECUted by tUe j
<br /> . T .
<br /> . � ` ' tJsbtor td "�'RW �9`itle Yn�ur�r.�_c .^om�a»y, Tr+��tQ� �,nd MErchants as �` . ,
<br /> `.:'�..'� Aenefir.i�z•�y -dR��d Ou!.abe� �:�,. i�al Htid f il4c� tar rcvnrci wii:l� th� ` � .
<br /> ;y
<br /> � '�� �'Y��Y� +'� vfp.3,ce of the Registe�� c! ��ed�• :�i Hal 1 Caunty, l�tebras}:a �n Oc:toker
<br /> — --�-� .' 2g� 1991 aF Insti'tD^:E:11t NV. :1-s.�)�Z51. iirrc•in�i��r ::aici lt�as hel.�i �-,---
<br /> 1 �r "tarulianta s�ht�3� bK refe:rad t�a callec:ivety t�s the �'M�rchunt3 `�
<br /> •.�'y� �:`: Lrens". Merchants c1aeS x,c�rF�t�� �suuor�iinnr.A to tha ��xten•: pravided
<br /> i. . :
<br /> , �'�r�=��� � itr �h�s Ayreament tt�e Mer�l2�n�s t.iens �xgruted �n f uv�r of aad �
<br /> -.�.__=�<�;.::" .. t `� • �;�= .
<br /> - Y....,F. �ayub..e �Q !�l�rch�nt:!� •�nd e�+���-•a� .d by thc t!�ibtur� and r3�rci��utK daan
<br /> �=3`�:".••�� Iaz�ceY�y �ecl�re thP.. t�ts��h�xtr� 1�.'.�•n� sub7��ct , juniar. �+nd xnxc�rf.ar to : .
<br /> .,::.:. _. �' .
<br /> � �-�rT�y s� � tl�e.2s�USt deEyd, SE'4UY':.t; ?�ryrc.:npnts and Fin�encing .tatemerti3. and
<br /> ` •��=-.=`���� � . �s£ �i���� ot Rents �n:� Le�r;c�:� `.a be lil^cl by Cr�ttle- �nd exe�uted
<br /> -�,-�:� . ..., .
<br /> �� -.� � b}• th� �e��ta�; in t2�v�i aan� t�������-'-'= to Cat.ic, crhi.h wiil h��re�ltea• ;,
<br /> ��,. : . .
<br /> � ��„r;. �- be f'i.ied f.nr rerard in th� r�i�.�.c.e oi' th�� register �! vee��s of llall ;',;�
<br /> , .�,......
<br /> . - ��.°-.�_-, Caanty, tiek,raskn. a� a�ul t m, t.t,.� t:uar�t.a!•�• ��� !-1.�,t.c� af th•� t�l.��i.�� af�
<br /> � t€�sbra�ka. Mer�hanti.. a�es h_r�.by aCkno•al�d�� nn� de�.inre thr�t tia
<br /> ._. y•,__ . ;, - - - the extQnt provtded in tht� �:�rc+�u�en� r�t�y ti�•� tha� tdt�=�+-1tar�4� m�k = .
<br /> � have or Ciafm upu» �.lia c�Zlat�ral pl�d�ed �n tfie Merrhunts Liens �
<br /> � . =,� � by the De}�tar to Mqr.e:hnnts, un�sr and by �•i�r.ue �f tl�� Mercl�a�nt� .
<br /> • �" � ' Liet�s, 9h�11 be and ra�uait� al. al1 timuts �ubju�t., jUniar dt�� _ .
<br /> � � " 3n�eri.ar in lia» tn t2ie lf.c•ns and sHCUrfCy f�tere�ts uf Cat�le, ;
<br /> .�. . .
<br /> . � :. ..,
<br /> .,
<br /> ._ ..: .,,: . . �. .__ . . under 2�rid �u�gun»t ��a tha '��•�f:t . De����l, rse�urit.y .1�ar�rm�:n :� a»�
<br /> - _ .,_,.-.-_ -_—,. -
<br /> � _,_ - _ - -�31�altCittg ���t�i3��nts �and� h�:srii�rtim�s�t r�� tr�nl:u ueia3. L�a:�e�. t.a t:c� : _._.--
<br /> . � ; ' ., -- - -- ---- - -= . - -- --- -- - -.- - - -,- - : - - - - - - - - . _ :_ _ . -- � �
<br /> . , ,
<br />