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<br /> _ - � �i�r it�r�i�i.r.� 8«to�rer sYU kap u�e:ap�ar�ee�aoM►e��Iat ix r�aa(fa=aoa�d a�d�e . � �
<br /> .. aopaty umtad�sp�t Ioss 6y fi[e,ti�rads in�l�deQ witi�in drt�etm'exteodod•co�re�c� �ed my�athec#�ds.i�ci�di�:
<br /> �pp�{ipf}�00�,�0[N�IIK'�l j.lddC[ECQOtRS�Ifi00C.�t 1�41'�flLti'S�1�j�1E'l1Yil�i1�111 I�IC atIWY1MS��thE�lt1��"�
<br /> ��(,�1C�iltli.�IC�lII1i1L�C Ci1fIC�Q(CH1d1/�t�IC�tlll[lIOD!��6C C�10lLyl��flOYYE��I�OC� �
<br /> trpid��1!aat be bniatsnn�61Y'+vtth6eW. if Bcxra�ra.fa�'is w maiatain cove.�e descn'6ed abave,Ltede�nny.at lruder's
<br /> opt�oo�cbtaio t�cYeca�e to ptotect Lender's rishts ia the F�petty in aceocd�ooe�ittt pa�graph 7. . , . ` • ; �
<br /> !W ia�ur�e policies aod c�n�►als s6�il�be aooeptabie tq L.cnder ar+d sinq indude a statid�nd mortgs6e cl�use.,lsnde: `
<br /> � �WI f�ave the dsht to hold Me pdicies�od nntnv�is.if L�ender requites,Sor�mivet s�U ptnrt�pt[y 8n'e to Lender a11 reaapts of .
<br /> - -��iY�ilACW�8�.It!t�IC L'Yt��E�OSS.HQIIflXi!�fil�EIYG jl[i1fllQt•A(1t1C�fII IIlC��r3�S rJfilGt illd�.CBdEi.
<br /> < • �nder mry m�tcc p�oof or{oss if aot Aud�e�poa�mpiiY bY Bormrvec � � � . . .
<br /> •tJs�ss[,eader aod Borrawec otderrvise a�c�a vv�itn�g.insntancc ptooxds sdal!6e.app}ied w Rstaration or rspair of the
<br /> �tY daat�d.if the�soor�lion or tt�air is ea000micaliy[asibk aod Lsader's socurity is mt lesseoed.i[the testoratiou or.
<br /> � �ir is nat aooaoa�ically fas�k or l.ender's secutity aauW be hs�ened.tAe iASUrance p�acoods s�ati be appliod w the st�s
<br /> � �ecuied bg.dds Sau�ty Imtn�m(nt.w�hether br nat tlkn due.�►itb auy exoesc prid to Bompwer. If Ilortower abandcx�s the
<br /> — . ��._�does eot ans�ier�hin 3Q dsys a nouae fmm Irader that the insuranee curier das,ofPerod to settle a claim.tba� - - -`-- -
<br />--. . Leader may oolla.ti tbe i�nnnnoe p�ooeeds• lender mry nse the ptnaeds to:ep�ir or tesia�e the Froperty o�to pay su�r�s
<br />-- �ecmed by t6is Seauity It�tunxac;whaLer a not then due.7I�e 30�day period will begia when the no[ioe is givrn.
<br /> tJNess Ie�nd�r�ad Bonmwea atl�awise�roe ia writing,anY �PPiication of prooads to principatl shall not extad or
<br /> - . posipooe tbe due d�te of the mod6ly pzyaients nef'a�ed to in par�gcsphs 1 and 2 or cbange the.anwum of tbe paymaus.If
<br />— osder p�iag�ph 21 ti�e P�operty is acquited by Lader,Aonower's rigM to any insuraooe poTfcies and pioaeds re�Iung from
<br /> =y_ � ���he propMy prior w the aoquisitioa st�U p�ss to l.euder to the e�teat of the�savrad by this Sauriry Iaurument . �—
<br /> _ � i�odi�tdy prior to the xquisitian. ' �. __-_-
<br /> - i.Oo�7,�'l�aerntiM.M�idearoe aM�t+nteetio�ot tie Pe�tr;liatvwe�s Irou Applic�tio�:I.saqelioids. . _ __-----
<br /> Bocioweer sb�ll oo�vpy.establi�.and ase tl�e Pro�perty t4 Borro+rer's principal nsidence within si�cty days after the acoanioo of - ---
<br /> _=z dus Sxurity Iamun�at aod s?Wf cantinue to aacupy the P�upe�ty as.Bormwer's pcinapil nsidaiee for at Inst oae year after �Y_
<br />_.T.'.� the d�te of aoaip�n�y.wdas 4eder otherwise agms in wiiting. wtiicb oonsent shall not 6e unrcasonably withheld.or unless ------�_
<br /> a�tpnwting cinumsqnces eaiu which are beyoad Borrowcr's conuol. Borrowcr sha11 not destmy. d�rt�ge or impair the �`'���_
<br /> �
<br /> . Anapetty.altow dNe Pnoperty to deteriorate,or oon�nit w�stc on the Pr�npe�ty..Borrowa-sbaU 6e in det�ule If aay forfeiture :_. �� •__�..�:._.. _
<br /> ` _�;�"1�.
<br /> • �ctioa or pmceeding,whether civil or crimin�l.is begun that in L.a�der's gaocf faith judgmene could result in forfeitu�e of the - •• �_-,.
<br /> .��;�<..-
<br />� . Propetty ar aherwisc mateiialiy impair!h�tiea crcated by this Socurity Insuurt�xtt or L�nder's security interesi.Bomawer maY __ _�':`:
<br /> � ctue sach a default and ranstate.as pcovided ia pangnph 18.bY pusing the action or proceeding ta be dismissed with a mling � ,.� �_Y��
<br /> }i,-•'�•{ .�.
<br /> :dnt, in Lrender's good faith ddutnin�tiun, Prectudes fotfeitute of the�orrower's intcmt in the Prope�ty or othe�matcria� �,. ,,<,
<br /> imp�innent of the liea cteated by this Security Instrumem ar Lender's sa:urity inte�est. Borrowcr shaU alsa be in default if
<br /> Horrower.during the la�e application pmcess.S�we m�terially f�ise or inx�curate infom�tion or statenxnts to l.ender(or faited _ .r
<br />- `to ptiovide LetWer with atty m�terial infomn�tian)in conne�tian rvith the loan evidtnced by the PIote.including.iwt nat timitod �f�
<br /> '�;.. • w.�ioas eunccming Borrower's oocapaney of the Pcupeity as a pri�ipal residcnce.if this Security Insuumeat is on a _ �_ ,�-
<br /> � kasehold, Borrower�all comply with all the pmvisians of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to tNe PrapeRy. the -..►�,:=��
<br /> . leasehold and the foe tide shall not merge unless L.ender agrees to the merger i�writing. �• ����
<br /> �7.prptp�lo�ot I.endtr's Rights in the Property.If Borrovre�fails to perform thc coveaanu and agreements contained in - �� _
<br /> �' this Secutity Instmment,or there is a legal procoeGing that may signifirantty affect l.ender's rights in the Pr+aperty(s a c b as a . _ . _�_'-'��^��-'�
<br /> `' pruceeding in•buikruptcy,probate.forcandemnation or forfciture os to enforce laws or regulations).then Lcnder may do and • »""� `
<br /> :� ,t.-
<br /> paY for whatever is necessary co protect the value of the Property and Lendei s rights in the Prapeny. Ixnder's actions may .�._ :: __ ----
<br /> • include p�yiag.aey sums seeured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instn�ment, appearing in wurt. paying
<br /> , ne�soaable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Althougb Lender may take action unsler this.par„araph _ . _..::;
<br />�;;°.. ' 7.Lender daes aot lutve to do so. �.. , -
<br /> . ' ''�' � My amounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shaU become additionai de5t af Borrower secumd by this ,. �`�`_.=-'=-£�'-
<br /> ,� Saurity Insttument. Untess Borrower and l.ertdcr agrce to other terms of pay�nt.thcsc amounts shall bear interest fram the , ' �`��=-�
<br /> ' .i' date of disbursement at the Note ratc and sha11 6e payable.with intcrest. upon notice from LcrWer to Sortower requesting . . .:;,: _�`�
<br /> . . '.r
<br /> �;�,.
<br /> . ' `�•� �ytllClll. • _'�•
<br /> 8.Matg�e Iaguraeca If Lendet required mortgagc insurance as a wndition of making thc loan sccured by this Security ::y�.;:°_
<br /> .� Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required ta maintain the rr�rtgage insurance in cffect. If. for any reason. the .. ��
<br /> mortg�ge insurance coverage required 6y Lender tapscs ar ceases ca be in cffect,Borrawcr shalt pay thc prcmiums rcquired to �:''�
<br /> • obtsun caverage substantially equlvalcnt to the martgage insurance previously in cffcct.at u casl substantiatty equivalent to the �'"
<br /> - . ' cast to Borrower of the mortga,e�^surance previously in effa;�.tmm an altemate mortgagc insurcr approved by Lendcr. It' _ . � �.
<br /> IR , '• , �rt���5,,�� •
<br /> - substantiaily equivalent mongage i�:;uxance coverage is nat a�•aiTa�hte.Borrower chall pay to Lendet cach maath a sum equal to 'J;;.,,, .
<br /> '-�Y •t ����: ;. . .
<br /> ,:`F�,i�;;�;,�t•; .. one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage i�surancc pr€�reium bcing paid by Bonawer whcn�he ir.�urance coverage ta�sod orc+aased to ,'•��'t�'
<br /> "'�"'''.•�"'' g'''"'= - be in etfeet.Lendec wifl acceg�,use sutd tetain¢hes�:payment�s as a lo�.s resen+e in lieu of morigage insuranee. Lass resenre �
<br /> _ . . _,, �,,, • -- _-
<br /> • �x. . '"s�-�-`', ' Fonn a0� !/!0
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