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<br /> ,d�, • . - c ; _. . . . - YYnii�VfiliV!! RAS� - - ._ . . - :. . � .� c . �
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<br /> . - . , . � � : 92� :Zo�32 � -
<br /> � � K�t At.i. !�!! �Y,THESE��iESNETS: - � . �� , � ; �
<br /> ` Tl�t� IJMI� � Cy�Lhiar J: Sarensen;of Kuesters Lake, R.F.O. �3. Hsll County, � _
<br /> , . <, . . � � .
<br /> . . _. . . . . .. :.L , . .
<br /> �j�q�ska � ' ` � OEBTOR(S), and Tt�e Equitable Building and -
<br /> -, --l�s�aEiot�-o�:Grac�-Ialand. Nabraaka,.SEClIAEQ_PARTY, do by.these_presents a�s as_follars:.
<br /> �I . � , . .
<br /> ` i. The.Finsncing SLateMSnt given by the Oebtor(s) to the Secu�ed RartY Under�the ..
<br /> ` _ date of _ Jw�e 30 � .19 77,khich on ttie date of Jurte 3 � 19 82 was .
<br /> ` irscorded sn ce.0 �the-�egister�of Deeds of Ha arnty. e ras� bearirg
<br /> � � .Oo�u�snt Nu.� 82-002205. and iras.furtt�r renewed,and extended by a doci�ent filed
<br /> __ — -_ �- . � with the Reg�ater eds of Hall:Couaty. t�iehr$s�l.�---��5-�-�€ -Jurie 3 .
<br /> - ' 1982 besrfng recording No. 82-002206 . and waa further renewed.an,faxten y a
<br /> � ' • . docu�e�t filed with the Reg ster o i�eeds of Hall County. Hebraska. .on the date of
<br /> . ,ig g7 ,hesring recordi.ng No.87-1Q402i is_hereby re�A snd extei)ded �
<br /> ow t a,s ate, snc on the date of Jul , !. Mas filed in tFie office of
<br /> , ' the Cotinty Clerk of Hall County, Ne rasca, earing recording Nb. 6554 �and aas
<br /> � furthqr renewed and extended bX a docu�ent f31ed :aith the CauntyZ`�erTc af Hell
<br /> , � ' County, Nehrestce, an the date of June 3 . , 19 82' bearing recoridng Na. 379
<br /> and was further renawec� �nd exten ed by a dacuAent�i��d with the County C�er cTo�
<br /> : � Hall County, Nebraake, an the dats af Jul � 6 . :� 87. bearing reccirding No.
<br /> 8 2329 is hereby renewed and extende ro� t us ate. � �
<br /> - 2. Suah Financing SteL-e�ent secures e bont!'given the Seaured Party datedJune 30
<br /> _ _ ._ _ 19�, ��!l_th� o�igin�l a�ount of S39 9�0.00_ ,and the property,given as_securst�
<br /> ��is a dwalling building. together w�h aIi we��.s. out buildings, attect�ents and`
<br />_ . .effixed equip�ent, located on:
<br /> � , Lot Ten (10) Kuesters l.eke,�a�part of the East Half of the SautrKest Quarter .
<br /> (E�SI$:) of Sect�an Thirteen t13)� in Tatimship Eleven f11) North, Rahge Nine
<br /> �`�: � (8), West of the 6th P.N., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> . OATED th�s 21st day of Mav .y9 82 . , .
<br /> * .
<br /> r' •
<br /> . J� —
<br />� yn a .:. r � � OH =
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<br /> UR D RT DE Ufl S i=
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<br /> _�-� •' OF NEBHASKA ) ' �-
<br /> ss ��'
<br /> '�:: 4 COUNTY OF HALL ) �
<br /> -� '
<br />� . = 4cr thi�s 21st day of Ma ,19 92 , be�ore me, the under 'gned, A Noter Public witfiirr ;.
<br /> . c ��' end for sa�Cou�rty. Re�ly came � ` . �c
<br /> _ _ �� � �Debtor(s), who � knaatn �o me an cnow to�e i tzca parson s) a se na�e(s� �
<br /> ' '�;�t ��xed to the fvregoxng and she acknowledged the execution thereof to ba her ;
<br /> � i� ', ��4� vo untary ect and deed.
<br /> �
<br /> ,.
<br /> � ��_� Nitness t�y hand and notarial seal the dete last ebove aritten. f�p�
<br /> . �KINrI�i � ;.
<br /> �ril�►�U 1.1lIS
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