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<br /> 17.aransFer of the 1'rolxrty oN n ik�mct��tlr��ia�tcrc�.1 In 6Mrr�;FVCe•.
<br /> If ul9 nr n�iy part uf thc P�•ape�-ty or nny intcrest in 1t —
<br /> is sold or triinsferrcd(or if n bPneticial interc5t at�13on�owcr Is snhl nr Irnnsfcrrcd u�id Qocrnwer is not n nuwral person)wiUio;�l
<br /> I.endor'r prior wrltten consent, l,ender may,.��t its option, ra�uih: ImmecUate payment In full of idl �ums secureci by thls
<br /> Se�urity lnstrumcnt. H��wevcr,this option shnt�:nr�t he excrcificd��y I.cndcr if cxercisc is prohihitect by fed�rul Inw a.s of thc cfntc
<br /> of this Sccurity Instruntent.
<br /> If le:nder exercises tliis option, Lendcr ryttnll givc tiorrmv�sr notice of ecceleratton.The notice shall provide n peraod o not
<br /> Iess than 30 days frum the date the notice Is delivered or nmiled wlU�in wh(ch Eiorrawer must pay nil sums securecl by this _
<br /> Security Instrutt�ent. If Barrower fails to pa;r.thr.sr,sams prior ta�ttn expiration of this perlal. I.ender muy invoke uc�y rerr►edics
<br /> permitted by this Securiry bistrument withouh fLrti►cr notice or dumrsnd on l3orrower.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Rlght to Refnstate�. if Bnrrowcr mcate a�:rtain conditlons, Borrowcr shall tiavc thc dght to have
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument dinrontinucd nt any time ��rior to tiie earlier uf: (a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br /> npplicable law may specify for rcinstatemHnt) hcfare salo of ttte Property p��suant to any power of sale contuined in this
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgmumt enforcing this Necnrity instrumenc.Those conditions are that Aorrawer:(a)pays
<br /> Lender nll sums wl�ich then would be due uitc!er this Sect�rity Anqt�i�ex t nsesthncurrecD in�enforci�1 his��Secunty I s r►uttien�t)
<br /> cures any defnult of nny other cov�nnnts or ugrcements; (o)p y. Pe
<br /> including,but not limited to, reFUOnable attorneys' fees; and.(d�trskes such action as Lender may re.asonably requ�re,to assure
<br /> that the IIcn of this Security Tnstrumcnt, I:encBer's ri$hts in•the&'t,�party and Borrower's obligatian to pay the aums secuse�i�by
<br /> this Security Instrament shull continue uneltnngetf. Upon a�csnstatetnent by Boxrower, tl�is Secur3ry .�pstrucn4nc �ind the
<br /> obligatians securec!hereby shull remnin fu11J1 cffective as if nm ac�:elerpdon hnd acct►rrccl.i-iqwaver,th3ti•right to reinstate shall
<br /> no:apply in tha case of uccelemtton under paraBrnph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Change of Loan 's'ervlcer. '!'he Note or u pArtial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more►imes wiehout prior notice to�orro�vcr. A�le may result in a chanqe in the entiry(kreown _
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects montht;y paymente due und�r tl�o Note rand this Security Instrument. There also rnay tvr,one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer►:s�reluh:d to a sale of tha Ale►ie.If t6ei�is a change of the Loan Servicer.Bonower wlll be
<br /> give��written notico of the chunge in nccorduur.e wiU�pa�:+�mph lA nbovo and applicable luw. The notice wiU state the name anc9
<br /> address of tho new l.oan �i'ubic jiw,�he u�ldreys tn which pnyments slinuld be maJe. The notice will ulso cantaln uny other
<br /> infarmatian rcquircd by app
<br /> xp, 1�xardotu l�ul�tw�xai. &►rrowcr shnil not ciniFn �►v�►ennit the presencc, uxe, dis{x�.ral, �torugc, c�r rrleurc of uny
<br /> 1laxurdous SuMetances un or fn tho Pr+�per3,y. [i��rr�►wcr nhi�ll nut do, i�nr altow anynno cl�e tu do. unythln� affc�rting !hd
<br /> proprny that Is in vtolatian af wny �nvlrumnnutal �.uw. 'I'ho praraling twu Fcntc�►cca xh�ll �x►t apply to thc pre�etKC,u�,or
<br /> xturuge on tho Nrop�ny of�;mall quunUUcv a(.t•Iur.ardoux S�d►suu�ccs thut nrc gener��lly recngnizecl ta t►c N{�(�mp�iutG to nonnal
<br /> rcsiciontlul u�es iuxl tn muintcuuncc of�hc E�re��:r�y.
<br /> &�rrnwer shull promptly give l.cixlen w�'ittci� ix�tice��f n��y iovestigatiun,clutm, denu�ncl� iawKUit ar ather�ion by wny
<br /> auverrwuntal or rcgulstory c�gcncy or privut�;pariy involvin��QIO Praperty atxl a py 1-luu%�+rdn�seS�u�bsQ`n�ey IatorSi auth Ity.'tl�t
<br /> of which&�rcower has acwai kn�wicdga: i+oorn�we� =�ar��..nr f^na•����+"--n� o- --�
<br /> uny removal or other rGmaliudon of uny�i��.��ctoue Substanco afQ:cdng the Pro�rty is necessary,Borrower shuU promptly take
<br /> n�l necessary remodial actians tn acconlanac w[Eh L'nvirumnenttibl..aw.
<br /> ps used in this paragraph 20, "Hu;sarc7ou:: Subtitnnces"'ara thasc substances defined as toxic or har.ardous substances by
<br /> Enviranmental [�w and the following sabstances: gasaline..k�:rosene, other flammable or toxic petrol�um products, taxic
<br /> pesticides and horbicides,v�lat+le solvem�a,mnterials cantaining EGSbestos or formaldehyde,und radioactive materials. As used in
<br /> � tUis paragrnpht 20, "Environmental Law." mcans federal InwF.and laws of the jurisdiction where the Y'roperty is (ocated that
<br /> �PIA(e',IO IICa��II�safMY or environmcntal�yibtcction.
<br /> iQON-UN[FORM�%V�":+P:TS.�.�n':NCr ar3 L�nler flu+.he►c�ven:u�t and agree as fol(ows:
<br /> �k,p�4�ti�n;Etemedfrs.I.end�TC Ahwll Qlve naticc lo�l3otrowcr priar to acccleratlon following��we 17 unles�
<br /> af any rnve�u�nt or �qreement in thf� Secw�Ity xnstrwncmt�(but not prior to nccderatbn undxr �arABraph
<br /> applicable IAw pr�vidas ntt�erwise). Thu nc►tice sh�ll s�wu:Nc. (A)Fhe detAUlt; (b)the 4clion reguieal to cure the default;
<br /> (c) a da►te,not iegs.thAn 30 days from dte clfite the notico la•(;tven tu l�orrower,by which the default mus¢ix cured;and
<br /> (d).tl�at isllur+e to cure the de.�ault on ux bet'ore the date spcctfied ia the noNce mAy resW1 ia suxeleration of the sums '
<br /> secured by this Secarity instnunent nnd�le nf the ProQ►ra�ty. The nokice shall further inform�onrower oi the rigbt to
<br /> reinst�te aRer wcxelerptlon an�l the Kigl�t t� bring a crnirt f�Mton to as.�►ert thc non txlstence of a de[�ult or Any othrr
<br /> aeteme oi Borrower to acceleratton au�l�AUre. li the defntdb is not cured on or betore the dnte epecitkd In t6e notke,
<br /> I,ender, at�ts option, may requ lre Im me�JlAte pa yment In.ll+ll of All sums�secured�by thts Stcurity Instn�mrnt without
<br /> [urther demnnd And may invoke t6e pn�er ot sale and'any.nther remedies pecmitted by Applicslbk IAw.1Rnder sdAll tse
<br /> entitled tu calloct all expenses incurr�ed in:pursuing the nnmotll�pmvided fn thLs par�grAph 21,i�ncludiug,iwt not limitcd
<br /> tu.reasonable stttomeys'fees and costs ttf title evidence. .
<br /> If the�►awer of sale is Qnvoked, '�ruytee shAll i�.�corcl�i► notice af de[stnit in each co�CnAtb�e;�����and to
<br /> ; }��y is located and shull muii cogihs of,suc6 noticn In�the manner prFSCr;b b�e�aW Tn�stee shsdl ive ubiic notke
<br /> � thc other persons prescribed bY appliulble�aw.At�er tlio timc required by app 8 P
<br /> i af sate ta theape blic�wuctton to h�[�he t bldcle�r at tltv�t�m and pl�e and under hett�erms d ignated[n the nnt'ice of
<br /> ' the Property P ne sale of all or an an�el ot the
<br /> sale in one ur more p�rccls and in e�iy order Tn�stce de�c+�vnines. Trustee mAy postpo Y"P
<br /> proper¢y by public announcement at�thc timc and p]ACO o1'any previously schetluled safe. Lender or its designee may
<br /> puY,chASe thc Yropecty at any sale.
<br />_ Form 3028 Bf90
<br /> Pe,�6ot0
<br />