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I ,. T• ! ` <br />� 2 0i1015Q� <br />, <br />� , <br />' EgffiBIT "A° - <br />Lpts Seven {'n and Ten (10), and that part of Lot Eleven (x1), mo�ce particirlarlp deecrlbed as follows: <br />• Begianing at the ''DGesterIy cornex of Lot Eleven. (11), (which i� al�o the Northwest corner of Lot Seven <br />(7)); thence in tha 1�Tortheasterly dixection on'the Northerly Ifne of eaid Lot Eleven (11), a distance of . <br />Sevent,�-one and �'ive ten'the (71.5? feet; thence in a Soatheasterlq direcLion on a line afi right angiea to <br />� the Noxtheriy iof, Iine, a distaace of ForLy-nine (q9.0) feet to a point on the 5ontherly Iine of eaid Lot <br />Elsven (11), (which is alsa the Northeaet corner of Lot Ten r].0)�; th�nnce Westerly on the 6out'�erly lot <br />� line of eaid Lot Elven (11) a distance nf Eighty-six and �ve tenths (86.� feet� to the po�nt uf b�ginning, <br />aIl being in Block Four (4), $esubrliv9eion of Biock Four (9), Seeonc'l. Acldition to Holcam}�'e Highway <br />Humes Subcl3vision, 4n the 1'�lortheaet , Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE ii4 1� 1/4) of Section <br />. Twenty-eigl�t (28), �'nwnship Eleven (11), North, Range 1�Tiue (9), �Pest of the 6th P.M„ HaTI Caunty, <br />Nebraska. . • <br />0 <br />fe <br />