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<br /> , . . � � . . RE�. EST�►T� MoRT�/�GEg2.,. ... _
<br /> . . � LaWr�nce A. and Frances M. EIr4d.`Husband,anc! Wife�� �
<br /> . .. � _ < . .
<br /> ��C�r r. Hall �ed 8hte�+����$ r••'t*•*�•edkd tbe Wnt1 ot tbe 8rit p�ia: �—'
<br /> __ _ ��_� Tuienty Tmo Thousand� Eight Hundred Seventy Five and no/100--=--=-- „r,i_ s,,�
<br /> --- �a�h�ad p�as l�eeti!���s�II aod oonq a1a_t�e Har nWasl Sartap t�Lon i�oel�ioa i Gnd LL�.
<br />_ `.t#efai IjladQ I(�lerior.aid its weeMroo ad�.ttie toilowf�t=a�l rhtt.alto�d id Hal l
<br />-- '.�►.�s-+ N�braska � . .a�rit . . . - _ .. .
<br />'Fl� - ..
<br /> , ` ;L.:�`�&ix. (6), Sevente� ,(17j, .:Nineteen f 1Sj, i.n Argo Third. Subdivision, in
<br /> :;`:��-�Itillage of Alda,��a'�1 Cnunty, �Jebraska. -
<br />" :�.,Yi "�4 . . 1':� .
<br />' ' � � � . �. �S'� � - " . -
<br /> C�, ��. . '? . __'__
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<br /> - ���-.�.� �I�e t��;�:.`�tirc3��2�, �ree (3). Fiue E��;� six te), Severr (7).. fift�en t�5�, �_ �
<br />-,._
<br /> 5�'�'en �('f6j�:"����s�:;r {1T). Twenty T�,��'-�22), ..and� Twenty 7t►ree (23}, Arg� 7�-�
<br /> =,��:�
<br /> : • Second Su6cii:va`sicn,. in the Village of Alda.`Hall C�ty. Nebraska. - :. �P:�..
<br /> :;r; . .:.:.:,: , . . : :.- i�'...��_
<br /> ' �r' , ,. s+o�et���II tae����aad al!oo�eamts in'aII t6e t1t1e aeeas:usNi[w�b aaid real a�l�Ee. =,"; �,'z :a,�
<br /> �' •� � aa�l�1!t3�s+�ab,iwawl ad D��Ai�alber dataalt ia D�°t�v w�+�ar eo�itton bertn aas- _ -
<br /> . . . , .. . � .
<br /> °- �d;a�d w�nb me fi�t�o�eet �ad�deas rs�e�!!or tLis�saetpiR f ._... . . . . -
<br /> ' �� Dmia{tY t1m��is martp[�L in foroe tbe�ost�[as a�eee: , - �
<br /> '' FJ�st To l�"aII G��ad spxLi are�e�s 3eskd�pi��D�.���II buus a�d asra�a0t Ie�1ed
<br />- .' vpon t�is�ae�es,ar tT�debt seeta�ed b7 t3fi ma'ti�L� ' • ' ;�`
<br />, ` -�.';�,." � �, �p �p � �{ap Ioo b'9&e.1l�tniag snd tceenado ia tome oomyWy,to be sp .. -.;,'. ',.
<br /> tliee�eoo iasoi+ed spt�ut. ;z�:'
<br /> . � ',�_:. . . . �
<br /> - P�a ti7�#�id�me Fe3eta�Ss�ap�I.aao A�o��tlos�.tirrwd Lland in the wmt at��2�A75_00 �� �.?,.
<br /> ��:,�, � �,��.y"•�.��':
<br /> tLe 1e�it att1�s�id�roeytlos,xa�i�t aoewor�ae aad�•tad to deD�t�P��a wjtb��ld Anod�o0.aad sLaD not �•-._. �
<br /> ltb
<br />• �t or saliet a+ty l+rte on s�1 d n r e m l�.a a d a h a l l D u t a n d k e e D p i d r d l e�t e b a D�t a p�nd im P e�r e m e f�b fa tood wr , .
<br /> �: . �X�
<br /> _ �.�. � Tbud. To F�1�a am�e to be�id to tbe Sa�me Sedera�8s�lags�La�a A�rodation ot Grand I�Ta�d.its aoearon ae �. i�..�:�-'-.�•..�_, �°
<br /> • ��.�Y:' ` Twenty TWO Thousand Ei9ht Hundred Seuentv EiUe and no/1Q0------Dp��, � �. ' � � �.-
<br /> �e��as ot�.
<br /> _ . � �, . .. .
<br /> ����?t L-� 'n+paWe s�idlaws: � •; .��
<br />- . ::�.,,r�sT�-^�� � � • � `�.�
<br /> ' _T'.� :i .ta:•�. . . '. ' '
<br /> - Three annual payments of $?,625.00 beginning April 28, 1993 with se-mi-annual E - , �• ��._
<br /> ; ��` y� ' e•-'�:,�� ' irev�sest payments beginning Uctober 28, 1992. Final principal and interest �' • _ _____
<br /> :�x.. __ ��r�nt dae april 28, 1995. -__-
<br /> /;1�� ^�Tw' ' � • • ��4.FF .
<br /> ::r.�'.� '�/wt i 1{;a• � , . . � � . +. ,ry�:;'_
<br /> . �'�'�n,�t(l.a..n, . ' .,
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<br /> �fi Jfj k�6: ' ` � .}�y`.
<br /> . �
<br /> ' � f�..}�� to the tenoi snd efiect �[the one certaia t�! mait8�e aote ot �id moe�tois, ��.: _
<br /> ;��:�fx�: ' wlth iaterert t�ereonD�l�le,aocord7s8 . :'_�—
<br /> � b�ln� e�ea date w!!� tbae D� Atter m��9 Wd band d�ws intenst st the nte o!�ae D�'�D�aaaam . � ...-.�_,:�.�.•
<br /> ; .. u wd t�c�and�a�eats ue not D�d aLen da0. as it tl�e ba�dln6s an e�ld D�eailaea ue not insared a sbo�e D� ---
<br /> ��. tidrd,os il an�ot�fds�tera�t b nd D�4 wLea dne,ffiea s�id whote debt aball become due immMiately,at the optioa ot t!� � � , . .�.:«;.:�'-+
<br /> �� s;y:�°��''�'..;;:�x,�' � a�id A�oclatlon.ana ais�thex�iter draw iaterrK�t ffie:ate oi atne D�'eeat D�aanum. . - "_.
<br /> �� �e�saso�s. nenbs +.r�.�- �o s�a morc�u� an nm. ,na mcome iTlll�� �t �IIY AAd i�l �id n� wa �_
<br /> -�,�-�=. ; . _ .
<br /> � �•"i>�: prODC1��IIlfCbl it1�101'�i0 i�d n10!«EO 0!��l�ELt.iL{1� O�OfI, 11�OR l�E��YI� W�tYE C�1�i'�E 0�sAld Dl6D�u7�d � o
<br /> r� �,
<br /> ,'�-:,�-=. ��=:"a' •• � colle�t aFL rents and ineome Werefrom�ad ay➢1Y the same to the D�Jrm�nt ot intemt, prfnelDal. iasurance Dtemi�a.Sua, .
<br /> aue�eme�L� rep�rs�dssDrovemente aecessary to keeD�d property in te�at�ble condition, or to oWar cbaiges ar D�n `
<br /> • ' � meat3�revided!or�;� or la the note hereby secured.Th1s sent ass3g�:�'�sbaU cantlnue in toree uatll the anDSB bal� :� �
<br /> ge� ,
<br /> `- - .,, --- - � anee oi s�i3 aote,is fcr1."Y D�a.Th�talcin8 of voase+sion bereunder sha11 in no manncr Drevent or retard said matKAa�ee in € - _ - - -
<br /> . .-.�''. •.::_ �. . � the eoI[e�•aa o!said snms by loreclosnre or othendae. ' � � ., .
<br /> ` . WIk.tluts s�td debt becama due by Lpse o! tima. or by seasoa o!tbe fai2ure ot the yarty oi 1he firat �att to eomp� � ' �� ,
<br /> <,: ,,�;.:. .. ' rrit6�a�candlUon bttria.the stld Home Fedetal Ssvinys�IIaaa Association ot (isand Iiland.the iuece�ots aad a�l{�, • .
<br /> • • '� � shall fiava tho at�ht U��e81n the ioreclosusd o4 t�a mort�z,se a: oace or� tho whole debt &ereby secut+ed. �uA to indud�
<br /> . � ,. . y Werdn �ll t�xes, awesusents,innrc�nce Dremiu��a4 cast�.Daid by tt or t6emt oi aaid Aseotiattosi, it� sucee�sase ar
<br /> '>:• • • . a�t�,mq tot+eetasc ael7 ai to tbe aum puE dse. �tltHoat i�ury to f�1! martSaSe, ar tbe dlsnluement os impaisment
<br /> � � oi ttle tka, tbtreoL
<br /> - And tl�t�+id llra!Putp and the mal�ers ot a�id note.esDe�1�11Y agree and declare t�t the tenu�te esktte oi t�md `! �
<br /> , u
<br /> , � e�rery one ot them,iacindin� 1wW t1lat now ownM and tl�a!�tse�fter acqulreA, !s P=�ed and bouad ior the paymene ai i
<br /> � • the deb!Lereby aecared. ;I �
<br /> • . Af}at the com�ement of � :alt in faseclosnre the pl�intitf ffiereln a�ll be entitled to the lmmedl�te poree�alon el � � .
<br /> � � �aid Dr���tLe aypolntme�o!a recelver thesetor.notwitUstanAing theY�►Y be the homestc�e o!tbe oe�wP�n!�nd � �
<br /> • -- --`- _ '"' adwltlut�nding tfie parties llab2e tos the debt may?re aolvent,aad tbe i�et�Dub hee�eb�► comseab to tlie appolntmen!ot a �
<br /> - - - - - � Iteeetve uzwn the yroducNon ot ttds iadentnre.without othes evldence. _ . _
<br /> ' 7'Le faeK�i eonEltion��ad a�e+eemenb� all and sinit�u'.1�i i�Y D�otme�tbl�conveyaace s�ll be void, othet� .
<br /> . _ wl�e to b� and rem�ia ln!nD toree anA ettect. �;. . . , :
<br /> " . •• ., " g1�oeA th1• 30th_. _— d�y o! p�ri 1 �.D. 19.�Z
<br /> � Ia yrnenee a� � � . . .
<br /> ., : ' • _ . . . : �31�lTEt1C8-A. ��TL�ff - �_��:_:---- - -
<br /> _. —_-_--. --.','—� .. _. - F� nce�� E� d
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