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<br /> ..
<br />....'__,,'. - . . . _ . . ' _ ' ' ' ' _.. .. _ ' ' ' _ _ "' _" '
<br /> � . `F.C�. °v:� . . . . . . t, . ` � ' � . .. .. . . ._ _ .
<br /> . . . _.. ..__. , "i, . . ' 71.- . . , _ . . . _ . _ ' .. .. . .
<br /> ._ ' _.. __ r '- �. � ��_ _i.J _-li�B�t�R�LEDG1�tEN�y `- ����! :���I�� __ _ _ '
<br /> � _ - `I � ._ ' . �� . ��L ` , t . .
<br /> . . � 7 ' -f - ' - _ ... . , � � c c. ' . '
<br /> ` � Mitch�ll. hushand ae�d�ti.fl�T�natoe"! ` � �
<br /> � �tlRt. ;•nn�in C_�chf21 aA" � � cn-
<br /> , r�i�r tM1t arl�f�DiMt�E Tnest if ti�aelst�sl�aeipal amouat ot , x � ,
<br /> - It s rad and no� OQ Dc116rs - -=-------=-------------�K ?• �a----�� ►and dated ,
<br /> ;,,�• • : lDeed�ot Trnsil�0 6e eateted into anwe�Tsnstor; �
<br /> �Orl Q Ahlschw�de Atto�nev ' i"Trwtee"1 aa�1 THE EQUITABLE B�II.DtN(i AND . .
<br /> :#AA3�A�SOCJA�ION�F_GRAND.ISI.AND_�'He�eGsiar�r"I.eoveelna t6e followin�desoribed Psapertys _
<br /> _` A�tr.sct of� Iand loc�ted i� Lhs So�tth"esst corner of !ot Tbrae (3) fn Yoss Sub-
<br /> � d�.ri,sion af sll tbet parx of the East iialf of the SauthKest Quarter (E�BM�E�
<br /> �end�the M�ist .�ns-Half af ths Southesst Querter (M�SE�) of &sctsan�E�,.svea (�t1) �
<br /> in Towneih�p Eleven (12) Narxh, Range N�ne .�9) Mest of the 6th P.R. Iying �
<br /> �outh of� the` Linco�n Nig�iWey, �in Hsli Cauflty, Nebreska �are particularly des- , .
<br /> crib�d as fol.Inr.s.:.: Ca��encing at tfie SQUtheast corner of theJ���t Half ,af
<br /> � �he Sotethesst Quei��er (I�SE�) af Sec�ion Elaven (li) . township Elave� .(11�
<br /> !lorth, ttsr�ge �line `�8} Nest of the_6th P.M.�* in Nafl�Cnunty Ne6raska runnsng _
<br /> thsnce �in s Northerly direction along the Esat line= of the weat Half of the
<br /> Sautheast Q�srter �M�iSE�) for a distance� of twe�ty (20) �rods, running �thence
<br /> in a Mester2y- direction at right sngl�s far a distshce of eight (8) rods
<br /> running tt�nce in a Soutf�er�.y direction et right, angles, for a distance �f
<br /> twanty- {20} rnds, �running thence in aa Easterly .directiort at right aagiea,
<br /> for s .dis.tance of eight �8) rods, to the piace of beginning. Hall County,
<br /> � Mebraska, . � . � . , .
<br /> � � - ' . , �
<br /> beteM aejc�owlad�e LLat it b audesstood t6at Is1 the Deed of Te�st to be e�ceeuted b�Ttustas is s te�at deed sad not �
<br /> :�".-t►maetss�sad Ib)the power ot tile provided for in t6e Oeed of Ttwt p�ovldes substantia117 diffennt rishts snd . �
<br /> ;;':",,obtiaations to tbe Teastor tl�n s mort�e in the event oi s defiait ar 6ceach oi obUgatton.
<br /> 1`su�tor aetcnowkdsea t6at this Aeicnowtedgment wu ni�de pHar'tu the exeeution oE the Deed ot Trw�
<br /> -- . .. •��aGeNted snd delivered this � ' . dsr ot ' J�"�' � -1l�2..,.
<br /> � � � =�,��,.,� �, ���/_.
<br /> �� T�:�« Keaneth C. Mitchell
<br /> � � • �
<br /> M�rvrn�.. �' m
<br /> � � Tr�sus 'fammi M. Mitehell' =_
<br /> . STA1'�-aF NEHRASKA • ' � �,. -
<br /> . . SS -
<br /> QOUNTY OF Ha�.��: . �
<br /> ds oi --•
<br /> Tl�{ase�ais�instrwnent was acknoAledged before me thls i&t ^ y June
<br /> 19 9$ ��j� �„� annath P Mit�hal7 anri jammi M M+tnHat_S.___'�ti�h
<br /> __ � ��a��a�d snd notarLl sesl at Gr and I s 1 a n d. N e. �¢�td county.the dste aiaressid.
<br /> . : . . . � ���� . _
<br /> -- .' 1VW,�tey Public �
<br /> —_� , .
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<br /> --- 1�f7�Ca�llad�syiea: MI��R��Ilb�.11iZ ,
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