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<br /> � evidanced by the Note,includin�,bi►t not limited W,repra�oalatiane conce�'ntn�B°r�°wor'a oceu�nay nf tho
<br /> Pmpecty ne a prin�i�xl roeidencx.It this Security Inatrumeat ie an�leasehold,Borrower ahnll comply with the
<br /> ix»vlaione o!t,ha le�e.If Borraxer�cqulres tee titlo w tho Praperty�tha l�sehold and#ee title ehell not bo
<br /> mecgod unlaae I..ender i�ceee to tho mar�er in writIa�. --
<br /> 6. Condemnstion. The prc�ceede ot any Rwud or cleim tor dami�es� diroct or consequeatiel, in
<br /> conneetion wltli�ny condemnation ar other talda�ot any part of the Property,or tor convoyanco in place o!
<br /> ccmdemnatton, �ro her�by ea�i�ned and sh�ll bo peid to I.enda'to the nrtent of tho full amount of tho •
<br /> indebtedAees tbit remains unp�id under tho Nota and thie SecuritY Inatrumant. I.endar ehall �pply such
<br /> proceede to thc reduction of the iackbteds�eee uader tbe Noto v►d thie Socurity Inatrument,tirat ta any
<br /> deltnq�x�nt iunoi�nte rp,�ti?��d in the order pcovided in par�q�apt►3�uid tt►an w Pi'aP�Y��nt of prinaip�l.Any
<br /> appliation ot the pro'at�a to the pcincipd ehalt uot E�nd or ��� the due c�atr�ef the r�onthly __
<br /> pwycnents,whIch sre rotersed to in�ra�raph 2,or chen�e tho unaunt of euoh paym�nte.Any Gxcese pmcoede
<br /> over nn amount roquirod to p�y�Il outetending indebtedaee;�under tho Note�ad thae Socudty Ir�attument ehall
<br /> , be paid W the en�ity lTgatly entitted thereto.
<br /> , , 7.Ch�r�r.s to aortower�nd Protection o?Lender's Risht�ia th�t Property. Barrower�hell pay sli
<br /> governmcatal or municipal chargea,iines and impoeittonA thnt ue nat included in paragn�h�.,�t�rrower
<br /> �, ' . �� nhel� p�y thoee obliQatione on ti��e directly w tho entity w}�i�h is owod the payment.I��fAilure to pay would
<br /> advcrsely etloct Iander'e interest i�i the Property�upon I�endr�r°s:taiuest B°�'s°&�'ahail prnntptly furnieh to
<br /> Lender rec;oipts ovidoncin�the+�e�aYmente. "
<br /> II�orrowec fails to¢nake thrao'.paymaata or the payments re9uired by Pu'�Sr�Ph 2,or taile�o pectorm
<br /> any other cnv�nents and a�reemonte conUnaed in ttus Security Insttumont;or thero ie a lag�l prncc:edia�thnt '
<br /> �7�i��a`iynN�i.�.:::.ty°4�.�'.�L��_°�a Sjn°}t_tw in the Pt+O�OEltV�Bl1C}.l�lJ a D���IA�Itl Us�IItifllpUSY•IOT CpA�etriAStiOtl
<br /> �; or Lo e��orCC lgW�ar tC�ulationa)�Yhan I.tnder may do and paY Mhatever ie necras�rp to prot�xt tha vuue o[
<br /> �he Pmpe�rty and�,ander'e ri�hte in the Pc+operty,includit�p�Yment of t�ta,haz�cd ineuru�ce and other iteme
<br /> '� mentioaod ta p�ra�pxph 2.
<br /> Mq unount�dIsbureed by I�ondcr under this p�ra�raPt►ehalY bxomo an additional dRSbta!Hmr.rowar and
<br /> x be eccu�rod by thie Security Instrumeat.Theee unoonte etull beu intorast fmm the date ot diebuc�ement,�t
<br /> �; the NaM rate,�►nd at tha optton ot I�encler,stu11 be immediatdy due and P�Y��e•
<br /> ,f BormMer ehall promptly diecharse �ay lien which has priority over thie Socu.cnmy Lietrument unlas .
<br /> BarrnNOr:(a�aQroae in�rritin�W the peymant ot the oWiption secu�ad b�ttje lien in��msaaer�onptaMe on
<br /> 1,endar;(b�oontoste in Qood idth the lion br�or delands rpi�w�t eata�ma►t°f th°lian in,l��l proceedin�v
<br /> `# which in tho I.endor's opinion operate to pcevent the antoroemeat ot the lien�or(c)aecune�irom the twt�lor�E
<br /> =' ti�o lien an aSreemeAt e�tiefaatory to Lender abuedinatlaj the Hen w tht�5ecurity Inetruman�If L�en�x
<br /> ' determiaa tlut u�,y p�rt o[ the Property ia eiubject to�lien �hlch may�ttaia prsox�it�ovmr thie Secui�ty
<br /> `� � I�trunient,L�,rtder may�fve BaroMer a notiao ideatityiu�tho 1ieu,Bortowet shtil nutinly tha lien or taha eMa
<br /> or rnoro ot the�ctionn eot focth above within 10 dsye oi tho givia�o�nouoo•
<br /> � S.Fees.Lender may oollect ieae aad ctwr�ea aothorixed by the Secr�tat7•
<br /> 9,Grounda for Aocelarattoa ot Debt.
<br /> " �a) �ault.L�nder may, �xcept �e limited bY ro�latiane iasued by thc Sacraqry, in�•tDie caee ot
<br /> :; �xyraont defwlte,require immediato p�yment ia tull of all ss�me secured i�y ttiia Saaurita*�Lwbrument
<br /> s it:
<br /> ` (i� liornowor defaults by failin�to pay in full u►y monti�ly p�Ymcnt rcquic+ed by thin Socurity
<br /> E Iaatrurnent prior to or on the duo date oi the nent m�x►thtY P+Yment.cm
<br /> ,� � (ii) Borro+ver detaulte by failin��for a p�riad oi tbirty d�ye. to ParSarnt �n�.'dtEtar'obtfg�tiom
<br /> . �� contaiaed in thie Security Instrumen� �
<br /> a {b)Salo R►ithout Credit Approval.Lcndea'stuA.ii Permittal by appitwbl�s 1�►w:(inoluding Sectioa
<br /> 341(d)ot the Garn-St.Germain D�e�x�eitorY InetitutioneAct o! 1982. 2�U.S.C,.1�14ay-3(�3)�and with
<br /> � tl�e prlar approvtl o!the Secretary�raquire immedi�u peymcnt in tuil a�+�r1Y:gumo eoci�d by thio
<br /> ,� Socurity Iamtrument if: ,
<br /> �,; .
<br /> �
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