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<br /> Inetrumont �nd the Note. For thie p+�rpoae, Horrower irtavocably �cante end convoya to the Trusteo, dn
<br /> tn�t,Nith power�t eale,tha fallowin�deecribed property l�ceted tn ��
<br /> �Caunty,Nebr�alca:
<br /> ��MA� I�N FI�� 11�D0���1�'3�� �. I�&�i�11I
<br /> 1�171�1
<br /> which hu:�`'tk�e address ot 306 �1 �"�llI y�p� p�yJ� tsueei.ctr�l,
<br />, Nebrasic4 68883 Iz;p co�.��'"Properey Address"1�
<br /> TOpE'fHER W1TF1 eU the impn�vemtnts noN or hareaiter erectod on tho propecty��nd al�easemenis,
<br /> tppurtennncee�nd fi7ttur�now or hereaitor�p�rt ot tho�xoperty.All repl�ameata�nd adcUtions shall.alao be
<br /> covered by ttua Security Inetrumant. All ot tho foragain�d��rc'Perned to in this Socurity Instrament as the
<br /> •r��y."
<br /> ..
<br /> ' B4RROWF3R COVENANTS that Bormxet ie l��rluliy eeiud oi thn estate i�eby convepea�nd'nae uio
<br /> ; rip,ht tp�gcant and convoy tho Propcct_ Y� t��ly��e o tho Prou���•net�all cltirrts anmd�oi
<br /> rxord.73orrawer wamnta�ad xill dt[ P�Y �
<br /> subject ta eny encumlxeacce oi r000rd.
<br /> THIS SECURI'TY INSTRUMSNf combinee uaitorm covanmte �or nmtional uAO and rwn-uniform
<br /> oovenente Aith limited vari�tions by jurisdiotiaa to constltute a unifunm�eccurity inetrument covarins ro�l
<br /> W'�P�Y•
<br /> gorrower u�d L,p�der covaunt md tsree ns follaw�
<br /> iTNIF(�RM CQ1�LIVAN'TS.
<br /> 1.P�yraeat c�Prin�cip�l,Intero�t Rad I.�t�Char=o.Borrower ehall par�rhea due the prirncipal ot.and
<br /> intoreat an�tM dobt evidenced br the Nate and late char�aM due ur�dar the IJt�to.
<br /> 2. Maathi� lPryment o( TaYOS, I�n�urancc �nd Uther Char�es. k3o�coNer sh�lt inoludo in acb
<br /> " m�nthlY p�yaient,;o�otha�vith the princ�ip�l u�d intoceat is sei fortl►in tho l�iate and u�,y late cht�rree.a ouQn
<br /> [oe(r)'ta�tas�nd apoctel aeeeaements loviod nr to be levied ataiaet tha Ptaparty, (b)lea�ehold payrneats or
<br /> = grouad rmts oa thie PrapertY�and(c1 Pramiums ior tnintt�aaoe re4vitad undar Pnr!�raPh 4.In anyyar in wtdch
<br /> - the L,eitder muet,i�nY�mort�ge in�uranco prentium to the SectoU►rY of�ue+n�and Urban Devdopme�t
<br /> (•Sec�otary"),or cn any yar ia Nhich se�cb premivm Mould hsve beeca roquiras�it I�adtl 1�eld tbe Security
<br /> _ . Inetrusrient,ach monthiy psymout e}s�l] aleo includo d�1ia�: (i� a sum fnr the aanud mort�e ins�uance
<br /> - � ps�emium to bepa�d by Lendcr tn tho StcretaxY�or �ii�y cmonthly chu�e inatasd ot a raort�r�e iae�tt'awe
<br /> - ' ium�it thie Sncurity Instrumont la�►al�l by tho Sectetuy,in a retsr�nabin amount to be deter�ntned by the
<br /> _ . , q.F,YOOpt for thc monthly chu by tho Secrot�ry.thcse iteme uv�dlbd�FdCfON ItC[Y1E�and tho eums
<br /> ' ' '` �d t0, et`0 Ct��Od«F1�CfoF���
<br /> ,� I,,e�der m�y��t�ny time.colloct�nd l�Old amounte far���'��a iiz rn a us imount aot to oicead
<br /> .� tho ritiaximum amount ttut ma�.'b�tayulral for Bonro�rar"is�rscroN account ua+�t o Rc�l F.Btau Sattleineut
<br /> ; Pc�aood�rcb Act of 1974. 12 U.S.�,,Scction 2601 et�+rq.a;n�dcnplema►tin�rcYulattons,?,4 CFR Put 3900 ee
<br /> I they may ba amon+lod from tirxibriotimo("•'�.�r..SPA")�eYC�n;bt that the cuehiaa or r�xrvo permittod by RES�A
<br /> � ; . ' tor eu�u�uaipatecf�diobvr,�emorate or di�burne:�aat:'ts before the 13orrowcr'u psymontx aro available in thA a000vnt
<br /> mnp not bo U�eed nn�snounts dut for thb mortgage�nsurance premivm.
<br /> r ' �� / p �
<br /> �4R��1E) ewoun� r.,.s.e�, �nteh���!L1L�
<br /> ' _ __ __ _ __ __ — .
<br />