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i - . <br />.. �����-������� ���������..��� <br />�nst. 20� � - � � � <br />20110143"l <br />All such substitutions of trustee shall contain this sentence: "This substitution is made <br />t recourse, representafion or warranty, express or implied, by the FDIC in its corporate <br />y or as Receiver." <br />2. FDIC further grants to each Attorney-in-Fact full power and authority to do and <br />rm all acts necessary to carry into effect the powers granted by this Limited Power of <br />ney as fully as FDIC might or could c3o with the same validity if all and every such act had <br />herein particularly stated, expressed and especially provided for. <br />This Limited Power of Attorney shall be effective from rune 4, 2410, and shail continue <br />in full f�rce and effect tbrough June 30, 2012, unless otherwise terminated by an official of the <br />F IC authorized to do so by the fiaard of Directors ("Revocation"). At such time this Limited <br />P wer of Attorney will be autamatically revoked. Any third party may rely upon this docuznent <br />the named individual(s)' aui}:ority to continue tn exercise the powers herein granted, unless a <br />17 vocation has been recorded in the public records of the jurisdiction where this �,imited Power <br />o Attorney has been recorded, or unless a third party has rec�ived actual notice af a Revo�ation. <br />1N WITNESS WHERE�F, the FDIC, by its duly authorized off`icer empowered <br />appropriate resolution of its Board of Directors, has caused these presents to be subscribed in <br />name this ,�day of Octobsr, 2010. <br />FEDE EPOS SURANCE CORPORATION <br />, <br />By: <br />Name: James L. Parrish <br />Title: Customer Service Manager <br />D�llas Reeioual Office <br />� $igned in the presence of: <br />.�4� ' l . . � , , <br />,� . <br />, ,, _ - , ... <br />, <br />. <br />,. �. ,. � � ; � <br />. ,. <br />, <br />:,,. �,. , , .,,... <br />Limited Power of Attorney for Great Western Bank Page 2 of 3 <br />Reviewed and Approved by Donald Linker, Federal Deposit Insurance CoTporation, Legal Division, <br />Daltas Regional Office, Octobar S, 20I0 <br />BOOK 212—PAGE 891 <br />3 <br />��� <br />