<br />i
<br />?t0!!01 i:��
<br />Acknowledgement
<br />Slale 0! Neb�asko ss
<br />Counfy Ot Nalf Q
<br />On �he12`��ay olEs,�ctC�C, 2011, before me,CZ�b�ra. G. �Qae
<br />o Notary Publ)c wi�hin and /or said Counly, psrsonolly oppeored WlLL/AM C.
<br />MART/N, Managing Member o/ WlLMAR R£ALTY, L.L.C., a Netrraska Ltmited
<br />Liabiliiy Company, and lo me personady known lo be the /denlica! penon
<br />whose sfgnature !s at(txed hereto, and thaf he d!d acknowledge ihe executlon
<br />ihereo/ % be his volunlary acl ond deed and /he volunlary acl and deed o/
<br />sald Company.
<br />IN WITN£SS WHfR£OF, l have hereun/o subscribed my name and o(tlxed my
<br />o/lIclo! seal oi Grand ls/and, Nebiasko, on ihe d le /asl above w�iilen.
<br />My commisslon expires�C�a__usj" /3, 4l.
<br />(Seal) �•t[l2t�L OS �r4�L�fi _
<br />Nolary Publlc �,°""���
<br />��
<br />,;�
<br />Surveyor's Certlficate
<br />l hereby cerfily lhal on February 7, 2011, l compleled an accurole survey
<br />ol �SXAC-WAY SU80/VlS/0N; in the Crly o/ Grand klan0, Nebrasko, os shown
<br />on /he actomponying p/a/ /heieo% /hat the lots, btacks, sfreefs, avenuas,
<br />alleys, parks, commons and oiher grounds as con/ained in said subdivlsion
<br />as shown ort /he occompanying plol fhereol ore well and accurole/y sloked
<br />o// and marked,• lha/ iran markers were p/aced ol al/ Jol corners; Ihai the
<br />dimensions of eoch lo! are as shown on 1ha plol,• Ihal each loi beais ils
<br />own number,• ond lhal said survey was made wilh re(e�ence lo known and
<br />recorded numenis.
<br />�gRAS
<br />,
<br />�ss�e � �
<br />�``3 va��,v�' Oery/ D.�Soigenf e Re �L nd 5urveyor No. 578
<br />� 0, gppG�
<br />Legal Descri t Ion
<br />A tracl of land comprising a!! of Lo�s Fifleen (IS) and Sixfeen (16), ond o
<br />parl o/ Lofs Five �5), Six (6) ond Sevenleen (17), oll in Home Subdivision, in
<br />the City of Grand isiond, MaN County, Nebrosko, more parlicu/ar/y Oescribed
<br />os lollows:
<br />Beginnfng al ihe souiheasl corner ol sald Lol filfeen (15), soid poini o/so
<br />being on the �o�therly rlght of way line o( Stofe Sfreel; thence running
<br />weslerly on Ihe soulherfy line ol soid Lols Fi/feen (15), Sixleen (18) ond
<br />Sevenfeen (17), ond �he noriher/y right o/ way line a/ Slate Sfreel, on an
<br />Assumed Bearing ol N89'2l'02 a distaace o( Six Hundred �orfy Four and
<br />Forty f/ghl Hundred/hs (644.48J /ee% fo a poin! Fifleen (15) /ee� east o/ �he
<br />souihwesf corner ol sold Loi 5evenleen (17); ihence �unnrng N44'3053"W, on
<br />ihe northeas(er/y righf o/ woy line ol Slate 5/real, a distance af Iwenty One
<br />and Twen/y £ighl Ilun4redlhs (11.19f /ee! la a poin/ on ihe wes/e�/y /ine oJ
<br />sald Lol Sevenleen (iT), ond fo a poini on �he eosierfy righl ol woy line o/
<br />BioadweU Avenue, said poinl a/so being Fi/Jeen (f5f /eel norlh o/ the
<br />souihwesl comer of sald Lol Sevenleen (17); ihence runnrng N00'1627'f on
<br />ihe wes/er/y lins o! said tols Seyenfeen (1T), Six (6} ond five (5}, ond !he
<br />easlerly righi ol way /ine o( 8ioadwell Avenue, o dislante o1 Six Hundred
<br />Sevenly five and ibrly Hundred/hs (675.40) leeJ, 1/he soufhwesi corner ot
<br />ihe North Qne (fund�ed Thirfy Five (135.0) (eel said Lot Six (6); fhence
<br />runnrng 589'14'10"f, on lhe 3oufhe�ly line ol he Norlh One Hund�ed Thir/y
<br />Five (135.0) !ee! ol soid Lol Six (6), a disfonce o/ l'wo Hundred Srxiy ond
<br />Seven Nundredlhs (260.07) (eef; thei�e run�ing N00'!5 21 "f, o Qistonce of
<br />Two Hundred forly Three and Ninely One Hundred�hs (243.9!) /eel, lo v po/nl
<br />on ihe northe�/y line o/ ihe Saulh pne N�ndred 7en (!/0.0) Ieel o/ said Coi
<br />flve (5); lhence runnrng 589'J214"f, on the no�therly line ot the 5oufh One
<br />Hundred ren (il0.0) /eel o/ sald Col Five (S), o dislance o/ One Nundred
<br />lhirry and Thirty Nine Nundredihs (130.39) /ea�, lo o poini on the wasfar/y
<br />line o/ Haliday Garden Second Subdivision; lhence runrting 5007124'W, on
<br />the weste�ly Une ol Molidoy Garden Second SubdivJsion, a dislance o/ One
<br />Nundree Nine artd £ighty One Hundredths (109.91) fee% lo the southwesl
<br />corner o/ Nolldoy Ga�den Second Subdivision, and lo o poinl on ihe noriherly
<br />line o! sard Lo! Six (6); ihence running S89'1647"E, on ihe norlherly lrne o/
<br />said Lot Six (6f, a drstance of Two Nundred Sixty Nine and Sixfy lwo
<br />HundreClhs (269.62) Ieel, !a lhe no�iheosl comer o7 said Lol Si.r (6),� lhence
<br />running S00'17�53 on !ha eas/erly line ol said Lols Six (6) and Filfaen
<br />(IS), o d/stonce of £lghJ NunOred Twe�ly four and itghty Nund�edtl�s
<br />(824.80) /eaf, lo lhe pornl o/ beginning and conlaining l2.O16 ocres moie or
<br />less.
<br />A� r� oval
<br />Approved and occep/ed by the Cily o/ Grond Island, Nebrosko, lhlsZ('�
<br />day of�i.6�,,es��, 101 !.
<br />P/anning liec or •
<br />Dedlcatlon
<br />KNOW ALL M£N 8Y TH£Sf PRfSfNTS, Jhal W/LMAR R£ALTY, I.L.C., o
<br />Nebraska Limiled Liabilily Company, being fhe owner o/ 1he land described
<br />hereon, has caused same lo be surveyed, subdivided, ploffed ond dasignoled
<br />os 'SKAG-WAY SUBOIVISION' in ihe Ci1y o/ Grand /s/anC, Nebroska, as shown
<br />on ihe accompanying ploi lhereof, and do hereby dedlcale fhe easemenls, il
<br />any, as shown iheieon (or /he locolion, conslrucllon and malnlenance o/
<br />pubflc servlce ulifiiles, togefher with fhe rlghl o/ ingress and egress Iherelo,
<br />and hereby prohibiting /he planlinq of trees, bushes and shru6s, or p/acing
<br />other obs/ructions upon, over, olong or underneafh /he'surface o1 such
<br />easements; vnd thol Iha (oregoing subdJvision as mare porticularly described
<br />ln /he descriplian heieon as appeo�s on Ihis plof ls made with /he /ree
<br />consent anC in occordance wiJA lhe desires ol 1he unde�s/gned ownei ond
<br />propr/e�or.
<br />!N WITN£SS WH£R£OF, ! have oflixed my signaiure herelo, ol Grand lslond,
<br />Nebiaska, this_L�day o/��Y,ct)G—, 20i L
<br />WlLMAR REAL7Y, L.L,C., o Nebrosko Umiled Liabrlily Compony
<br />/ Wi� C � t ��arr n ,i�onogin_
<br />