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<br /> � motie�eY tbe�t�aRy aod�ti tumeada this Security In�ttWneat aud aU aotta�widmeia8 de6t taa�t�ot�y,t6is S�uri�Y :
<br /> LMt�mt to Tt}�e.TmMee�hil marvry tbc Fmprlty MiWart�saacy aod�rit6out cbscge w tha ponon or persons l�pllY
<br /> e�tkied b it.S�penon a pecso�s�11 P�l��Y�°�s. ,
<br /> 23.�Ti�lee.t�ader.�t its optioo.�a�►fineu time to 6me�emc�ve Tniuoe aad appoint a snooesaor aw�x to
<br /> : i�ry Tt�1ee appoialpd 6e+euader b�i ao iaaomeet iecneded jn tbe oouaty in�fiich lhis Saviitp Iasnument is seconted.Witboot
<br /> oorr�ra�oa d tb�P�opaty,t6e 9aoaaor uwtee dWt ma�d to�t tbc We,Po�e�a�d dwia ooafer�d opoo Tn�tee l�enaa
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<br /> �6idi�t�e FiupettY Add�. .
<br /> ZS.tii�s M 1W Seeall7 L�Ir�e�t.If ane ot mo�e tidas ace e�by Ba�cowes aad n�onided.wgethe�with tbis
<br /> Sepuity Ye�d�mmt,the aoveomts aod�s of a�cb sach iider t�6�ll 6e incapowted ipto and s1n11 aaoeod aod sappla�nt
<br /> � � the caraoraits�ed�aemea�of dns Sacurity Imtittmmt as if the tider(s)v�era s P�t of this Sa�rity Iamumrnt.
<br /> (t7�eck�ppiiwble bo�(all . . .
<br /> Q�1djaWbie lta�$ida . • Cmdominimm Rt�der .:,�.,., �i-+i Famity Itider ... •
<br /> . . ' ��p��,Ri�ei: _ Ptaood iFaa t)evdopmeo��iez f��eetdy Payment Rider.
<br /> � • l�i�}ec R�te Imp�i.•sa��We� ` ••, :��+.`^�md Ii°qie Rder .
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<br /> �`_ � , . : - : �aRV �aro o ��-��.
<br /> � �� • Social Security Number 508-70-9160
<br /> V�;,; «� -
<br /> -Honower o
<br />- Social Sec�riry Number
<br /> . 17 :
<br /> ��� ��� �.
<br /> °�`' PETER E KORTUM � 'B0R°'M0f -B"r`°w"
<br /> ;��'- Soeisl Sa,urlry Nutaber 506-68-8573 Social Security Number •
<br />�:; . _
<br />- - STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL County ss% _
<br /> - 'E'he for�eboing`inst�nt was acknawledged before me this 2N0 day of JUNE . 1992 , _
<br /> .
<br />.�;�, � �i p�ETEmyR E�(�U�I�d�t eRY JANE KORTUNt, HUS8AN0 A�IU WIFE _
<br />, _., in said County,the date aforesaid.
<br />:"r,v�;',- , My C'ommissioo E�7i�es: �1 NOTAAY SU.11 G1�!A,`�i9�'1 ��1/�� ���.N/ -
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