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<br /> , pr�r`a�ts a�Y ao ioqer 6e teqqitoQ.�t tbc pption of Lender.if moitp�e inwr�eoe oovenae(in tbe amount and for the period
<br /> � •° dYt,lsader �tr�s)lKavjded bY an iosuter�p{xoved b�►l.eti6er aptitn�eoomes avaitabk srd is obtaided.Bomower slull pay
<br /> ; � die pRmivau e�equic�ad to m�int�e aart�d inwranae in eira�t,or uu pmvide i los�reserve,until the cequieemeM fo�martgqe
<br /> imu�aeoF eeds ia�erad�oae witb any written�bctwoee 8oaowa aed Le�der or appticabte.law. . .
<br /> !L�eeti�.#.ende�orits s�ent may m�tce re�sombic emries upo�and inspoaiuns oithe P�opertp.l.enQer shal!give
<br /> Horeower aa[ic��t tlie time ot or p�r.to an inspaxion spxifying mssonwbk a�ausc foR the iaspation. .
<br /> 1��.7'Ae prnoeods af wyr awatd or claim for dan�ges.dirxt or consoquential,ia contKCtioa.witQ any —
<br /> - 000a�or at,er t�dns ot�,ny prc o�tl,e Froperty,or cor convey�a�cc i�ti�o€conae�nn�tion.�ne rse�ehy sssigaca aaa --
<br /> , sl�ll be paid to I.ender. , � -
<br /> in the eva�t of a tatai t�iciag of the Propeety,the pnocee�s sl�ll be apptiod to the sums socarod bY tfi�s Sa:urity Iastrument, e
<br /> wT�eti�er or noc dkn due.wit1�wy e�ccesa p�id w Bormwer.In the event of a psrtial�taYiag of the Praperty in wltich the f�it _
<br /> m�dret value of thc Prope�ty inmedi�tely befo[e the taking is eq�al to or gr,ater thu►the amount of the stuus savnd by this —
<br /> Sxntiry Itu�uaait ii�ediately befae tve talring,untess Bomnaeo aad Letder athet�wise agiee in wciring,tbe sums sewtrd by .
<br /> -- tTEis 5earrity Tast�ument shall be rodaxd by ihe amount of the Ptoeeeds malEiplied hy tbe foUawiag fr�ctioa: (a)the ta�tat ------
<br /> ----_ �mna�of tbe su�s aecutod irtmodixdy befoc�e tl�e talcing,.divided 6y(b)d�e fair mulcet v�lue of tl�e Pcoperty iau�diat�iy — -
<br /> 6efore tbe tairing.Aoy 6ataooe shail be paid w Barrower.Yrr t6c cvent of a pa�tial taking oi the Ptopetty ia wbic�tbe fair ` �---.
<br /> "- mrrt�st v�ioe of tl�e prapecty Immedi�eiy befare dre tating is lesg thaa the amount of the snms sa�irod immediateiy before tUe
<br />��- plus�g,unless Boriawer and L,eader otl�+ise agm ia ariting or natess�pplicabte hw othecwise prnvides,.tlie procaxls s6�ll �K—
<br />�=�+ bt appliod to tt�e sua�s secaied by this Sda�rity I�ttamenE wbal�er or naE the swns u+e thaz due. �`=�y� -
<br /> - ' If tbe Pmpe�ty is ab�ndaned by Bomawer.or i�aRer natice Lender to Borrawer.•that tiie conde�smor offers to matce w 'r..'�=-�`
<br /> _ bY ��=_.
<br /> - - aa�ud or aelile a ctaim for dam�g�.Horrawer fa�7s to rapo�to i.ader witbin 30 days after tf�e d�te t6e autioe is grvea, ;:
<br /> _ t�der is su�horiaad to callect and applg ti�e prococds,at iu apdon,etdies w nstuntion or trpair of ti�e Proptrqr ac to tbt sums � .=..`�=
<br /> ���-:
<br /> — �ocutrd by tbis Sax�ricy Iasavmeat.whdher or mt thea due. � . �
<br /> :::. : Unk3s Leader ao3.�auwer othecwise agroe.ie�writing. any.application of pr000eds to pcincipal s�iL..uot eatead or ��` --
<br /> ,,.,�z�n_�-
<br /> ;,� � `:'.'�Sipone d�e dae da�e of tbe si�onthlY PaYments zefened to in puagraphg�l and 2 or cf�ange t1�e amount of suds payments. ,�>,:;.��.,,.
<br /> �.,, : �•.:.;�•.
<br /> ,;:�, . � Il.Bamo�w Nat RRk�ed:For6eaiaeae Bq Le�a�Not s Watver.Extension of the time for payment or modificatioa . -.,,;.-.:..-:,..
<br />- ;-,c ".:�is�.amort�radon of the sums'secured 6y�i�rity Instniment granted�y Ieader to aay snccessor in interesc of Bomuwer shatl ��;:� -°- ---
<br />_ ��pot operate to nlase the Iia5�lity of the original Borrawer or Bornnwes's sucassor�in interest. Lender shaU aot be�quircd w ." � : �.,, -
<br /> ,r �S .
<br /> r: . -;,it � _
<br /> :. �sa�meooe Proceedings agaiisst any s�ssar in�st c�s refuse to extcad time for paymeat or aherwise modify anwrtiuuioa ;� , _—
<br /> ;.`,:,-�� �`�t "af thc sums secatrd iry dhis Security I�suumenc by ie�asod of any demaad made by the originat Bomuwer or Borroarer's� .` �=.�-=
<br /> i; . aucessors ia isrtecest. Any forbe�arance b}Lender ia exercisin8�3i�t or remedy sGali not b�a waiver of ar preclude the . :` ...<.:-� �.
<br /> '''j'.�`` � . exentiae of any right or maedy. :-`e`,��.°=�,
<br /> 1Z. Sacces�ors aud A9signs aouad;�oiet aed Several Liabitity,Casi��ers. The wvenants and agroements pf this '�i�'��'
<br /> � Socur�ty Instmment ahall bi�d and brnefit the svccessors and assigns of Lender aad Borrower, subjoct to the provisions of �� M�� f
<br /> paragraph 17. Bocrower's covenants aad a��ots shali ix joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security ;�"-'����-
<br /> - Irutniment but does not cxceuu the Nota: (a)is co-sigaing this Security instrtiment onty to mortgage,grdnt and convey that �� _ , _
<br /> :�c
<br /> . 14� Banoaer's interest in the Property under the tem�s of this Security Instnirnent;(b)is aot persot�aUy obligatod to pay the sums ,�; : �,_;�
<br /> aecund by this Security Instmment;and(c)agrees that l.ender and any olher Borrower may agree to extend,modify,for6ear or , ' -�:�;
<br /> - ' maice any sccommodations with regard to the tertns of this Security Insttument or the Note without that Borrower s oot�sertt. � , '"���T�-�
<br /> � ,`�'���,G' 13.Loan Cbaraes.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which seis maximum loan charges, �i�Y�!
<br />. aod that law is finalty interpreted so that the interest or aher loan charges coltectod or[o be copoctod in wm�ection with the ��?_�--
<br />- _ loan exceed the pemiitted limits,them (a)airy such loan charge sha116e reduced by tAe amount noccssary to reduce the charge ----_
<br /> . to the permiued limit;and(b)any sums already coAected trom Sorrower which exceeded pemiittod limits will 6e refunded to _ ---__
<br /> � -!. � Borrower. Lcnder may choose to make this refund 6y reducing the principal awed under the Note or by making a dirax _.__.._ _.°�°�_
<br /> r s�'=1�' ment to Borrowar. If a refund reduces rinci al, the resluctian will be treated as a artial r y . �`^:�"!'`
<br /> . ::,�$��:. .��:. - P�Y p P P D�Y�t wlthout an ? ,� --
<br /> .�.,;y.
<br /> � ;� prepayment charge under the Note. . .�' �--
<br /> ,� 14.Nolioes.Any notice to Borrou•er provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it ar by mailing �. ' ��-�-�_
<br /> .�:��; .:
<br /> . ' ';'� it by first class m�il unless agpNcable!aw rrquires use of another method.Tdc notice sha�l be directed to the Propetty Address . �"--===
<br />. °��'' or any other addrcss Borrouret designates by nocire t� l.ender. Any natice to Lender shall be given by fust class m�il to �` �`� � ,w�—
<br /> . � :: Lend�r's address stated he�n or arry ather address 1'u.nQer designates by notice to Borrower. qny notice prsw-�dod for in this i�:;;;, ", '�•. __ _
<br /> • `� Secu�iry Instn�ment shall be deemed to fiave bcen givcn to Borrower or Lcnder when given as provided in t6is para8nph• � . � °'�"�`
<br /> � - ���r' 15. Governi�I.�w;Sevenbillty. This Sccur�ty Instrument shail be govemed by federal taw and the law of the ; � ��
<br /> ti
<br /> �, � :�T;f�*.}���:',; jurisdictiaa ica which the Property is located. 1n the event that any provision or etause of this Socurity insCn:ment ot the Note s . � • • -
<br /> .��;T�,.;,,,:,�,� conflicts wifh applicable faw:snch conflict shall rrot��:ct other provisions of this 5ecurity lnsttument or tt3e Natt which can be ;'•� •
<br /> _ _____ "'��� ' `' given effect without We c�s.`�icting provision.To tts:,s end thc pravisioas of this Securlty Instn�a�ent and tlte Note an declared �
<br /> . -.4�i�i c�'"�.::� es����{.�1 '. . _ . . . . . _ f',.. .-.. .--_..-c�.-.:.
<br /> �'.l `'.ti'•.i`�'.�GS'.e. �0�OY��i��R1�\r. (�' _
<br /> ' � �'�`�'°'��- 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonowev s.�I 6e giv�n one confom�ed copy of the Note and of tErs Secudry Instrument. r
<br /> .�'�::. ...'./,;�•'.,; iw�n�OH !/!fi � .
<br /> �.iz�- ��
<br /> r��,r�'_` • s MC.�p19d�lE/4 oao.�a�e , � .
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