_ ..�} ' . • � ��t ` . _ . ._ . •. . _ . . . �
<br /> .��-
<br /> _ . ._ . ' . Y,� . . . _ - . -' '
<br /> - ` -Q: _L_ : ._ . _ ' -" .--- -'- - �,>-�-r - . . ! " _ . _ "__ ",ti ef.r"�•_
<br /> iqs _
<br /> '1� _ �Y�.s` —_ __� _ "..__ '
<br /> - -. .� i�r . ... . ` _ . • - f - ' C � .
<br /> .�._.r.l�]:'�_,�tafl�lfYY . • . • � ' - •
<br /> _ . . � . . � . , . `_ . _ ' � . . . . . . _ _
<br /> - . - � . - - � - � . .92- �04�►3�t, _ . ..
<br /> , ` ���.r rei:�y.�,rMa�e�.a L.�e cYr�9a�ma►R`st�u.p:g w6�a aue t6e princip�of.�nd;aaesc«�.
<br /> , ebe de6t evldeaeed by tbe�and 1�e��� Hariowa sh�11 inchde in acb mont]ilY paYm�+�t..
<br /> �. ' 3.MMti17 Ml�eab 1�?�a, �ra� a�
<br /> � t. w�et�er wnh the pnacip�!aod ia�u set fath in the Nae aod�any l�e cl�gr�an iawllaxat nf�uy t;3 nxa�nd
<br /> ', apecuii�kvied or to be ievied sg�ast t�e Ptepaty.(b}kas�oW P�aymean ar Baud r�nts m tbe Propeety.�d
<br /> ic)Pcen�s far u�aaoce toquiced M►Aua�spl�4• oae-tweifth ot the�wul�oota�ts.as�sombiY
<br /> • B�cb modhlY.f�ni�me�for iums(�?.(b?aad(c)sd�ll�wl ----
<br /> - �bY l,�sdea•�.�1us An�su�cimt w m�intain aa additiooal 6slance of not man tlw�aoe-sixth oF tl�c _ , -
<br /> - estima�ed�moimts. 7be full aanwl amo�mt fas each ioem stnl!be oac'amutated by Lendtr voitTm�s peiiod eidin8 ane � �_.
<br /> . mont�6efae m iodn would become delinquent. Lender s6�t1 hoid the amounts cdixted in uast to p�y items ia�!b)�od =_
<br /> (c)befae they tieoa�ne deliuquart. _'�..
<br /> _. ., If�t ay tuae tAe total of the pryments 6eld by Lendtr far itans(�).(b)aod(c).mgether with Ihe future monthlY �r`�=�_--
<br /> _ prymenf.s far such�tmas pryabk w I.enaer priar w the dae d�6es of such items.acaods bY mone ihao ooe�si�t14 the ����
<br /> - es�nwed�mam�of P�Y���1��P�Y sach�ttms whea do�.md if paymeats aa the Note�t�e curten�t6ae l�ec .�`YZm=-_ —
<br /> — ���f�d the cx�xss over eoo-sutb of ihe estimated paYmencs ar cRfit the a�aas ova aK-si�ub of the estimuod �_,-__-
<br /> e � paym�s��b s�4�P4 Y�s bY Samawer.at tlie option of Bonawec I€the totil of the p�ryments m�de by Botmwer �.�`:.�-=-_----
<br /> _- foruem fs)(b�.a(c}is�asafFicirnt to pay the item wixn due.tbm 8armwer shall pay w i.ender aay aa�ount nxess�ry to °...,---_-� _��
<br /> make up d�e deficia�cY oa a befae dre d�e the item becames due. �-�'"�
<br /> ` � Ag n9od in this Se�uitY�"S�'��Y"�ns tbe Soc�tY of Hausing and Utb�n Develupma�t oc his a det =-.
<br /> �� -`� -
<br /> , . desjg�lee IQ a�►ydc in which tbe I.ender musi paY a maRt8a8�insu�a�P�'��iwn W tht Se�etuY.each ttloothly PsY�� ,.r;;=�y��,,�, _ -
<br /> sLall aiso inclade.either: Cl an a�em of the�naal mort8�8� �PRmium tQ be paid by.Lender m the - ;,;3:;:-�:,T�-:---
<br /> � i�taid of a e inwr�rxe psertuum if this Socurity Inswmet�t�s NeW by tNe '*�,
<br /> - Sec�et�ry►'or fu)a mauhty d�uge �� um sh�lt be ia an amount sufficietu to aocumulate the ''�'��`Y :_.
<br /> Soctetaory. Each moatDty�aret�t of the matg�e uu�uar�ce Prcmi . '•�,�r..:;``;_-
<br /> � full arowl mo�tgage�oe promi�with Lender one ma�th pnor fo the dau d�e full annua/mortgage,inwr�nce �i��_,_
<br /> ��� = praniu�ic dnc.tathe Sa�etary:or if tbis Instrument is held by the Secretary.r�ch moathiy d�ar8�s6ali be in an _ i�_;�:� --
<br />:-::r:.� the outstandin8 P��P�b�lance due an the Nota " - -',_
<br /> _,.:..h qna�t eqaal w one-twel8h of awhaif p�eent� r_,,�."-,----
<br /> If Bacsvwer und�eis to Ltiada the fall payment of all swns secuted by this Security Iastcament,Boaowec's account '..`r���:"
<br /> sbail be c�edited with the balanoe mnaining fa all inst�llmaUs foF itaas(a),(b)ud(c)and anY�ao�t�8�� =�;;�r�,�---
<br /> , pcimium inst�lt�a�t that L�ader h1s not 6ecome obfigated to pay tv the Scecetazy.and Lender sh1U promptlY tefund an� .;�-t:; ��:.' -
<br /> . excess fands w Saeuwer. Immodiauly or to a forectosuce sale of thc Ptope�ty oa its acquisition by Lendcr.iianower s ?;,;' � --
<br /> -�y.,,,; accaimt sh��e creQited with any bal�semaining for a11 installments for items(a}.(b)�d(c}.. __ --_ _-
<br /> :':,. 3,qppi�o�d pl�yments. A!1 payments arxier PazagraPhs 1 and 2 sf�all 6e applied by Lender a�follows: —
<br /> P agr •
<br /> - . _ FJg�sothe martgage uisuran�e prcraium ro be paid 6y l.ender to the Sec�etary or to the monthty charge by the f.;,• _
<br /> - Soctetary instead of the monthiy matgage iasarance pnmium; }�aod and oiher 1�azard � <,:-� . -
<br /> ��� .��*.�;`�: ts or und r�.end Cuie. %r�+`: ,
<br /> • . � ;-,.�. �Q.to any tanes,spocial assessments.[�ruld paY� 8ro ��,�.i�:.,;.
<br /> ' . . IDsU(UI1CC ptiCtlllums,as i . •�� � r . --
<br /> ,, �'u �,to inte�est due u�l�c� ' , '
<br /> � ;{1:�. �:to amortizatian of the p��%�g�of the Note: -.�'�
<br /> ':f:�'1�• .r,• �j'' . �,.� E•_ _
<br /> ,:�.:�.;�' �QO��IC Ctlat$CS dUE IlI1dC�11fd lVU[C. - v T f
<br />��:�;i�;:�:`�• . '.�.. •�.. `-`
<br /> .;<,<. q, F t r�1�7 o o d a o d ON�er H�cd Inwataca Borrewer shall insuce aIl improvements orr che Property.wluther now • `-.:.,...__. .—
<br /> ;�;�'',�,`� ; '• � ' ia eaistence or subsatuentiy erected.against any hazards.casualties.and condn cces.inc iu dire fae.for w h i c h I.e n d e s ;�.,'''�:�-' -
<br /> , , � �sti,,�,� • nquins insuraace. �'�ts insarartce shall be maintained in the amounts and far�iods that l.ender roquites. Bo�mwer •;�, r' . �"`
<br /> �r- �,;�; � shall also insune all improvert�ents on the Property.whether now in exisience or�uently erected.against ioss by fTood.g .
<br /> , • _#Y�:��.'c'�,,. to the extrnt requined by the Secretacy. Al!insurance shall be cars5�.i.�?:3th campaniesappmved by l.ender. 'fhe ins�tance , �,;�
<br /> , �;�' ��..,�-._� policies and any tenewals shall be hetd by L.ender and shatl in�:r�i:loss payable clauses in favor of,and in a farm Y,• .
<br /> ::-. :� acceptable to.Lender. � � ,
<br /> ' �`=�• .-'-` ' In the event of loss.Borrower shaQ give Lender immediate notice hy mail. Lender may makc praof of loss if not _
<br /> , ,�� - - - :�-�_
<br /> made yromptly by Horrower. Eacb insurance company concemed is hercby authorized and directed to make paytnent for '
<br /> . ,. sucb loss directly to Lender.inscead of to Hoaower and ta l.ender jointty. All or any part of the insuranoe proceeAs may be f• :,.•�'�
<br /> ,:�:., ' �✓:.;''' applied by Lender,at its option,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Secatity Insirumen� "
<br /> �' r��;,•: tied in[he order in Para ph 3. and then to a ent of nci al,or(b)to the � . . • • :�.�:�
<br /> ;;';;' �,�s,�, first to any dclu�quent amounts app S*a P�P Y!n Pn P .�:;��,,.
<br /> ..,: . __ .____ f,,,fr, tep 8 P �*�• Y PP P Pn P . _ . _
<br /> '�..-,,__,:•. • , resfocat�on ar air of the dama ed ro An a lication of the roceeds to the nc� ai shall not extead or postpone �� '�"��'�_
<br /> � �'�j't-¢%."�'-' ttie due date of the monthly payments whic are refcrrcd ta in P�aragraph 2.or ch�xge thc amount of svch paymenu. Any ;:., • :
<br /> . 'r•�'�'=t=,'• `= excess insurence proceeds over an amaunt rcquired to pay all outstanding inde6��3�ss under the Note and this Security ,;:..,:; . r..;:
<br /> � ` Instrument shall be paid to the entity legally entitled thereto. .��°�:�� ' �°"
<br /> ,�.� � ��` ;';'::'" .
<br /> ' ':•� . �, ���� `� -� In the event of forectosure of this Security fnstrumcnt ar ather transfer�t r:ci:ta the Ptoperty thai cxtinguishes the �-"�°-
<br />. ..s�. �. �kr -�-._. F � �w..u..
<br />:_:,;: • ,, y• ., - indebtedness,ap right,ritle and intccest nf Borrawer in and ta insurance policies c�.orce shall pass to the purchaser. -,v_�-
<br /> ;,;,. �:�� M ��% �
<br /> � S. Uccup�ncy, Preserrstioa. s�intee�nce and Protectbn of the Borrowe�'s I.oan Application; y , .�,:::-
<br /> �.-�:::" - .,
<br /> • �r-�---:-.�•�.,��-' ., l�eholda HoROwer shall occup .establish.and use the Property as Borrav:�:�nncipal residence within sixty days ,�. : ; ;;,�^�
<br /> s. ; � .. ..,
<br /> , . ��:�' ���:• �`.5 "• after the eaecutlon of this Security nstrument and sh�!t wntinue ta accupy the Btw�ty aa 8orrower's principal residence �:'�•: � ,..,
<br /> ,�„�'��:.",' for at least one year pfter the date af occupancy.unless r1�e Sccrctary detetmmes th�.:+r�quiremene wiU cause undue hatdship � ��.` ° n�'"� ''
<br /> .�f:-�s�.,,.,,_ . .
<br /> � ' �" '��•}�'' for Boaower. or unless extenuating cin:�.�istanccs exi�t which are beyand Bosrower's conuol. Horrawcr shall notify � �,.i,:'??
<br /> '�=�:.� ,;�...�,..
<br /> � , . ;�}t,;;,;,: � Lenders af any extenuating circumstar,c��. Borrowet shall nat cammit waste or de�tray.damaFe or yubstantiaily change � , ';"�,,�.:•�.. ;
<br /> •. � �'�F'�•�' the Property or a12ow the Property to d�;eriorate.reasonable wear and tear excepteb. l.ender may mspect the Property ii the f '��'
<br /> _ ' •:.s_��.�':_,_�_'._ ', Properry is vacant or abar.3oned or the laan is in Qef2r.tt. Lender may takc reasos�able actinn to pratect and preserve such .
<br />- -• -�- - �,.,,:,:�- , . � - .
<br /> ..,,�,,. vacam or abandoned Ptc�erry. Horrower shall atsa be in defaal[if Borrawer.darirrg the toan application Process.gave `
<br /> :`�'�`'�' 4 %,�, �. matedal�y false or ina�.�ate mformation nr statements ta l.cndcr (�r faGEvd ta providc L.ender with any matedal �. . �
<br /> � '• infotmat�on)in wnnectian wlth the loan evidenced by thc Nute,including.6ut nat limited m,representation�conceming � .
<br /> ;t,,
<br /> .' � •� '��.-� Borrower3�occupaney of the Properiy�.��p�incipal residcncr. li t€�i�accutity lo�trument iti on a leasehold.Honawer shali � ' .• .
<br /> � , . . camply with the prov�sions c�i the le:�se. IF$OrfOWCI S1C(�UIfC%tCe itFEC tp tliC PtOPCfIJ/.thc Ica.rchold and fce titic shall na� ;
<br /> . ..;,�� be mcrged unless L,ender agrecs to the mcrger in writinb. • • , • '
<br /> 6. C��to$areower s�nd Protection o�I.ande�'s Rights in tde prapertv 8arn�wer shaU p�y t+ll go��cmmentr( ' s;•;�,
<br /> • , or municipal ch�u�es.fines nnd impositions that are nc�t inrluded in I'arap�ph Z. Normwer�hall pay these obG;ations on :
<br /> ' " � � � time dinctly td the enrity which is�wed the paymcnt. iP tailure lo pay woutd udvrr�ely affect txnders interest in the ;_'����'
<br /> ' � � Property.upon l,endet's request$orraa•er sh�l!promptly fumi.rh tu l.cndcr rcceipts evidencing thcsc p.�ymentti. • .
<br /> � • if Bonower f�i1s�to make these p�yments�r the paymcmy reyuircd by P�ragraph 2,or Pails to perforn�any other ,
<br /> __ ' �� �cwtnants nnd:+�reements cantained in Ihiv Security lnstrument.or thcre is a lrg�l proceeding that may srgnificantly�ifeCe , .
<br /> : - . -- ,. L.ender's rigtus�n the Ptuperty(surh ur:�prcx:ccding in b:mktuptcy. far candemnaucm nr ta cnforrc laws nr regW��ions):
<br /> ' • E then Lender may do and pay whatever iti necn��ary to pn�tect thc vAluc uf�hc i'roperty und t.endcr's right�in Ihe Rapeny. .
<br /> ,, - --:- � , including payment of taxes.hatard insurance attd athrr itrms mc�Uiane�in Pars�gra�Z. - - -
<br /> ' My:unounts disbursed by L,�nder un�tcr thiv P.+ra�eraph�hull become:u�:tdditinnal deht of Horrnwer:uid be ucurrd
<br /> . . . • , ' . by 1h1sti.5ecurity(asttument. Thesc:unounts sh�ll hras iuterest Ctum the date of disbursement.at the Natr rate.:uid at the •
<br /> ' ' . . , ophon of Lender.shall be immediatcly duc:md payuble. .
<br /> 7. Condemnatlan. The proceeds t�f uny uw;ud or cl:tlm fut d�unagec.direct��r runseyuentlal,in rnnneetion with any .
<br /> ' � ! condetnn�tinn or athet taking os any part uf the pruperty.ur far cunvcy•ancc in pfacc of c�»demnation.arc hemby assigncd . •
<br /> ' `� � ' �nd shall be paid to Lcnder tn the extem ai the full:►mnunt of thc in�icblcdnesH that remains unpald undct thc Nate and thiy
<br /> ___--.- - - �. . ��:t��. t.eader sha!la.p�ly such�+rc+rceds tothe reductinn nf the iadebte�iaess urtder Ih�N�tc:uid thiv Serurlty . `._----- --
<br /> . � • . '� - Insmunent.first tn any delinquent sunnun�c applied in thc urdcr provid�d in {�aragrapb �.:uid then to preQ�ymeni o3
<br /> • • princjpal. My�ypliealion oi the proceeds tu thr priuripal shal! nn�extend ar postpune 1he due datc c�f the mnntlil}� v
<br /> . • .' -- - - • - - .. - tp,i�r2nidtw.e..r _ y_ . _ . .
<br /> ' , - � .
<br /> � .
<br />