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<br /> • . �s . , ; � - ` `- . - . .- ,i 4EASESANO RfNT
<br /> _ � - �� � � � � � = 92� so��eo - .
<br /> ' This Aui�n►�nt,m�dVQ this � �day of June �g 92 by nd
<br /> ,���Lawraace �. Cs�uartne. Lo#s A. Crumsine; bouglas L. Cruariae:_CYnth�a fl.. Cruarine
<br /> � (••Assigno�"/,srtd NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA,NAT/ONAL ASSOC/AT/�N f"L�asfgne�e"1. -
<br /> _ _WITNESSETH: -
<br /> � .
<br /> _ ' - /t is a8readat foilows: . .. . . . .
<br />-- 1. O�eliniiions. Rs asiedz��i�is�i�reeme»t: . -
<br /> A. "Mo "shsll�n�+an rhatcertain DeQd vf Trust in the p�incipa/sum - : - ,
<br /> ' af.f ig� 0 . _ _ Juae 1 19 g?- .. .., .
<br /> , :: .
<br />- - exacutsd by ' � �g• ��e,as Trustor,ta N O R W E S T B A N K� ,
<br />� �s z NEBRASKA,NATlONAL�4S.SOC/ATtON,as BeireficlarY,upon the rea/ast+te and impro�ements
<br /> - �described Jn Exhibit"A';which/s s��aed by thls rsfeience incorporated herein. . . .
<br /> . p�ov e e ow ' � ; . _.
<br /> s:� B ••Note"aha/l mean that certain note sxur+ed by the a 19,000.�0 _ ��
<br /> Daed of Trre�t,exECUted coatemfwranaously therewith by�awseuce G. Cruarine, Lo . ruarine,:.
<br />: , ; �p��ias L Cruarine, Cyathis E. Cnnmrine as maker,and NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, �
<br /> u NAT/ONAL ASSOCIATION,as payee,and te�cured by the t�ed cf Trust. .
<br /> � , C. "Loan"as herelnaRer used,aha//mean rhe%an Ia t/te amount of ii9,000.00` —
<br /> . _�: � as evldenced b y the nate and secured by the De�ed of Tiust,as we!/as any other
<br /> _ securfng Jnstruments. .
<br /> ' '� NOW,THEREFORE,farand in consideration of the making and funding ofsaid Loan,and for
<br /> ��'f r� � oiher good and va/uable consideration,rhe receipt wher+sof la her�by acknowledyeci,Assignor,for.ifself,
<br /> � ;:� its successors,personal representatives,heirs and assi8ns,has barp�lned,so/d,transferred,assigr�ed,
<br /> - �,� conveyed,set oveiand delivered,artd by these presents does hereby ba�gain,sell,transfer,assigin,and�:- - - -
<br /> ` .�. com+ey as se�curfty for the repayment of rhe abaire descrlbed indebtedness and the paymentand par-
<br /> � lormance of a!/of the reims end conditions of the Note and Mortgage evidencing the sam�,and any
<br /> and ali amendments,extensinns and renewa/s therevf,all leases now o�hereafter exe�cuted affe�cting
<br /> ' - ihe Mortgaged Premises,and a!!rents,issues,p�or�s and income and svms of money which may now _
<br /> '`� or hereafter be or become due and ow/ng under and by virtue nf said leaser,it being ihe iniention ?_.
<br /> = hereby to establish a comp/ate transferand asslgnment of the leases hereby assigned and a11 the avai/s --
<br /> ' - thereunder unto the Assignes,Its successors and asslgns,iogether wlth the ilght,trut without ihe
<br /> , ob/igation,to co!lect al!a!the said ients,issues,profita and income aiising or accruing,or which may =
<br /> � becpme d�e at an y time during the/ife of thls�4ss�gnment.Ass/gnor funher agiees,upon der�and �
<br /> - � ��f i `�:. �..;�:� the�eof,to dellver to and depaslt sald leases wlrh Asslgnee. � . `
<br /> �;
<br /> t'� � Asslgnvi hereby designates,constitutes and appoints Assignee,its successas and asslgns,with �� °
<br /> ful/powier af substitutlon,lts rrue and la�vlu!attorney wiih power far it and in its name,place and _
<br /> sr�d,lor in the name of qsslgnee,tv ask,demand,collect,receive,iecelpt and give fu!/and com- �
<br /> ;,,;;;, , p/eie acpuittances!or any and ali�ents,issues,profits and income hereby assigned whlch may be�come ��
<br /> • .. ,r y;. :,�� due and payabJe by lessees or other occupants of the Mongaged Premises;aad at its d/scretlon to f/le e
<br /> ' any clalm or take any other acrion or prviceeding tv make any aettlement qf any cla/m,elther in its =
<br /> T „, ..�-'� .. own name or In the name of Assignor,or otheruv/se,�which the Aasignee,or any successor may deem c:
<br /> -,�.,�,r;;":'; desirable in o�der to coJlect and enforce the payment of any and a!l rents,issues,p�ofits and lncome
<br /> �`� `.;;.:'.; : herein assigned. The/essees and occupanta of the Maitgaged Piemises,or an y part hereaf,are hereby
<br /> be a ab/e ��
<br /> ' ' -:�=�:,� _ -�-`° expressly authorized and direcied to pay al!rents and sums herein assigned whlch waald p y
<br /> . x�j'�.�' �
<br /> �'�' ';:� �'�`•�*•'° ;- to Asslgnor,except for th/s Assignment,to the Aaafgnee,and to uanamit and deliver such payment [
<br />.. 1.`,,.'r...� r,- n. .;�_ .
<br /> r:.�' to the Assignee or suc�nominee as it may deslgqate in writ/ng,dellveied rv and received hy such �
<br /> . s� t,:;�;; :::
<br /> , .:�?i��;!., , � . tessee or occupant,,wh61s expressly relieved ofany and al!duty,l/ability or obligatio»to the ,
<br /> ' �"��vt� ' Aulgnor In�espect ot a!l payments so made.
<br /> � j3':r�*�. . ..
<br /> . �w�aL� . ..
<br /> ���'�� T
<br /> :�,��=A;.,° �. '. , AasJgne�shaN be,and hereby is,vested with full power to use a/!such meas��es,iegal and
<br /> � � � ' : � . eqult�bla,as in its disc�etia»may be deemed necessary orproper ta enfaice th/s Agreemenr and
<br /> _� .. ' „ ' ta collect the rents,Jssues,p�ofits and incame aasigned hereunder,iaclud/ng tha�ight to enter upon !
<br /> ; . �_:;_ � � rhe prem/ses and to take possesston the�euf,and Assigna hereby grants fu/1 pvwer and authorit y k
<br /> . — ., ��,,,,__'-` iv the,4sslgnee to exercise a!!r/ghts,prTviEeges and powers herein granied at any and alI times here- �
<br /> aftei,w/thaut notice to Asslgnor,with�Iul/pv wer ro use and appl y a/!of the ients,lssues,prol/ts and
<br /> - - - -_' --- - ' -: - lncome harein assigned te the payments of any Indebtednass or liabllity of the Assignor to the f
<br /> Assignee,in such order as Asslgnee ma y deter�Ins. , �
<br /> ' . . .. . f
<br /> :.,
<br /> • . I
<br /> �� . � ..: . ._� �
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<br /> � ' . � w�w+�+t�uro���assenor
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<br /> .
<br />