�..ii, ;.. . ... ' i4S ,rt.:i .. , ' ' .. _ �+_ _
<br /> � --
<br /> —�.,�.�,
<br /> ._� .-i.y=�y�.,�_ —��. 'A`�se�eb'P-- _ _. _ _ .__'_ _— t - • -- .. S� -__.._�_"
<br /> �.T�- . - , � i— � <
<br /> � _ r . . " " �L _ " - '.< . ' . ' - , . ' " _ _
<br /> -�"� __ . - `" ..'. �r' - " _ _ _ . . . . . ` _ ._� . ` - .. . - — ...
<br /> _.� � : . ' : _ - . .
<br /> _�. . . . . . . "" " ' .: �. . ` , _ ..__ —____ _" " _"`—_;_ __._ .._
<br /> . '-� . . � .� .- �Ye6iwY1S�S�is..i` ' � r ���>. . - ,
<br /> . ... .. ��a�_
<br /> .. . .. _. ,...... � ��.r `
<br /> �� . . i _ � ' l • � . . . .. ` .
<br /> �_ -�''' -:.�:,�. . � _ . r . .. ' Z` '�'�9. . _ DeedOtTiust `
<br /> �. _ . . ' � � - 1� . � _ : ---
<br /> _ � � ' Laitrence G. Csu�sine an�
<br /> __ 1 d d o sA Csv�rine, Husband
<br /> = g�pp� �,,� f9�..byand Oq��--i�#���CaNeddte"Tiu�lOr'7.
<br /> �=—�'='� Ifo�glas�.-C'JAU �-aad�sTiia$�. �rrua�r �, � sisd �wf►etl�raaeorrr►ors,
<br /> _ —���^c wf�o�em�tYnDsd�zslS � � � _
<br /> `�'��"�''- �p Neb a ks a ff�erak►aReresNedthe 'Tnrstae).whosemsiY{�Is
<br /> ���• � Z�Z �� ir�, raa s � ,mdNpqWESTBANK �e rasta. Aationai Association
<br /> _�����- ���� 202 Kest Tbird Street Grand Isiand NB 688Q1 � .
<br /> --- �;�°: c�lidlhs"8�P7 , -
<br /> -- . - NfllillESSETH:
<br /> t�;
<br />. .- - � DESCRlBEDHEREINBEL.OW. �� �II�� � g0/lOQ �
<br /> WH�q�T ,�debMd M Bsnelic�a�yl�the Pdiidpef sum al
<br /> � `� .� p��-(� �•��-)� ,wAICA k�ds6tsdrtess is evldenced DY Tivsbrs promi�er�e0da�d 1997---,19 .(��►
<br /> . �. ,:_ .
<br /> ,_<;,. ..,.�.,. carsdtfrs"N�W�).P�Y�fa Ms ordera!BeneFictarYarrd having a mamriry d�---.
<br /> :>- �,._,��
<br /> NOW.THEREfOR�lforthspwposeofsectulnq:
<br />� '""'��°-'-��'.•','°.�'s, !a)WfR»�t al the 11tclr.t�ogetfrs►witlr int�mst thereon.late charges P�PeYmentpertafOies.anY/uG�ae advances,arM aN extenalans.
<br /> • --�-_� _ ;::- • ��s.stibs�Or►S and tane►vals dNereof, : , . •
<br /> i�T s..S-f.k�?�ff..'' '
<br /> � f: . . .: ... : �lbl PaYmen�aaNdMrs�rn ffees aahargss,�w�fh inleresttAOreon.advanced foprarect ths aec+mNot tlNs Oeed of Tiust and
<br /> . '�`-.;��:.r=��-.s; 1!�prrbrmu►ce d ths co+ra�ants a�M aqree►nents ot Trtaror.w1►efhe►anotset ibtd�he►sin, �
<br /> ''>;;�'"~,�::;±�''� ,-� (�I P��•�'�°at and canpianca with everi!tem►,covenar�cb�i9aaon+n►a e9reemeM o/Trosioroontafned he►efn a . : _
<br /> ' ' -- ... � ,. fncp;rpa,ral�Qbyrel�rsncearanYoE1►�sac+rritYlnsbune�rnatanydme9ire�etosecveMeNate.and ...:... . -
<br /> ''�: _, -� �� �hs�epsy�r�errt p/a/aEhei str�r►s a fi�ws advar�ces.wHb i��reo�.►�h�Y��have beeir��h�s�hir•bCedvarx.'ed','•�� =--
<br /> -.-,..•;-:z. .. ., .: .. ,, _ . �
<br />� �`' •.,_;'`•:: . . bygenelFclaryro�nutoraTn+siorasr�so�►lnJnteresta� -: ; �'�.�' :: :�. , -
<br /> ;•,
<br /> � �� aKWwNcAisfierelnad�l�ruoNsctiveHcaNedthe"Indebtedness;Tiustorirnewcebh9►arttsar�dtransfersioTrca�drtbusti' �Y�!THPOWB�;::;_: �_
<br /> ' . ' • OF S/IL�ths ki1?w1n9 descdhed property: '� . . °-=-
<br /> �.�..
<br /> .� . - - THE NORTBERLY FORTY TfzO (42? FEET OF LOT Fi1►E (S): Ii� BIAfZ.�GSTEEN (18), � _
<br /> �.�
<br /> . �Y���==-�.
<br /> . , � ,�����-:
<br /> • - . . .� �_��
<br /> royedb►wlm m aa a�,rrangs,structareS,additlons,eniargerne.,rs,modrrcavans.�eparrs.re�acer�e�is,arr���rarsmenrs naw a�e►earrer �-=7f��_-
<br /> ' � located ihsreon,f�I�MWP��m�e"rrerY and Bxh�res(lncluding,witliaut IimitaUon.eN Ilghb"ng,"i!teaf3ng.ve�lad�rq.cooNr►9,aii _:W_
<br /> . ' � cond'�foNnD,�nlding an0 plumbJng�xn�►�s.water and powersystems.englnes,boile�a.ranges,�►rens.d/shwashers,mlmors and m�Ksls. � �r.�
<br /> , � . . _ , carp�ok�g.l�unaces.oi!bume�s.e/evatas errd mofors,reMgeredon p/ants a�nits,communkatian systems,dymsrnos,dansforme+s,ekcMcd ��-•��"---�
<br /> storm and screen w/ndows.doors,awnings and shadesj now or hereatter allached to.a bufMfi��Y bullding orlmprovernent �°�~�==
<br /> equlpnen� 6'�' °.-
<br /> • noKr ar Aerealfer located thered►.(il�a1�easements and Bghts of way appuRenant thereto,('rv),al!►easehoiC�estate.Bgh�Ude and l�terest ol ,,���a�,�
<br /> �-�rl�
<br /> � � � Tiusta�n and to ap Jeases.wheGre►nowahereaRei exlsNng a entered�nb(lncfuding,wfthart!lmitatlon,a/f cash and secudry depuslts, =;:���
<br /> � advance rentals and deposits a payments of a slmNar natu�e),peRalning thereto,(v)aII rems,lssues,p�o�arrd inCOme theielrom(subJect +.��-
<br /> � � to tl�e d9ht ot Tiusto►to cdlect end apply such�ents,issues,profds and lncome as they become due and payable so long as no event o/ �:,;_. .1��
<br /> ` de/a�t exisGS hereunder).(vi)a/l royalNes,mineral,oll and gas dghts artd profds water,water r�gfits,and water stxk,(v!i)ail tenements. • ;'i".;: , _�
<br /> �� /►ereditarnsnts,privileges and appurtenances belorrglrtg,used or enJoyed in connectlan therew��+,and(vlli)al!proceeds o1 ccnvers�on. � ..�;,,
<br /> • Ncluntuy alnvduntary,at any ot Me foregoing�nto casb o�I1qWdated claims pnclud/ng,withouta:^rr�on,A��s olTnsurance and �'= ,.
<br /> . � . • condemnation awaids),all o/whlch is herelnafter collecdveq called the"Tiust Propeny'. " � . � ''`.' "
<br /> '�t Tlusio�owns the Tiust PrOperry ltee. . ,��:
<br /> � 7. Tltle.Truno►covenants,waaants and agrees wlth Benefictary,its successas and asstg.:�.�, - , _-
<br /> /ian A�y pdallen or encumbrance,that thls Deed olTrost ls and w!!f�emaln a valld and en/orceable!liaipen on the Tiust PiopeRy. � ,�'• ` .
<br /> � � � t hat Tru s ta,a t i t s e�r p e n s e,w i l l p�e s e rv e a u c h t l t l B a n d w lll matntaln thls Oeed of Uust ss a frist and paramount ilen upan the Tiust f.' � �,� . �
<br /> Proper[y and wfl►fo�eve�wanant and defend the valldlry and pdalry of the lien hereot agalnst the cialms ol all pe�sans and parde9
<br /> � � whomsoeve►.7rusta,at its expense,wll!cause ihls Oeed ol Tius�,and each amendment or suppfement drerefo,to be fl/ed and �� , .
<br /> � �ecorded es a mortgage ol the Trust ProPert�y i�such manner and!n auch place and will take such aC'���as In the oplMon o!Trustee
<br /> ' ;;;�.:, • may be�equlred by any preser.!o�/uture!aw sr orde►to pedec�malntaln and protect the Ilen of this Deed o1 Trust as the same may � . . _
<br /> ' ,;:;�:�.?•,• be amended oi supplementeae't'dcom tlme to o`me.tiusfo►will make such fuAher assurance a assuranCes fo p9A6�Ct its title to the Tiust t . , ;`�. •
<br /> 0
<br /> . ;� � . • PropeRy as may ba requlrea by eeneflctary.Trusfo�he�eby rednqulsAes all rlght of dower and home�eaaf ln and to the Trust Pioperty. �
<br /> � '� 2. Payme►n o/Inded�bO.Tess.Tivstor shalf punc?�rally pay the pdnclpal ol and Interesl on tha lndebtedness seeured he�eby. { .
<br /> � 3. Consbucpbn of hr��;��✓8mertt��Tiusta sha/l camplete�n gaod and workmanhke manner any fwildings,lmpiovements a repa�►s re�a6rx,� '
<br /> ��;;�• '� , thereto whlch may be begur+�fhe 7rust P�operty a contempfated by the loan evldencad by the Note secured hereby.to pay when :
<br /> dne all casts and Ilabllitles incaoned therefo�e,and not to pe�mit any const�uctlon Ilen agalnst such Tiust Property.�►z t're event
<br /> construcilon o!buildings,Improvaments or napalrs are contemplated,Tiustor also agrees,snything!n thls.Deed of Trust to the contrary :
<br /> -- - - , noiwithstanding;fa)to prompiFy cammeace any such work and to comp/eie the proposed lmprovements promptly,(b)ta compiete the , __ __ _ _
<br /> ' � same!n accordance w/th the p/ans and speclpcaUOns as approved by 8eneflciary,(c)fo comp/y wlth af;fhe terms ot a bullding loan
<br /> . � agreement,II any,befween Trustor and Beneticlary,the terms of whfch are�ncorpo�ated he�eln by�eference and made a part hereol, ,
<br /> (d)to aqow Benellciary to lnspect the 7iust Property at a0 tlmes du�IRg coastrvcUon,and(e)to repface any work or matedals , •
<br /> �;,; unsatlsfacfory to Benellciary withln lUteen(15)days afte►wntten noGCe/rom Benel/ctary o!such fact. . �
<br /> , ji , �. .�
<br /> :��.t;,°� �, Fanda fa Payment ol Charges.SubJect to applicab/e law or to a wrinen warvei by Benaficlary,Tiustor sha!!pay to Benel�aJary on the • .
<br /> ' flrst day of eacA month,or suoh other date each month as may be specilied by Benellclary,unt11 the Indebtedness is paid ln lull,a sum ,
<br /> . (herelnafter call�d the"Funds')equa)to 1�t2th ol the yearly taxes and assessments whlch may atta�n pdorfty over fhls Oeed of Tiust
<br /> ' , - . �. • arta graund ren.+s on the Trust PropeKy,H ary,plus 1it2�h o!the yea�ty p:emlum Instailments tor hazaid lnswence,plus 1i12tA of the
<br /> � • yeelly p�emlum rnstallmenfs for mortgage lnsurance.!1 any,a1i as reasori�t5ty estlmated initlalty and lrom tlme to t/me by Benefiaary on
<br /> � � ih.e besls a!assessments and bilia and�easonable estlmates thereot.lne Punds shalf be held in an lnstituUon,ihe deposifs or
<br /> ' BcCOUrHB o!whlch a�e�ns��ed oi guerariteed by e ledera�cs�stafe agencylncluding Beneflclary.BeneJlcfary shall appty the funds tn �
<br /> , � pay sald taxes,assessmenta,lnsurance premlums and gr6und rents.Bene/ktiary shall not be�equl�ed to pey i�u9tor any Interest or
<br /> eamings on the Funds.8eneliclsry shali glv�to 7�ustor,without eharge,an annual accounNng of the Funds showing credlts and .•
<br /> -�• - debfts M the Furtds and the pwpose fet wk'.�h each debU to the Furtds was made. 7he Funds are p/edged as additlonal secudty lai
<br /> the Indebtedness secuied by thls Deed ot Tiust./l the amaunf of the Funds hefd by Benellclary,togetne�with the fuwie monthly
<br /> �� lnstellments ot Fands payable prior to the dve detes of taxes,assessments,Inswanc9 pfemlums an�giound rents,shaU exaeed the _ .
<br /> � 'amount�equ1►e0 to pay sald faxes,assessments,lnsurance p�emlums and ground►er�as they IaH dve,such excess sheJl be,at
<br /> . Tiustor's opUOn,elthe�prom�stly repald to Trustor or credited to Trustor agalnst future rr�r,thly InstallmeMs o!Funds.!f the amount ot
<br /> the Furtds he/d by Benef/clary sN�l�not besullJcient to pay taxes,assessments.lrrsurar.ce premlums and g�ouad rertts as they lall due,
<br /> � Truata shall pay to Berteflclary any smaunt nec�ss8ry to make up 1he deliclenCy w'rthin ihiRy days Irom the date noNce!s malled by
<br /> >i___.:___ �-�- -_.:_,_ - BeneNClary to trastor teqnestlng payment thereot.Upon payment tn full al all Indebtedr,ess,Benefictary shall pramptty relund ro •.
<br /> fiustor any Funds he/d by BenetlCt�yi.It rl►�nusr�iopsny fs sofd underthe power of s�Ie a�tlrr�Ti�st�R�ape�ty ls othanvtse acq�lrerf _4._.._� .__ ...-_
<br /> by Benellc/ary.8enefialary shalf apply,Immedlately p�to�to tha sale ol the twsf Properry or its acpulsltion by 6eneticlary,any funds
<br /> � ' hetd by genefic/ary at the Nme ot appllca8on&s a credit egalnst the lndebtedness.!I BeneNcfgry�xecutes a written wa�ver at 7`iustor s
<br /> � � • ' ob!lgations under thls paragraph 4,7'iustor covenants and eg►ees fo pay.befaie the same beoome dellnquer►t,all taxes,assessments,
<br /> - ao merura„ae Mewase,aw► - _ _ _ _. _ • � • ..-
<br /> • . � --
<br /> � � •
<br /> • 'r� - _...�— .... . . . — .._
<br />