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. . .. �_ 4 .;`n.. .r .. , �l� <br /> .,. '- <br /> - ,.ur.�etl� .{...y. , .. <br /> ....C,-.�.,�.�..b.+d�i L r... f. . . • . . __�- .- -- <br /> .•at <br /> ,. . . . . � r-__. <br /> . ..�tf4lMUtri__ '' `__ �`'-._�...W�_. . ._ :.� -. <br /> J.� .�__�._.'_. ... ._ <br /> .._.. - . . ......... ..........".. . . . .. _.. . ___ <br /> ' , 17'. Tvairisfir of tt� Prop�r4y o� • Banoficial Int�r�st In Ba�r�ow�r. If�N or�ny perl nl the PropM'tY a' <br /> any Intoreey In !!is sald or traneferead (or H e barieNciel Intereat In Borrovrer Is sald or trena(srred end B�rrowx la not�nalunl <br /> . puraany vinlwui I.end+x'e prlor w�ittes�conBaU,LdiOer may,at Ita uptlon, require Immedtata paymant In tull of ell oums ae��rad by <br /> this 3ecuiity lnntrumosit. Mowover,Ihis o3ili�» shell nM be exnrcioed by LenC2r 11 er.ercl�o Is prohlb;led 6y ted�ral law aa ot the <br /> dete ol thls becu�iJy InAtru�re��t. . <br /> ��L�ncfur sx�+•ciseo thia optlon, 4undAr chei!glvo Eiorrower notlaa of nccNerallon. Tbe notice shall provide a parlad o4 not <br /> laa• thsn 90 d�ye Irom tAe d�te the notlG� la deiiva�'ed or maHed wtifiM v�hich 6oaower muet R�y �N sume sacured by 1h1� <br /> Secudty Inotnimont. If Borrower I�Na to p�ny theae auma pdar to the expkatlnn ol thie period, Lendee may Hivofcs�ny remediee <br /> p�miltnd by thla f�curNy Inetniment wflht+ul funhK notice or demend on Barrowa. <br /> 1g. 19Q1'�Ow�►'� Falgitt to (iR111btAt�� 11 Oortower meeta cMaln condition�, Bartower sh�N have the ri�ht to luivs <br /> eaturaamnnt af thle �ecuniy Insuuin�nit c1;Grantlnuc�3 +�t asiy timc pribr t urauant t �n f. owx6ot sate contileed M hle Sacudry <br /> q�{iNn�Mn lew m�y sp�city lor relnatetal�M�t)NMoro Rple oi the PraPaly P y� a Lender�M <br /> Inntrumenk or(b) entry oi a�udpme�nl cmihrrdnp Ihla Socurity Inatniment.Thaas condiUona �re ih�t 9ortower: (a) pay <br /> s��mn whlch thai woutd bs ciue undor tltin.F3ecurNy Inntrumont�nd the Notn a�H no�cceler�tion had accurred; (b) cares �ny <br /> dtdnull ol�ny other coven�nt or�QrM�nlM�tn; (c)pays eil ox�enaes incurrod in entorclny thls Securky Inatrument, Indudh�. but <br /> nat fimfted to, rersanabb ettorndye' tot+e�.a�id(d)tekoo such actlon es Le�ici�r may reisoneby requke to �seure that the Nen of � <br /> ii�lo Security InaUument, lender's riplito In tl�n Propaty and Bortowerb oh�Hon to p�y ths aums Recursd by thia Srxwrky <br /> Inehument sh�ll conUnue unchnnped. 19��nn reinetstoment by Borrower, tnie Security Instrumanl rnd the otiiiq�tlons cacured <br /> h,xeqy�heN ranaln tuqy e(fectfve�s Ii nn, nr.r.ekxntion hR�i occuRed. However,ihls �iQfit to reinatate sh�N not�pp1y fn lha cnse � <br /> of accelantion under�anqra�h 17. � <br /> 19, Si1� of NOtr; C41�nge (1f I.Q�Itt SoPVIC��. The Noto or s a paYdal IntKest in the Note (tagether wRh this <br /> Security Inawment) may be aotd ono pt moro timea w111�out p�ior no�co to(�artower.A sele may resuft fn�cfisnge M lhe entiry <br /> (known ae the 'Loan Sa�vicx')thet GoflpMo munihly poymenta due under thn Note�nd thls 9eairity InsVUment• ThKe�ao m�y <br /> bn pne or more changes o1 tha I.oan 9en+Jaar imrnlated to a sale of tii�a Nate. H there Ia e chanpe ot the Loan Savicer. � <br /> ' gorrower wiM ba gHen wrklen notkk� oi.ihn ahanpo in �ccord�nce wRh pemgraph i4 eGova r�d:y.�"�a L.�. Th�noik�w+! <br /> state ltie name and addrose oi the nnw 4oan Servicer�nd the address to which psyments ehould bs m�de. The notke w1M�kso <br /> aoniain any other fnfomxdion requfrad Gy law. <br /> Z0. Hazardous Substanaeg. Hormwa s1��N not ause or pe�mit the presence,use, disposal, storags.or rolM.s�ot <br />; any Hanrdaja Subslances on or In tlln Pmpaty. Borrower shdl not do, nor Wow anyon� else to do, �nytfw�p a�y th� <br />' ptope�ty that fs k► vlo{atton o1 any �nvirorimontel law. The preceding lwa se�tencea shaM not appy to the prsa�na� usa, a' <br /> etor�go on the Property oi sm�N quDntlttnn o} Hu�rdous Substanc�a th�c�e penenNy recogntre"�10 be+�pP�o�x�ta�a ^°^� <br /> n�IdenUW uses�nd to msfnte�anca M,11►n Propedy. <br /> � garowx shaM prompty gko L•nndt�r wrilten notice oi eny fnvesti�nlion, d�im. dem�nd� i�wsuR or other actian by a►Y <br /> yc�vsmmental or rsguM�tory�pancy or.ptivAts peny kwoNing ths Property mid any Mwrdcw�Substana or�nvko�w�nW of <br /> whlch Bortower has �ctuai knowlodgo: U Bomower lerms. or Is nolilfed by �ny govemmenW or reyt:7�tory�"41rc"�ty�1Mt�nY <br /> ' remov�l or other remedierion of nny Hnz+udoua Subatance �}fecUng Property Is necessuy. 8orrowx ah�M P�a^'�P�Y take � <br /> ' �,�ce�sary remedNl�ctlons In a�hnoe wRh Envkonmentai Uw. <br /> As ussd{n thla par�qtaph 20, "linzerdoue Subatinces" ar�thosa substar►ces deAned�a towa�,r.thazardous aubstmces by <br /> , Environmenhl Law snd tho toliawinp subatnnces: gaaoMie. kxoae�io. othK �IrmimWle P► toxiE�Frtroleum Sxoduds, twdc <br /> , , peadcid�s�nd halKcides,voletM ealvaris,rt►�t�felo cont�kdng asb:stus r.r fortn�fc9ohyde.Ned radfoadive m�te�b. As us�d In <br /> • pwgnwph 20, 'Environinentd law• moana tader+l lawa�nd wwa of the �uhsrYctlon whece the PropwtY is bated that nN�b to <br /> hMMb, satery or envfronm�ntR!�xotootlun. <br /> •<< I � ' NpNWNIFORM COVENAM'S. Owrower and Londer turtha co�r�nw�f tu�d�gn�as talloves: <br /> � � � , 21. /►ce�F�raNan; H�m�dl�r. L�ndwr shail � ironNc� to Borrow�r priar M acc�r�tton , <br /> �: tdloyrtng !lorrower's br��r.h arF any aawn�K or �yrsa�t in thls 5�curity in�humont (Mit not <br /> . prior to �ccd�rallon undMr parapraph 17 uMsss y►�'�c�bt� law providrs o�tl+�rwis��. Y1+� nvtie� <br /> siu�H M�cHy: (�) th� d�hult; (b) tho �ction r�quind tr�Cun th� d�taui� (c) • dab, not i� Mw+ <br /> 9p drys from tha dats th� notla� Is piwn to Borra�w��► b!/ wMch ttw dNsurt n�wt bw aewd: and <br /> {d) th�t fd�un !o curo the d4lwlt on ar b�tor� th� i� �1�(�d �n #� nodc� ma�► �uk tn <br /> aecN�ndon of tl� sums s�aur�d fay this S�curity ir►strc�nsnt�A�'aab o�f tlw� Prop�rty,Th� �ra�le� <br /> st�q turtli�r iMorrh 8orrownr of th� ri�ht ta r�instaM MtMr ri��`u��M►+tlo� alyd tt� rl�ht 3o brinp a <br /> caurt action to �s�iirt th� non-sxi�trnc� af a dMu�N or �r oti� d�� ot Barwwar bo ;: <br /> ' s�eNrr�tian and �i�. If t�� dohuk is nat cur�cl arr or bNon th� daM'�j�rciH�d in tfw n�olfe�„ �� <br /> . . L,�nc'I�r �t ih op�F�n,mtry requlr� itnm�dl�te paYm�nE l�n tull o� sll �um� s+�cur�d by tt� S�ct�ji ' . <br /> � Mdru�wn� wiN�t.fuirth�r demand M�all�mn�y invdta 1ff� ��►ow�rr of sd� �nd �ny oth�or;� <br /> , . p�rmilNd by �ppdicsbl• law. I.und�r shiai�b� �ntithd�.�o cdlxt�II �ns�a Ineurnd''+n pur�uing <br /> . 1M F�n��rdi�s prarid�d In tlNs par�graph �1. incicnuAiqeg, but nd Itm(bd to. nssonab�� �' <br /> fNS rnd coabl of NH� �videnaa. � � <br /> If ths pow�r,•r�i sa1� ie iltvok�d, Trud�� st�all ra�ard a naNa• af d�f�wlt tn �ach couMy On <br /> ' whieh arty part dt th� Property i� Ixated and shal! nsNl copi�e af such noNa� In th� mann�r <br /> priscrii�d by sppl{csbl� Isw td 19orrowor and ta ih� c�r psssDns pr�scril�d by(sppli�►ble law. <br /> Afb�1�tim� roqulr� by applla�bl� t�w, Trustw� shu11 �iv� pu�fic noHce,.�r!`.:sds to th� p�+'s�on� <br /> � �nd In tiw maem�r prsscrlbed by appltcabl� law. 7�uute�. vrithuut dama���f Brorro+e►�+', ah�tl wM <br /> ' tl» Prop*rty at �,ublic �uatibit tq tit� hlgt��st biddar r�t tha tlsuna an� pls�� and undor the brm� <br /> � � deslyn�ted In the .naNce of sala In on• or mor� pau�c�is an�l Ln �ny ord�r Tru� d�t�rmin�s. <br /> j , Trustw may poslpon� ssle•af all or any parc�l af t�w Prq�e�tyr by pubilc announc�m�nt at th� <br /> . time► a�sd. plac� bf any provloualy schodul�d sate. und�r or tts doalynN m�y purahas� 1t�e . <br /> Pro�pt�r�t any sal�. .. <br /> i U�►an r�cstpt a! paynewtst��of ths pWco btd, Tru� st�ll d�liv�r to th� purchas�r Tru�'� ; <br /> d��d conwying t'Mre F'ropa�iy. '1'hr racltale in th�YruatN':d�o�l sh�►il 1� prima facl� svid�nc� af <br /> --•- •- �-- <br /> . t19e truth of ttw s'tstsm�nt� maa� mnroin. Trusi�� n�i�ao ap�rieLr im. proGw's o: �:,: ..�.� o.. .... <br /> fotlowtng ord�r. (�) tu at) ao�ta and �xp�nass oi �x�rcSsirvg iNh� povirsr of esal�� �rtd ths sal�, <br /> � Inciuding th� psrymant of i�{id 7ru�tos's f�os actuaity Incurr�d, not to�xcwd throo <br /> � 76 ot 1�h� p�lncipsi a�nount of ti� <br /> nnte at th�tlme of the doalarution of dof�ult, and rousanabl� attornsy'e f�sa aa pumitt�d I>y I�w; <br /> (b) to all sums sesurod by titlsa Seaurity tnstruman� and (c)any oxa�ss to th� p�rson or psrsons <br /> luyalty en4iNsd to f!. <br /> _ aago a n1 5 � <br /> F1318.I1A(i l�1 <br /> 9G053 <br /> __ <br />