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<br /> ` tt.�.i�li�.4r��f�if`��s tr.. upeR�si�it ar Tn�ta►in�h.pe�u�t d or pirta�aiio.oi fh.f.rrws and ca�rian3 oF .
<br /> 11rlM�.�ra�l�si�rals.�eifica��sare�t�io�lMnoi.�tMpa�wKOfm!►aNNrind�bt�d�sss�.u�dMr�arin�th�pwfoe�ancr .
<br /> � �f iny�F t!M asrwMS e►e�w�1slo�nw�i�r.,�ci�►�d�aR t�ns s�sd Mn6Y��1t dw�Pe1�end th��e .
<br /> . tiaN.lh��eKa�du�ad po�a1M�hoM pr�swN�nt:dMnad.O�otest�r notioe of an�t kind.f INnafta./Mrficiorlr�1t d�iwr to
<br /> ' TnatR QwritM dicbotian d d�fw11 ad drnaid far soN.Tiust�adoN Itmr�the po�af�ots of ttr Prop�rtY and if Mn�ficiary daid�s�ta� .
<br /> , 4tap�rry is ts b�sold K�aN d�pasit with Tnist�Hrt OMd oi Tnrst ad tlw lbts a notes ad aht oMrr docu�ninti wid�f�n
<br /> � suurrd hr�,ad shaN d�l'ivK to TrustN a�rithn notiu ot dffalt ad d�dart to oous�th�PtopKt�t to 6t soli.ond Tn�st�.in tum.shoN
<br /> . prwo�n o sis�me'ra in th�fain nq��d bft�which shdl h�dut�l fiMd for ncad�M TrustN.
<br /> _ s�__—�_ __� (�11ftKth�laps�ofsuchtinras�oflb�nq��d6lllarfol�wigt�.�ioeafltotic�ofDetault.andNatiwafti�Eauitai4��� _--
<br /> Sob Iwuinq 6Mn qir�n as nqwnd b�l bw.Trust�.wiMout d�rtidd an Tnistar.shoN s�N/M PropetY in om a more p�t�ts and in wch a�d�r
<br /> as Trustor nn�►d�t�n�on th�dot�ond at thNin�ad plooe d�sig�a�d in soidliotice of Sols,bt public ouctian to�tx hi�stbidd�r.fM pur-
<br /> dns�Piu paf�in cas�in b�rtd niauy ef th�tA�it�dStot�s at th�time of sde_The qrsoe oonductiig the saM rtw�l.for arry caus�h�or she .
<br /> - dwns qcp�t,poslpan�th�sak fram YnM to t�until it shaM b�wmpl�t�d a�d,in e�►�ll wdr eas�.notict of�ostpa�k shali 6�qira�
<br />. 6y p�l'it declaration tlMr�b!l such OKSOn at the tine ad ploc�lost aQpoint�d far tIK sdes P�,�th�sab is PosfPo�d fa�lag�r�h°^
<br />' ant 11}�IKqa�d th�do11 desgnat�d in th�Motic�af Sats,notia 1hK�of shdf bt�iven in the sanN monrw►as th�ari�ino!!blic�of SoM.
<br /> � Tnate�sl+aN ex�at�ad d�liwr to th�purchosar its Oeed oaireyi�g tfi�Prapat�so sold,but witiiout an�l cair�nant or warrantY.��prass,or
<br /> inipli�d.Th�natots in th�Owd of aiy niatters a facts shd!be ca�cWsire Proof of the tMMuln�ss thereof.Arry p�rson,includiig+�iNau►
<br /> limitafioo T►ustN,nall Pud�at th�sd�.
<br /> ' . (b).MA�Trustee sells pusuant fo tiw powers herein.Tnistee shdl appty►tM proaeds of t6e sde to payment o#tt�epsts ad e�nses of
<br /> �. =� fzrrcisiig th�powK of saM'and of tM saM,includ'ig.Nilt�out limitatioe,tM paps�ertt of Trustee's Fees irrurred.wl�ich Trust�'s iNS shdt rat .
<br /> in ti�s o�pr�Dot�iuMd fIN,foWowig anounts ba�ed upan tNe an�ount sea�rod l�ebj►aid�e�r�i�g uN�aid=5 Pacentun m ttit balarKs
<br /> : : ttNr�oE:ondtlNn ta th�ilems set fath in wbporoproph lc?hreof in tfie ocder�Ikreia stoted.
<br /> �, (cl AR�r pa�iig t6e itans spe�f'wd in w6pqrogaph @).�fhe sale is b�r Trustee,c►the PndWr caurt ard otl�wst3 of foreclostrt aM sak ,
<br /> `�! .if the sai�is pursuont to jud�cial farsdosun,the Proceeds of sak shall be applied in the ocder stated bebw to the payrtkm of:
<br /> ._� -�)�'?�,`.� r • '
<br /> � ;�r �;:;:-{,,��.,:;. (i) Cost of ary er�dmce of titb proaired in ca�nection with such sab ard of ary rerenue�eq�ed to 6e pad;
<br /> .. _ , `�;;,� , t2l.Attaraersfees: -
<br /> ' ` - (3) Ni sums tlkn sewred hereby; �
<br /> . :Y_' =�;:�-: >:. - t1) lunior tmst de�ds,mortgapes.a att��emhotders:urd .
<br /> - �`"'` �'`: (,S�The ranainde�,if ary.to the person a qersons kgafly�nfitledthereta. ,
<br /> .. , ,.
<br /> . ��-._,��. ;` ` ;�}if the&tKfec+af►of this D�ed of Tnrst is Q.bank os defined try Nebrosko taw,my statertient contoined in ary other settion of ttws deed ,
<br /> �;-:`�� �.L:'�. :. .:; •: not�rithstand'ng.cMelBaneficarl►shall nat be er;r.•�"�to�eceive a take and deb�'s�+ell nat be abligated to poy a gira:a►Y ca�fasion of jud�.
<br /> �```'' - � meat,powsr of cs�a'+ey to catfass jud�neat.�r of attomey to oppear for a�ower in o judicial praeedmg or oy�eenknt to po�r the aasts
<br /> ..'.:<< • a�::.1:�°..;,�;� .:
<br /> `�� <• �,-�_ -
<br /> :•_�.-�.:.; �.: �� .. of cdkction of the�attarneys'fees.unkss sucb asts of colkction wauld rat atfienrise be prdhibited by Nebraska law.Provided,how�ver.�i�t
<br /> . .�',;:,'. : .= : this sectian does not opply►to t!�eTreatee fee referred to in poragraph 6(b).Provided fur�seT,ttrat�this poragroph shall not appt�to this Oeed of _
<br /> J'r r.,-.y 1 ..,
<br /> _ -- - Ttt�st.if the Beaefitiary is nut o ban7c. . . . ----_
<br /> �S►.Pr P. '�*' '"
<br /> ` ��, AMIMwI Sawit�Iwtr�b.Trusta,at its expense,witl execote and deliver to t:�e Beceficio am tty upon den+and,such secui- �► . ,,��r-�
<br /> _ , �.:•, ' ty instrunwrtts os may be required hy Beneficiary,in form and substanse satisfattory to&nefitiary,covermg any ef the P►operty tonveyed by � .i i^��
<br /> ' � this Qeed of Trosf,w h k Ksecurity instnAne Ms s h a l l 6 e a d di tiona l s e c u r i t y f o r T r u s t o r's f a i t h f u l p e r f o m w n c e o f a l l o f t h e t e r m s,c o v e n a nts and -�. :�
<br /> '� ca�tions of this Oeed of Trust,ths promissary notes secured hereby,and arry other security irsstrrments executed in coixuction with this tran- • __
<br /> . _ . _ .. � ,: -
<br /> • ' sottion,S�xh instrumtnts shdl be recorded or fited at Trusta's e�cpense. . _--
<br /> ' . 19, A�/�L1�1�t f�T�. &neficiary may, from time to fime, by o written iastrumen�,executM and aknawledged by —
<br /> • ° - Bensficwry,moited to Tnntor and recorded in the county or couMies in whict��g+;ope►ty is txated ond hy a��rwise camptying with the p►ari• . . .��.�:;__:
<br /> . . � swns of the opplicobk laws of ihe S*me of Ne6ras�sa.su�stitute o wccessor or s�ccessors to the Trustee nanie�e�rein a atting hereunder.' �� �� .. ,'?F{�'t�'�;
<br /> � , '�,�,,`' U, f�eliMq.Beneficiary,or its ageMs,representatives o�wadcmen,are authorized ta c�ter ot any reasanobb time a�pa�o�in arry part ; ` •:,.
<br /> - .�Y.C.� � . .
<br /> � t��� . . a��f�e prapKty tor the purpose of inspecting the smne and f�,�5-��urpose of performing w r•7 c�the acts it is authroited ts p�form under the ' �y.:�:�#..
<br /> �� � xs.;.
<br /> � ' . tan:�s of the Oeed of Tn�st. ' � . ;�::��';�:;
<br /> � � 15. 0/fiw h iu�.UDa►the occurrence of ony defau�t hereunder,Bent�ciary shall have the option to faeclose this Oeed of iR;st� G . ., �;';y�.
<br /> ; +�: Y
<br /> ' ' the caanner provided by law for the taeclosure of mortgoges on real property. ' ! . � . . �'��'�`''''`'
<br /> � ' ' . � - tCr, �ir�Mww�e�iY/�fkiq N�t�wiiirK.Any torebeorance by Beneficiary in exerdsing any right or remedy hereu►t�'er,ar ett:�rar�se ! . •� .
<br /> •� cEFocded by oppficabb law,shall not be o waive►of or preclude the exercise of ony such right or remedy.Likewise,the waiv�r ty B�ntfiticry of ! ;
<br /> ' '"` . ' , o�r d�fault of Tns+o►under this Oeed of Trust shol)not be deemed to be o wai��r of any other or similar defaults subseque:�"�p occurring: ; . .
<br /> � � '' f�, Tm}M M�t N*�N/. Extension of the time fa payment or modifir.c�;�or amortization of the surs secured by fhis Oeed a�Tnnt � . •
<br /> �.';�,� . ' . •'�,�:
<br /> graMe,1 by&nefitiary to any successor in interest of Trustor shalt not operote to releose,in any manner,the�'a�itity of the original Trust�z c�d
<br /> - - - . Fnssr�r's succassor ia interost,Bene�ciery shdi not be required to commence proceediags c��:�sst sucb successor ar refuse to extend time for _ _
<br /> � �a�-f�r,,�nt or otherwise madiiy ar.esrtitatian of tfie sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reas:er ct dny Qemand made by the criginol Trustor and ,,;
<br /> . � `.�' �. �cv:tx's successor in interest. ��',�:: �.
<br /> ig, Mrid�r�'s►�wa.'�thouf affatir�y the liability of the Trustor or any other person lioble for sNe puyment ot any obligation he�e�n •
<br /> � , i '•. � mer.ti0rkk�,Gri�withouf aftatiag the lien ar clwrge of this Oeed of lrust upo�any portion of the Property rat thert or theretofore reteased as
<br /> . SEC+urity tar fhe full amaunt of all unpaid obligations.Beneficiary may,from tirn9 to time and without notice,(i)release m►y person so fic�le.I:i) .
<br /> . e�fer�d the moturity a alter any af the terms ot ony such obtigotions,iiii}grartt other md���)g9nces, (iv)release or reconvey,or catis�r�be _ �
<br />� � reteased or reconveyed at ony time at Beneficiary's options any porcel,portion or atl of the Frr,�erty,(v)fak8 Or rel@OSe any Ofhe�Or aQBati6nn! ,
<br /> ' �' '- security iw ary o6ligation herein mentioned,or(vi)moke compositions or otl:er ortrangemer.�s with debtors in relation thereto. . •
<br /> . . .:;.:. � 19, hfw�Ai�a�.Upon request o}Trustor,Trustee at Trustee's opt�on, prior to reconveyance of the Froperty to Trustor,may rr:dKe
<br /> � tutwe advo�es to irustor.Such future advances,with interess thereon;sE�ull be secu►ed byr this Trust Deed when evides�ed h�prani�ssary
<br /> , � i notes stating thM said notes are secured hereby;proviAed that at ao�ime sholt the secured principal,futu�e advnnces,not including sums ad- .
<br /> . - . vantedloprofettthesecurity,exteedanoggregoteprintipatamountof5 _..- ---• �
<br /> 20. ��TrwtN.Upon written requast of Benefitiory stnting thaf all sums secured hereby have been pnid,and upan surrender . ' �
<br />� • of this Deed of Trust erb the Note ta irustee for canceltotion ond retention and upon payment 6y Trustor of Trustee's�ees, Trustee sha11
<br /> � • '• �ecanvey to truStOr,or tfie person a persans fegat(y entitted thereto,without warranfy,any portion o}the Property then hetd hereuade�.the
<br /> ' � �. reeitols in suth�eta►veyance of ary matters or fats sha116e conclusive proof of the truthtutness thereot.?he grontee in any reconveyance moy
<br /> --------- - --.— -=- � . Ir�dasui6tQa�"tbe�rsoe��ersa�sleaattyeM�teAshereto". _ .._ . - .. _ . . �-----.--_--
<br /> .. .. . - .
<br /> . ,
<br /> � ;.
<br /> -- -
<br /> -- _ _ —-
<br /> - -
<br /> __
<br />