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<br /> � . � ' ' • �����. 92- �.04'77Q � •
<br /> , � � TBZS TRQST D88D sade �bi4 29th day o! May � , 199Z, �
<br /> � bot� JOAN S. FRBO'IT and �Y 8. PRBVIT• Husband aud i1it�, .o!
<br /> Gra=!Q. Island, Aebras][a� as TRQSTORS, and C07lD �IIId+BR• 11 Licen�ed ,
<br /> Real Sstate Sroker og Kebrasl�a, as TRQSTBE, and �8 8, RBSD ana -
<br /> PRRCIOIIS 11. RSBD, Husband and iiite, as Joiat Tanaats. heztinslter
<br /> re�erred to as B��c�u8s• . � �
<br /> - _ ' �i�il'1'liBSSBTSs
<br />-- Tdat TRQS'1�4RS hezeby 9ran'�� bar9�fi�� se13t .coixveg.aAd warr2tAt
<br /> ` ���to T�STSB, Zri TRIIST, l�fa successoi^e:stad as�fg�s,�:v€�. p�q�+er`;:;�:�. .. . .
<br /> ,....,.
<br /> ;. .., _ . > _
<br />� _ , �sa�e,: t�ua =oll+owing-desarfbed�:real praperty: . . <
<br /> l.
<br />.:-•_. ' .' .' .: .. . . �._. . ...: ., .
<br /> . ._ ': .�.: ...:..:..... .:.. �:..i.:.�:�: _ _ " '. .._ . _ . . - ..
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<br /> c_-�_f, . . - . .
<br />--�� ':.; :;!:�;;.',;:;:;'..'..::�;i�t:�ssliteen (i8j, capftal: uelqt►ts ath subaivisioa, to � -.�:
<br /> �: . #3�e�C�tF.�,of. Grauad �slands Hall CouAty. Nebraska,
<br />��
<br />.�,_ . `..'.``together �.tS all buil8inqs, iaprovesents aad . appurtans�ac�s �
<br />�� theraon. . .
<br /> - Tha TROS�ORS heraby aovenaat and agree vitb tha TRQSTE8�t1�at -
<br />'. thsy are la�tfuliy seized and tha ownsrs ot th� abov�-d�ssrib�d .
<br /> ° .prop�rty= tJ�at TRtJ$TOltB wiii �rrant and d�t�nd ths titi� to �a�id .
<br /> ' �:.. pre�ises torsver� againsf the claias ot ai2 persoits �+hoaso�v�r. � , -
<br /> f- Fnr ths purposs ot sscuring per�or�anca pt �aab agrswnt o!
<br /> � TRIISTORS herain contained and the payaent ot 8I]IT�t THItEE THOIISI1IiD
<br /> - SI)I HUNDRSD FIFTY DOI.L11A8 (563,650.00 j, tho TR�TSTORS havs �x�autsd
<br /> �:� ' a Prosissory Note bearing evsn dats, at ths rata ot int�r�at and on
<br /> �� the teras and con�itions as set tart.� in such Nots until paid. Ti�' �
<br /> �- principal sus and interesst sl�ll be payable in aacord�►nca with nnd
<br /> . ; �. upon the tsr�s and conditions of said Nota at even ds►ta, and in su�y
<br /> �� .:; � evant the entiYe prinafpal balance due hereunder and any acarusd
<br /> -- -` �'_*` interest ahall ?�e paid ca 3uiy 1, 1597. All installment pt��n#,� _ .
<br /> `�� hereunder shaii be applied first to the payaent ot iatere�st °::�`�``��
<br /> . ;.,:� �,��.,;."�,- cosputed aiuivaily on the uapaid balance, pursuaz►t to the tes�s o! N:, =:�:-�; �
<br /> � t h e n o t e, a c o p y og wbich has been provided to each ot the parties �' �� ____.:;,:
<br /> �� � herato, and reaainder of eacb payneat o� each installaent to be ��� . =-,-°.-:�::,::-
<br /> applfed to prinaipal. Ali pay�ents due hereunder shall I�s paid at f�=.;; � °`r�=:
<br /> . � tha residenc� oY the 88NEHICIARIES or as the holder of said �,!;!.;;:�. .:'_ -
<br /> �-�"'y . seaurity shall designate in writing. ' �� _--
<br /> ,�� . . - -.�,�:—
<br /> �_�•ti�
<br /> � ��°�� It is agreed by an8 between the parties hereto that �#.le - ____
<br /> . ��� � � � � � r
<br /> -"`� ' title is vested in the TR U S T E E an d un t i l f i l i n g o t x o t i c e o t . _
<br /> n:-�,-,� . _-
<br /> Dstsult, the TRiTSTORB shall: . . � —
<br /> . �.�•,y �,--_
<br /> '. � .�.�� � a. Retain posaession oE the PrcPertY at all ti�aes, except as aay �"
<br /> �.���'`=~ be otherwise agreed by the parties in writing. i �, ''':�`�
<br /> �:� .:: _ . , _
<br />� ��,�:�"��, � . .
<br /> ;;h.�:'��`' � H. Maintain the buildinq• and ita improvements and ali pe�sonal ���:�.: � ,
<br /> �•.:- , , property sold under the parties' Contraat tor Sale of Real ? ,
<br /> - -:.- Estat�, in good con8ltion and repair. � _
<br /> �• �...�;;;:. : �- .
<br /> �_�=•�� ���. . . C. Pay all generai and speaiai taxes and aii sgecial ass�ssa�ents � � .
<br /> � ' ' � of avery kin8 levied or assesse� against or due upcn said j . .
<br /> � , �,-;1�� property betore delinquency, and to deiiver to BENEFiCI�iRxEB ! � . .
<br /> - , copies of receigts ehowinq payment o! sucb taxea. ! �
<br /> �
<br /> ;'- '.�. : : 4. .
<br /> ' D. Procure an� �aintain poliaies oF all-risk insurance on sai8 ` ' •
<br /> � � '� improvements� in sums and un�erwritten by companiea� acceptable . �
<br /> � to the HF.NEFIC7aRIES, i� an amount oP at least Sixtiy-Thrae � .
<br />_ -. _'_. ._- --..,:;- . Thousati@ Six Hundred Fifty Dollars _($63,680.00), whiah ;
<br /> -�--� � policies shail name the BP.NEF2CiPiluES as ad8iticnal ineurada, � -
<br /> -� - - with the loss proceeds payable' to the parties as their _ .
<br /> • � � intereata may appear hereunder. TRUSTORB agree to provide ,
<br /> ' BENSFICIAR=ES with copies og gucth policies or certtf�i.cates oP ;
<br /> .� ' � ' inaurance duri.ng the te�m o! thie indebtedness, vbich po�ioies . �
<br /> � - of insurance may not be cancella8 by g�i8 carrf.er wfthout �. . ,
<br />� lifteen (15) daya written notice to BENEPIC��RiES. -
<br /> �� �1_ •
<br /> , � ` i
<br /> . :, .:'".. .. •` . . -- - -- _ _ _ - - --. - -- - -
<br /> _.. . _.. }� .
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